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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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Finally got up the nerve to play ranked. Got to bronze and decided to call it quits for the night.

One match against a birdie player there was a ridiculous lagspike halfway through and I just mashed though it which somehow turned the fight in my favor (already won the first round). Sorry Birdie player wherever you are, I promise I don't have a lagswitch and if I did, I wouldn't be using it at rookie level sf5 matches.

Congrats on ranked play

Still too scared to give it a shot. Been playing casuals and doing pretty okay honestly with my Ryu


If you do it correctly then yes the special will not come out on a whiff. Do it too slow though and the move will come out.
So if I'm playing footsies and I'm out of range of the enemies pokes, but my normals could hit their whiffs, is there any downside to inputting the special to get a better punish?

qcf x2

So tonight's jam is "Disconnected from Battle Lounge" as soon as I create it.

Did the maintenance start already or something?


Nash players became super easy for me to deal with as soon as I figured out an answer to all the moonsault pressure. At least against aggressive Nash players, which is most of them. Nash players that can play like a brick wall are a lot more scary to me.

My favorite Karin trick against lower-level Nash players is opening the round with walk forward d.hp. It crushes the medium scythe some of them like to open with.


So if I'm playing footsies and I'm out of range of the enemies pokes, but my normals could hit their whiffs, is there any downside to inputting the special to get a better punish?

Some moves may not connect at max range so your special could whiff. Example - Vega's clawless cr mp to rolling attack doesn't combo at max range.
My favorite Karin trick against lower-level Nash players is opening the round with walk forward d.hp. It crushes the medium scythe some of them like to open with.

Some characters I never open up with that. Karen is one of them and Ken I'm hesitant. They are simply too fast and Nash can't beat anyone at anything. He has to have the lowest priority/longest frame moves in the entire game.


Nash players became super easy for me to deal with as soon as I figured out an answer to all the moonsault pressure. At least against aggressive Nash players, which is most of them. Nash players that can play like a brick wall are a lot more scary to me.

The ones that throw lots of booms with no moonsaults whoop my ass bad.


The patch will drop him down.

He's actually just pretty good. And he is grinding the ranks. If you look at his CFN he is losing (last I checked), not just straight wins. It's possible though I guess.

I am messing with Necalli in training mode and some casuals. This dude is fuckin dirty. That forward dash tho
I just realized World Combo is back on top of the leaderboards. Way to punish those rage quitters Capcom.

From what I've read, World Combo is apparently legitimately good. You can't win the amount of games you need to reach #1 without being so, even with rage quitting. He just also rage quit while being legitimately good because at the time, no one was getting punished. His current run is supposed to be legit.

It's also bonkers that a man got 10k+ LP. Twice.
so... how in the world do you beat Dhalsim with Laura?

edit: anyone?
Her MK knee with a buffered V-Skill is decent for moving in closer when you stuff his limbs from afar.

Over in the Newbie thread someone asked how to deal with him as Zangief, and fundamentally speaking the match-up functions roughly the same for Laura. Some details will be slightly different, like Laura having access to EX Elbow, but I'm going to quote it anyways in hopes that the information will be valuable enough.

Zangief - Dhalsim honestly isn't too bad for the big guy from an objective point-of-view in Street Fighter V, but... by the end of the day it's still a nuanced match-up that requires a particular playstyle. What Zangief has to do, much like any other character really, is know how to counter-poke or whiff punish to cope with his limbs if Dhalsim is successful at keeping his opponent at bay. Of course it won't be as cut-and-dry in an actual match, but here are a few examples to illustrate the above:


Now keep in mind that these aren't his only options, so I recommend looking into it yourself when examining your options or ideal spacing in Training Mode. The above came from the basic guidelines I wrote on how to play Dhalsim, and I peppered it with some advice on where his weaknesses lie by design if you want to educate yourself about what he's capable of. How much you need to know naturally depends on how good the opposing player is, which is why I linked the guidelines, but your core gameplan against your run-of-the-mill Dhalsim will revolve around three pillars as Zangief.

