I feel like when TLRD starts airing, this thread is going to reach new lows.
Eh, it's been far worse than this in the past.
I feel like when TLRD starts airing, this thread is going to reach new lows.
Battle Girls: Time Paradox 4-END
Sad about no second season.
Eh, it's been far worse than this in the past.
ThanksThere's always Sengoku Collection and Oda Nobuna no Yabou if you're hungry for more.
Mazinkaiser: Deathmatch! General Dark
Any complaint about sterility I may have had in the first Mazinkaiser OVAs is wiped away here. Holy shit, this is the dark brave take I thought it'd be, it's unafraid in it's execution of events, and most importantly it comes across as its own product rather than just tossing Kouji an upgrade and then back to business as normal as in that first OVA. Very nearly more awesome than I could handle and a very worthy remake of the film it's based on.
This episode had it all.
Just go give an example of how this lineage can be traced back, here's a post which is all about Ikuhara's influences on the anime industry. Of course, it acknowledges that Ikuhara, along with many others, were greatly influenced by Osamu Dezaki:Well, yes, that's how influences work. C is influenced by B who was influenced by A. The further removed in time you become from the original influence the more it becomes obscured, but you can trace the lineage back from person to person if you so desire.
Sure, Akiyuki Shinbo plays a huge role in this, too, since he apparently got stimulated a lot by Osamu Dezaki as well, so Ikuhara and Shinbo are more or less in the same tradition (Shinbo ripping off Ikuhara like some people claim is certainly not the case in my book). Both Shinbos and Ikuharas style have their roots in Dezakis work and consequently in the philosophy of Tezuka Productions, which is the school of pursuing maximum effect with limited animation.
Well I know for a fact I didn't check it out then. It just that it looks like it does nothing new. Literally all the typical shots that someone who doesn't watch anime would think of.That's because this PV is actually from the end of July.
The only reason they reuploaded it is because they decided to replace the pregnant Shiho Kawaragi in the cast.
One of my first posts in one of these threads was about a hentai. No one called me out on it.So like... What's the deal with hentai? Are we allowed to talk about that here or should I just keep it in my pants?
Don't let the first episode discourage you; it's pretty weak. The show really picks up from episode two onwards.Thinking about watching Kokoro Connect. Yay or nay?
Bible Black defines a generation of early noughties Internet users.I never actually watched bible black. Wasn't cute enough for me.
Well in a plastic surgery sense it ruins the beauty of nature and the life-life texture ;_;what's wrong with titjobs
Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Alien Harems and Christmas Cakes
Well you could make a pun with both JoJo and Christmas cakes with Ora Ora Vs Ara Ara.Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Kicking some Teeth In, JoJo Style.
I'd follow them but I can't read bugger all of what they are typing and all the interesting things will probably be posted when I'm asleep.Apparently, in response to poor weather for an official Yuru Yuri event at a Tokyo amusement park today, Namori started having a conversation with the Yuru Yuri anime Twitter, and wound up doing some doodling on napkins while at a cafe:
OTP!They even know that Sayaka X Kyoko is canon
I don't think they ever planned on remaking anything from End of Eva. I could be wrong, or the plan could have changed, but based on what they originally said I expect that they will mostly "remake" the TV storyline, and then from then on create a brand new finale, unlike anything in ep25-26 or End of Eva.
Eureka Seven AO 16
Also, I don't know how I feel about genre savviness now. It's almost as pointless as references for the sake of referencing, since it happens so often.
As for what the show is about, I remembered that I gave up on trying to understand this show before the Olympics happened. lol
Sasami Tsukuyomi: Kana Asumi
Sasami is a first-year high school student who lives with her older brother Kamiomi. She is a hikikomori (shut-in) and initially refuses to even go to school, but she later begins attending school in February near the end of her first year in high school. At home, Sasami uses a "Brother Surveillance Tool" on her computer to view the outside world.
