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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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You're making distinctions but not explaining why one is wrong and one is okay.

Let's say I'm on the receiving end of Lord_Shadow's beat down as he goes from Ultra Bronze to Silver. How is that experience materially different from me getting beaten by any other superior player? Why should it matter to me how much he's played before or how many points he has?

I think your position is putting an extreme amount of weight on points and what they mean and what's "fair" when the whole skill/rank/point system is massively imperfect and noisy.

My position is not putting any emphasis on points at all.

His original question was "Am I a bad person for smurfing?"

The difference between the person who posed this question and veteran player who just bought the game is that this person is doing it after already proving he is far better than the players he's fighting in the lower ranks, whereas the veteran has not technically proven he is. The vet has to make it through the lower ranks because he doesn't have a 5K account to play on. This person does.

The experience the person on the other end has is the same whether it's a vet making his way to the top for the first time or this person doing it for the second time, sure. But the person smurfing isn't doing it because it's the only way to get to the players of his skill level. He's making the matchmaking worse for other, lower-skill players when he doesn't have to. He could discourage a bronze or rookie during their first few games into thinking "I guess even at this level, there's no point in playing unless you're that good."

Saying "he's a bad person" might be a bit much, but that's why I don't think it's a nice thing to do. He's obviously free to do it, of course. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Not sure how I could my position more clear.

Edit: He mentioned the reason he wants to do it is to see how fast he can do it again as a challenge to himself. Which is like hey, go for it, but I don't see the challenge there.


I tried a quick game earlier today and the game ran at like 10fps for some reason, so I shut it down. I have no clue what happened, but I'm sure it was on my end...whatever it was.


Well fuck a doodle doo.....
I actually fought someone (a Ryu) with double my LPs and an 8 game win streak and they did not RQ


You're intentionally gaming the system so you can feel good about blowing up rookie players. It's called smurfing and it highly frowned upon in competitive gaming.

EDIT: I would put it on par with Rage Quitting

No smurfing is staying at lower ranks and blowing them up. He's merely climbing the ladder again which happens really quickly in this game. If he intentionally loses every so often to stay at lower ranks, then I'm with ya. It doesn't take many wins to break 2k points, which sounds like he shouldn't have any issue doing if he's gold already.
Finally got up the nerve to play ranked. Got to bronze and decided to call it quits for the night.

One match against a birdie player there was a ridiculous lagspike halfway through and I just mashed though it which somehow turned the fight in my favor (already won the first round). Sorry Birdie player wherever you are, I promise I don't have a lagswitch and if I did, I wouldn't be using it at rookie level sf5 matches.


Woo, finally got gold. Time to lay off ranked for a while.
Casual still matches based on rank. So it looks like battle lounges exclusively for new character training.

Funny thing, I swear there are more droppers in casuals these days.

Holy shit two in a row in casuals!

StAndromeda (PSN jesseownzz)
D1GreenEyes (PSN the same)
GGs. Could you tell me what the hell I'm missing, though? Why do I get destroyed in an instant every single time you touch me?

Ugh, so disheartening. I can't get the handle of this game at all.

This MU pretty much feels like whoever is defending is losing. We both don't have options except for prayer V-Reversals to deal with our pressure.

I came up with a strategy to deal with the rock/paper/scissors after the Irish whip etc in the corner and decided to stick with it and had decent success doing so.

I feel like after the 3rd or 4th set you ran out of gas and started to get really obvious with your approach or wasn't doing anything necessarily new for me to start worrying about.

I didn't necessarily have an answer for your V-Triggers but I felt like I always had an answer when you did it outside of a combo. I didn't guess right all the time but I did make some key reads.

I do have an answer for her charged up HK but the game doesn't always show the full startup animation because of the minor rollback so when I was trying to counter it with a button it was always too late so I decided to just hold it and guess what you'd do afterwards. Having a go-to punish for her TC scored me tons of damage as well.

I also had to come up with an answer for when I was close to stun and you started jumping like a mad man in the corner with j.LK and what I did find ended up working out really well when I was able to react to it. If you started getting those st.LP's off it was pretty much a wrap, I couldn't v-reversal none of them lol.