1) Knowing how to respond to his teleports
2) Being aware of when his slides are punishable (as they're very unsafe)
3) Having a method to work him into the corner (which is where the counter-poking will come in handy)​


First and foremost: contesting the teleports is relatively easy if you're fighting one who is overly aggressive. A common misconception is that this move gives him impunity to approach people, which is far removed from reality. Every character in the game has multiple buttons to stuff him out of it on reaction, with most characters also having methods of escaping a post-knockdown mix-up, but let's go with the safest universal option here for the sake of clarity. If he's teleporting a lot, condition yourself to jab. If he brings himself next to you (be in front or behind you) then even his fastest attacks will lose to your standing jab, which in turn puts him in a 50/50 situation as soon as he touches the ground. Against most characters with a command grab, this is a terrifying prospect for Dhalsim; things can easily go wrong just off of one wrong guess with all the considerations he has to make in a split second. His quickest normals (standing LP and LK) are 4 frames instead of the usual 3, so if your frame traps are on-point, he has little choice but to endure the block string against most characters. This naturally carries an inherent risk against someone like Zangief, since if he's looking to defend himself against Zangief's buttons, he has to worry about the inherent threat that is the SPD in conjunction with even a normal throw. You can say he has access to a V-Reversal, but this can be baited out (a net positive for multiple reasons) and subsequently run the risk of being grabbed out of it. He can reversal teleport away from that 50/50... but in Street Fighter V he can now be grabbed out of this too. Dhalsim could backdash out of Zangief's SPD... but then he's automatically susceptible to counter hits or even worse, a Crush Counter. What if Dhalsim teleports in place instead? Jab anyways, because there is flatout nothing Dhalsim can do to punish a whiffed jab from that distance. Hell, even during fireball set-ups it can occasionally be worthwhile to jab him out of the teleport in spite of taking the hit from the projectile, because you will usually recover in time before Dhalsim can retain control again. Note how the Bison is walking forwards when Dhalsim is still airborne:


Apologies for the .gif being on the quick side, but it does highlight there being an opening. Another factor worth bringing up on how to control his teleport hijinx, is the fact Dhalsim cannot teleport behind you if you're at the very edge of the screen if your back is as close to the 'corner' as possible, thus making his options all the more predictable. I say 'corner' because this works anywhere on the level. Lastly, refining your reflexes against a teleport isn't exactly a difficult ordeal: your mileage may vary, but the way I do it is via audio cues. His teleport has a very sharp sound to it, higher pitched than most other special moves in the game, so it ought to be second nature to jab (or whatever else works) through this alone without even seeing his destination once you're accustomed to this.


Combating the slides is comparatively speaking quite straight-forward. Know this: without near-perfect spacing, these are all punishable on block and sometimes even on (counter) hit! This extends to his Yoga Drills too with less severity, but I digress. Now of course the Dhalsim could aim to only have them hit you at the last active frames of the move, but it's not something a whole lot of them are currently doing right now, so learn how to exploit this weakness until they learn. It is without a shadow of doubt a bad habit prone to heavy punishment, with his HK slide being the only true exception here (for some characters) if it's blocked by the very tip of it given the distance between both players afterwards. If Dhalsim's V-Trigger enters the equation, things get a little more complicated however. Slides can be made safe with its activation, which is why most Dhalsim players rely on it as a crutch, but thankfully Zangief is one of several characters that can nullify the flame carpet through a well-timed V-Reversal. The 'trick' here is to execute it during the flashy V-Trigger animation where the opponent is temporarily frozen, as seen below:



