Holy shit at that cast. Will and hardy are gonna be so fun
Not happy about new joker casting at all tho, we'll see
Not happy about new joker casting at all tho, we'll see
Variety are reporting Oprah in their article for this announcement
Jared Leto The Joker
Will Smith Deadshot
Tom Hardy Rick Flagg
Margot Robbie Harley Quinn
Jai Courtney Boomerang
Cara Delevinge Enchantress
Basically lol. Don't forgot Luke Skywalker version for TAS.So did Heath, so did Jack. Seems to me the Joker is the easiest gig in Hollywood. The ultimate freedom to go and riff as an actor.
She'll bring the Non-Stop Pop, all that matters.Is Delevingne a good actress?
Wow, Will Smith really wanted to spend more time with Margot Robbie.
How much money is Warner sinking in this?
It's so weird that Will Smith is doing this. I guess everybody wants in on the superhero craze. And they want to cast Oprah? lawd
I'm not even kidding Oprah Winfrey as Amanda Waller is like, my favorite bit of DC movie news ever. It would have never occurred to me as even the slightest possibility.
Like, imagine the scene where Will Smith is trying to intimidate Oprah Winfrey and Oprah kneecaps his ass with almost zero effort.
I mean - can YOU think of any other woman on earth that EVERYONE would instantly believe could back Batman the fuck down?
They want Oprah. They'll get Viola. I'd put money on it.Lmao @ wanting Oprah
CCH or Viola only thx
He looks like the Orange is the New Black ladyMother-fucking-Jared-Leto
There's a character on the Avengers whose entire schtick is shooting arrows while his godlike friends are summoning lightning and busting skyscrapers, so it's not too unusual in comparison.seriously this sounds like the lamest character ever.
Just to be clear, this is connected with the new DC movie universe, right?