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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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Having Rick Flagg, Enchantress, Deadshot, and Boomerang on the team, and looking at the actors they might cast for Amanda Waller shows that they're looking at Ostrander's run for inspiration. That's damn good news.


well not really...yet
Having Rick Flagg, Enchantress, Deadshot, and Boomerang on the team, and looking at the actors they might cast for Amanda Waller shows that they're looking at Ostrander's run for inspiration. That's damn good news.
Geoff Johns tweeted people should read Ostrander's run in response to the casting

They stealing kryptonite from Wayne Enterprises, so uh Batman is the big bad I guess
My face when suicide squad leads right into batman vs superman


Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer would be perfectly fine but I'm hoping Oprah gets the role just for the absurdity of it. Oprah, a billionaire former talk show host, in a comicbook movie. I bet she would be great too.


If these are the characters then I'm more pleased with this lineup than the Latino Review rumor. These are more grounded, powerless characters meaning the story will have to tend to be plot, character, & action driven rather than visual effects. With the possible exception of Enchantress but it depends on how they play her.


Can you imagine how many Florida moms are going to be in an uproar over a movie with the word "Suicide" in it. Theres going to be petitions saying this movie promotes/glorifies suicide and all kind of other ridiculous BS.
If these are the characters then I'm more pleased with this lineup than the Latino Review rumor. These are more grounded, powerless characters meaning the story will have to tend to be plot, character, & action driven rather than visual effects. With the possible exception of Enchantress but it depends on how they play her.

They're going to introduce magic no matter what, and not write it of as Ultra Advanced Tech like in the MCU.


That is a great cast, but man I was hoping for Deathstroke to be a part of this.

I'd even be fine with no Manu. Just put Deathstroke on the team.


Ryan Gosling would have been way more interesting if they could have gotten a hold of him. Also the lack of Deathstroke is disappointing. Oh well, I will be there opening weekend regardless.
Oh man that cast.

Leto has the biggest shoes to fill.

Recasting Hardy is bold but I guess no one really saw his entire face in TKDR.


Probably confirmed before, heck I probably commented on it before

But today's announcement also confirmed that David Ayer is writing the script so no longer the dude who did the Legend of Chun-Li!


Probably confirmed before, heck I probably commented on it before

But today's announcement also confirmed that David Ayer is writing the script so no longer the dude who did the Legend of Chun-Li!

Looking at his filmography , this kind movie seems right up his alley :)


I don't care about the colour of the actor, but, I really hope they don't mess with the deadshot costume to give more face time to a A-lister



I want this to happen.


I don't care about the colour of the actor, but, I really hope they don't mess with the deadshot costume to give more face time to a A-lister

Deadshot is always pulling his mask up to smoke. Perfect excuse to show the star's face more.

Nightmare scenario?

Man i'd be so happy if Joker is just the big bad of this movie then has an Under the Red Hood style minor antagonist role in a solo Batman movie.
That way WB can have the Joker hype but also do villains that haven't been done to death.
I'd really like to see Red Hood, Shiva, Riddler, Talia, Ivy, Clayface and maybe Hush done well.


Everyone who did not watch Assault on Arkham, you need to do so ASAP.

Eh, it's alright. It really bugged me how stupid Batman was in the movie. Just completely out of character.

He lets multiple prison guards die to maintain his disguise... for no reason.

I would also suggest people watch JLU episode 204 "Task Force X".


Eh, it's alright. It really bugged me how stupid Batman was in the movie. Just completely out of character.

He lets multiple prison guards die to maintain his disguise... for no reason.

I would also suggest people watch JLU episode 204 "Task Force X".

Batman and The Joker were the worst part of the movie.. oddly
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