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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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Odd. Usually people are in an uproar when the race of a character is changed like in The Last Airbender. I bet it would have caused quite a stir if Deadshot was of another race.

I don't necessarily agree with those kind of uproars in every case, but the reason you see them has to do with the fact that minorities have a hard enough time getting roles in Hollywood, so when a fictional character who happens to be black/hispanic/native american/asian is played by a white actor, you are going to get people upset about a minority actor (and they do exist) not getting that chance. The same in reverse is not true. Every other movie (especially comic book movies) has a white male lead, so giving one of those roles to a person of color (especially when their race is completely inconsequential to their character, and the only reason they are white in a lot of cases is because they were created in a time when every hero had to be a white male) why would anyone be upset?


Leto is an incredible actor who just won an academy award. Some of you can be so narrow minded about these castings, like there can only be one interpretation of a character and someone as talented as Jared Leto can't be trusted to come up with his own awesome and memorable version. If it were up to some of you 50 year old mark hammil would have been cast in Dark Knight and we would have never gotten Ledger's amazing performance.

Yup, he'll be great.

Also, he comes with the bonus of getting his many fans into cinemas to see a Suicide Squad movie they might otherwise not be interested in. It's win-win.


Odd. Usually people are in an uproar when the race of a character is changed like in The Last Airbender. I bet it would have caused quite a stir if Deadshot was of another race.

I guess even those people understand the irrationality of caring about the skin colour of a character who dresses like this in most of his depictions:


That said they'll most certainly make use of Will Smith's mug for the on-screen depiction. So I expect the "B-b-but he's white" argument to reach full force when the first images of the movie start coming out.
Let's get some fresh blood and a new take in this movie and cast a black guy for Deadshot!

Great Idea! Any up and comers?

Will Smith!



So, why did they change Deadshot from white to black? Diversity? And of all the Australian actors, they could only get Jai Courtney?

Because out of the big stars he's one of the few who can effortlessly pull of badassery coupled him hammy quality that Deadshot always had, without one hurting the other. You can't make Deadshot as straight badass, he needs to be at least a bit on a silly side and Smith is perfect for that.

Plus it will be nice to see Smith back again in something fun and good.


Let's get some fresh blood and a new take in this movie and cast a black guy for Deadshot!

Great Idea! Any up and comers?

Will Smith!

he's the biggest black star currently in Hollywood. So of course they will go for him. You think they will go for star-filled cast with people like Leto and Hardy and then cast unknown as a lead? How would that even work? He would get destroyed in screen presence.
You need somebody big and full of swag to be able to hold screen next to Hardy and a damn Joker, not to mention Harley Quinn.

We'll get black lead with unknown actor in Cyborg. But in Suicide Squad it just doesn't work. The characters are big league and the actors needed to be ones too.


ummmm come on DC why Joker...could've used Deathstroke / Clock King / Bronze Tiger :<

Because they have Harley. Can't introduce her into the screen without Joker.
Also, nobody said Joker is in the squad. He will propably play an antagonistic role to the squad, not be a part of it.


So, Jared Leto will face off against Affleck in a future Batman film? His contract is a multiple picture deal, right?



Seriously, I'd rather have either Idris Elba or chiwetel ejiofor. Anyone but that grinning goofball who keeps trying to force his untalented children down our throats.
Idris Elba or Chiwetel Ejiofor for Deadshot?


THey would work for Deathstroke maybe, but but Deadshot. This isn't a fully serious character. He's a mustache twirling villain. He needs to have some goofball quality to him. Deadshot isn't meant to be taken completely serious. He can be convincingly badass, but he can't be played fully straight.




Seriously, I'd rather have either Idris Elba or chiwetel ejiofor. Anyone but that grinning goofball who keeps trying to force his untalented children down our throats.

I'm not seeing anything about Will Smith that makes me think he won't do a good job. I can hear him in my head, "Yeah, I've got the shot", "Bang", and it doesn't sound odd to me. I think his voice works for the character.

