This is srsly undermining Bonchans efforts tho.
Literally nobody else is playing the character. You had multiple players doing well with S1 Chun,Nash,Mika..etc.
I feel like Bonchan is getting so many wins because Nash has slipped under the radar and nobody is able to get high level matches against a really good Nash. It is only now people are realizing that he is a threat. I wonder how he is going to perform once players focus on him.
People have had months of practice when Nash was popular. That's a little silly when the only thing they are facing is a nerfed yet more aggressive Nash.
And when you watch his matches, he's not doing shit that's making people confused. It's amazing spacing, ridiculous reactions (and conversions) and character knowledge. Nash isn't hiding any tricks or surprising people with anything they don't know about. He doesn't have that many new setups. Bonchan is just using him solidly.
It's a great deal of Bonchan putting in the effort and the work to make that character go far. But if a character is complete ass and isn't someone tricky like FANG, then maybe the character isn't complete ass like people think he is.