KI definitely has a god-tier soundtrack, although it's gone downhill since season two by a significant margin.
I really think people aren't giving SFV the credit its due, though. The original compositions sound straight out of Mega Man X. And it's way better than what we got in SFIV.
I'm avoiding Ryu because I don't wanna be a pleb soldier in the Army, but there's a voice in my head saying I should main him so I can develop better fundamentals at the game instead of maining Karin or Laura.
The thing about playing Ryu is that he teaches you fundamentals and how to play street fighter.
You have to learn Defense, you have to learn offense, you learn how to play the fireball game, the neutral game, everything.
Other characters specialize in something and lack in something else, but Ryu is an all-rounder. It's why he's always the first character suggested for new players.
You don't have to main him permanently, just long enough until you're sure you've learned the basics. Then you can move on to another character.
Playing Ryu however, won't teach you how to play a rushdown character, it won't teach you how to play a grappler, how to play a zoner, how to play a purely defensive character or a character who relies on mobility. It just teaches you Street Fighter!