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Summer 2012 Anime |OT| Goddesses, canines, and killer MMOs!

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Setec Astronomer
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki

The Hosodacalypse is nigh. None shall be spared from its excellence.

Some of the last third dragged a bit, but the vast majority of it (ending included) is top-class animated cinema that anyone will love if they have a single remotely romantic bone in their body. Bonus points if you think animals are cool.

It's hard for me to recommend it highly enough. You all should see it if it is showing anywhere near you.
Grow some balls and use his brain during the critical moments.

Goes into a potentially dangerous dungeon without the guild leader: mistake number 1.
Idiot guild members open hidden door, does nothing: mistake number 2.
They go into the room and open the chest, does nothing: mistake number 3.
Let the girl step into the room: mistake number 4.
Have the girl standing next to you, then is nowhere near her when shit gets real: mistake number 5.

I can go on if you'd like.

He was afraid of revealing information that he shouldn't know, and that led to their downfall. Last time he spoke up in episode 2 (to save that party leader), he ended up making enemies out of everyone. Not everyone makes the best decision, otherwise he wouldn't have joined the guild in the first place.

Also, this adaption is kinda bad thus far.


He was afraid of revealing information that he shouldn't know, and that led to their downfall. Last time he spoke up in episode 2 (to save that party leader), he ended up making enemies out of everyone. Not everyone makes the best decision, otherwise he wouldn't have joined the guild in the first place.

Also, this adaption is kinda bad thus far.

I really, really, hate how they left out scenes and reorganized stuff. Episode 3 doesn't even begin properly. Not to mention they left out two extremely key scenes regarding Kirito's and Sachi's characterization.


Maturity, bitches.
Well I'm going to judge the show by what it shows me rather than what I could have read. What I saw was a bunch of nincompoops running head first into potential danger without taking due precaution. I mean it's not like their life was on the line or anything.
Well I'm going to judge the show by what it shows me rather than what I could have read. What I saw was a bunch of nincompoops running head first into potential danger without taking due precaution. I mean it's not like their life was on the line or anything.

The novel wasn't actually any different in regards to the trap.

Edit: The next episode is probably going to suck just as much, if not worse.


Maturity, bitches.
I still feel a more appropriate gift from Santa would have been a door stop. It they kept that door a jar they would have all survived.


Well I'm going to judge the show by what it shows me rather than what I could have read. What I saw was a bunch of nincompoops running head first into potential danger without taking due precaution. I mean it's not like their life was on the line or anything.

They were overconfident because of Kirito's lying. One of those major lies didn't even appear in the adaptation.

I also really hate how they didn't show Kirito's total breakdown after the fact that he realized that the item can only be used within ten seconds of the death. It's that point where the scary reality of Sachi's death hits him fucking hard, and it's completely absent from the anime because it skips ahead to him coming out and talking to Klein.

Also, Removing Sachi's song was just insult to injury. Even more so because Hayami's one of my favorite seiyuus. :(

The novel wasn't actually any different in regards to the trap.

It wasn't any different, but a combination of not having the narration, the removal of some of Kirito's lies, people seemingly teleporting around the scene, and some awkward fight animations made it a lot harder to swallow in the anime.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
SAO - 03

Whether it was intended or not, I was laughing through most of the episode. Kirito is an idiot, Klein will hopefully
die in in the coming episodes
, and hopefully something will happen that will allow me to actually give a shit about this show.

Honestly how does it help anyone to
hide your level?
Come on Kirito, that's scrub nonsense.


But they included
Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer
. You mean do tell me she has more smash hits? Is it I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday?

It was actually sung in the novel. I have no idea why they changed it to humming the tune. Would have made a much better ending song for this episode than the actual ending.

Maybe there's a one christmas song a year limit in Hayami's contract and she already used that up for Bakuman? :p


Living in the shadow of Amaz

Natsuyuki Rendezvous 3 + Kokoro Connect 3 + Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 4 + Sword Art Online 3 + Binbougami ga! 3

This season is officially (and surprisingly) better than the last.


Maturity, bitches.
It was actually sung in the novel. I have no idea why they changed it to humming the tune. Would have made a much better ending song for this episode than the actual ending.

Maybe there's a one christmas song a year limit in Hayami's contract and she already used that up for Bakuman? :p
Maybe they realised her singing it would make the scene unintentional hilarious. At least humming it gave the scene a sombre mood. Can you imagine him crying with this going on in the background?