Both our strats for this matchup pretty much came down to sticking onto the person like glue and make them guess.

It shouldn't be disheartening though, I think you should try to find out more tech so your game/strategy doesn't get exhausted later into the sets.


The funny part of dropping in casuals is that you gain XP for losing too. Since you're not protecting a rank or anything, a dropper is only hurting yourself.


This MU pretty much feels like whoever is defending is losing. We both don't have options except for prayer V-Reversals to deal with our pressure.

Both our strats for this matchup pretty much came down to sticking onto the person like glue and make them guess.

It's such a scarily volatile MU. And Laura is such an insanely volatile character. There were a bunch of Normal throws that I should have been teching more often that were moderately telegraphed when you would go for a certain approach, but the command grabs and elbow stuff... I never really thought I'd need frame data information to get through things, but I absolutely need to memorize Laura's because I just can't constistently get out of her craziness once it starts. Being knocked down never felt scarier, even when I'm not in the corner.

I feel like after the 3rd or 4th set you ran out of gas and started to get really obvious with your approach or wasn't doing anything necessarily new for me to start worrying about.

It shouldn't be disheartening though, I think you should try to find out more tech so your game/strategy doesn't get exhausted later into the sets.

Yeah... I actually felt my focus lessening after the initial sets, but that's also because I'm not used to back-to-back rounds where I need to be playing 100% if I even want a chance at winning. It's tense stuff.

I guess training mode it is. Gotta stop just trying to hammer out matches and actually start to truly learn Mika.
Man I've been so stubborn about not using Ryu's j. LK because I want more damage from j. MK instead. After witnessing Tokido use it so successfully I went online today and spammed it every chance I got depending on the match up. It was glorious stuffing Chun's Sim's, and even Birdie's anti air normals, GLORIOUS. That thing is like a dive kick lol. Fuck playing grounded, a thousand players of the shoto empire will descend upon you, our j. LK will blot out the sky.


°Temp. member
I'm just hoping we at least get an Alex trailer tomorrow... and that perhaps Capcom used the extra time to make his face look a little more like it did in 3S.


neither? The hitbox on the grab is pretty massive, and he caught karin from behind, the EX ressenha hitbox is in front of it, there was no way for it to hit before her invulnerable frames ran out and the grab hit.

That angle will beat every srk unless it auto corrects.

He wasn't coming from behind, if he did the claw as I was expecting, it would have hit or traded in front. It looks weird because Vega sort of teleports behind you for the grab ender.

The airthrow beat it for the same reason every air grab actually beats it. It has no priority over airborn command grabs at any timing or angle - only a few frames of start-up invincibility.

I knew that before this match, particularly as it pertained to Zangief's SPD, but I just still hate it.
This game is causing my salt levels to rise astronomically.

"Let's make DLC purchasable with in game currency."
Ok, not a bad idea.

"Let's make currency hard to grind for. This way most people will be forced to pay."
A little bit jerkish, but hey, they're a business, I get it. But instead of just making most things pay out ridiculously small amounts of FM, let's also make the AI go from braindead to perfect reactions at the flip of a switch. I could deal with ignoring survival on harder difficulties but...

"I know, let's also lock colors for each character behind the tiers of survival. And not only does a person have to complete hard for colors 6-10, but let's make them have to do it for each character... and better yet, each outfit for each character!"

So now I'm here, with no arcade mode, no battle lobbies with multiple friends and spectator, and I can't even get the final 4 colors (including the one I would use as default) for my main. Furthermore, I would not only have to go through this again for each alt of my main and each new DLC character I might practice on the side. Or, depending on the store, they can zap my Fight Money because I'm beaten down and just want the rest of my colors for the characters I like.

I could go on and on about this, but I've ranted long enough.
I hate this design for unlocks. Absolutely hate it.


Disco Devil
Your wakeup CA was Birdie jabbing Nash on my screen.

GGs. I don't know why I can't deal with this typical Nash stuff.

GGs. That must have looked weird, I was hoping to catch a meaty... You had good reads on my patterns though, your use of armor was great, most ex dolphins ended up landing, the slide thing was a problem. I do believe this matchup is in Nash's favor. Once again, damn shame about the connection.
GGs. That must have looked weird, I was hoping to catch a meaty... You had good reads on my patterns though, your use of armor was great, most ex dolphins ended up landing, the slide thing was a problem. Once again, damn shame about the connection.

