They all suck. I watch the YuruYuri♪♪ OP when it actually runs. Lagrange OP is also at least watchable too.So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
They all suck. I watch the YuruYuri♪♪ OP when it actually runs. Lagrange OP is also at least watchable too.So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Of the new summer shows I'm watching, it's got to be Make My Day! by a mile. Crossing Field is also good.So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Tari Tari's Opening is probably my favourite. Very vibrant, lots of energy and the scenes and cuts go well with the music.
The strange running only adds to the quirkiness! (and Wakana's little jump at 1:14 is hilarious)
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Tari Tari's Opening is probably my favourite. Very vibrant, lots of energy and the scenes and cuts go well with the music.
The strange running only adds to the quirkiness!
Well I was just interested in getting more involved or atleast knowledgeable in the Nasuverse. I recently went to a con and while talking to some people there, highlighted my lack of knowledge of some of the more intimate details of the verse. So I was going to try and get into Tsukihime as a start.
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Tsukihime 1
I have no idea what happened in this episode.
Utakoi, Binbougami ga, and Joshiraku all have amazing OPs that I never skip.So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
80% of the Nasuverse is made from Nasu's notes. No joke.
You'll see character in Tsukihime talking about vampires and suddenly you find yourself on a Type Moon forum reading discussion about power-levels and planets.
If you are looking for a good anime-Nasuverse product you may want to check Kara no Kyoukai.
But keep in mind it's the least discussed Nasuverse product and the one that contain less informations. (Mostly stuff on the MYoDP iirc)
Tsukihime is anyway a good entry if you want at least the basic knowledge about the True Ancestors and the likes, but always keep in mind it can be a little hard to get into (The novel! The manga is very good though. Even Nasu himself recognized that. ). FSN gives you a lot of insight about Counter Guardians, Servants and how magic works, but i hate FSN.
I hate Nasuverse.
Yea I've seen KnK and gone through the VN for FSN. The people at the con were talking about geasses or some other nonsense and whether Souren's ability could override that. So I figured there's probably a good amount of info that I'm lacking in Tsukihime.
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?
Tari Tari's Opening is probably my favourite. Very vibrant, lots of energy and the scenes and cuts go well with the music.
The strange running only adds to the quirkiness! (and Wakana's little jump at 1:14 is hilarious)
edit: not wakana, but konatsu.
If you're going to watch this, then I might tag along for the experience.
How is the Tsukihime anime's art somehow worse than the VN art?
That shouldn't be possible.
Hey, a good looking character but only from this angle.
How is the Tsukihime anime's art somehow worse than the VN art?
That shouldn't be possible.
As I recall, they pretty much stood around a street corner at night talking about shit the entire series.Tsukihime 2
I know even less about what is going on after this episode. There's like no successful building of tension in this either.
School Days - 8
BANANA?! Also Kiyoura went from emotionless, strong barrier toat the speed of light, geeze.ZOMG I NEED SOME OF DAT MAKOTO BEFORE I LEAVE FOR FRANCE
Tsukihime 2
Hey, a good looking character but only from this angle.
I know even less about what is going on after this episode. There's like no successful building of tension in this either.
For my sanity, i shall pretend you are reading the novel.
School Days - 8
BANANA?! Also Kiyoura went from emotionless, strong barrier toat the speed of light, geeze.ZOMG I NEED SOME OF DAT MAKOTO BEFORE I LEAVE FOR FRANCE
Tsukihime 2
I know even less about what is going on after this episode. There's like no successful building of tension in this either.
One would think that at some point seeing someone exposed to School Days would stop being hilarious but one would be completely wrong. This never gets old.
Also, Cajunator, I believe this guy is not entirely aware of the show's, er... proceedings and your post seems somewhat spoilery to me. Could you perhaps edit it a bit?
I was going to make some argument some argument that there's no such thing as being restricted by the genre of the work but then I dropped it because it made me sound a bit of ass.
What I will say is, I imagine there's some definable reason that you could pin down about why you aren't feeling it and that probably has little to do with the genre of the work.
So what summer op's do you people enjoy?.
You were asking for it, Usagi
Sailor Moon S 106
So finally, we get some backstory on Michiru and Haruka, and find out why they act the way they do.
It's because they're still in their teenage emo phase. I bet they listen to Linkin Park in their free time.
More Sailor Moon S 106
I guess the fact that Uranus and Neptune now have proper transformations means that they'll join Usagi soon. Yay. I think I would like them more if they were the protagonists and the story was told from their point of view, as opposed to just being side characters.
The picture reveal at the end was nice. I'll give them that much.
Is Occult Academy any good?
Think he's already passed the switch of makoto from dude to sex god.
How can you watch something that does not exist?Tsukihime 3
How can you watch something that does not exist?
How can you watch something that does not exist?
Ah and Muv Luv on the song alone.
Oh goody.I don't expect you to like them anymore than you did though!I wouldn't say emo but a lot of the inconsistency you took issue with early on struck me as them selling a false bravado they didn't quite buy into themselves. The genuine characterization was when they were alone and often that was brief before they had to put on their game faces so to speak.
They're almost wasted as supporting cast.
Yeah thats why I didnt really think what I said was much of a spoiler lol.
I changed it anyway from vague to...more vague.