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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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As mentioned before, when minority characters get changed to white, it sucks because of the general lack of diversity in popular media to begin with. Why in the world would you be that upset a white character had his race changed?

because it should be faithful to the source material and you know everyone keeps saying these kinds of statements but this is all being done as a half ass attempt for the studio to seem diverse like they give a shit. If race really didn't matter then let's see them cast an iconic character with a minority actor. Where is the black Superman, indian james bond, and asian Wonder Woman at? Oh that's right...Hollywood doesn't have the fucking balls they just want to seem not racist.
because it should be faithful to the source material and you know everyone keeps saying these kinds of statements but this is all being done as a half ass attempt for the studio to seem diverse like they give a shit. If race really didn't matter then let's see them cast an iconic character with a minority actor. Where is the black Superman, indian james bond, and asian Wonder Woman at? Oh that's right...Hollywood doesn't have the fucking balls they just want to seem not racist.



What if Will Smith is playing a black guy that took the mantle of Deadshot?

Also why are you upset that studios are trying to be more inclusive, ya fuckin' goober? As if that'll EVER be a bad thing.


because it should be faithful to the source material and you know everyone keeps saying these kinds of statements but this is all being done as a half ass attempt for the studio to seem diverse like they give a shit. If race really didn't matter then let's see them cast an iconic character with a minority actor. Where is the black Superman, indian james bond, and asian Wonder Woman at? Oh that's right...Hollywood doesn't have the fucking balls they just want to seem not racist.

Well, we have an Israeli Wonder Woman now, does that count?

"Faithful to the source material" doesn't mean anything in the cases of Heimdal, Nick Fury, Deadshot, etc. There's nothing about them that changes because of their race. What does change is perhaps a greater assortment of children of other races will see themselves represented in film, and that's awesome.


All that matters is if the actor can pull off the role. And Smith should. There aren't many movie stars anymore, let alone those who could pull off a role likw this, who aren't tied to other long IP. Maybe Tom Cruise could, but I doubt he would go for a movie like this and Smith is just as good of a choice.

The funny things...in Assault on Arkham he already was very dark skinned. Far closer in skin tone to Black Spider than the white members on the team.

With Deadshot it really makes no difference what race he is.
Go ask that to the people in The Last Airbender casting thread

Get a reality check and stop thinking the playing field is level. You sound like the people that say shit like "But white people didn't riot when OJ Simpson got away with murder!". People were upset with the Last Airbender shit because those were potential minority roles, of which there are not very many in Hollywood to begin with, going to white actors. A black actor getting a role that is normally portrayed in comic books (but completely unimportant to his character) as a white guy is at least getting some diversity in a movie, even if it's mega-star Will Smith, even if it's just Deadshot and not Superman or Captain America. As cheesy as it sounds some black kid can at least look at that movie and see someone with the same color skin as him getting a leading role in a big budget comic book movie and not be relegated to a side kick or comic relief. If that ruins your precious "source material" so fucking what.


t this is all being done as a half ass attempt for the studio to seem diverse like they give a shit. .
In this case? Lol..no. It was done because WB wanted big star for the lead. Will Smith was a great choice an they just didn't give a shit what race he was.


Will Smith as Deadshot is an interesting choice. What's got me in WTF-mode is that they're eyeing Oprah Winfrey for Amanda Waller xD


I'll still struggling to see what problem some folks have with this cast. Looks great to me.

On DS's race: Meh. PoC characters been getting whitewashed for years. Not gonna shed one tear over the shoe being on the other foot.

Well, we have an Israeli Wonder Woman now, does that count?

"Faithful to the source material" doesn't mean anything in the cases of Heimdal, Nick Fury, Deadshot, etc. There's nothing about them that changes because of their race. What does change is perhaps a greater assortment of children of other races will see themselves represented in film, and that's awesome.
Aquaman is also being played by a man of color, as is Black Adam.


Oprah's actually a fairly accomplished actress. WB would be lucky to get her.
A movie with The Joker & Harley Quinn... Along with actors Will Smith, Jared Leto, Tom Hardy, AND Oprah with her massive following sounds insane. That's too good to actually happen.

Oprah's actually perfect for the role too. No one even thought of her because it's just that much of a pipe dream.


Oprah is such a long shot I'm amazed WB is actually attempting it. Would love to be a fly on the wall during those negotiations.

Thinking about it, Waller might have some of the most consistently great casting of any comic character. I've liked every actress that's portrayed her, and I love the picks for this movie.