Admittedly this is a weakness that every character suffers from, but this is an important aspect to dismantling a Dhalsim for a variety of reasons. The choices that he can make here are severely limited, even moreso if you have the situational awareness to lower the effectiveness the above two pillars I listed. Staying grounded is crucial: Dhalsim has 3 - 4 strong anti-airs covering different distances, never mind that his fireballs as well as his air-to-air normals (read: V-Skill) provide him a lot of control over the air space. Jumping isn't always a bad idea and you should definitely test the waters whether the Dhalsim has the presence of mind to make any jump-in attempts borderline redundant, but you have to respect this strength vs a skilled one, especially with Zangief having a shallow and slow jumping trajectory on top of his actual size. Two concrete examples as to when it can be a good idea to jump regardless of player ability: if you want to trade with his anti-airs given the health discrepancy between both characters, or if you want to move closer in between the opening of let's say 2 x standing MP from Dhalsim. If he throws non-EX fireballs, you can dash under time with the right timing. Even the act of simply walking forwards and doing nothing (save for timely blocks) can cause the other player to flinch or hesitate when you're an imposing heavy-hitter.

Now to get the actual point: counter-hitting and whiff punishing limbs make for an exaggerated twist on footsies, but it is key to pushing Dhalsim towards the corner and which is why I stress you ought to opt for a grounded approach. It forces him to be more considerate about his actions, maybe even second-guess himself long enough for you to inch closer if he lacks the mental fortitude or experience to get around this, effectively turning the match-up into a war of attrition. This is emphasized by the noticeably prolonged animations and recoveries on his pokes compared to their equivalents in older Street Fighter titles. With correct timing you can even get a knockdown with Zangief's sweep if you read a standing MK or Fierce Punch, or better yet even a Crush Counter! If it's the latter, you're only two forward dashes away from being in his face before Dhalsim is allowed to stand up! With his back against the wall, this is where Zangief can truly press an advantage if not victory itself: Dhalsim's close-range normals are adequate, but they're liable to being outpoked by other character's normals when put on the defensive. As a result he has to be careful when he's actually pushing a button, lest he run the risk of Zangief eating some hits with help of his armor moves, being shimmy'd by those with movement speed or falling for frame traps including potential Crush Counters. Knockdowns lead to meaties that he cannot exactly escape from in this position either. V-Reversals, teleports and slides come with their own (aforementioned) caveats with the latter only really being useful to low profile under jumps; another reason to stay grounded! Bottom line of this match-up is: make your corner pressure count, because while it can take a ton of work to put him in this position to begin with, while he's there Dhalsim struggles to make an escape against mindful players. No easy get-out-of-jail cards, period.
So I attempted again to do survival with Necalli on normal but still failed, but I finished Kens. I may have to go to training mode to practice with some characters before going to survival since I have a hard time using them except Ryu, Ken, and maybe Karin.
Is the hitbox just a giant rectangle in front of you, or does it pull people down? lol

it does not pull people in like giefs v-trigger, but if you get caught airborne it will trigger the CA animation which will ground the victim in standing position.

watch again you can see dhalsims feet/knees are definitely in range of nash's hitbox as he teleports. he legitimately got caught lol
After completing my goals with Karin, time to find a new character. Thinking I'll join the Ryu army with my alt, he just seems good overall and is sufficiently different from Karin in gameplay to mix things up. I do think Parry is a really cool mechanic and possibly one of the best things in the game once fully explored and used. Denjin mode V-Trigger is also really solid and makes his fireballs a huge threat.

And man, anti-airs and reversals I don't have to spend meter on to actually be effective.
Finally went back to ranked.
People got good.

Time to stop being lazy, learn the roster by testing out bnbs in survival, and not rust like I did with USFIV.

I just hope Alex isn't total garbage, because he's still the character that got me to take fighting games seriously and learn how to play in general.
Post ignores the absurd amount of FM thrown at you for finishing the story and easy survival with all characters.

Also ignores that daily objectives will also give FM.

Relax, hombre.

The main point wasn't the lack of FM.

It was the asinine decision to lock 4 colors for each character (and each outfit for each character) behind AI that reads your inputs and decides it's now time to have perfect reactions to your inputs.

