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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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So uh...do the SS fight other villains or are they going to battle superheroes?

If they stick to most tradition.. they don't really fight many people.

They are more..or it is probably gonna be closer to a Heist film.

Where tasked with breaking in somewhere or going into some guarded foreign country, and extracting someone or something, everything goes to hell and just a survival race for the climax

In my dreams anyhow


napkin dispenser
We already have the perfect Amanda Waller from Smallville, no need to recast, just call Pam Grier up and offer her the role nowkthx.


So uh...do the SS fight other villains or are they going to battle superheroes?
The Suicide Squad works in secret for the government, so they are most of the time not set directly against heroes and more against other villains or foreign powers. Everything dirty and dangerous.


I wonder if this will be rated R or PG-13.

Will be PG-13. No way it's going to be an R rated film. At most it will be a hard PG-13 for the violence. I don't see them going overboard with the sexual situations either. With the Snyders and Roven as producers the film is going have to match the tone of the others even though Ayer is director.
Oprah as Waller sounds amazing, it was so impossibly unlikely that I never even considered her, I hope they manage to sign her for Amanda. I doubt it though

Hardy's been in some shit before but he's been having a really interesting career progression lately so I imagine he wouldn't have signed on to this unless the role was pretty good


This better not cause any future restrictions on the use of the squad in the Arrowverse :mad:

I feel like it won't.. ironically... or DC's terrible timing, they are literally introducing Captain Boomerang to that universe tonight (ookay last week's stinger!) so I feel like if anything would have been discussed at the start of the season.
I feel like it won't.. ironically... or DC's terrible timing, they are literally introducing Captain Boomerang to that universe tonight (ookay last week's stinger!) so I feel like if anything would have been discussed at the start of the season.

In before some marvel employee cries about this announcement being unfair on the guy cast in arrow


Will Smith, Jared Leto, and Tom Hardy will all present similar problems. They don't seem the type to sign for multiple films, and if this is a hit Will Smith will be really expensive. It's possible we'll never see these characters again other than Joker. Who knows.

yep. This is pretty much a 'relaunching The Joker' vehicle, from the looks of casting Will Smith alone.


I feel like it won't.. ironically... or DC's terrible timing, they are literally introducing Captain Boomerang to that universe tonight (ookay last week's stinger!) so I feel like if anything would have been discussed at the start of the season.

Cue incoming complaint from Amell about casting.


Here's betting that Leto is going to lean heavily on the Mark Hamill incarnation. They'd be smart to do so, and I think he could really pull it off.


Junior Member
Here's betting that Leto is going to lean heavily on the Mark Hamill incarnation. They'd be smart to do so, and I think he could really pull it off.
Someone in my theatre class pulled up his laugh. Leto has it in him.

Speaking of Joker, I'm not 110% sure he'll be in the actual Suicide Squad. He may be a significant third party like in Assault on Arkham.
I could see Leto being able to pull off a more stylish, debonair Joker than what we got from Ledger.


I'm really interested in seeing their take on the Joker/Harley dynamic.

The tone of the movie in general, actually.

I'm hoping the relationship is a combination of these two.

Like he shows affection (and it might even be genuine). But he's also possessive, manipulative and if need be he'll drop her like a sack of potatoes.

In one of the Arkham games he announces the henchman to kill Batman gets a night with Harley. He might even let her know first this time.

Basically the BTAS portrayal, just given that little bit of edge that not being a Saturday morning cartoon affords.


Pizza Dog
Why would Joker agree to work for the government? Why would the government let him out to do whatever it is he wanted to do? Is there an explanation for this in the comics?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Why would Joker agree to work for the government? Why would the government let him out to do whatever it is he wanted to do? Is there an explanation for this in the comics?

Bombs implanted in their skulls that Waller can detonate at will.


Pizza Dog
Bombs implanted in their skulls that Waller can detonate at will.
I still don't think that the Joker would work for the government if that were the case. He'd probably realise that if the authorities haven't executed him by now they're never going to do it. I can't see him being part of the team, so I'm assuming that his involvement is in some other fashion. Anything that has him being part of a government sponsored team is massively contradictory to his character.

Joker isn't a member of the suicide sqaud. If anything, he will most likely be someone they have to stop.

That makes more sense.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I didn't say it made much sense, but that's how they do it in the comics. Personally, I'm betting Joker is basically Hannibal Lecter, with the intro to the movie being Harleen meeting him and her turn into Harley. Years later some threat, yadda yadda, Harley is the only one he'll talk to so Waller forms the squad and sends her in.

That's my take.


Why would Joker agree to work for the government? Why would the government let him out to do whatever it is he wanted to do? Is there an explanation for this in the comics?

As said he most likely isn't apart of the squad itself. They just announced the cast. He's more then likely the one they are being sent after or he's done something and they have to find what he did and stop it. Or he's just in it for some other reason but simply not on the team.