A movie with The Joker & Harley Quinn... Along with actors Will Smith, Jared Leto, Tom Hardy, AND Oprah with her massive following sounds insane. That's too good to actually happen.

Oprah's actually perfect for the role too. No one even thought of her because it's just that much of a pipe dream.

Yup, it's dream casting.
Will Smith as Deadshot is an interesting choice. What's got me in WTF-mode is that they're eyeing Oprah Winfrey for Amanda Waller xD

That's the Perfect choice for Amanda Waller,

I hope they don't go all Stallone in Judge Dredd and have Will not wearing the mask for most of the movie, The mask is the the character


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
How exactly do you even woo Oprah to consider the project? It just doesn't strike me as the type of film she would be interested in doing. That being said, she would be perfect for it. Waller is a powerful woman, and there aren't many women more powerful than Oprah.
Wonder how Joker will fit into this. Doesn't seem like much of a team player. Also, who's going to be the star of the movie? Joker will be the most popular, but Flagg it seems is the leader? Then you got Waller who puts them together but Deadshot is played by Will Smith who always seems to want to be the star.
Wonder how Joker will fit into this. Doesn't seem like much of a team player. Also, who's going to be the star of the movie? Joker will be the most popular, but Flagg it seems is the leader? Then you got Waller who puts them together but Deadshot is played by Will Smith who always seems to want to be the star.

Rick Flag is the leader and Deadshot usually ends up taking charge of the team once their in the field.


That's the Perfect choice for Amanda Waller,

I hope they don't go all Stallone in Judge Dredd and have Will not wearing the mask for most of the movie, The mask is the the character

Are you kidding me? Deadshot works fine without the mask, all he needs is the enhanced eyepatch.


No way he was going to agree to this film and not be that guy.

edit: Also, I doubt Joker's actually on the team, as Eisenberg's going to appear in this movie too and he's definitely not on the squad, either.

Deadshot isn't the main character though. Rick Flag is the team leader and Joker and Harley are obviously going to soak up the most screen time as they are the cash cows of the DC Villains.


The whole point of Judge Dredd is that he's a faceless totalitarian police officer in a military police state. Trying to turn him into a person was a misstep.

Floyd Lawton is a character, has feelings and motivations that should be explored. His mask makes no sense outside of battle (though the eye piece may be another matter).


Deadshot isn't the main character though. Rick Flag is the team leader and Joker and Harley are obviously going to soak up the most screen time as they are the cash cows of the DC Villains.

It is Will Smith. It might be the first time DC willingly gives more attention to someone else than The Joker.
joker is probably just here as an introduction to the character and to warrant harley quinn's inclusion in the film.

he'll probably get bigger inclusion in the inevitable solo batman film.

really excited for tom hardy in this though, what's Rick Flag like?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
LolLolLolLol wat da fuq?

Jesus. It's like the Yankees -throw enough money at a problem! Hah!

Im there day1. What a rough gig for Leto tho...what do you even do??

And will Smith as a bad guy is legit. Really really really hope they have a superb script for this.


Everyone who did not watch Assault on Arkham, you need to do so ASAP.

Why, so they can be prepared for the next level clusterfuck opportunity this film presents and have their hopes and dreams quietly killed as they drift off into a boredom induced coma?


How much money is WB dumping into this? Holy shit at the cast. Maybe this is the movie that leads to Bat v Supes?


I really hope this movie is crushed under the wheels of some other Marvel vehicle, I really do.

Will Smith as Deadshot in a Deadshot movie I would be fine with....I don't want to see Jared Leto or Margot Robbie anywhere near those parts, and frankly each film that lists involvement from Zack Snyder makes me a little more sad that Marvel seems to have gone the sane route and gotten people who can actually make films instead.

I want to love you DC....but You keep making it awkward.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Will Smith as part of an ensemble?



I have full confidence in Leto, but it's going to be odd seeing The Joker share screen time with these other villains. It's commonplace in the comics and animated shows, but he's always the centerpiece in the films he's been in since '89 Batman.

I just really hope they can make this work.


I have full confidence in Leto, but it's going to be odd seeing The Joker share screen time with these other villains. It's commonplace in the comics and animated shows, but he's always the centerpiece in the films he's been in since '89 Batman.

I just really hope they can make this work.

The key is that they all fear him and cement his importance in the universe.

"When super villains want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories".


I'm cool with Will Smith as Deadshot.

Somewhat excite for Jared Leto as The Joker.

Love Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn.

Disappointed to see Tom Hardy in another DC film.

Super disappointed there's no Deathstroke.

I am interested.
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