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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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To the people suggesting others to watch that horrible Suicide Squad animated movie: Dont be so mean.
I've got an "I told you so" to dish out to that dude who was so sure that Warner was pursuing Smith, Hardy, Gosling, etc for the same role.

1. That dude was me.
2. You probably shouldn't because your shit was way wronger than mine was, seeing as the only reason you responded to me was because you were dead sure that my prediction of Smith as Deadshot was offbase.

Keep your crow. You look hungry :)


Waller should be

Binging through The Shield right now, she would be soooo fucking perfect. What a lunacy to look for someone else.


Holy shit, this is a monster fuckin' cast!

The trailer's going to be very, very telling as to whether this is a David Ayer movie or a Will Smith movie. Either way, this is pretty badass.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
"I think you and I are destined to do this forever."

Cara Delevingne got some good reactions from her performance in Michael Winterbottom's 'The Face of an Angel', so i imagine that's how she got this role.


1. That dude was me.
2. You probably shouldn't because your shit was way wronger than mine was, seeing as the only reason you responded to me was because you were dead sure that my prediction of Smith as Deadshot was offbase.

Keep your crow. You look hungry :)

No, you are the one who is the wrong one... yeah... *grumble*.

I was sure they were approaching Gosling for Deadshot, because he looks exactly like Deadshot. I was wrong there. Maybe I wasn't, maybe they simply switched gears when Gosling passed.

But it was 100% obvious to anyone who even remotely follows studio politics that those actors weren't being approached for the same role.
So long as Will Smith doesn't insert his kids into the movies, I'm okay with this. I love him as an actor and I think he can do a good job... just hope his massive ego doesn't cause any problems. :/


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Quite the famous cast theyve got there, don't know of the source material but I'm interested because of who theyve got

Cara Delevigne?

Has she done much acting? I only know her of her modelling stuff (and GTA V).

Shes in Pan as a mermaid but I don't know if she's been in much else

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Gonna be weird to see joker and harley but no batman hmm. Hadn't heard of the other characters before though. Leto is going to make a pretty fucking great joker.
No, you are the one who is the wrong one... yeah... *grumble*.

To be fair, save a little crow for me because I really did (and still kinda do) think that Hardy & Smith were both possibilities for Deadshot so far as WB was concerned. Kinda like how Hiddleston and Hemsworth were both possibilities for Loki, to use a recent example. That kinda stuff happens all the time, two actors go up for the same role, both get cast anyway, one playing something different than what they tried out for.

But we won't know if that's really what happened until the special features on the blu-ray.


I've never heard of any of these characters except for the Joker and Harley Quinn. Good for Leto though. He's got some big shoes to fill. Hope he doesn't emulate other actors and does his own thing.


Membero Americo
I've never heard of any of these characters except for the Joker and Harley Quinn. Good for Leto though. He's got some big shoes to fill. Hope he doesn't emulate other actors and does his own thing.

Not even Deadshot?


Holy shit that's a lot of good casting. I love Hardy, Smith, and Robbie. Really interested to see Leto as Joker too.

They're putting a lot of eggs in this basket.
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