Tsurugi Yagami: Chiwa Saito
Tsurugi is 31-years-old, the eldest of the Yagami sisters, and is a teacher at Sasami's high school. Despite her age, she has the appearance of a little girl and has the personality of a middle-aged man. She often plays adult games in the staff room.
Kagami Yagami: Kana Hanazawa
Kagami is 16-years-old, the second eldest of the Yagami sisters, and is Sasami's classmate. She is a plain girl and is constantly sleepy.
Tama Yagami: Ai Nonoka
Tama is nine-years-old, the youngest of the Yagami sisters, and is in third grade. In contrast of Tsurugi, despite Tama's young age, she has the appearance of an adult woman. However, she has the innocent personality of a girl her age or even younger.
My hope is that Anno's trolling will be on a level never seen before but I fear that he's getting too old to pull that kind of stuff or, unfortunately.
Voice cast for Sasami-san@Ganbaranai is being announced:
Sasami: Kana Asumi
Tsurugi: Chiwa Saito
Kagami: Kana Hanazawa
Tama: Ai Nonoka
I..........I think I might have a problem. This arrived in the mailbox today:
Divergence Eve: Misaki Chronicles 2
There we go, that's more like the Divergence Eve I know. And did they give the android loli boobs in this season? I approve of this change.
Fan service
The most controversial aspect of Divergence Eve by far is the amount of fan service used. Nearly all the women in the series have slightly larger than usual breasts, including the medical staff and unnamed bridge crew. The bust measurements of the main characters range from 89 to 104 centimetres in their official profiles, but all have waist sizes of 60 centimetres or less. They initially had a tendency to be unrealistically bouncy, though this effect has been reduced over the course of the series.
The training outfits used by the main characters are similar to tankinis, but with the top half's bottom ending as high as possible. Their flight uniforms are skin-tight, and the small interiors of their R.A.s make for very close-up scenes, often at immodest angles. Their standard uniforms are more modest from the waist up, but feature very high miniskirts and high stockings. Misaki appears in a full-frontal nudity scene very early in the series, but without any primary sexual characteristics drawn. Scenes in her quarters also tend to have her in various states of undress.
The ending credits arguably go the furthest in terms of fan service. Set to the J-pop style song Pump up!, they feature Misaki in many outfits, almost all revealing:
hotpants, sports safety equipment, and a halter top (and later, a halfshirt)
bike shorts, tank top, and safety gear
three different thong bikinis
an apron
a laced-up tube top, a miniskirt, and thigh-highs
two full dresses
a Gothic Lolita outfit with camisole, miniskirt, garter belt, thigh-highs, and high boots
a Chinese Qipao dress ending very high
four Japanese school uniforms, including a sailor fuku and a physical education uniform
a transparent wet T-shirt, brassiere, and hotpants
a showgirl outfit
a waitress uniform
Finally, each episode's credits end with a topless sunbathing scene. The camera is aimed high enough to cut off the image and prevent the need for additional censorship, but very little is hidden, and the bounce effect is used.
The level of fan service in Divergence Eve has attracted much criticism from western viewers. Critics typically condemn the fan service first and foremost, before all other aspects of the show. Similarly, the few reviews that have praised the fan service tend to use it as their primary praise; some have called the plot mediocre, yet still recommend it due to the visuals.
New anime film adaptation on the way from MAPPA: "To All The Corners Of The World", based on the manga by Fumiyo Kono
Anime director Sunao Katabuchi (Mai Mai Miracle, Black Lagoon) acknowledged on his Twitter account on Friday that he will be directing an upcoming theatrical anime adaptation of Fumiyo Kono's To All The Corners Of The World (Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni). Katabuchi quoted individuals stating that a poster at the Hiroshima Anikomu event for the anime revealed that he would direct the anime at the studio MAPPA, adding that he was on his way to Hiroshima.
Katabuchi also wrote that official character designs for the series have yet to be completed, and that the images on the poster consisted of rough sketches and storyboards. MAPPA founder (and former MADHOUSE head) Masao Maruyama also tweeted on Friday that while no "embargo" had been lifted yet and that he planned to make an announcement regarding an unspecified title in the near future, he would still like to send his greetings to those who will work with him in the near future.