As a cocky, "best at what he does" assassin who cares for his young daughter I can see Will Smith doing well.


We'll get black lead with unknown actor in Cyborg. But in Suicide Squad it just doesn't work. The characters are big league and the actors needed to be ones too.

I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get Boyega for the role. With Star Wars giving him such close ties to Disney though, maybe he'll end up with Marvel instead (Blade reboot, anyone?).
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get Boyega for the role. With Star Wars giving him such close ties to Disney though, maybe he'll end up with Marvel instead (Blade reboot, anyone?).

Aside from the fact they already cast Ray Fisher (who Boyega beat out for the lead in Star Wars) far as I can tell, Disney doesn't like crossing the streams like that within the company. Having Marvel get mad at Lucasfilm because of contractual issues is a situation they'd likely try to avoid as much as possible. Boyega's already probably tied up in a multi-film contract. Having him sign ANOTHER multi-film contract that's guaranteed to somewhat complicate his schedule is just asking for trouble for the parent company.
Aside from the fact they already cast Ray Fisher (who Boyega beat out for the lead in Star Wars) far as I can tell, Disney doesn't like crossing the streams like that within the company. Having Marvel get mad at Lucasfilm because of contractual issues is a situation they'd likely try to avoid as much as possible. Boyega's already probably tied up in a multi-film contract. Having him sign ANOTHER multi-film contract that's guaranteed to somewhat complicate his schedule is just asking for trouble for the parent company.

I'm not so sure an actor would even want that. Would Boyega ever have time to do ANYTHING else in the next 10 years if he locked himself into both the Star Wars Universe and the MCU? Dude would probably develop PTSD if he ever saw another green screen or CG marker.


Three of these guys are now DC Comic Villains. Two of them are Boomerang. I see someone else in this picture that should get a DC Villain Role.



I'm surprised by the Will Smith hate. He's a good actor. Sure he's made a couple off movies, but overall I consider him a good actor.


Will Smith? Eh, I don't know. Somehow I see the entire movie end up being centered around him. Pass until I hear impressions, I guess.


Is he talking about Black Panther (which doesn't have a director or a script yet afaik) or is he talking about possibly AoU or Civil War? Wakanda should be in both those films too, and that was back in the Summer.
Jai Courtney? He was the worst part of Die Hard 5. Not that the movie was any good but he made it even worse. Never heard of Cara Dev(sp). Hope Smith can keep his ego in check and not force himself into every scene. Everyone else sounds great.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Will Smith is good casting as Deadshot, especially for a Suicide Squad movie. They're villains, but they're going to have strokes of being likable.
If they wanted a black character they should have added Bronze Tiger to the roster not fucking change Deadshots race. I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If they wanted a black character they should have added Bronze Tiger to the roster not fucking change Deadshots race. I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit.

This is a joke, right?

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Suicide Squad |OT| It's About Affirmative Action in Comic Book Movie Casting
Thats such a dumb fucking weak sauce counter. I would be just as pissed if they changed Blade or Falcon's race.

Deadshot was created in 1950. That's literally the only reason he is white, because he was created at a time when everybody had to be white. His race is completely inconsequential to his character. It's such a stupid ass thing to be so outraged about.
This is a joke, right?

*subscribes to thread*

Suicide Squad |OT| It's About Affirmative Action in Comic Book Movie Casting

It's not a joke. Changing an established character's race really pisses me off. Blade should be black, Sue Storm should be white, Prince of Persia should be middle eastern, and barry allen should have fucking blonde hair.
As mentioned before, when minority characters get changed to white, it sucks because of the general lack of diversity in popular media to begin with. Why in the world would you be that upset a white character had his race changed?

It's not a joke. Changing an established character's race really pisses me off. Blade should be black, Sue Storm should be white, Prince of Persia should be middle eastern, and barry allen should have fucking blonde hair.

How does it affect the character at all?
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