The one against Hussain? YES of course. And people celebrated the fall on mass. The aftermath however was not handeld well.Even an illegal war like Iraq that led to the creation of ISIS?
The one against Hussain? YES of course. And people celebrated the fall on mass. The aftermath however was not handeld well.Even an illegal war like Iraq that led to the creation of ISIS?
Funny enough because I am more than sure the Government spies on their muslim communit regardless hAmerica does not have the problem we have. To only imagine that Islam is like American Muslims are is very naive. If Muslims in Europe would be like in America most people would not have a problem AT ALL.
I think it best to read this, Dunki Radical Islam had nothing to do with the downfall of Iran before the Iran Revolution. All the causes were econimics(like high inflation/stagnated standard of living) the Shah's abusive powers(using Savak to torture anyone that question his authority), and ousted any political outlets is what eventually caused the Revolution. It grew into Authoritarian state while the US was okay with because The Shah regime had the US support and because the oil was overflowing with oil from Iran.. Had none of these happened, we wouldn't see the Iran we seeing today. There would be no Iranian Revolution. No Attack on the US embassy in Tehran. Khomeini would not have returned to Iran.Yeah I also can not stand the reports of women getting arrested for not wearing a veil. I do hate all these people getting killed because they are gay or trans. I hate all these people getting assaulted for wearing a Kipp by these mean Christians.. Are there radical christians? Yes for sure but they are such a small minority while radical Islam is not. Just look at the graph and how many people want to live under sharia law. Look how Iran has changed in the last 40 years
Iran today
Iran in which women now get assaulted and arrested for not wearing headscarfs or this shit which by the way has NOTHING to do with the actual Islam but with the radicalisation. To think that Christianity today is any kind of threat is ridiculous while at the same time downplay how much the Islam has changed in the last 60 years and not for the better.
These outfits in the first pic get you arrested now by the way.
So just like Nazi Germany then. These Radical changes are always economical this is the catalyst that will make this possible. And Europe also did not react at all while Hitler was annexing countries etc. That is what we also need to criticize the world does not care until it will influence their own countries. And I certainly agree with this. But it still caused of the radicalization of the Islam. Religion is very often a reason for war, radicalization etc. That is why I also think a world without religion is a better place.Funny enough because I am more than sure the Government spies on their muslim communit regardless h
I think it best to read this, Dunki Radical Islam had nothing to do with the downfall of Iran before the Iran Revolution. All the causes were econimics(like high inflation/stagnated standard of living) the Shah's abusive powers(using Savak to torture anyone that question his authority), and ousted any political outlets is what eventually caused the Revolution. It grew into Authoritarian state while the US was okay with because The Shah regime had the US support and because the oil was overflowing with oil from Iran.. Had none of these happened, we wouldn't see the Iran we seeing today. There would be no Iranian Revolution. No Attack on the US embassy in Tehran. Khomeini would not have returned to Iran.
I'm not in America but trump has become the figure head of fighting the mythical radical islam.
While you quiver in fear of radical islam, radical christians are doing far more damage.
The difference between the two is how it's reported.
What's the difference between the Boston bomber and sandy hook? The difference in reporting and perception is staggering yet I would put both incidents on par.
Yeah Mr. Evidence. What the fuck? These stories you take at face value? Interesting?Why weren't you this sympathetic towards Shiva?
lol Trump has now become a Boogeyman on the left to the same level of the Koch brothers or George Soros.
A us diplomat representing Trump tried to lobby the British ambassador to get that shitbag released early and bannon says he's the backbone of this country. The US is pushing this shit train and it's causing innocent people to suffer.
Stay in that Utopia of tolerance and let others decide their fates.
So why get so upset over 70+ dead people in the UK? Innocent people die in war as you say? So how is the war on terror different?
THe only Country that deserves Support right now and is an Islamic State is Saudi Arabia
That is quite a move from 'look at all these attacks on muslims which are mostly just nasty words' to 'why upset over 70+ deaths'. It's almost as if any action against muslims by unbelievers are inherently worse then anything done by the faithful.
Funny how hate crime on innocent people who have nothing to do with terror is justified by people.
Just accept that hate crime against Muslims is up rather than blame Muslims.
That is quite a move from 'look at all these attacks on muslims which are mostly just nasty words' to 'why upset over 70+ deaths'. It's almost as if any action against muslims by unbelievers are inherently worse then anything done by the faithful.
He was replying to a poster that said the millions of dead muslims, many women and children, in iraq/afghanistan/pakistan etc are just casualties of war. Try to keep up mate....
Now you know how it feels when Europeans pontificate about American politics, while knowing nothing about the issue other than stereotypes they picked up from the BBC and Hollywood.Reading this whole thread just feels like too many Americans interjecting their opinion on real world problems that they have little to no knowledge on.
I am confused, are you trying to make a general statement or are you assuming that I am a European and you are attempting to make a counter statement to mine?Now you know how it feels when Europeans pontificate about American politics, while knowing nothing about the issue other than stereotypes they picked up from the BBC and Hollywood.
Now you know how it feels when Europeans pontificate about American politics, while knowing nothing about the issue other than stereotypes they picked up from the BBC and Hollywood.
yeh but America is much worse than what the BBC tell us.
Just watch Who is America!
I don't get my news from edited comedy shows. I'm no longer 13.yeh but America is much worse than what the BBC tell us.
Just watch Who is America!
yeh but America is much worse than what the BBC tell us.
Just watch Who is America!
So like the opposite of all the other threads about Americans where non Americans do the same?Reading this whole thread just feels like too many Americans interjecting their opinion on real world problems that they have little to no knowledge on.
You are sadly very innocent if you think the only child sex rings are full of muslims or indeed exclusive to the UK. Our media just chooses to publicise them much more than non-muslim sex rings as it gets people more riled up and gets more clicks.
Plenty more. Easy to focus on just muslims because sex offenders come in all colours.
Our media just chooses to publicise them much more than non-muslim sex rings as it gets people more riled up and gets more clicks.
You are sadly very innocent if you think the only child sex rings are full of muslims or indeed exclusive to the UK.