The award-winning story of Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni follows a bride named Suzu Urano as she moves to her new life in Kure City on the coast of Hiroshima Prefecture. Suzu perseveres through World War II with pluck and determination.
Wow, MAPPA lives! I was expecting the worst after it was announced they were doing shorts for Tennis Girls, but looks like they're back doing whatever it is Madhouse won't do anymore! Nice.
New anime film adaptation on the way from MAPPA: "To All The Corners Of The World", based on the manga by Fumiyo Kono
Bible Black defines a generation of early noughties Internet users.
Wow, MAPPA lives! I was expecting the worst after it was announced they were doing shorts for Tennis Girls, but looks like they're back doing whatever it is Madhouse won't do anymore! Nice.
Nendoroids aren't ugly like figmas are.
Came in the mail yesterday.
Would you say it's an episode of Squid Girl without pier? There's nothing in it that you'd dock it points for?
So with TLR Darkness show around the corner... it is that time again to confirm best girl.
There's no fucking way that all of you weren't affected by that DNS thing. Or else I'm just extremely unlucky.
While it's true that after All Dogs he went on a steep downward spiral he never really recovered from, I think mostly everything prior to it is still wonderful to this day.
Now I'm wondering, though, what do you all think of Ralph Bakshi? I must admit to this day I'm still somewhat intrigued about his original vision for Cool World. Could've made for a pretty neat film, I think.
One Off OVA
So very SatoJun. I think the formula has been nearly perfected now. This time we get some bike advertisement moe in addition to some rather lame unambitious girl moe.
Seriously, this main girl is such a debbie downer I'm surprised her friends haven't ditched her already.
Good thing there's Kobayashi playing a genki australian chick to teach her some valuable lessons!
Best part of the whole thing, right here.
I give this OVA 3 Zoomys out of 5.
They probably like drawing cute naked girls.
They even know that Sayaka X Kyoko is canon
Divergence Eve: Misaki Chronicles 8
This episode had it all.
It'll be interesting seeing on how they go from here.
- and Blue girl on Robot action, if you can call that a thing.
OH man I have to watch that now. But isn't it a bit early to be referencing a show from last year?
Tsurugi Yagami: Chiwa Saito
Tsurugi is 31-years-old, the eldest of the Yagami sisters, and is a teacher at Sasami's high school. Despite her age, she has the appearance of a little girl and has the personality of a middle-aged man. She often plays adult games in the staff room.
Tama Yagami: Ai Nonoka
Tama is nine-years-old, the youngest of the Yagami sisters, and is in third grade. In contrast of Tsurugi, despite Tama's young age, she has the appearance of an adult woman. However, she has the innocent personality of a girl her age or even younger.
Articalys said:Tsurugi is 31-years-old, the eldest of the Yagami sisters, and is a teacher at Sasami's high school. Despite her age, she has the appearance of a little girl and has the personality of a middle-aged man. She often plays adult games in the staff room.
Yoiko did it betterANIME
Wow, a loli christmas cake.
Best tasting christmas cake ever!
Small and stale!
Tsurugi is 31-years-old, the eldest of the Yagami sisters, and is a teacher at Sasami's high school. Despite her age, she has the appearance of a little girl and has the personality of a middle-aged man. She often plays adult games in the staff room.
Yeah. Have fun explaining that to UK customs. "It's ok, she may look like a kid, but the reality is she is a 31 year old as stated by the mangaka."
Doesn't make any difference under UK law anyway, does it? I thought that our anti-lolicon law covered any adult that looks underage depicted in an offensive pornographic fashion (for whatever value of "offensive" the law allows, I suppose).
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai is confirmed to be airing in January 2013.
The initial voice cast was also announced:
Jojo TV designs from Ultra Jump:
So in both situations it'd make you a pedo?