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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs


Idk. I feel like its money issues. The budget probably wasn't big enough to allow for ample time work on developing the story mode.

Edit: I think theres some truth to the rumors. Its been ~2 years so Im expecting in traditional SF fashion for there to be a big update.

it's possible it had a similar budget to sf4 but their desire to copy NRS with their story mode crippled them

and that's even being generous cause even in MK9 NRS did a better story mode, which was a lot more seamless and JESUS CHRIST had best-of-three fights


Do you guys put any faith into the Super Street Fighter V rumors?

Well I guess they have to do it if they want to keep SFV relevant especially with all the other big fighting games which were released and will be released soon (Injustice 2, Tekken 7, MvC:i, DBZ....etc) you can't deny SFV fanbase is bleeding and they need something big to get them back into SFV.
Well I guess they have to do it if they want to keep SFV relevant especially with all the other big fighting games which were released and will be released soon (Injustice 2, Tekken 7, MvC:i, DBZ....etc) you can't deny SFV fanbase is bleeding and they need something big to get them back into SFV.

They need to bring back the ONE character that can move so many copies of the game, it'll make your head spin.

The greatest character this franchise has ever produced.

Edmond Honda.
Well I guess they have to do it if they want to keep SFV relevant especially with all the other big fighting games which were released and will be released soon (Injustice 2, Tekken 7, MvC:i, DBZ....etc) you can't deny SFV fanbase is bleeding and they need something big to get them back into SFV.

The plan has always been to issue big updates to SFV over the course of its lifespan. You don't plan a game to have a 5-6 year timeline & not expect to issue at least 2 major updates to the base game over that course of time.

People just keep second guessing this because of a misquote that people keep repeating (that SFV would never receive a Super update, when the quote is that SFV would be the only version of the game you'd NEED to purchase) and because of the missed 2 million sales milestone.
it's possible it had a similar budget to sf4 but their desire to copy NRS with their story mode crippled them

and that's even being generous cause even in MK9 NRS did a better story mode, which was a lot more seamless and JESUS CHRIST had best-of-three fights

Yeah they did a story mode cause of MK's success, and management was probably like "Pssh yeah we can totally do that. Here's the budget." The developers responded with a "This isn't enough. Also the deadline you gave us isn't gonna work." Management gave them the delay, but told them to make it work within budget.

The development on this game fascinates me. Would love to see all the decisions and dealings made for this game.

Edit: Probably see Abigail or something at EVO.


Do you guys put any faith into the Super Street Fighter V rumors?

Yeah, I do. Its a product refresh that allows the publisher reach a new audience backed by more substantial content. I don't believe everything in the rumors, but I do believe there will be an updated disc version to start new players off right just like with other FG's that do refreshes.
ggs luce, friend of mine wants to play so I gotta bounce.
last match was bit rollbacky on my end, but against your fang was pretty flawless.

Still need to figure out how to pressure you, and not make so many input errors.
Rollback was probably the same for all matches.I tend to move very little with FANG and it tends to get a bit predictable so it probably wasn't as noticeable since there wasn't too much movement. With Birdie and Ryu, there was a lot of back-and-forth in my movement so the issue might be exacerbated. Though weirdly enough, it was damn near flawless on my end. Maybe the one-sided rollback strikes again?

Anyways, GGs. A word of advice, you should really start using st.mp and cr.mp more as meaties. They're VERY good buttons and easy to hitconfirm off of. Also the st.lk spam is insanely good but it's really only useful when you're either mixing throws in there too, or when your opponent is just one hit away from death.

Love the DP trades that were happening in one of the Ryu rounds lol.


Do you guys put any faith into the Super Street Fighter V rumors?

Don't know if I quite believe Super, but I do believe the next season roster leaks. It isn't like capcom isn't already a leaky ship, and rumors surrounding marvel are making Super seem more true, but i'm like unless it seems certain, a wait and see kind of guy


If Devid905 is talking about the exchange made at the 00:16:37 mark then no, its not a confirmation of anything.


Logan: "We are engaging you guys in the chat if you've got questions. Feel free to put them in there and we'll do our best -"

Matt: "Just don't ask me to spill the beans on any rosters or anything like that."