I'm not going to defend survival past normal difficulty, but the idea that FM is hard to earn or a grind is pretty funny. I basically have the entire season of DLC characters paid for right now and I certainly didn't grind away to get it. Story and the easier survival difficulties reward an absurd amount of FM, and you will be able to earn even more FM with daily challenges and character trials post-patch.

The old method of DLC characters was just pay for them. They're about $6 a pop. Which is in-line with every other fighting game, including SF4. They certainly didn't have to give you the FM option.

(1) Again, the main point wasn't the FM. The only reason I mentioned fight money is because I'm fairly certain that the difficulty spike seen on hard/hell modes has to do with ensuring that everyone can't just go do those easy-peasy and have FM coming out their ears.

(2) I have no problem with paying for DLC, or the idea of FM overall. I have a problem, as pointed out in (1) when said design points cause me to be unable to unlock content. If SFV used the same system as SF4 and awarded colors (and whatever else) for picking a character <x> amount of times, I wouldn't be so salty. Hell, if it were paid DLC only, without FM being able to purchase aforementioned paid DLC, maybe my frustration level with survival mode wouldn't be through the roof.

One of my friends wondered if maybe the colors would be something you could use FM to buy from the store once it's live... but even if it is, I'll still be banging my head against the wall of hard survival because I'd rather unlock them than have to waste FM on them that could be used for alts/characters.

All of that said, if I end up going back to try yet again, does anyone have any tips for how to handle the CPU when it decides to flip the switch and go turbo on you?


LMFAO @ Scratching and clawing and learning to deal with shenanigans and mothefuckers who JUST PRESS FUCKING BUTTONS, on my way to Super


It seems like it'd make more sense if you lost more LP the closer LP you were to them, or at least, lost less LP if you were at a much lower LP than your opponent to begin with. As it stands, I lost 25 LP in a 920 - 930 matchup, but lost 65 LP in a 1000~ to 1500~ matchup. Guessing it's relative to ranks rather than actual LP differences.


It seems like it'd make more sense if you lost more LP the closer LP you were to them, or at least, lost less LP if you were at a much lower LP than your opponent to begin with. As it stands, I lost 25 LP in a 920 - 930 matchup, but lost 65 LP in a 1000~ to 1500~ matchup. Guessing it's relative to ranks rather than actual LP differences.

Combination of both I believe.


Isn't it funny that once you past the silver threshold you're facing people in gold league already. Quite a sudden jump going from facing fellow bronze scrubs to facing golds.


I get that capcom wanted people coming back to survival, and some gamers want unlockables. The problem is the AI which makes the mode less fun but it is doable even on hard/hell. Its just a case of learning and getting lucky with the supplements.


Disco Devil
Had a ragequitter that was at 7.4k lp. I don't know why I bother with ranked anymore, place is chock full of frauds. I don't feel like grinding to platinum anymore until capcom decides to fix this...
Had a ragequitter that was at 7.4k lp. I don't know why I bother with ranked anymore, place is chock full of frauds. I don't feel like grinding to platinum anymore until capcom decides to fix this...

I hit Gold and decided to retire from ranked for now, until Capcom makes some serious changes to ranked play. Gold+ players represent about 1% of the userbase and I wouldn't be surprised if half of that 1% are fraud RQ's.


I hit Gold and decided to retire from ranked for now, until Capcom makes some serious changes to ranked play. Gold+ players represent about 1% of the userbase and I wouldn't be surprised if half of that 1% are fraud RQ's.

You would be right. Quite a few of them like some guy under the CFN KillaKeen is a big time ragequitter but somehow Capcom missed dudes like him in their purge.


Ucchedav&#257;da;198872780 said:
From what I can see, the hurtbox on her legs extends down much further than Ryu's, so it'll probably get stuffed / trade much more frequently.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I believe the green outline is the hurtbox.

edit: I am reading it wrong, I see.. the red box is also the hurtbox but for physical attacks only gotcha.
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