Me trying to level up and the only footage of me beating a Chun Li I have.
Playing this game online for ranked is a struggle. Either I destroy someone or they destroy me. Rarely is there a close match. I mean I have matches where I am taken down to the wire, but the second I knock them down I can mount a comeback easy peesy. If you get put into the corner you can honestly put the stick down against some characters that's how bad your chances to get out are.
Makoto, Yun, and Chun when they trap me in the corner as Urien, is a damn near instant game over for that round. All three just sit in this range where they can poke you and confirm into damage/mix ups. Yun probably made the corner the worst for me, because one fuck up on his corner shit and I get tossed right into Genei for eating 60% health, I'm still in the corner, and he's got another free mix up.
As I played today anytime I fought someone rank 20+ it was ALWAYS Chun Li or Yun. Never fought ANYONE that high that wasn't one. I had more games than I could count today too where I eek out the win at the end of the round, hear KO, then eat shit and lose because of that stupid bug. I had the game freeze on me to go to a straight up lock up. ;(
I do feel I'm getting better though. I'm less scared to parry, but I'm still not doing it as much as I need to be in obvious situations. I hate that hard tatsu's are safe unless you parry, so I need to start work in a parry for those more.
Oh, anyone know what the "trick" or timing is for getting a crouching fierce after a jump fierce or jump rh? I try to do it as late as possible, but it still won't land consistently. Sort of wondering if it's even worth going for.