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'Suicide Squad' to Star Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

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Hollywood stopping at nothing to make Jai Courtney happen. Taylor Kitsch still has the edge, however, having headlined multiple nine-figure bombas.


Eyeing Oprah but not CCH Pounder (Waller's VA in JL:U, and pretty much played Waller in Warehouse 13)? Biggest WTF out of the casting

Warner is probably afraid they can't beat Marvel/Disney wish quality and instead want to throw money at big names hoping for the best.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I mean I was hoping they would of made with John Stewart GL but this is pretty damn cool is handled right. Its going to be weird having joker be introduced before batman.
I don't mind Rick Flag but they should have just made it Steve Trevor and then score some overlap points between this and Wonder Woman or JL. They're essentially the same power set and in similar positions in the government. Maybe Hardy didn't want to sign a multiple film contract or they wanted to see where WW's director was going first I suppose.


I really don't hope for Oprah, only because her vs will will be just that. Will Smith vs Oprah it wont be Deadshot vs Amanda. That is my biggest fear if shes cast.

But if she is cast and knocks it out of the park I have no problem eating crow.


Lets be honest ... with Jared Leto they MUST reuse the nurse costume ... it will love WONDERFULL on him =3
Such a damn good cast man

Still hype about live action Harley Quinn yesssssss

But oh my god, Oprah as The Wall? That'd be amazinngggggg


do they? i'm mostly just rolling my eyes at their shitty choices, over and over again.


I'm so in. This sounds great. Except for Jai Courtney. And the use of Enchantress vs. someone like Killer Frost is a bummer. And if CCH Pounder isn't Waller, then there will be hell to pay!

Queue the art.

This was posted a month ago though.


Diggin' it.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Oh yeah I need amanda waller to be in this film. If DC wants to knock this into the stratosphere cast Viola Davis
Man social media is going to shit itself.

"OMG, they have that scientology nigger playing Deadshot?! hgkjdfhg hgkjghagsi89y 8r9e398!!!!! This pandering shit needs to stop!!!!!!l oiklo5 i oetkjfklsjf98 8twnw!!!!"

*10 minutes later*

"After long prayer, I realize that my previous message was mean and hurtful and I'm truly sorry for what I've said."


An blind dancing ho
Leto, Smith, Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie are pretty good. now if they get Oprah this will be completely insane.

I just hope that Will Smith isn't here just to make a deal with WB for his son to a hero on a DC film.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Zack Snyder is exectuive producer, so this is probably part of the DCCU.


Didn't expect them to have the balls to do Joker again so soon, but Leto is a good choice.

I've got an "I told you so" to dish out to that dude who was so sure that Warner was pursuing Smith, Hardy, Gosling, etc for the same role.

Zack Snyder is exectuive producer, so this is probably part of the DCCU.

That was never in question. It was announced as part of the DC film universe.


I would have watched this for Tom Hardy and Leto alone. Will Smith as Deadshot sounds like it's going to be quite something.


Everyone who did not watch Assault on Arkham, you need to do so ASAP.

Exactly what I thought of even when I heard that they were doing this

I hope you all know Jaden's face will be in this movie...brace yourselves ;)

...and Margot Robbie. all I have to say about that is:

No Deathstroke? :(

He doesn't really belong on the same team with Deadshot. Suicide Squad to me has always been about c-list villains on a suicide mission, Deathstroke hasn't ever been that status and he's way above being controlled by Waller. I know the newest SS has him in it, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Save him for either a Batman solo, a Titans movie or a sequel to suicide squad, otherwise he'll just overshadow Deadshot.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
As much as I want CCH Pounder as Waller, Oprah would be a really cool choice. She may very well be the LAST person I'd expect to sign a multi film comic book movie contract.
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