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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs


Alright guys. I mentioned in this thread earlier that I have never, ever, in 20+ years of gaming, put more than an hour or two into a "real" fighter. I don't know why, but the current multiplayer climate just drives me nuts, so I'm giving Street Fighter V a shot.

I picked up a Razer Panthera and am playing SFV on PC. I'm doing the demonstrations with Ken, and I'm legit already stuck on the third one:

Jump HP
Standing MP
Crouching MK

I've been at this for 45 minutes and can't get the combo. Am I borderline mentally handicapped, or is this normal for a newbie? I knew this game would be HARD, but I figured I could get through a no-pressure combo that outlines the controls for me.

I can get the first three in a row. So, to improve, I broke it up. Jump HP -> Standing MP. Did this like 25 times successfully. Then Standing MP t-> Crouching MK... this was harder, but I got the hang of it. Then, the toughest for me, is getting the Crouch K to a Hado. But I can get it like 40% of the time.

But for the absolute life of me, I can't get all four.

I know, Baby's first fighter and all that. Just want to make sure I'm going about this right. I don't mind practicing... but I dunno... I just don't want to play something that I'm just naturally never gonna "get."

I've been playing fighters for 20 years and i'm still ass

Mike M

Nick N
Alright guys. I mentioned in this thread earlier that I have never, ever, in 20+ years of gaming, put more than an hour or two into a "real" fighter. I don't know why, but the current multiplayer climate just drives me nuts, so I'm giving Street Fighter V a shot.

I picked up a Razer Panthera and am playing SFV on PC. I'm doing the demonstrations with Ken, and I'm legit already stuck on the third one:

Jump HP
Standing MP
Crouching MK

I've been at this for 45 minutes and can't get the combo. Am I borderline mentally handicapped, or is this normal for a newbie? I knew this game would be HARD, but I figured I could get through a no-pressure combo that outlines the controls for me.

I can get the first three in a row. So, to improve, I broke it up. Jump HP -> Standing MP. Did this like 25 times successfully. Then Standing MP t-> Crouching MK... this was harder, but I got the hang of it. Then, the toughest for me, is getting the Crouch K to a Hado. But I can get it like 40% of the time.

But for the absolute life of me, I can't get all four.

I know, Baby's first fighter and all that. Just want to make sure I'm going about this right. I don't mind practicing... but I dunno... I just don't want to play something that I'm just naturally never gonna "get."
For C.MK to Hado, make the down for the MK part of your Hado motion. So D+MK, DF, F+P
Reading twitch chat is a mistake most of the time.

She is a young, good player though. Has the best mentors to help her learn. Looking forward to it.
Well I usually have it closed but the translator was telling both the japanese and english speakers to cut it out a few times.

Also watching momochi is a very good learning experience for abigail. He's the only one I've seen so far effectively deal with fireballs.


Cool - thank you both for the quick replies. I have no false illusions of being even "okay" for my first few months/100+ hours. I know it takes years of practice to even be considered decent - and I'm coming in head first into the cold water.

I just wanted to make sure I'm not completely stupid and the "difficulty" starts very, very early. Sounds like it does. Appreciate the comment about it being like studying - that helps a lot. I can remember many weeks of telling myself to take a break - do something else - and just slowly absorb the homework over time. And then somehow, come test time, you had everything you needed.

nah it wont take you years to be decent, at least not to the level the majority of people playing will be at, but it will take a while. Also for trials im pretty sure you can turn on the button display, so when you try to do the low medium kick into hadoken, if it doesnt come out you can check your inputs and see if maybe you messed up the inputs. Also experiment with the cancel timings of the normal move into hadoken; try canceling as soon as you can, as late as you can, somewhere in the middle etc so you can figure out when exactly its possible for the hadoken to come out and the combo to connect. Sorry for the wall of text its probably a mess lol


Are there any good tutorials? I've played sf4 with my brother a bit but the last street fighter or fighter in general I've really played was street fighter alpha 3.
Are there any good tutorials? I've played sf4 with my brother a bit but the last street fighter or fighter in general I've really played was street fighter alpha 3.

There are a few character specific & generalist guides on the Street Fighter subreddit.

If you have any specific questions, just ask away in here. Each of the characters have a combo tutorial in the 'Challenges'-> 'Trials' section of SFV. Each of the characters, with the exception of Ed & Abigail, have Vol 1 & Vol 2 trials (they only have Vol. 2 trials). This should give you a basic idea on which buttons connect into which on any given character.


How stupid is it that this game has been out for 17 months + now and there's no way to buy more than one DLC costume at a time ?

I was planning to buy a few outfits today but knowing that I'd have to do more than a couple transactions at once just kind of killed my interest in it.

It's just odd that they don't have costumes listed individually on PSN or steam like every other fighter out these days. Nevermind the absurd pricing for a second...


Alright guys. I mentioned in this thread earlier that I have never, ever, in 20+ years of gaming, put more than an hour or two into a "real" fighter. I don't know why, but the current multiplayer climate just drives me nuts, so I'm giving Street Fighter V a shot.

