I was watching his videos and man...its painful hahazlatko said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN5fkQ4MNYc
I heard you guys like DSP so I linked you to him suffering for 22 minutes with Mr. Diddles. The ending is pure salt. xD
Cloudius12 said:I was watching his videos and man...its painful haha
I can believe this. Every single 1-on-1 game I've played on Live this generation has had extremely shitty Quick Match matchmaking.Kaijima said:It's as if someone had the mistaken notion to try and make the process streamlined as possible with the better netcode in place so it appeared "seamless". Without realizing the problems that happened with "quick match" fighting games in the field because of how fast one on one host slots are filled and vanish.
FYI, a big part of the problem seems to be how the online services work this gen. I've read the claim that developers don't have a lot of control over pinging for information, like available players waiting for games. They have to use a standard request of some sort, then wait for a predefined chunk of data, with a predefined number of users, with a predefined window in which those clients and hosts are available.
And then there's some technical certification requirement that if a link to a host fails, the user must see a big ol' confirmation window with a button to press and get backed out - essentially a UI convention for THE STUPIDS who dun' no why thar game dun' workin' and dey din' get it to startin' up. So no instant retry for another match without backing out and going through some form of confirmation request screen or pop-up.
It all doesn't work so well with fighting games due to the one on one nature of ranked, random matchups.
This can't be overemphasized. Management at Capcom must be split-open-your-head-on-the-side-of-a-table-because-you-passed-out-laughing bad. Even the projects they outsource have the same pattern of bizarre omissions._dementia said:The problem is every Capcom fighting game is seemingly developed in a vacuum and therefore cannot learn from one another.
Ugh, so backwards.
can someone please just send this to someone at capcom who is importantzlatko said:Fighting games in general have the most half assed stuck in the dark ages set ups when it comes to online.
Things I would like to see in future fighters:
* I hit ranked, I pick my character once before clicking search, and then it starts searching for games fast. Fight ends, I don't go back to search, or pick a character, none of that shit, just automatically starts searching again, I'm character locked, and it keeps going. When I want to be done, I just hit start and go to quit.
* When it finds me a fight I am quickly given a card showing this persons stats. Stats like: Top used character, win/loss ratio, rank in the world, d/c rate, and of course their PING to me. Not some shitty ass bar or some shitty ass color. Give me the damn number. If something about this stat card is ass, I can decline the fight, and it auto reloops to find me a new opponent.
* Online training mode. Grind to infinity with a friend with some of that online latency? Yes please.
* More options when creating a private room. Let me name it----this isn't the 80's, people use profanity, game is rated T for Teen, use some profanity filter, but let me name the room what I want damn it. Example: "I want to fight a good Dudley player." Then I can set options where the only character my opponent can pick is dudley, no others. Someone joins they are stuck with diddles-----read the damn room name. Quick rematch button available of course like it is here.
* Always give me spectator mode for private games. This should be a no brainer/staple at this point for all online fighters. Let's take it one step further----I can create lobbies that let people either spectate OR challenge someone IN the lobby who is ALSO not playing, to duke it out. How about include the option that when these are duking it out, you can either have your fight interrupted if its one of their turns in line, or just have it set up so they are automatically skipped over since they are in a fight.
Seriously... online in fighters needs to be taken more seriously. When they nail core fighting, and have the basic offline stuff like ease of button changes/character changes/rematch, and a nice offline training mode, then all their efforts should be going to online and pumping it up to the brim with content. Instead they seem to be focusing on dumb shit like titles, icons, virtual points, how to make what DLC, and dumb crap like trials no one will do in a fight. Waste of energy and resources.
Shoryuken Wiki http://wiki.shoryuken.com/Street_Fighter_3:_3rd_Strike said:Alex:
Unheld taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 9.4% for the first taunt and 6.3% for each additional taunt. Maximum: 6 taunts, 37.5% bonus.
Held taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo or throw by 6.3% per extra arm turn. Maximum: 8 turns, 50% bonus.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 43.8% and increases stun damage for the next hit/combo by 28.1%. One taunt is the maximum.
Yawn (happens 100% of the time) - Increases stun recovery rate by 10% for the first yawn and an additional 21% for the second yawn. Lasts the whole round. Maximum 2 yawns, 33% bonus.
Shoulder tap (happens 21% of the time) - Increases defense by 18.8%. Lasts for the whole round. Maximum one shoulder tap.
Neck stretch (happens 38% of the time) - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. Maximum one neck stretch.
Back stretch (happens 15% of the time) - Increases defense by 31.3% (more than the shoulder tap) for the whole round. Also increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. Maximum one back stretch.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 25% if a rose is thrown. Like Sean, there's no bonus if the rose isn't actually thrown. One taunt is the maximum.
Increases stun damage for the next hit/combo by 18.8% per taunt. Maximum 4 taunts, 75% bonus.
Unheld taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 18.8% (maximum 1 taunt). Also increases defence for the rest of the round by 6.3% per taunt (maximum 4 taunts, 25% bonus).
Held taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo/throw by 25%. One taunt is the maximum.
Poison - No bonus.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo/throw by 43.8% only if she gets the leapfrog. Otherwise you get nothing. Maximum one taunt.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
Part 1 - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3% per taunt. Maximum 2 taunts, 62.5% damage.
Part 2 - Replaces a second Part 1 taunt. One two-part taunt is the maximum.
Part 3 - Increases stun recovery rate by 10% for the first full taunt and an additional 21% for the second full taunt. Lasts the whole round. Maximum 2 full taunt, 33% bonus.
