I suppose the material that they chose to adapt has to be the largest factor in determining whether or not I (and presumably others) find their work interesting. Perhaps there's no amount of talent anywhere on earth that could have made the story of Hyouka - 18 interesting to watch. Mundanity is inherently boring.
i just realized... if you remove the k, kotaku is otaku.
This is why waifu wars with SAO is so much safer than all the other junk.
See what happens when you people have opinions? For shame.
How can anyone dislike Chinatsu? She's so earnest and sincere.
And the K could be for Korean. So we're back at anime :Oi just realized... if you remove the k, kotaku is otaku.
No, and this is more of a downer than when Chinatsu questions the potential for same sex relationships.More like Shitnatsu amirite
That's the whole point of an adaptation. You cut out the boring shit and animate the rest. Novel purists are the people you never listen to when adapting a work.
I don't need to be distracted by the side characters in order to be entertained! Perhaps you might find Oreki boring (and really, his story isn't new or anything), but I don't think the show itself is boring.I expected this kind of response from you because that's a perfectly reasonable argument.
However the festival arc had a decent amount of character development and interaction and it managed to do all that without being as dull as growing mushrooms. That is major strike against the episode and the series as a whole.
KyoAni studios are infected by 'boring' and I don't know how they can be cured.
Better than Sword Art Online by a mile!
I thought Sanae going 2d because of her hard stop was amusingly cartooney.
Why is there a random shot of the Falls here?
Poor SDBurton.
But here's the interesting thing about Hyouka. It's not really a pure adaptation. Ep18 for example, does not exist in any of the published novels. It is a short story printed in the magazine which carries Hyouka stuff many years ago. They went out of their way to find it, just to include it back into the continuity. This is why the episode does not have an English catchphrase at the end of the episode, just like ep11.5 didn't. The catchphrases are used to identify which novel they're from, because each one has an English catchphrase as a sort of subtitle.
Clearly the staff working on Hyouka enjoy and respect the work, and they're not just adapting it blindly. They probably don't think it is boring either, or there is no reason for them to go out of their way to find more material to expand the series with. I don't think they're really "listening" to anyone other than themselves.
:kayos90Poor SDBurton.![]()
But here's the interesting thing about Hyouka. It's not really a pure adaptation. Ep18 for example, does not exist in any of the published novels. It is a short story printed in the magazine which carries Hyouka stuff many years ago. They went out of their way to find it, just to include it back into the continuity. This is why the episode does not have an English catchphrase at the end of the episode, just like ep11.5 didn't. The catchphrases are used to identify which novel they're from, because each one has an English catchphrase as a sort of subtitle.
Clearly the staff working on Hyouka enjoy and respect the work, and they're not just adapting it blindly. They probably don't think it is boring either, or there is no reason for them to go out of their way to find more material to expand the series with. I don't think they're really "listening" to anyone other than themselves.
I'm sure there are film-only additions in LOTR, as there are in any adaptation that changes media.That sounds even worse. That's like if Jackson was trying to adapt the LOTR trilogy and not only filmed everything in the books but added in stuff from the Silmarillion. Stuff like that is usually left out for a reason.
I imagine the most people working at KyoAni's definition of a fun Saturday night is writing letters to the editor at Cat Fancy.
With Chuunibyou KyoAni will save us from these dark times
...also that's an impressive view count for a video that was only uploaded 10 days ago!
This one image is basically the show in a nutshell.
Bridge bunnies keeping it real.
I'm sure there are film-only additions in LOTR, as there are in any adaptation that changes media.
Squid Girl OVA
Better than Sword Art Online by a mile!
There's a lot of :wonzo in this, but at least it's used well at times:
I thought Sanae going 2d because of her hard stop was amusingly cartooney.
Anyhoo, I hope S3 is being planned in some moe factory somewhere. Although I guess S2 bomba'ed.
Muv-Luv 7
I take back what I said. Instead, I'd like to live in an alternate reality where this version of the show and a new version that's completely void of grimdarkness exist, because I find myself growing worryingly attached to these characters and their interactions. It's yet another show this season that's just really fun.
In particular, I've really warmed up to Yuuya. He's this incredible blend of insecure asshole, charismatic swagmaster, and goody two-shoes boyscout, and I love it.
Another helping of butts. Delicious butts. Also, dat chest hair.
Needs more spinning roses.
Isn't there like, an entire war going on and shit, and they're all goofing off havin hella beach fun?
They're a ragtag band of rejects from various countries, and they aren't on the front lines. It's also meant to be a publicity/morale stunt to keep spirits high and encourage enlistment while keeping people's minds off the fact that humanity is currently staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.Isn't there like, an entire war going on and shit, and they're all goofing off havin hella beach fun?
YuruYuri 8
Why is there a random shot of the Falls here?
Poor SDBurton.![]()
One of her puns was based off of Niagara Falls. She had Buckingham Palace in the last series.
Also I didn't have enough alcohol to cope with that ED. That subtle 3D was over the top.
One of her puns was based off of Niagara Falls. She had Buckingham Palace in the last series.
Also I didn't have enough alcohol to cope with that ED. That subtle 3D was over the top.
Huh? what happened to lovely blonde woman? Is she dead? Was she actually a person? I'm so confused.
Who are you again?
Weak.I'll make some gifs tomorrow. It's time for bed in my timezone.
I need my beauty sleep. Besides dreams are where anything can happen. I can even be a luscious lady for the night.
To Love-ru 11
The alien frog's one purpose is to dissolve the clothes people wear with its spit? Awesome. Darkness is ok, I wonder if she will fall in love with Rito too. Seems kinds inevitable at this point.
Yuru Yuri S2 08:
Chinatsu, you suck. Stop bothering the others. Yui taking 10 for the team.
Karaoke times. Chinatsu still sucks.
Yui x Chinatsu hanging out why? Yui, you dun have to feel guilty about a dumb character.
See, she even completely ruins the ED. Seriously, this is the stuff of nightmares.
Rie kugimiya is hot.
Yuru Yuri S2 08:
Chinatsu, you suck. Stop bothering the others. Yui taking 10 for the team.
Karaoke times. Chinatsu still sucks.
Yui x Chinatsu hanging out why? Yui, you dun have to feel guilty about a dumb character.
See, she even completely ruins the ED. Seriously, this is the stuff of nightmares.
Kingdom 12
She is also nearing Christmas Cake status.