Definitely something NRS figured out...
Liu Kang doesn't always have to win.
And like JusDoIt mentioned earlier, not everyone should have the big bad as the last boss.
Not everyone can win the whole tournament or even get to the final 8, but it doesn't mean their story is less meaningful.
"I lost... But I'll train harder! I'll be back, and next time, I'll be the one holding the trophy!" I mean, look at Punk.
Is his Evo 2017 story less interesting because he lost?
I would argue no, no it is not. It was an amazing ride watch him get there.
Same with many of the competition that was there not named "Tokido".
Late reply but I was busyWait, people are upset that Kobu wasn't used? Why would an SFII throwback stage use SFIII music? What a bizarre expectation.
No stream of this? Sucks.
how do i not be ass?
A1 isn't canon (though Ken does beat Ryu at some point in the Alphas, based on SFV).Ryu doesn't always win.
He's lost multiple times throughout SF's story.
He lost to Ken in SFA1.
Brainwashed Ryu lost to Sagat in SFA3.
He lost to Oro in SF3.
how do i not be ass?
Play Alex, Juri, or FANG so you have the low-tier do i not be ass?
A1 isn't canon
Play Alex, Juri, or FANG so you have the low-tier OS.
You don't look as bad if you lose and you look even better if you win.
get to any offline event you can
Speaking of which, I forgot that Akuma effectively beats Ryu in A2. Ryu also sandbags against Sagat and lets him win.Yeah, you're right, technically A2 overwrites A1.
I really want to hit the WNF scene here, because I'm curious about how everybody says offline is totally different.I'll be honest, I'm Rookie tier and more of stream Monster. Just do whatever here and there, never play online. It's my shame.
I'll be honest, I'm Rookie tier and more of stream Monster. Just do whatever here and there, never play online. It's my shame.
well turn that shame into pride and try to play on and offline.
Taquito used to be trash.I'm too trash tho
I'm too trash tho
I just started playing fighting games like a few months before SFV came out, I range in Gold tier or so. If I can do it you can do it. Just play a character you like and go in training mode. Learn a few basic combos, one CC combo, and the ranges of your normal moves. Then start playing casual matches and apply one thing you want to learn every match.
Like one match (or a few) you are going to mainly focus on anti-airing, even if you may lose. You learn how to space your opponent out to get them to jump, what punishes to use for how far away they jump, etc.. Be prepared for the jump in. Apply this to other facets of the game as well. Go into a match and figure out how you can land your combo, or a frame trap, etc.
I've been playing them for 20 years and I just got out of ultra bronze lol
I feel like I don't have the hand dexterity. I'll be Ultra Rookie forever.
Abigail's proportions are going to make Bengus' story mode illustrations look realistic.
I don't know if we'll ever fully get there, because this game has a lot of characters and more will keep getting added over time, but it is admittedly surprising how many stages they've been able to add to the game, considering it feels like 3D fighting games often have a comparatively low number of stages relative to the number of characters.Does anybody else hope that we'll eventually have a unique stage for every character? That's definitely something I really liked about the old games that I really missed during SF4. We're getting pretty close at this point, so it might be feasible.
Does anybody else hope that we'll eventually have a unique stage for every character? That's definitely something I really liked about the old games that I really missed during SF4. We're getting pretty close at this point, so it might be feasible.
I don't know if we'll ever fully get there, because this game has a lot of characters and more will keep getting added over time, but it is admittedly surprising how many stages they've been able to add to the game, considering it feels like 3D fighting games often have a comparatively low number of stages relative to the number of characters.
If you squint at it a little and have a few characters share stages, you might be able to argue that every character already has a stage (not sure tho, haven't done the numbers).
You got fans doing better work of making Abigail look good too
You could probably make an argument for everyone but Mika, Urien, and Juri having their own stages, but it's kind of pushing it in a few ways. I think if you break it down (in no particular order) you have:
Apprentice Alley: Dhalsim
Union Station: Cammy and Birdie
Kanzuki Estate: Karin
Estate at Noon: Ibuki
Forgotten Waterfall: Necali?
Mysterious Cove: Nash
Bustling Side Street: Chun Li
Underground Arena: Zangief and Kolin?
Hillside Plaza: Laura
City in Chaos: Alex and Ken?
High Roller Casino: Balrog
Flamenco Tavern: Vega
Skies of Honor: Rashid
Air Force Base: Guile
Temple of Ascension: Akuma
Kanzuki Beach: Karin again
Suzaku Castle: Ryu
Metro City Bay Area: Abigail
Shadaloo Base: FANG? (This one feels like a stretch)
Lair of the Four Kings: Bison
Temple Hideout: Ed?
That's everything but the two CPT stages, Holiday stages, and the Shadaloo Base at Night variation which doesn't seem to have any use. Shadaloo Base, Lair of the Four Kings, and Temple Hideout seem like the biggest stretches to me, but they kinda work. That leaves us with 3 characters with no stage and 6 characters who are sharing a stage. I don't think it would be that crazy to fill in those gaps.
I appreciate the effort but he's way too pretty there. Needs creepy baby teeth and face paint.
So I haven't played this game since Ed came out and I've spent over ten minutes searching for a match and nothing.
Is this game really dead?
Played 5~6 hours yesterday and didn't have to wait more than 30 secs between matches. Port forwarding issue maybe ?
This man gets it.Play Alex, Juri, or FANG so you have the low-tier OS.
You don't look as bad if you lose and you look even better if you win.
Really? How odd, I even set the search down from 5 only to 4-5 and my wait times are still long.
I've never really messed with port forwarding before. Maybe it's the time of day? Near midnight in PST right now.
I'm experiencing the same wait times since before the CFN update, I only have to wait long during late night sessions.Although I guess I'm in a different time zone (France) and was playing during daytime, I don't think that's the issue.
I had to configure port forwarding after the CFN update, didn't have to do anything before.
If it's the same for you, take a few minutes to do it and see how it goes but it should do the trick.
I think this is what you're looking for
I think it was VF4 that cast you as a VF player, and the 'story' was you traversing the arcades of Japan competing in tournaments. Very novel, I liked it.I think VF had a mode like that, where you were a player that went to different arcades
This man gets it.
Ucchedavāda;244079322 said:What is my excuse when I get bodied in a Juri mirror?