red-haired lady in episode 4 was too old
Funny, that was my exact response.
Butts. Butts everywhere. Unfortunately, Muv-Luv has yet to learn that quality trumps quantity. For every good butt, there were six middling-to-pathetic butts. I give this episode 3 butts out 5.![]()
Muv-Luv's casual racism is always a treat.
Red haired girl from ep 4 was >>>>>>>>>>>>> the loli, that's for sure.
Red hair girl has been my favorite so far in this series.
Rosalia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else
Suckshad to make her a criminal of a pk guild.. I thought this show was finally going to give us an interesting character. Silly me.
Red hair girl has been my favorite so far in this series.
Rosalia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else
Suckshad to make her a criminal of a pk guild.. I thought this show was finally going to give us an interesting character. Silly me.
Space Brothers 19
Unfortunately, Mutta stopped mixing up the impersonations.
Besides that, little purpose besidesand some soft bonding displayed in two groups.even more childhood back story on Mutta
I didn't "feel" this episode. It felt pretty stagnant all around. However, I am looking forward to them getting out of that darn box.
It wasn't a pk guild though. It was an orange guild.
Orange you glad I didn't PK you?It wasn't a pk guild though. It was an orange guild.
I agree with everything in this post. SDBurton for yuri leader 2012!
Orange Guild woman sucked.
Orange you glad I didn't PK you?
Someone already covered me, but, watch the show and then read it here either directly before or after you watch Episode 11. Be sure to post impressions here as I am always waiting/watching for new people to finish Ano Hana to show them the true light.
I also used to have the Gundam seed ED as a ringtone before that. That one was also funny as I had loaned that phone to my father after I replaced it, and he never did bother to replace the ringtone so imagining it ring was quite amusing.I used READY!! from iDOLM@STER myself. The karaoke version of course. I'm not brave enough to have the vocals playing out loud.
Just like real life? What a concept!I hope Grimrock gets screen time. The fandom is also pretty funny, I dont know why anyone would wish to live in the Sword Art Online world, being in a place where sleep pk's is possible even in safe zones is just a baffling consequence to accept.
Why do you do this, Trojita.![]()
She tried to hurt my imouto.
Orange you glad I didn't PK you?
Makes sense, I guess.
I should have known.
More loli? Goddamn it.
I've noticed the loli are the more capable characters in the show and actually get shit done. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I've noticed the loli are the more capable characters in the show and actually get shit done. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I've noticed the loli are the more capable characters in the show and actually get shit done. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I'd like Goemon if she wasn't
a loli.
De gocharu.
More loli? Goddamn it.
PLEASE tell me Goemon doesn't actually say that...
Sword Art Online - 4&5
Episode 4 was pretty meh, but 5 had me holding my sides. Seriously,all this shit going down just because of a shitty ring that dropped off a boss?
If there's anything this show did right, it's nailing the dumb drama that plagues guilds in MMO's.
It's a damn shame:/that girls that actually look appealing are either evil or dead by the end of the episode, while annoying loli girls like Silica live to see another day. If only their places were reversed where Yoruko was like a big sister type to Kirito in episode 4 and Silica ended up getting the dagger in the back in episode 5.. if only.
You selling that +20 agi ring?! I'ma kill you!
Ya'll are crazy.Red haired girl from ep 4 was >>>>>>>>>>>>> the loli, that's for sure.
Anything can always use more loli.More loli? Goddamn it.
The way Goemon speaks is heart attack inducing. Cajunator will need a medical team on standby whenever he gets to watching this.
please... they just got some attention this week.
I said "wow". I've already been to the ER enough this year... dunno if I should be so eager to go again.
Boku wa H ga Dekinai - 03
Why are you going to design a character like that andnot give her a whip as her weapon? What the hell!
Boku wa H ga Dekinai - 03
Why are you going to design a character like that andnot give her a whip as her weapon? What the hell!
Well I don't think this is a particularly hard choice. Casshern Sins is a beautiful looking show with a great atmosphere but ultimately it isn't much more than that. Once you've seen three episodes the other twenty-one are nearly redundant.
That's my girl right there! 80 points.
Whoa, what the flying fuck? Litchi Hikari Club is getting an anime!? That's just.... wat?
That's a friggin guro manga! Will this be the 2nd anime of one ever?
please... they just got some attention this week.
Is Oda worth watching? I see a lot of images here...
Is Oda worth watching? I see a lot of images here...
Saddening, isn't it.![]()
no no no she is worth 95 points at least
It's one of those "better than it should be" shows.
I was hoping that you'd watch the episode before seeing gifs. lolMore loli? Goddamn it.
So does she have a full harem now, or is it still those two guys that wanted to free her. lolArcana Famiglia 06
Libertia and his boobs problem.
So, this week everyone's kidnapped people rescuers fighting against pirates!
That's the closest thing we got since the start to mobsters with magic powers. Not bad action, still like the punishment game segments and wasn't as otome as I thought it would be.
You know you love it. Best "worst" show of the season!It's pretty bad.
/still watching