I picked up a Razer Panthera and am playing SFV on PC. I'm doing the demonstrations with Ken, and I'm legit already stuck on the third one:

Jump HP
Standing MP
Crouching MK

I've been at this for 45 minutes and can't get the combo. Am I borderline mentally handicapped, or is this normal for a newbie? I knew this game would be HARD, but I figured I could get through a no-pressure combo that outlines the controls for me.

I can get the first three in a row. So, to improve, I broke it up. Jump HP -> Standing MP. Did this like 25 times successfully. Then Standing MP t-> Crouching MK... this was harder, but I got the hang of it. Then, the toughest for me, is getting the Crouch K to a Hado. But I can get it like 40% of the time.

But for the absolute life of me, I can't get all four.

I know, Baby's first fighter and all that. Just want to make sure I'm going about this right. I don't mind practicing... but I dunno... I just don't want to play something that I'm just naturally never gonna "get."

Breaking it down was actually the best way to tackle it, getting the timing down for each link helps eventually tie the whole thing together. I've been playing fighters forever myself but never really knew how half those combos worked until about 3 years ago when I really tried to figure that shit out.

- This 4 hit combo is actually a really solid bread and butter that you can carry over through most of the cast (though different characters have different links and special cancelling is not always the same move)

1)Jump HP -- Do a forward jump and simply tap heavy punch on the way down before landing , I believe kens animation frames will strike the opponent in the face for a HP.

2)Standing MP-- now, to get this link to happen 100% of the time instead , while the face punch is animating and ken probably still hasn't quite touched the floor , instead of simply hitting MP once, tap it with both your pointer and middle fingers like a drum 1-2. This doubles your chance of having the game see your button press in the tiny window that makes continuing this combo possible.

3)Crouching MK-- things get trickier here , so if you just want to end the combo with the crouching MK , you want to be holding down and MK at the same time right at the instant the standing MP starts animating. You can try to tap the button twice here too BUT there's an issue I'll show you -

4)Hadoken-- this is the combo ender , the fireball will cash in your damage and give you that 4th hit. What the game is asking you to do though, is not simply doing a quarter circle forward + P , it actually wants you to special cancel. Why is that important ? because if you just try to do steps 1-3 and attempt to throw a hadouken , it will fail to combo for a variety of reasons unless you have godlike speed on an arcade stick.
What is a special cancel ? well, you interrupt the animation of a normal attack (in this case a crouching medium kick) WITH the special move (the hadouken) It sounds to me like this is your problem spot , so how do you practice special cancelling ?

Well, you have to get in the habit of slowing down your inputs (while having the input display turned on so you can see what you're pressing). Get a feel for what the game is actually requiring you to input. In this case , it's not DOWN+MK , DOWN,DOWN FORWARD,FORWARD+PUNCH. Instead you want to use the down+MK as the first part of the quarter circle so what you want is Down+MK,Down forward,Forward +punch. Get the hang of putting it in like that and it should come out almost 100% of the time with a little bit of practice.

Then , you can see this combo for what it actually is - jump in heavy punch into standing medium punch into crouching medium kick cancelled into hadouken.

As I said, every character as a special cancel of some kind , usually a crouching normal into one of a couple special attacks. Ryu and Ken can special cancel a crouching medium kick into hadouken or even a standing medium punch into a hadouken or shoryuken if you want to get fancy. it just takes time to learn. The next step after that is super cancelling , where you input a QCF to throw a hadouken (for example) and do a second QCF +P to followup instantly with shinku hadouken. For SFV there's also V trigger extension at the top end of combo structuring - where you do a combo then activate vtrigger and go into an EX or Super move to maximize damage.

So Skel1ngton , just keep practicing. I was where you just a couple years ago but eventually I got the timing down.


Hopped on Abigail in training mode earlier today and suddenly I was able to do his harder combos. Like, the V Trigger b.HP into b.HP combos. No idea what changed, before I couldn't even do his easier combos, let alone his hard ones.

But man, those combos are super fun to do. My goal is to get one of those 60% combos in a real match lol
People really need to bring the Abigail glitch to Capcom's attention, that shit is unacceptable.

I posted about it in the Steam "Official Bug Reporting Thread", but I'm not really sure what other methods there are of bringing things like that to Capcom's attention.
I'm looking to get better at this game.

I can beat the shit out of my friends during local hangouts but just get straight demolished online.

How do I get better and how do I help my friends get better?

What I've been noticing a lot is I can't even land punches or mount any offense against some players. How can I figure out when it's "my turn" to push buttons?

I play Cammy and recently started messing around with Boxer Dictator and Rashid.
there was a day in the land of street fighter

lucebuce said something mean about my favorite fighter

so i took a cigarette, lit it up with a lighter

i contemplated crying , but then i bursted up in laughter

because alex is the masterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of me

alex is the master of the fight world

alex is my spirtal animal


Freaking Alex players.
I'm looking to get better at this game.