More chains and dives landed on my screen as well. Connection was just too wonky. I don't know how you have the balls to just throw all that shit. Must be the matchup since Birdie's slow.

Bob White

Vega's lack of any good anti air up close really sucks so bad

I'd really love for capcom to just give everyone a go to close jump in cross up button. Kinda like third strikes universal overheads. And since dash in throw is so good, if someone has a read that someone is looking for an air attack, it's super easy to blow them up with a throw into SF5 momentum. The game is fast enough to not have more/better AA options slow it to a crawl.
WTF receipts.gif

I still got stuffed by Sim and Birdie, maybe I have to be further over the opponent.

I didn't mean to imply that it worked all the time. But it can work, depending on the range in which you jump in at and the timing on their anti air I guess. Each time I got Sim I was straight over the top of his head. Against the Birdie, I stuffed him a few times when I was over the top of his head and when I barely crossed him up.

At the same time they did anti air me plenty as well. But I'd say my success rate was close to 50%. Which is pretty fucking good when I was just jumping in anytime I was in that range.


I feel like this is a dumb question, but does a normal only cancel into a special if it connects in some way? I.e. If I whiff, the special doesn't come out?


I feel like this is a dumb question, but does a normal only cancel into a special if it connects in some way? I.e. If I whiff, the special doesn't come out?

If you do it correctly then yes the special will not come out on a whiff. Do it too slow though and the move will come out.
This game is causing my salt levels to rise astronomically.

"Let's make DLC purchasable with in game currency."
Ok, not a bad idea.

"Let's make currency hard to grind for. This way most people will be forced to pay."
A little bit jerkish, but hey, they're a business, I get it. But instead of just making most things pay out ridiculously small amounts of FM, let's also make the AI go from braindead to perfect reactions at the flip of a switch. I could deal with ignoring survival on harder difficulties but...

"I know, let's also lock colors for each character behind the tiers of survival. And not only does a person have to complete hard for colors 6-10, but let's make them have to do it for each character... and better yet, each outfit for each character!"

So now I'm here, with no arcade mode, no battle lobbies with multiple friends and spectator, and I can't even get the final 4 colors (including the one I would use as default) for my main. Furthermore, I would not only have to go through this again for each alt of my main and each new DLC character I might practice on the side. Or, depending on the store, they can zap my Fight Money because I'm beaten down and just want the rest of my colors for the characters I like.

I could go on and on about this, but I've ranted long enough.
I hate this design for unlocks. Absolutely hate it.

Post ignores the absurd amount of FM thrown at you for finishing the story and easy survival with all characters.

Also ignores that daily objectives will also give FM.

Relax, hombre.


I feel like this is a dumb question, but does a normal only cancel into a special if it connects in some way? I.e. If I whiff, the special doesn't come out?

Correct, so you could buffer the move every single time if you wanted to. So when it connects you'll instantly go into it. Just make sure it's not a punishable special.


This game is causing my salt levels to rise astronomically.

"Let's make DLC purchasable with in game currency."
Ok, not a bad idea.

"Let's make currency hard to grind for. This way most people will be forced to pay."
A little bit jerkish, but hey, they're a business, I get it. But instead of just making most things pay out ridiculously small amounts of FM, let's also make the AI go from braindead to perfect reactions at the flip of a switch. I could deal with ignoring survival on harder difficulties but...

I'm not going to defend survival past normal difficulty, but the idea that FM is hard to earn or a grind is pretty funny. I basically have the entire season of DLC characters paid for right now and I certainly didn't grind away to get it. Story and the easier survival difficulties reward an absurd amount of FM, and you will be able to earn even more FM with daily challenges and character trials post-patch.

The old method of DLC characters was just pay for them. They're about $6 a pop. Which is in-line with every other fighting game, including SF4. They certainly didn't have to give you the FM option.


Nash players became super easy for me to deal with as soon as I figured out an answer to all the moonsault pressure. At least against aggressive Nash players, which is most of them. Nash players that can play like a brick wall are a lot more scary to me.
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