Err... Ed's sweep has 9 active frames...
No wonder I got crushcountered when I tried to sweep after opponent whiffed it lmao
Err... Ed's sweep has 9 active frames...
I think its his v-skill. I haven't had a chance to really try it out, but his v-skill being safe on block means you can have these block strings that push you out end in v-skill, letting you get right back in for free. i dunno. I haven't had a chance to try him as much as i'd like to yet.
How do you know if you can barely hear her?The announcer is saying interesting things but I can barely hear her.
Err... Ed's sweep has 9 active frames...
How do you know if you can barely hear her?
Shoot. I remember punishing a few Ed sweeps but I don't remember what the animation looks like. Hope there's an easy way to tell when the active frames run out.Err... Ed's sweep has 9 active frames...
I've probably played this game everyday for over a year and never have I noticed the shadows. More power to the people that have the highest of standards.
Remember when ultra came out for PS4 and people went insane over the lines in the training stage?
I'm far from a graphics whore, but the muddy, checkered shadows are shockingly egregious, especially on certain stages. They ruin the game's visuals for me.
killu4what, maybe you play on 720p? The shadow dithering is more visible when playing the PS4 ver at 1080p and higher (when PS4 Pro upscales). My friends have been hardcore SF players for years and they didn't notice the shadow dithering until I changed one of their monitors to 1080p and pointed it out.
Here's one from one of the most problematic stages.
I'll get an image from Shadaloo Base in a few minutes.
haven't played in a while -blame persona 5- but dang
Urien skin looks _bad_
She said something about "your opponent is using their main character" or at least that's what I thought I heard.How do you know if you can barely hear her?
DP change means Ken players are going wild
And fuck me I never want to fight a Vega again. They buffed the wrong character.
She said something about "your opponent is using their main character" or at least that's what I thought I heard.
In some ways, this beta has made me lose all remaining hope I ever had in Capcom since it proves that they legitimately don't know what they're doing. Either they're intentionally putting in jab aas after saying they were removing them, or they're intentionally nerfing jump in attacks to the point of being susceptible to even jabs. Either way, it's a really annoying way to solve the jumping problem which is what I'm assuming they're trying to address.
I don't think jab AAs ever completely went away, they just became worse. They still work, though.
They need to get rid of jab AAs across the board, give everyone a medium or above AA that's slowish but still doable on reaction, and finally give a lot of characters cr.H AAs that CC automatically if it hits the opponent's startup or active frames (I can't see how CCing just the startup would do anything). So if you predict your opponent is going to jump in you can AA and launch them into a follow-up combo.
Watch modders fix clipping issues on physics assets, lol
Vega is good now?
ED's arm clips through his cape.
Goddamit Capcom
I'm surprised they haven't already.
Ed's trials:
Feel like it says something that most of those are either jump-ins or start with a crush counter. I'm worried about this character. Was really excited at the concept of playing this dude, but I can't wrap my head around his approach, and I'm starting to worry that it's not because there's a lot more to discover. At this point, I feel like Kolin had a lot more hidden potential, with tools like command dashes, hail setups and the counters.
It's still day 2, not gonna freak out just yet. I forgot that he had a Hold version of his air grab V-Skill, too.
I remember saying Kolin felt unfinished when I played her the first time but Ed feels even worse to me. People are probably going to figure shit out and prove me wrong again but something about this character doesn't feel right to me.
lol, what? Since when have trials ever been a good indication of how you're supposed to play a character? Don't most of them start with jump ins just because?
l think V-skill is going to be how a lot of his offense starts, just gotta condition them to not expect it and then they're caught in a mixup.
I remember saying Kolin felt unfinished when I played her the first time but Ed feels even worse to me. People are probably going to figure shit out and prove me wrong again but something about this character doesn't feel right to me.
it would be cool if you can cancel his vskill. Thats not possible right? Havent played him
Wait, hold on. Trials vol1 and vol2? So it is confirmed that we will eventually get more trials?
No, the trials are typically useless to show off the strength or optimal combo routes for a character. But they have shown off typical hit confirms for grounded combos. When you see a jump-in for an Ed combo in these trials, there isn't a hit confirm that can be sussed out if you ignored the jump-in altogether, while you can actually do this for other characters.
But what's the mixup? Tech a throw or not? You're thrown far away from him if you manage to not tech and it's not a lot of damage. Anyone would just eat the throw if they really needed to decide withholding the delay tech. The thing has crazy startup and recovery, along with limited range. I don't think it will be feasible for his game plan to actually revolve around using it outside of extending combos or as an (okay-ish) AA.
X-Kira has been leaking vol2 trials on their youtube channel for a few weeks now. I'm not sure if they're legitimate though.
Almost at 5k lp in the beta. Maybe I should try ranked again eventually. Then again most of my wins are against day 1 Eds.
As if they weren't going wild already. What is wrong (or rather what is good) with Vega now?
Can't you increase the volume for announcer and drop others in the settings?
You can't
And Vega seems to be able to confirm a lot more stuff now. And his reach feels like it's back. Dude is fire.
Aren't you +3 or something after the v-skill? That let's you mix them up with more than just a throw, right?
Yeah, and Kanzuki Beach also has new stuff.Also I think they updated npcs on more than just the air Force Base. The NPCs on high roller casino we're doing something I've never seen before.
Despite plus moves, his frame traps don't seem to be powerful in a way that can lead to big damage, like the strong characters in this game. Maybe his cr.HP will need to be used more or something in them? But that doesn't sound right.