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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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Sounds like the theater I worked at, but that was because they served food and drinks during. Most of the Tyler Perry films outlasted the majority of other movies.

I wish this place was like a Movie Tavern.

The employees got mad when you went up to order because you were interrupting their book

After just re-watching Fury, this makes me so bummed out.

Fury was an excellent film. I refuse to believe that the SS I watched in theaters is truly his cut.

Dude I don't want Fury Ayer coming out again
Keep that dark shit repressed and boiled up


contribute something
A lot in the beginning. Basically all introductions and establishing shots are done like that. But they have run out of people to introduce or places to establish, it just becomes a completely boring and mundane trek through a generic ruined city in the middle of the night with no sense of visual excitement or even chronological tension.

Yeah. 60% of runtime is the third act.
Working on superhero movies must be hell. Not only are you dealing with suits breathing down your neck because you're playing with their millions but you also have to deal with fucking crazy ass fans.

Shit ain't worth it honestly. Ayer will never come back.


Working on superhero movies must be hell. Not only are you dealing with suits breathing down your neck because you're playing with their millions but you also have to deal with fucking crazy ass fans.
Shit ain't worth it honestly. Ayer will never come back.

Not if you're making a DC movie. They've got your back with all of their craziness.


After just re-watching Fury, this makes me so bummed out.

Fury was an excellent film. I refuse to believe that the SS I watched in theaters is truly his cut.

That end tank standoff was killer, right?

I thought that alone meant this was in good hands.
So I just saw Suicide Squad. I didn't think it was as bad as BvS. But the characters were pretty thin as they didn't have enough time. Many of the characters were largely unimportant and took up important screen time that could have been put to better use. Especially since they put in a bunch of frankly unnecessary back story that didn't serve to do much for either Harley or Dead shot outside of cheap sympathies. Harley was an important character but her relationship to the Joker and the Joker himself was not in the form it was given. Half the shots of her were also just to "show off" Margot.

Additionally, their sense of comradery certainly didn't feel genuine to me. They were at odds in the writing trying to
make the bad guys but have stronger morals than the agency and women controlling them and the rag tag team coming together element.
But it just felt a bit hollow.

I had no idea the Enchantress was going to be the Villain with her brother. But gat damn were they boring. June as a character being his boo was such a cheap attempt to make you care about a boring character and add some weight to the final encounter which fell very flat to me.

The main bulk of the forces were literally faceless goons.

The Villains and their motivations may have been the worst part to me. There was nothing there.

Existential threat ✅

So a 5.5, maybe 6/10 for me.


Not if you're making a DC movie. They've got your back with all of their craziness.

Some do. Other have spent the last four years calling Zack Synder everything but what his mama named him.

Given the reaction I've seen thus far though, if anything's getting to Ayer, it's the reviews. General audiences don't seem to feel particularly strongly about this one.


Working on superhero movies must be hell. Not only are you dealing with suits breathing down your neck because you're playing with their millions but you also have to deal with fucking crazy ass fans.

Shit ain't worth it honestly. Ayer will never come back.

It's so true lol



Marvel stans be like



I ended up catching this tonight. It's not terrible. ... it's not good really either.

Honestly it's not much at all but I think I was more interested watching it than I was with say , Xmen Apocalypse. For the record, Xmen was better in most ways but I simply didn't give 2 shits what was going on during the films run time. At least with this I got to watch the most charismatic man in hollywood (Will Smith) ham it up with a serviceable Harley Quin.

I think a good movie could but cut out of the shot and completed footage and unlike BvS where I never feel like sitting through it ever again, I would almost want to sit through a recut version of Suicide Squad. I liked most of the characters and the casting was pretty good but... it failed to work well in a similar fashion to BvS - we don't really know these characters because we didn't get to see that apparently awesome batman film where he catches all of the bad guys. So the whole thing just ends up feeling disjointed and unearned.

I'm still holding a candlelight vigil for Wonder Woman , hopefully Dianna can reverse the trend and end up being actually good. Like at the very least, DC comics is throwing a female superhero on screen before Marvel (in a solo film anyway). It would just be nice if it was also good.


One big problem I think with the movie is that you look at the titles and the way it portrays Harley and Joker and you can tell it wants really hard to be this manic colorful experience and it's a really dark colorless movie otherwise. Why not just lean hard into that and really bring out the colors in everything? Make it like Toys but with everyone being crazy!



Just got out of the movie and I can see why Jokers parts were cut.

Harley, Joker actually weighs her down
Will Smith; he held this movie together along with Harley.
Cinematography was gorgeous

Joker; cringey Heath wannabe
Plot is basic and relies to hard on characts

Overall in DCEU SS>>> BvS>> MoS


At some point this was a review thread. What the heck?

Anyways, my review: It was not great. It was a kind of a mess. That is all.


The film is on the lower side of middling, but it's far more enjoyable than BvS. Which was just a bleak piece of garbage that took itself way more seriously than it should have.

Suicide Squad was getting to that fun self aware point, where it knew how ridiculous and over the top the characters were plus the plot they were in. But then the final fight ends up just being rushed garbage. This could've been DC's GoTG.

I was surprised to see Will carry the film. He looked like he was having fun and actually tried. Him and Viola earn the most props. Margot was hit or miss, but everyone seems to love her so I guess they accomplished their mission. Everyone will dress up as her for Halloween, including men.
I had fun during the movie. It wasn't gangbusters, but certainly not worthy of the reviews it's been getting. It's a summer popcorn flick and so enjoyed it for what it was. Margot killed it, of course. I can't get behind Leto's take on the Joker as shown on-screen, but he has the laugh down perfectly. I feel like if he was fleshed out more in the movie it might sway me. I mean, mobster Joker is an interesting new take on tha character, but he needs to main in the film, not be ancillary.

