A Black Falcon
There are five girls in Kanon. And when you get over the blindness, maybe you'll notice that Kanon 2002 has good characters, a good story, and great pacing. I know no one else here agrees, but as a story I prefer this version to 2006... and plus, KyoAni made it too moe.Kanon (2001) 3
Another girl. oh my god too what is up with the sword girl??
On a unrelated note, I think I'm blind now.
Yeah, that pic's pretty accurate.You are here. Your climb to 17 begins.
That should phase everybody. Without question.and the extreme objectification on women and girls in anime doesn't phase you?
That's true, but certainly doesn't make them right...hes never complained.
And Japan has more specific gender roles than western culture, this is a fact.
The villain's a bit odd, compared to the series before that point, but as you saw later why he's doing what he's doing eventually is explained...Texhnolyze 15
Caim why would you do that to your hair ;_; Toyama,Onishi is such a boss.your bro status has been suspended. Stop enabling Caim's dips into the dark side, god damn it.
...:|please tell me my waifu isn't dead.
Texhnolyze 16
Oh thank god. Crisis averted.
Except not becauseAm I misunderstanding or areYoshii 2: Texhnohacker Boogaloo has just moved in and he has a goddamn army of cyborgs with high-tech SCIENCE guns. Fuck.the soldiers implied to be the Lux citizens that the Ghost has converted?
Yeah, I know I said so already, but the cast of likeable characters really is central to the impact of the series, once you reach the end... with a cast you didn't care about, it wouldn't mean nearly as much. It'd just be another of those "lol violence" shows, which it is not. It's got depth, and so do the characters...I know I haven't mentioned him much, but I really like Shinji, as well. It's neat how he's grown up over the course of the series, even if(because?) it's wearing him down all the while.
Writing that out, it occurred to me that Texhnolyze has a surprising amount of genuinely likeable characters considering how grimdark it is.
And for all the pacing complaints this series seems to get, my plot-centric impressions still leave out a ton of content from every episode. Stuff is constantly happening all over Lux, and the characters change, evolve, and regress.
edit: also, it's almost 8am and I'm running on empty at this point. Apologies for my rambling.
and then they almost all die, the end.
I mean, it's certainly anime, and has its anime moments (
killer cyborgs?
Eh, I thought this (ep. 6 of Dog Days') was probably the weakest episode so far this season... still, there were a fair number of amusing parts, sure.Oh oh .
i was wondering who could be the 2 faces we were seeing in a split second during the opening and i was expecting final bosses or something ...BUT HERE WE GO
Awesome episode , with plenty of fanservice , fights and ACTION..
Shinku , you scored a lot of points today ...
9/10 episode ... especially with the twist at the end...
Kudos for the "i can't see a thing " joke ... well played well played..
The way that Calvados was introduced, and then broken down, was enterataining stuff for sure. As I said I did think that the episode wasn't quite as good as the previous ones this season, but yeah, seeing him do what he did, and seem so impressive, and then seeing him get beaten down... good stuff.Dog Dads' 6
Thought we were going to get a real villain for the series, but Calvados seems like an alright guy. Does make me thing there's going to be some kind of conflict down the line though.
My only real complaint would be that Cinque pretty much white knights the female cast, and his princess loves him for it... at least the other two heroes are girls and do just as much to beat the badguy as he does, but still, that bit was a bit offputting.
Yeah, certainly.Prisma Illya is a big upcoming example (what is it with these shows and the word Prisma?), but recent things like Houkago no Pleiades and Twin Angel count.
Expect some degree of this from Fate/Kaleid, too. It's got its fighting element, as well as loli service bits. Now, I don't expect Fate/Kaleid to be as good as the first two seasons of Nanoha, certainly, but hopefully it'll be decent at least...It started out that way, but eventually became a fairly solid shounen fighter.
Still got occasional naked loli fanservice, but that's probably due to everyone is pedo.
But anyway, overall, Nanoha is a shonen magical girl show (with lots of well-done action), that's the core genre.
You forgot to mention that the girls respond to the sexism by basically making those sexist police jerks irrelevant.Sailor Victory
90s gag OVA featuring characters from Graduation, this was awesome.
- Hilarious dub
- Hot 90s nudity
- Ninja Super Robots
- So much sexism it makes Shirou from F/SN seem like a gentleman by comparison
- Lovely mechanical animation
- Classy hand drawn sakura petals
So good.