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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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No Bronze Tiger?

I'm bitterly disappointed.

Looking forward to seeing Will Smith as Deadshot though, hopefully he's as good as Arrow's Deadshot.

Now there's a perfect Deadshot.




Jared Leto – The Joker

Will Smith – Deadshot

Tom Hardy – Rick Flagg

Margot Robbie – Harley Quinn

Jai Courtney – Boomerang

Cara Delevinge – Enchantress

ctrl+f jaden - no results

I'm fine with this


All they need do copy and paste Assault On Arkham script, switch Riddler for Lex Luthor. Juggle around with characters and remove batman


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
I will forever hate Will Smith as Deadshot UNLESS he grows the shitty biker 'stache. I'll never get over Jai Courtney as Boomer, though. What a disappointment.
This could be amazing or a spectacularly failure. Never much cared for the squad especially after that awful animated movie that came out. Hope they don't follow it's tone.
I'm not even kidding Oprah Winfrey as Amanda Waller is like, my favorite bit of DC movie news ever. It would have never occurred to me as even the slightest possibility.

Like, imagine the scene where Will Smith is trying to intimidate Oprah Winfrey and Oprah kneecaps his ass with almost zero effort.

I mean - can YOU think of any other woman on earth that EVERYONE would instantly believe could back Batman the fuck down?
Half of this cast is amazing
Leto, Hardy, Smith
. The other half not so much.

I want to start seeing some photoshops. Hop to it, people!


Haha. DC will probably end up having an Enchantress in their movies before Marvel. Hell, I didn't even know DC had an Enchantress.


I'm not even kidding Oprah Winfrey as Amanda Waller is like, my favorite bit of DC movie news ever. It would have never occurred to me as even the slightest possibility.

Like, imagine the scene where Will Smith is trying to intimidate Oprah Winfrey and Oprah kneecaps his ass with almost zero effort.

I mean - can YOU think of any other woman on earth that EVERYONE would instantly believe could back Batman the fuck down?

Haha, the gifs would be legendary


Has a rumor being MORE right ?
I was thinking that was some crazy rurmors o_O

Strange because it means that the Joker is a full member of the Suicide Squad, not a cameo because of Harley

Put me in the "i am interested" group =O

I think the Pretty Face Leto fits more with a "funny clown" joker...


I like the cast a lot. I'm surprised Will Smith didn't back out. I'm worried about the joker though. I know it's been a while but Ledger was just so good that I don't want to see the Joker again lol.

Sony is in trouble. The Spidey franchise is a mess and now DC is releasing a all villain team movie that has some big actors in it before the Sinister Six is suppose to come out. I wonder what they do.


seriously this sounds like the lamest character ever.
There's a character on the Avengers whose entire schtick is shooting arrows while his godlike friends are summoning lightning and busting skyscrapers, so it's not too unusual in comparison.


Super happy that the Jared Leto rumors were true, he'll be an awesome Joker, especially with Harley in the mix now. Nice to see Hardy and Smith in as well, that'll be great. Not familiar with the others, but the talk of Amanda Waller also being in the movie as well, didn't expect to see that anytime soon. This is going to be a fun one.


I really would've switched the roles and had Hardy as Deadshot and Smith as Flag, but that's still a damn fine cast.

Also if Smith is Deadshot you better believe they'll play up his more sympathetic elements. He can be written as a hitman more than a traditional super villain pretty easily.


Oprah is an amazing actress, she would have been good. Watch The Color Purple, and she's pretty much the only good thing about The Butler.
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