[Logan laughs]

Matt: "Like who's the next character for Street Fighter V."

Logan: "Abigail confirmed! Tell EventHubs."


I remember when we complained about stuff launching on the very last day of the month they were supposed to launch at, now we'd be incredibly lucky to at least have that lol.


There's another exchange at 00:24:26.

Logan [reading from the chat]: 'Is Problem going to use Abigail?' I've got no idea.

Logan [to Matt]: Do you think Problem X is gonna use Abigail?

Matt: I think Problem X can use whoever he wants to.

Logan: That's a good answer.


So yeah, nothing at all.


Lots of games are falling victim. Its just en vogue to overemphasis Capcom's shortcomings, despite the fact that Capcom is honestly not too far off the mark. What's worse is that many within the FGC are being rewarded with positive attention for how hard they strike out against Capcom & SFV in particular.

I'm sorry, but I just can't get behind anyone who makes the assertion that SFV is an awful/shittier/dumpster fire of a game. When I see BornFree give F.Champ a platform to espouse that shit that he does particularly because he knows the r/kappa crowd loves hearing it, I see just how far we've come as a community in turning against Capcom.

And whenever a sane take on all this tries to come up, it just results in the community lashing out at them. Like, personally, I have been severely burned on IJ2's laughable gameplay balancing (zzzzzzzzzzoning) and Tekken 7's inconsistent level of quality, yet its perfectly okay for them cause lol Capcom.

Sometimes I think it's just easier to call-out a company that is completely isolated from the western world because it has no way to communicate back, which is why I hope the community in Japan is as vocal as us when giving them feedback as they definitely need that wake-up call. As for the game, I don't think it's in a very bad position but it certainly could be better. However, that being said, even with T7 and Injustice having the initial casual sales, this game will far outlive them in the long run IMO.
Rollback was probably the same for all matches.I tend to move very little with FANG and it tends to get a bit predictable so it probably wasn't as noticeable since there wasn't too much movement. With Birdie and Ryu, there was a lot of back-and-forth in my movement so the issue might be exacerbated. Though weirdly enough, it was damn near flawless on my end. Maybe the one-sided rollback strikes again?

Anyways, GGs. A word of advice, you should really start using st.mp and cr.mp more as meaties. They're VERY good buttons and easy to hitconfirm off of. Also the st.lk spam is insanely good but it's really only useful when you're either mixing throws in there too, or when your opponent is just one hit away from death.

Love the DP trades that were happening in one of the Ryu rounds lol.

Yeah I dunno, with FANG it was like you were sitting next to me, with ryu I couldn't even react to your overhead because of the frames skipped, really odd.
But yeah I need to work on cammy's pressure game, but this is actually good because I can't get away with dumb shit like I do with lesser skilled players

And yeah haha at some point I thought fuck it, we gon' be trading srk's until one of us blocks it.


Injustice having the initial casual sales, this game will far outlive them in the long run IMO.
I doubt this. The only thing stopping those games much like sf is a new game. For injustice it will be mk 11. For tekken it will be tekken 8 and tekkens take a while to make so it will be around.

Not to mention the people who will continue to play it causally through out the years just like any fighting game. I know you want to make the sf situation seem less bad, but this seems like flawed logic.


I wish lobbies gave FM :( It takes an eternity for me to find matches on ranked and casual, but I can find lobbies no problem and play lots of games.
I doubt this. The only thing stopping those games much like sf is a new game. For injustice it will be mk 11. For tekken it will be tekken 8 and tekkens take a while to make so it will be around.

Not to mention the people who will continue to play it causally through out the years just like any fighting game. I know you want to make the sf situation seem less bad, but this seems like flawed logic.

Eh. IJ2 & possibly T7 will outsell SFV, but in terms of competitive play, SFV will enjoy a far larger relevancy. NRS games just don't have a big competitive scene, and Namco fighters have short shelf life on the major competitive scene. Its not like their tourney entrant numbers are significant considering how well their supposed launch sales were. And as we found out yesterday, IJ2's launch month sales are down from IJ1's, so MK is just a far bigger game in regards to NRS fighters.