You can't. Some MMO's allow you to block others from checking out your inventory but I haven't played one where it blocks someone from seeing what level you are.

Given the setting, it's actually kind of a cool concept, and makes world PvP a lot more interesting. Or would if not for the whole "You die in the game, you die in real life" aspect... =p

Maybe they realised her singing it would make the scene unintentional hilarious. At least humming it gave the scene a sombre mood. Can you imagine him crying with this going on in the background?

I don't think the song would have sounded as cheery as it is there. =P

Obligatory Bakuman link, considering it's the same Seiyuu.

Natsuyuki Rendezvous 3 + Kokoro Connect 3 + Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 4 + Sword Art Online 3 + Binbougami ga! 3

This season is officially (and surprisingly) better than the last.

personally, I would only put Jinrui in the same league as Tsuritama and Ghost moe!
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki

The Hosodacalypse is nigh. None shall be spared from its excellence.

Some of the last third dragged a bit, but the vast majority of it (ending included) is top-class animated cinema that anyone will love if they have a single remotely romantic bone in their body. Bonus points if you think animals are cool.

It's hard for me to recommend it highly enough. You all should see it if it is showing anywhere near you.

What if you hate romance, but love animals?


But Infinite Stratos doesn't have elementary school girl shower scenes.

Somehow Darkside inspired me to watch episode 1 of Ro-Kyu-Bu, and yeah.....

But Darkside said it was good. You're right about IS. IS has CHARLES shower scene.

Tenken Driland 2

Maybe the stupid fairy hat will give him special powers that enable him to actually shoot his gun effectively.

This looks cute and wacky. I like cute and wacky shows.

I think they just confused "気にしている" with "気になる" most likely.

EDIT: Hm, but wouldn't "worry" be "緊張してる"?

Does such a show exist?

Regardless of what it means its kind of unsettling.


Best box.

I really want to see Shigofumi. I forgot about it but the premise sounds intriguing as hell.
Adding it to the list ;_;

Chitose Get You!! 4

What in the name of fuck.

Everything about this show scares me. I'm not sure if I want to watch it.
Arcana Famiglia 4

Liberta is definitely the best one. I enjoyed finally have his backstory which was well done and much of the episode really emotional. He is really great and
if he can unlock that power somehow and use it, I imagine he will truly be final winner, power of word is awesome

I love the game they do when they pull out their card, the lines they say are always so serious yet funny.


It's funny because they made an anti-virus out of her!


Coming next:

[IMG ]http://i.imgur.com/Rzoa6.jpg[/IMG]

Saya for every occasion!

I... uh... um.... what?

Why do you do this to me, AnimeGAF? ;_;

Although I did find this part kinda interesting:

Campaign to give away replica of Saya's sailor suit

... but then realized it's her completely generic and not all special sailor suit from the movie. Meh.


Oh sweet, there's a re-release of Ai Yori aoshi. Its a good show. Not perfect because it gets hung up with the harem parts, but its still a pretty good watch. The music and art is beautiful. Oh and it comes with Enishi too. Fucking buy it Gaffers. Its super cheap.
Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse 4

The episodes keep getting better and better. Having a protagonist with a good personality and motives and skills really does wonders for an anime. Yuuya Bridges is quickly becoming a favored protagonist this season and I hope he continues to grow and evolve as a character. Many emotions I did have this episode, mainly involving the
Japanese and Japanese-America race distinction and some previous history with the unfair way people treated him in the past. Since he was American, second gen, they ought to have considered him American, I think. Though I guess growing up in such an environment would leave him with such instilled feelings against anything Japanese even if its his tsf. Well at least he's progressing towards acceptance.
Maybe they realised her singing it would make the scene unintentional hilarious. At least humming it gave the scene a sombre mood. Can you imagine him crying with this going on in the background?
I disagree with a lot of the nitpicking ya'll are doing, but this I definitely agree with. If she started actually singing Rudolph, it would have totally ruined it.

They should have just gone straight to the credits without cutting away, with her humming as the bgm.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse 4

The episodes keep getting better and better. Having a protagonist with a good personality and motives and skills really does wonders for an anime. Yuuya Bridges is quickly becoming a favored protagonist this season and I hope he continues to grow and evolve as a character. Many emotions I did have this episode, mainly involving the
Japanese and Japanese-America race distinction and some previous history with the unfair way people treated him in the past. Since he was American, second gen, they ought to have considered him American, I think. Though I guess growing up in such an environment would leave him with such instilled feelings against anything Japanese even if its his tsf. Well at least he's progressing towards acceptance.