Hayate taunt - No bonus.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. Holding the taunt does nothing bonus-wise. One taunt is the maximum.
Recovers stun by 600-800% as the taunt is held longer.
Increases defense for the whole round by 12.5% (maximum 3 taunts, 37.5% bonus). Also increases stun recovery rate for the whole round by 10% (one taunt is the maximum).
Increases stun damage for the next hit/combo by 18.8% per taunt. Maximum 4 taunts, 75% bonus.
Increases stun recovery rate by 10% for the first taunt and an additional 21% for the second taunt. Lasts the whole round. Maximum 2 taunts, 33% bonus.
Increases stun damage for the next hit/combo by 12.5% per ball thrown. If Sean throws nothing (ie. another ball on the screen), there is no bonus. Maximum 3 balls thrown, 37.5% bonus.
It turns you invisible for a while.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 31.3% and increases damage for the next throw by 6.3%. One taunt is the maximum.
Unheld taunt (works for held too) - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 6.4% for each taunt/hat twirl. Maximum 8 taunts/twirls, 50% bonus.
Held taunt only - Increases damage for the next throw by 6.3% for the first extra twirl and 3.1% for every additional twirl. Maximum 7 extra twirls, 25% bonus.
MThanded said:Capcom really needs a class on development process.
Which one do you think is the worst? My money is on Remy's. The taunt takes forever, he just stands there and thinks (that's barely even a taunt) and then the bonus is only 17.5%?Ferrio said:Just incase people don't know the taunt buffs.
Has any other fighting game made taunts do something significant? Can't think of any.
Hah, I wonder what they were thinking with that.LakeEarth said:Which one do you think is the worst? My money is on Remy's. The taunt takes forever, he just stands there and thinks (that's barely even a taunt) and then the bonus is only 17.5%
LakeEarth said:Which one do you think is the worst? My money is on Remy's. The taunt takes forever, he just stands there and thinks (that's barely even a taunt) and then the bonus is only 17.5%?
In the meantime, Ken's gives a 31.3% bonus, is fast enough that you can do it safely after a super on slow-rising characters (Chun), and he makes a noise that is infuriating. Now THAT'S a good taunt.
Arcade perfectvoodoopanda said:I've been running into so many odd glitches in this game. Just now I joined a player match that had two dudes in it, and they played a Hugo vs Chun-Li match. The Chun-Li lost and left the room, and it counted down for my turn. It just went straight into the game skipping the character select screen, doing Hugo vs Chun-Li again. Except this time I was Chun-Li and she was completely invisible except for her shadow. I imagine the Hugo player saw the same thing due to how he played, and after taunting at each other for a little while, I beat him, the match ended and my whole 360 locked up on a black screen.
She has fewer hit points though, so the boost isn't as big.Ferrio said:Didn't realize that chun gets the same defense bonus as Q with only 1 taunt.
Just restarted and it says my saved data is corrupt now too. Lost all my replays/progression. Yay.MThanded said:Arcade perfect
Raging Spaniard said:I'm late on this, and I'll get to colors next week ... but the sketch is nice enough to show, I think.
Edit: Fixed the image, now she has a right foot! (you can see the old one on the quoted post, for the lolz)
LakeEarth said:Which one do you think is the worst? My money is on Remy's. The taunt takes forever, he just stands there and thinks (that's barely even a taunt) and then the bonus is only 17.5%?
qcf x2 said:Ibuki and Remy, because of exactly what you and TheFightingFish said. Akuma's is too good.
Did they change the input? I thought it was 3 punches.zlatko said:I main Akuma here in SF3, and his taunt is hot sex lol.
If you do taunt, then do his down down down 2 punches super, you do 80% of their health bar in one shot. It's like 122 damage in training mode if I remember right. SIIIIIIIIIIIICK.
_dementia said:Did they change the input? I thought it was 3 punches.
_dementia said:Did they change the input? I thought it was 3 punches.
zlatko said:Hm not sure. You'll have to test yourself. I seriously haven't touched this game that much since there isn't an online. I could have sworn I was doing it with 2 punches though.
On the topic of inputs for this game, has it been confirmed for why EX versions of moves are so damn inconsistent? I swear I'm not the only one, and even execution masters are getting hung up on ex moves. Vesper arcade's trials for this game even show EX moves being done with the all 3 punches/kicks button mapping for one of the buttons at the far end.
oracrest said:1. Can you play against different regions? In my case, NA against EU?
2. Is it possible to saved any of the unsaved replay matches? I didn't see an option anywhere.
I'm on PSN
SephirothRK said:You need to go in Replay in multiplayer go to unsaved replays, you can choose to save them, but once you turned off the ps3, the unsaved replays are gone.
Hitokage said:So apparently an NC third strike vet has also complained about EX moves coming out inconsistently. Alas.
voodoopanda said:I like being able to call in Poison during Hugo's taunt. Doesn't do anything extra for him but its neat.
n3ss said:i'm starting up a lobby if anyone wants to play on xbl.
GT: n33ss
adversesolutions said:i'm up for it. just messaged.
DESTROY. DESTROY. DESTROY.The Take Out Bandit said:Good games PS3 GAF!
Floydnova hustling people with his "I'm free" then combo mad Yun. SHENANIGANS! >:O
The Take Out Bandit said:Good games PS3 GAF!
Floydnova hustling people with his "I'm free" then combo mad Yun. SHENANIGANS! >:O
notsureifserious.jpgMorro! said:I wasn't lying. I'm free as hell in this game :C. I don't even know how to block!
soxinthebox said:notsureifserious.jpg
hold back or down back
Conceited said:Don't worry, everybody falls for Floyds false modesty at least once.