I liked Suicide Squad enough that I'll buy it on home video.
So, that was a film.

Great casting, wasted on a sub-par film. Like the previous DC films, you could probably have constructed something great out of this, but what was onscreen wasn't it.

Deadshot, good. Harley, good. Waller, good. El Diablo, surprisingly decent.

Why is Katana in this film at all? I like the character, but she didn't belong in this film at all. There's all the previous setup and then "WHOOPS KATANA!" Same with Slipknot, but worse in his case.

The Joker could've been cut completely with little issue and Leto's performance is all over the place. There are moments when it feels like he's onto something, but he never really gets enough time here.

The villain was... not good. The team would've been far better served with one that was more down-to-earth. The action scenes are well directed, but lack any narrative impact or tension. The finale has moments, but is mostly bad CG.

Despite all these issues, I had some fun with it. It's a solid cast that deserves a much better film. This one was not great.

5/10-ish. Part of me wonders if it's getting a boost in my head because I thought Batman v Superman was such a trash fire.

They really should've just adapted Batman: Assault on Arkham.


Just saw the film and boy did it have some issues, but what really killed me was the terrible editing; from the jump everything felt wrong.
Overall score D+


My standards must be pretty low, because I loved the movie. Also loved Man of Steel and BvS. So... Yeah. Had a blast. Viola Davis, Will Smith and Margot were fantastic imo. Hope they release another extended cut.
So, that was a film.

Great casting, wasted on a sub-par film. Like the previous DC films, you could probably have constructed something great out of this, but what was onscreen wasn't it.

Deadshot, good. Harley, good. Waller, good. El Diablo, surprisingly decent.

Yeah I agree with this. I honestly felt like Will Smith dominated the film as Deadshot.
I was a little disappointed that he had a resolved story arc with his daughter at the end, because
I feel like Deadshot has potential for another film. But This might also be a one off thing for Will Smith. I really liked Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, I thought she brought in some elements from the cartoon and mixed it up with her own take. Waller was the true villain of the movie and she was great.

Enchantress... I didn't hate Enchantress, but she became less interesting the moment that she became her true self. I liked her more when she took the form of a savage grungy witch. There were some cool visuals with her though. I also like Croc, but sadly he was very underused. He seemed like a character I would like to see more of. El Diablo was a good character too.

I generally liked this cast overall, it was a pretty good whose who of B-list DC villains (out side of the Joker).

Why is Katana in this film at all? I like the character, but she didn't belong in this film at all. There's all the previous setup and then "WHOOPS KATANA!" Same with Slipknot, but worse in his case.

Yeah, Katana felt a bit shoehorned in. Maybe she could have worked better as Rick Flag's body guard if they didn't send in a million other guys too. Slipknot felt like a joke.

The Joker could've been cut completely with little issue and Leto's performance is all over the place. There are moments when it feels like he's onto something, but he never really gets enough time here.

I still like Leto as the Joker. But I feel like his motivations as an actor were confused. I think he looked the part just fine
he still looked like the Joker when Harley was in her fantasy of them being 'normal'
. I think the Joker came off ass oddly sympathetic in this movie as he really shows his love for Harley. That didn't feel very 'Joker' to me, as the Joker works best when he is completely shameless and unsympathetic. I honestly think that the more messed up Joker and Harley's relationship becomes, the more interesting they are as characters. I just feel like Leto needs stronger motivation, which is why his performance was a little off at times. It was a little hard to gauge the character while someone like Heath Ledger was very easy to read at all times.

I haven't seen this yet, but from impressions here it sounds like maybe a solid B movie? Something enjoyable if you just turn your brain off?

I don't know if this is a complete "turn your brain off" movie, as there are a lot of good things in the first half of it (IMO). The second half becomes a little too auto pilot though. and falls under a rather rudimentary formula.
I don't know if this is a complete "turn your brain off" movie, as there are a lot of good things in the first half of it (IMO). The second half becomes a little too auto pilot though. and falls under a rather rudimentary formula.

Hmmm. Might see this down the line. After disliking Man of Steel I just completely avoided BvS. I'm tepid about watching another DCEU movie.


semen stains the mountaintops
Just got done watching Guardians of the Galaxy, by the end of the movie you really understand and buy that these people would call each other family, none of that was earned in Suicide Squad. I can understand
Harley somewhat being fund of Deadshot by the end but for Diablo to call them family? Dumb, the movie never showed us anything that would sell on that.
It's not even very good, as much as it has a story structure that would address so many of the issues with this movie. Posted similar sentiments in the Spoiler thread.

Suicide Squad is a million times better than Assault on Arkham, AoA is like a really long and awful episode of a shitty Saturday morning cartoon. There's nothing worth seeing in that movie.
It's not even very good, as much as it has a story structure that would address so many of the issues with this movie. Posted similar sentiments in the Spoiler thread.

Ahh OK. I am still interested in seeing how it handles things differently from Suicide Squad.

Hmmm. Might see this down the line. After disliking Man of Steel I just completely avoided BvS. I'm tepid about watching another DCEU movie.

In some ways this movie is the complete opposite of BVS. It certainly isn't pretentious as that one and Suicide Squad doesn't feel like you are watching a joyless superhero movie. This is more like a guilty pleasure with a pretty strong cast that holds the movie up, with the exception a few choices. To me it has moments where the movie shines, but at the same time, It is still a flawed, so your mileage may vary.
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