What color is the sky in your world?


Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Episode 04

Assistant-kun is so moe.

Man this episode was meta as fuck. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The wonderful commentary on the manga industry was delicious. Animation quality was still a bit rough but nothing worth nitpicking over.


The novel wasn't actually any different in regards to the trap.

Edit: The next episode is probably going to suck just as much, if not worse.

Why? There's not much to explain, there's no forced dorama, just Kirito hanging out with a loli and her pokemon. All the side stuff is the best part about SAO unless you actually care about Stu and Sue fucking each other's brains out.


Sword Art Online 3

was that implied sex, or did he sleep in the same bed as that girl for months without making a move?


Okay my little Hosada weekend is over so the goddess Minako makes her return!

Fun fact: Annerose's voice actress is the same as Luna.

Has she been in anything lately? I don't think I've heard her in any shows unless they came out in the 90s.

While they're more small roles now I still hear some like Toru Furuya(Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask) most recently narrating Saint Seiya Omega, Emi Shinohara(Makoto/Sailor Jupiter) does the voice of Reika's(Cure Beauty) mother in Smile Precure! and Kotono Mitsuishi(Usagi/Sailor Moon) was the first guest seiyuu for Eucliwood in the first episode of KoreZombie?

Honestly I just browse around online, Wikipedia and ANN mostly, until I find something that seems interesting. I do watch other things that I don't post about, but the stuff I do are things I want to bring attention to.

Ah, Ok. Yeah I guess you could just wander through their encyclopedia section and see what you find. If you like a OVA and see what else the director or character designer has done things might snowball from there too. I've done stuff like that. Okay.

Revolutionary Girl Utena 28-29
I still think Juri is awesome.

I really liked Juri in Utena as well. I don't remember exactly what episode in happens in so I don't want to say anything that will spoil something for you but that gif people post of Juri in the rain, I don't think I'll ever forget that scene.

Well, you never know when you might be asked to undress a squirrel girl so it could be handy knowledge.

Haha, right! If all else fails we can use the old "for science".

That actually does sound complicated.

It certainly made it come across that way. Talking about how to properly depressurize the can so it didn't just explode in your face and the fact that early openers were too square and sharp so you might cut your lip, so they had to round them off like you see today.

Let's make the most of it and plug Night on the Galactic Railroad yet again.

Okay, I'm bumping this one way up my list and seeing if I can watch it soon. Then I can read the spoilers you and Icarus are talking about.

Symphogear 3

Man, I should have picked something less terrible to watch after that movie. This sucks even more than usual as a consequence. There's a scene with terrible walking in this episode too that made it all the worse.

I thought Symphogear was okay but the art and animation quality was all over the place. That scene's quality is so poorly obvious. I saw quite a few people who didn't seem to normally care about animation even commenting on it. Hopefully it was fixed for the Bluray. Apparently there was a ton of fixes/changes.

That one girls English is really bad too. I don't want say the seiyuu's name as it might be a spoiler but it was really hard to tell what she was saying half the time.
Why? There's not much to explain, there's no forced dorama, just Kirito hanging out with a loli and her pokemon. All the side stuff is the best part about SAO unless you actually care about Stu and Sue fucking each other's brains out.
Do the side stories involve Stu being MMO Hei?

Sword Art Online 3

was that implied sex, or did he sleep in the same bed as that girl for months without making a move?
He probably didn't. Beata as fuck.


Setec Astronomer
Has she been in anything lately? I don't think I've heard her in any shows unless they came out in the 90s.
Mito in the new Hunter X Hunter.

While they're more small roles now I still hear some like Toru Furuya(Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask) most recently narrating Saint Seiya Omega, Emi Shinohara(Makoto/Sailor Jupiter) does the voice of Reika's(Cure Beauty) mother in Smile Precure! and Kotono Mitsuishi(Usagi/Sailor Moon) was the first guest seiyuu for Eucliwood in the first episode of KoreZombie?
Recognizing and linking voices is a fun side-hobby while watching anime.

Okay, I'm bumping this one way up my list and seeing if I can watch it soon. Then I can read the spoilers you and Icarus are talking about.
Remember that if you're not feeling it at first, give it time.


Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse 4

This just keeps getting better, so much so I'm glad I stuck with it. Even the CG mecha looked like they were animated better and with greater care (even if nothing else did.) Top Gun has some self-loathing to work out too. :lol Maybe the quality will keep going up until the end.


I hope this sexy HUD action becomes a staple.
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