YuruYuri is metacommentary and parody of what you think it is.well going by the gifs and what people are saying its another school gag anime with some kind of lesbianism
YuruYuri is metacommentary and parody of what you think it is.well going by the gifs and what people are saying its another school gag anime with some kind of lesbianism
It's very real.well
i do want to see it out of curiosity
doesnt sound real
YuruYuri is metacommentary and parody of what you think it is.
To be fair, if you have watched and read your fair bit of 2D yuri, 3D lesbians in a lot of porn are rather mundane.
I could change my avatar to this.There hasn't been a good Akari~n joke since season one of YY.
Dat transformation
Duckroll, did you write this episode?
Dat fist bimp solves all problems ;_;
Cuter with glasses.
More proof that IM@S > AKB.
Tari Tari 08
Sawa was so coolat the end when she was riding her horse to school. So cool <3
Tari Tari 08
Yes Sawa, you go girl!
For SAO fans an awesome wallpaper!
Space Brothers 11:
This latest test is pretty awesome, and we get to see Mutta interacting with some different characters than he normally does. I love seeing characters put through psychological trials and trying to break down what makes them tick. We also get some nice reflection on mortality, and some great comedy from Serika.
Just another pleasing episode all around, with some nice direction and really well used music.
I really need to stop doing that but it really bothers me when someone thinks I'm guy >_>
Hyouka 1-6
The mysteries each episode get a bit better maybe but still kind of boring, I don't really understand why they are doing these things, they should save their energy instead of doing things that doesn't matter at all and over-thinking everything. everyone talks very fast (other than Oreki) and all the very shiny colorful eyes feels a bit weird in a good way . it's entertaining still and really very pretty animation, so I'll keep watching
what's with the ED? girls half naked in bed doing .. things.. is not in the same mood as the show at all, kind of odd. xD
Yuru Yuri 5:
Oh hey, they even had some Dead Eyes Moe in this episode. They really did put everything into this show!Poor Akarin.
Why is the actual act of kissing censored in this show? I've seen plenty of other shows where girls lock lips and share a line of drool afterwards, so what's the deal with this show not showing it?
Why is the OP for this song so catchy? I'm going to catch myself singing this to myself at work and annoying co-workers will ask me what I'm so happy about.
I want to watch Hyouka but from impressions it sounds so boring
But then again I'm a K-On! fangirl.
This thread is going strange places.
To Love-ru 10
Joshiraku should be more like this.
Or not.
It's fine the way it is.
The episode wasn't anything spectacular. More Haruna is always a plus.
it's 20 pages long and there are literally no words to read. a modern day masterpiece in visual storytelling imooh manga
well thats slightly less fun
Cuter with glasses.
What if you had a show that didn't feature ecchi but just starred a bunch of ecchi who sat on a bench in a park drinking some beers and commenting on the girls who wonder by.
Well, they've certainly got their priorities straight with the Nendoroid Akari accessories/faces.
You didn't laugh at Kugimiya's exploding breasts?
Why are there so many Chu names on GAF?
Well, they've certainly got their priorities straight with the Nendoroid Akari accessories/faces.
Why is it so hard to believe that he's a prodigy?
Because he's not?
Can't wait to see her attitude change , hopefullydat forehead, dat grace, that destined-to-kill-nobuna swag
best girl.
You must .. don't think too much , just drink as much soma as you can and so be itI can't
I could change my avatar to this.
Seikon no Qwaser 01
Hmmm... I don't really watch perverted shows but as a boob and thigh girl this show makes me pretty happy. The battle mechanics will hopefully be pretty cool because I've always loved stuff loosely based off alchemy (I have a ton of alchemy books at home >_>)
The concept would be ok if the author was competent in chemistry. The fact thatis seen as the most powerful element is a joke.gold
Also thatMy brain would have died that day if it wasn't for the fact this was a show filled with PLOT.fire guy (sulphur was it?) has a OHKO move. However he also has an ultimate attack in the form of a phoenix. Sorry bub, as flashy as it is, just use the OHKO move you used all the time before that point
SAO - 7
I was hoping we would find out hoe Kirito got his "official" sword and coat, guess not.
Nothing else was very interesting, I keep hoping some action will happen, but so far I've been disappointed.
Hopefully we'll get some action episodes in the vein of Accel World 12 soon.
He got his coat in ep2 didn't he?
Different coat designs. He has in total 3 different coats.
puny avatar owned by superior neogaf theme
He got his coat in ep2 didn't he?
Why doesn't she want to pilot the giant robot? I thought everyone wanted to pilot giant robots.
Haibane Renmei 7
After the events of last episode, Rakka's decided to do her best Shinji impression.
The second half of this episode laid a lot of interesting mythology out there. Reki'sfate as a doomed sin-bearing Haibane who can never ascend answers a lot of questions about why she seems different from the others, but it raises plenty more. And if Rakka's wings represent some kind of punishment, it raises a lot of questions about how that kind of thing is carried out.
Still, the first part of the episode didn't really work for me. I understand that Rakka is a sensitive soul, and she knew just enough aboutBut these things don't always make sense.Kuu to be regretful for things to end so soon, but I had a hard time buying that she would be in such a despondent, crippling depression for a month after last episode. It wasn't like she knew Kuu that well.
Has Rakka found a job yet? I'd think that sort of thing would be important.
I was expecting wonderful things from this point onwards
It was very difficult to hold back the tears in this scene
Great words, from the greatest of men
They're everywhere!
Think that was a different guy after the series was complete. While it was going on the first 6 episodes got C's and D's.
I'd like to thank all the Type-Moon superfans for being fairly reasonable so far. I can't reply to everything you guys said about the Type-Moonverse, but I understand better now what their style is all about. For the record, I enjoyed Tsukihime ~decently~ ... although I was just a young-and-upcoming fan at the time who liked everything anyway. I also recall reading the first part of the Kara no Kyoukai novel in Faust, and enjoying the atmosphere although I also felt everyone was just babbling about metaphysical crap. (The Type-Moon trademark!)
Upon further examination of my conscience, I think my incredibly averse reaction to early Fate/Zero is not just the excessive exposition and dialogue, but that it combines elements like magic, battle, complex interwoven plots, and emo self-introspection ... in other words, Pretentious Weeaboo Things that wannabe fantasy authors and OEL manga artists do.
It's just that Type-Moon and Mr. Urobuchi are very talented and successful weeaboos who have figured out how to tap into their target audience's tastes.
Well, they've certainly got their priorities straight with the Nendoroid Akari accessories/faces.
Those are the only friends that she really knows now, so what happened is probably a huge shock to her.