Let's remember one key important thing here. Geoff Johns as well as the Snyders are executive producers on the film. I trust that Joker will be used correctly in the film.


The only I have a problem with is why do Movie Studios keep trying to make Jai Courtney a thing. I can't stand that guy. Die Hard and Terminator and now this.

I'm hoping the relationship is a combination of these two.

Like he shows affection (and it might even be genuine). But he's also possessive, manipulative and if need be he'll drop her like a sack of potatoes.

In one of the Arkham games he announces the henchman to kill Batman gets a night with Harley. He might even let her know first this time.

Basically the BTAS portrayal, just given that little bit of edge that not being a Saturday morning cartoon affords.

That would be amazing.


The only I have a problem with is why do Movie Studios keep trying to make Jai Courtney a thing. I can't stand that guy. Die Hard and Terminator and now this.

The same reason hot female actors who aren't very good get high profile roles, and he probably has really good management.


Joker isn't a member of the suicide sqaud.

Personally, I'm betting Joker is basically Hannibal Lecter.

As said he most likely isn't apart of the squad itself.

I trust that Joker will be used correctly in the film.

Let's also remember that this is a new continuity not beholden to any one preexisting version of Joker. We can't necessarily assume that this Joker embodies everything past renditions have had. We have to check our expectations and our assumptions (and, perhaps, not throw a hissy-fit if confronted with something new).

One big contextual change here from basically all prior Joker portrayals is that this is with a veteran Batman who has been at it as much as a quarter-century. If Joker is his greatest nemesis and they've had a long and storied past in a more rational reality, then it might require a different take on Joker.

Joker is almost always portrayed as a candle burning brightly from both ends... something not meant to be sustainable over decades (and when he does, he begins to confront and pick at the tropes that make belief in Batman possible). From his origin, he was a one-shot villain (brought back because of his popularity). The character you see in The Dark Knight could not possibly maintain that intensity for decades (and seriously calls into question Batman if he does). There's a reason Joker is killed in these more realistic takes (Batman '89, DK, Arkham, etc)... or goes into "hibernation" for future-Batman stories like TDKR or Beyond.

All I'm getting at is that we might get a Joker that can run a marathon. A Joker that can actually make it against the Bat for decades may be the type of Joker that has the capacity to run with the Suicide Squad or team-up with Luthor, etc. It's not an inherently wrong take since that's actually the more comic book approach (a villain who actually as a seat at the table of the Secret Society) than the more cinematic utter-wildcard approach.


So a Joker more like the animated versions then? That's an example of a Joker that fits what you're saying I think. That requires him not to be so over the top in what he does. Or a Batman capable of stopping his plans before they've fully played out. Part of the problem I've always had with the Joker is the high body count in things like the Arkham games and the comics. If you toned that down, which I think you can without taking away the crazy and scary, then him not being killed off works. That's why I've always enjoyed the animated versions more. There always seemed to be a balance applied.
I didn't say it made much sense, but that's how they do it in the comics. Personally, I'm betting Joker is basically Hannibal Lecter, with the intro to the movie being Harleen meeting him and her turn into Harley. Years later some threat, yadda yadda, Harley is the only one he'll talk to so Waller forms the squad and sends her in.

That's my take.
Now that makes since for Harley, someone without any skills to be on the team.

I'm liking the idea of Oprah as Waller now.


More like that, yes. The reason people can't believe Joker could be on the Squad is generally two-fold: 1) They don't want to see Batman's ultimate villain played as a hero; 2) They can't believe that a total wildcard has a place on a mission-oriented team.

However, if you watch the animated series, you had completely plausible and engaging episodes like Joker's Millions. It was played for comedy, but Joker was the protagonist (without being a hero) and he had sympathetic interests and goals. If you have a Joker with relatable interests and not a complete and utter lunatic, then he could be motivated by a bomb in his head.

I wouldn't mind Joker who is still a serial killer, but more of a manic genius than a flamboyant showman. Based on our line-up that would justify his place on a team teeming with brawn but not so much brain.

All that said, I tend to agree that Joker will likely be used more sparingly than as a member of the team, but I'm also not closed off to the idea. He can't be so crazy that he destroys himself if he's been battling the Bat this long.


Probably something more like the New 52 or Arkham City costumes.

I really , really hope they don't use her shitty New 52 look. I realize that they aren't going to use the classic Harley look but maybe they could go with something like the look she had in Assault on Arkham.
I really , really hope they don't use her shitty New 52 look. I realize that they aren't going to use the classic Harley look but maybe they could go with something like the look she had in Assault on Arkham.

That was insanely low cut. They should just come up with something new, but I wouldn't mind the jester hat at some point.

Doubting Joker is in the suicide squad mainly because he's never been in it, and Johns has cited Ostrander's run as the inspiration. I have faith in Johns.
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