SFV's situation is honestly not that bad. The worst aspect of its situation is how the community feels about it. A major refresh could turn that around though.
To be fair, Injustice 2 will live longer than usual if they stick to less hotpatches. Tekken is more watchable than ever and easier to get into, so it'll corral more people than Tag 2 did.

But SFV ain't gonna be stopped by anyone sans Marvel. Even then, SF is cleaner than Marvel to watch.

SFV is still bleeding, but most people are going to switch games.

I love Gundam, but even if that game was fucking perfectly made (spoilers: it's probably going to be great but it's hampered by the only online thing), I'd still play SFV. Gundam can't replace that. But nothing can replace Gundam, nor Tekken, and so on!


Sometimes I think it's just easier to call-out a company that is completely isolated from the western world because it has no way to communicate back, which is why I hope the community in Japan is as vocal as us when giving them feedback as they definitely need that wake-up call. As for the game, I don't think it's in a very bad position but it certainly could be better. However, that being said, even with T7 and Injustice having the initial casual sales, this game will far outlive them in the long run IMO.

I think SF lasting entire generations on one title is a large part of why SF5 didn't do so well. People constantly say, "I'll wait for Super," because it's true, there will be a super. SF4 lasted like 7 years with this, so by the time SF5 came out, it wasn't anything special.

Contrast this to MK and Injustice that, see great support, but go several years without seeing a substantial updates to the game and it becomes (imo), more special in the eyes of consumers. There's no perception that their game will soon be "old" and they'll have to buy a new version.

Bob White

SFV's situation is honestly not that bad. The worst aspect of its situation is how the community feels about it. A major refresh could turn that around though.

Excuse me? How the community feels about SFV is the most negative thing about it? Not the bridge it burned last year with casuals during it's launch? Not the shit servers for a year? Not the madness inducing 50/50 gameplay? Not the input lag?

Out of all of that, you say the community's feelings are the worse thing surrounding the game? lol


SFV ain't dying competitively unless Blizzard makes a 2D fighter with stronger neutral and Overwatch characters.

Or "Riot Thunder" ever comes out.


Excuse me? How the community feels about SFV is the most negative thing about it? Not the bridge it burned last year with casuals during it's launch? Not the shit servers for a year? Not the madness inducing 50/50 gameplay? Not the input lag?

Out of all of that, you say the community's feelings are the worse thing surrounding the game? lol

Even then, you can't downplay how important the way the community feels is to the life of a game. I don't care how much esports money SFV makes or how many viewers it gets on ESPN, hearing both casuals and pros repeatedly talk about how the game isn't fun is bound to sour anyone's experience with it.


I doubt this. The only thing stopping those games much like sf is a new game. For injustice it will be mk 11. For tekken it will be tekken 8 and tekkens take a while to make so it will be around.

Not to mention the people who will continue to play it causally through out the years just like any fighting game. I know you want to make the sf situation seem less bad, but this seems like flawed logic.

Typically the casuals in most FG's die out within a few months. They get bored and move onto the next best thing. It happens with all games but I think it happens the most with FG games. However in NRS games, not only do the casual audience die off the competitive scene also soon dwindles for some strange reason. Tekken 7 has potential, but then again it has been out for a few years and it's only now the west gets a turn in being competitive. SFV has casual flaws, however it remains to have the strongest scene competitively, which is what I think will keep on strengthening the game in the future.

I think SF lasting entire generations on one title is a large part of why SF5 didn't do so well. People constantly say, "I'll wait for Super," because it's true, there will be a super. SF4 lasted like 7 years with this, so by the time SF5 came out, it wasn't anything special.

Contrast this to MK and Injustice that, see great support, but go several years without seeing a substantial updates to the game and it becomes (imo), more special in the eyes of consumers. There's no perception that their game will soon be "old" and they'll have to buy a new version.

What you said in the first paragraph was very true, and combining the fact that SFV released very barebones as opposed to its competitors at the time, it did not help their product at all. That being said, I could also use the same logic for NRS. A lot of people don't like he fact they recycle the same bad animations, similar gameplay with only a new skin, every other game, so we could argue it's also "old" in my opinion. This is why it's a massive shame for Capcom, as I know if they only had a couple solid casual modes it would have been fine. Oh well, they need to hold that L.
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