Outrage over a lack of trailer. I will never understand it. I'm sorry the character's coming out Wednesday and that's good enough for me.
Wait... Do you get FM for completing the trials?
It's a pr issue, and right now Capcom needs all the good pr they can get. It was such an easy way to do it too. I'm not upset, I'm disappointed they failed so hard.
It's a pr issue, and right now Capcom needs all the good pr they can get. It was such an easy way to do it too. I'm not upset, I'm disappointed they failed so hard.
How do you do Ryu's 10th trial?
The axe kick never connects.
It's a pr issue, and right now Capcom needs all the good pr they can get. It was such an easy way to do it too. I'm not upset, I'm disappointed they failed so hard.
It's a pr issue, and right now Capcom needs all the good pr they can get. It was such an easy way to do it too. I'm not upset, I'm disappointed they failed so hard.
How do you do Ryu's 10th trial?
The axe kick never connects.
Oh I feel like such a scrub I can't for the life of me get Cammy's trial 10 done. Either I don't get super to come out or cancel cr mp to super without the SA in between. -_-
You have to walk up a little bit after the counter hit
All pro players at the two kick off major events are tweeting out left and right how they love the game, there is coverage on ESPN and places that nobody would have imagined and pulling fantastic numbers, people who actually play the game are positive and have praise for it and yet on the interwebs armchair experts are still so damned ass sore that they hide behind bullshit statements like "Capcom needs all the good PR they can get".
Justin's Karin can teach us a lot of things.Just finished watching NCR top 8. Couple things:
Learned a shitload from Jwong's Karin. I need to incorporate Gurrenken more, I've been using it soley in combos but the way he established the backdash and then turned it into a pressure tool was cool.
Also his fight against Marn taught me some things about Mika, where the gaps are, ect. For sure a matchup I should study more.
And finally HOW THE FUCK DOES CAPCOM NOT HAVE AN ALEX TRAILER WTF. He's fucking playable and you don't even have a teaser for nearly 100k live watchers? I'm used to Capcom being completely oblivious when it comes to some obvious things (been playing MonHun for awhile now) but holy shit they just spiked the ball there. Now the first real footage of him we see is data mined...smh.
If I knew how to get him working I totally would. But I don't, so I won't.Someone should just cut together their own trailer and link it to Eventhubs.
I'm ass sore because I love the game and I want more people to pick it up. You can't be serious in thinking that capcom doesn't have a pr issue right now involving this game.
Sorry if this has been asked already how good are the trials and challenges? (for a new player). Is the info in those modes comprehensive?
Sorry if this has been asked already how good are the trials and challenges? (for a new player). Is the info in those modes comprehensive?
If I knew how to get him working I totally would. But I don't, so I won't.![]()
Sorry if this has been asked already how good are the trials and challenges? (for a new player). Is the info in those modes comprehensive?
BingoAll pro players at the two kick off major events are tweeting out left and right how they love the game, there is coverage on ESPN and places that nobody would have imagined and pulling fantastic numbers, people who actually play the game instead of sitting on boards complaining are positive and have praise for it and yet on the interwebs armchair experts are still so damned ass sore that they hide behind bullshit statements like "Capcom needs all the good PR they can get".
Sorry if this has been asked already how good are the trials and challenges? (for a new player). Is the info in those modes comprehensive?
Oh I feel like such a scrub I can't for the life of me get Cammy's trial 10 done. Either I don't get super to come out or cancel cr mp to super without the SA in between.
is it just me, or are lobbies kind of broken?
after only a single full lobby rotation, no one can start a match. The "Opponent has disconnected" error just keeps popping up after taking about a good minute to load.
edit: match finally started, kind of annoyed that it had to completely skip me and break three more times to finally get working again.
You know you don't cancel SA into Super, right? You just launch them and juggle with Super. The only tricky part of that trial should be quickly doing a cannon spike.
Straight up this game is a joke, 2 days of 7 hour maintenance and still runs like shit.
I am almost certain that after the terrible sales, capcom just doesn't care anymore. The SF team itself im sure wants to do a better job but capcom jp aint giving no money to a dud of a game sales wise.
such a shame
So I have this extremely annoying problem trying to do a DP after a crouching attack.
I always get the CA to come out instead of the DP.
I've never really had this problem before.
Using a Hori FC4.
Anyone else have this problem?
You could just hold down-forward for the crouching attack, and then go down to down-forward for the shoryuken.
I'd only recommend this if you are doing it for trials because you might mash out a super in a match.
All pro players at the two kick off major events are tweeting out left and right how they love the game, there is coverage on ESPN and places that nobody would have imagined and pulling fantastic numbers, people who actually play the game instead of sitting on boards complaining are positive and have praise for it and yet on the interwebs armchair experts are still so damned ass sore that they hide behind bullshit statements like "Capcom needs all the good PR they can get".
Well, that's working better. It's annoying though, I'm not sure if it's just the pad or maybe I've been doing shit weird my whole life and it just doesn't work in SFV. Oh well.
any actual movelist for alex? I'm seeing gameplay but nobody has confirmed whether he's still got charge moves.
any actual movelist for alex? I'm seeing gameplay but nobody has confirmed whether he's still got charge moves.
So I have this extremely annoying problem trying to do a DP after a crouching attack.
I always get the CA to come out instead of the DP.
I've never really had this problem before.
Using a Hori FC4.
Anyone else have this problem?
let's hope not but it looks like he does.
hope not? Alex is literally the reason I play charge characters now, never touched any before 3S. I was super bummed out when it seemed like they'd cut the stomp and slash elbow but I held out hope that they just weren't telling us everything