I can beat the shit out of my friends during local hangouts but just get straight demolished online.

How do I get better and how do I help my friends get better?

What I've been noticing a lot is I can't even land punches or mount any offense against some players. How can I figure out when it's "my turn" to push buttons?

I play Cammy and recently started messing around with Boxer Dictator and Rashid.

Honestly, this is something that I have issues with after I get rusty, and i'm still getting a stronger grasp on it (although i think I made a breakthough in the last 24h), but this comes down to fundamentals.

I'll start with this RE: how do you help your friends get better - the way i've gone about it is I try & point out what they could've done to beat me. I talk over what could've worked where. I've even taken them right into the training room and had them help me with figuring out the optimal choice in certain situations & such. If you're just easily beating them & hoping they start to figure out, there is no telling how long that'll take if it ever happens. Pointing out holes in their game or things they may start doing to play better will help them in the long run.

Now, let's talk about how you yourself can become better in the neutral space. Honestly, without match footage of yours to see where you face off against an online player, its hard to point out where you're falling short. The most important thing is figuring out either the ranges that you're having trouble mounting an offense from, or what situations you find particularly disabling for yourself as a player.

Heres a personal example - I have a friend who is fantastic at locking a player down in the corner. And a big hole in my game has always been trying to maintain my footing while in the corner. Now, me & this player played some long, longgggg sets, and I started stopping between matches & thinking back on just what I was trying to do while I was in there. I realized that once I was in the corner, i'd start panicking on making the right decision, and once I realized I could just calmly stay there & wait for my opponent to make a mistake, I learned how to effectively block in that situation without pressing a button cause I got nervous.

There are going to be several situations you're going to have to both identify & then figure out ways to overcome as a player. Its kinda cool cause fighting games are one of the few genres where this sort of 'shadow boxing' occurs all the time and is the best way to improve. I'd say go ahead and throw us a clip so we can see what you're doing & tell us what situations give you the most trouble in mounting an offense.


If you have any specific questions, just ask away in here. Each of the characters have a combo tutorial in the 'Challenges'-> 'Trials' section of SFV. Each of the characters, with the exception of Ed & Abigail, have Vol 1 & Vol 2 trials (they only have Vol. 2 trials). This should give you a basic idea on which buttons connect into which on any given character.

I've done some of those but I mostly get stuck on the input timing.


Yea I don't get Pop-Gaf.

Anyways. God I hate these non-crossup crossups. Block the jumpin right but they land on the otherside and get the combo because I block into wrong direction now.
Since I was banned I couldn´t share my thoughts about Abigail before... holy shit, he is not just ugly but he´s also totally broken. I mean, those hitboxes... look at this. I think the only character from season 2 (other than Akuma) that made the season pass worth it was Kolin.
Since I was banned I couldn´t share my thoughts about Abigail before... holy shit, he is not just ugly but he´s also totally broken. I mean, those hitboxes... look at this. I think the only character from season 2 (other than Akuma) that made the season pass worth it was Kolin.
This is not a hurtbox problem, abi gail's hurtbox is already bigger, meaning specific combos only work on him.
Urien's fireball however will simply never hit a standing opponent.
In that sense it functions the same way as airgrabs.


Since I was banned I couldn´t share my thoughts about Abigail before... holy shit, he is not just ugly but he´s also totally broken. I mean, those hitboxes... look at this. I think the only character from season 2 (other than Akuma) that made the season pass worth it was Kolin.

I have no opinion on the hurtbox thing since it's an unfortunate result of his body being so big. If you make AA fireballs hit him on the ground he'll be damn near unplayable.

But you're wrong about the second part. Abigail is the best character since Akuma. Ed's decent I guess. Kolin's a snoozefest
Since I was banned I couldn´t share my thoughts about Abigail before... holy shit, he is not just ugly but he´s also totally broken. I mean, those hitboxes... look at this. I think the only character from season 2 (other than Akuma) that made the season pass worth it was Kolin.

Urien's HP Fireball isn't supposed to hit grounded opponents. Same thing happened in 4 with Hugo.

Yeah I know it´s supposed to be airborne (something similar happens with moves that whiff when the opponent is crouching) but still looks like shit and distracting. I think Capcom should put more care in stuff like this.

if everything that was designed to not hit crouching but hit a crouching abigail then he'd be a lot worse off lol


Fucking Pop-Gaf

Yeah, that thread wasn't conducive to anything but setting up a place for people from two camps take shots at each other thanks to the OP. There was probably a discussion to be had, but all that was going to happen was various flavors of "Switch has no games, everybody over there thirsty!!" and "SFV is shit" drive-by posts. Mods should have followed their instincts on that one even though they chimed in early sensing it wasn't going to go anywhere with a snarky ass gif in the OP.


These hitbox videos make me roll my eyes. Even though they look like they should hit even when he';s crouching, having them not hit him, like the don't hit the rest of the cast when they are crouching actually is kinda balanced, because it's consistent.
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