I knew something was awry as soon as I saw the view counthaunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
SephirothRK said:Input lag test for both console PS3/Xbox 360
It's the same, according to this test.
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
yea._dementia said:I knew something was awry as soon as I saw the view count
We're all fucked.haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
Matchmaking and UI qualms aside, the core game is indeed awesome.Sinthetic said:This game owns.
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
jtrov said:Umm, has this happened to anyone? So I was playing an online match, and I guess the other people in the lobby left, so it was just me and the other guy. The game hung after we decided to "rematch", but after awhile the match begun except the colors were messed up and I was controlling his character and he was controlling mine. Then after the match we get out into the lobby and both are disconnect percentages are well above the million mark now. Even though I haven't quit out of any game. WTF...
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
galvatron said:
kitzkozan said:Interesting, I didn't know about that.However, it seems that you need to open the port for each specific game, so how can my PS3 be open to the world? 3rd strike online isn't in this list yet as I expected.
Ferrio said:You can put your PS3 in DMZ, but even when i did that i'm still showing up as NAT 2....
kitzkozan said:Interesting, I didn't know about that.However, it seems that you need to open the port for each specific game, so how can my PS3 be open to the world? 3rd strike online isn't in this list yet as I expected.
kitzkozan said:Interesting, I didn't know about that.However, it seems that you need to open the port for each specific game, so how can my PS3 be open to the world? 3rd strike online isn't in this list yet as I expected.
Snapshot King said:Any gaf rooms going right now on 360 or PS3?
Cloudius12 said:Fix in the works for matchmaking
SephirothRK said:Input lag test for both console PS3/Xbox 360
It's the same, according to this test.
I get NAT1 through my router's DMZ.GrayFoxPL said:NAT 2 is proper NAT. You can only get NAT1 if the console isn't connected to the router.
qcf x2 said:That only says Ranked matches, which scares me. They need to fix the whole thing. The slow ass interface. The way you push A because you're not sure if you're set to "Ready" and it kicks you all the way to the back even if you just won. That dumb post-match progress update screen that feels like a pop-up ad. Give options for searching and filtering by proximity/connection quality and the ability to choose your lobby size. Just make it competent, or I'm out.
Never thought I'd say this, but copy the SF4 lobby system.
Sixfortyfive said:I get NAT1 through my router's DMZ.
seriously, that shit is so annoying.qcf x2 said:That only says Ranked matches, which scares me. They need to fix the whole thing. The slow ass interface. The way you push A because you're not sure if you're set to "Ready" and it kicks you all the way to the back even if you just won. That dumb post-match progress update screen that feels like a pop-up ad. Give options for searching and filtering by proximity/connection quality and the ability to choose your lobby size. Just make it competent, or I'm out.
Never thought I'd say this, but copy the SF4 lobby system.
Good games! The Sean matches were pretty fun!bob_arctor said:good games to all the GAF peeps I played today!! Me and Axelhortsemchi were having a dope Hugo mirror battle but then I had to scoop up my kids. Beware: The Hugo Army is strong and growing every day.
Twelve did his thing, mikhal was reppin' dat Sean. mad fun all around.
haunts said:good breakdown of the lag issue on ps3/xbox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ItSe4Q-gw
Toge said:Any UKGAF wanna play?
I forgot all about the judgment feature. Double KOs are pretty rare in 3S.Imm0rt4l said:Got my first double KO, judgement was in my favor.
Cloudius12 said:Hey Farms, Im down, Cloudius12
Could you send me an invite to the chat my good sir?FindMyFarms said:cool imma send u invite nowzzz, u in the psn chat?
Yeah, I think they just break it down by game to make finding the right instructions as easy as possible. You might be more used to looking up settings per game if you've used the site to set up PC games.LowerLevel said:I thought the PSN Port Range covers pretty much ALL PSN games? I need to look again.
Strider2K99 said:Is the Quick Standing (or whatever it was called, where you tap down after knockdown to quickly get up) inconsistent with anyone else? I was playing Arcade Mode with Ryu at first and I was able to do it almost all the time, but then today I play Ken and I was able to barely get them out.
Might be just me though.
BadWolf said:Are you tapping down twice?