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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Polar Bear Café 18
I give it five cajuns out of five.

Poor Handa-san getting cockblocked. :( And Panda-kun is the definition of First World Problems.


I find this is a two fold visual clue to the viewer. Firstly being to pay attention to these objects highlighted because they are important to the mystery and secondly pay attention to only these objects, or perhaps at least emphasize these above all other clues as the camera is essentially going out of it's way to highlight them for you, showing you that they are what's important and not something else.

Even with Tougaito himself, when the audience first meets him his body language seems to be so emphasized that something is irritating him and Ryoutarou Okiayu's speech style is also showing he's very upset over something. Honestly it came across as almost overacting or over emphasizing this detail. I forget which but Chitanda asks Oreki, or vice versa, something like "it seemed like something was bothering him" or "did he seemed pretty irritated to you?". Honestly I would again have to say it was hard not to notice that detail, it felt like they were practically beating you over the head with it.

That's definitely a problem and I noticed that in the final episode where they put the obvious focus on the bridge and I thought yep, there's going to be a problem with it later. The camera angles at times could be way too obvious and more geared towards giving the viewer the pieces of the puzzle rather than making the scenes flow naturally.

Finally for now, one little thing that bugged at least me personally was how some of the earlier mysteries were solved. In the student film arc Irisu mentions something called "Knox's ten commandments". These are a sort of set of rules one can use in regards to a mystery and while Hyouka never makes any mention of using them in itself, I found that Oreki seemingly broke Knox's sixth quite often in the earlier mysteries. The sixth reads "No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right."

The bolded seemed to fit Oreki pretty well, as it seemed to be somewhat one of his character traits and he seemed to often guess what the solution was to some mysteries. The solution presented for Episode 2 for example was too specific for the clues given and the show even seems somewhat aware of the fact with the characters asking Oreki how he did it but it's often lampshaded with Oreki saying something along the lines of "I just got lucky". Kind of minor but something that bothered me a little in the early episodes.

I also fully agree with this as sometimes Oreki's logic thought pattern doesn't make sense and yet somehow it works out in the end. The mystery component is far and away the least interesting part of the show.


This is still my favorite one similar in nature to your video.

Now, if I dig through my list of Youtube favorites, I come up with these two videos:

- a well-edited fake OP (complete with credits!) for Code Geass with the song "Sandome no Sakura" from High and Mighty Color: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa69Oyk6wq4

- another fake OP, this time answering the question: what if Code Geass was a straight-up harem comedy game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k602j4YLuE


Sakamichi no Apollon- fin
So I decided to catch up on some of my backlog and this was first on the list.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this. There are parts of the show that I really really liked and others I was pretty meh about as well. I do think they did a fantastic job creating an awesome bromance and that really carried through the entire show. My favorite scenes stemmed from the relationship between the two friends. The rest of the characters I wasn't that particularly fond of, in that they weren't that interesting. I particularly didn't care for the relationship between Jun and Yurika. I also felt some of the family relationships and characters were kinda just left abandoned. Then there was Seiji. Holy shit at an out-of-place character, he didn't fit in with the rest of the show at all. I guess he was to represent the cultural shift to pop but man is he annoying character right down to his fang.

I did have issues with the time-jumps as they were really playing loose with the time frames and it seemed really compressed. I'm aware of this being an issue of the number of episodes but it still stuck out.

While I wasn't a fan of the artstyle(it made the females look too masculine), the musical performances were outstanding. The motions and fluidity were extremely natural.

Yoko Kanno also did a fantastic job with the score and I loved some of the mixes they used.

All in all I think they did a good job with the limitations they had and the emotional core of the show really came through.
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 1

This is so silly and hilarious. Why is Akihisa Yoshii so dumb and weak, but its kind of funny all the probationary student stuff and his abilities, at least he's proud for it and such. Hideyoshi is easily the best character, the scene when he goes into the avatar, and then Kouta and the photos (best va in this!), and then Yuuji's really convincing, smart, and compelling. Everyone gets along so well and are all hilarious, think Ill definitely stick through and watch it all

Mizuki is way overpowered though, pretty unfair. Cant wait to see where the plot goes, and dub is decent.


Maturity, bitches.
Qwaser of Stigmata II 4

Not even halfway through this season yet and it already feels like end game stuff, unless there's going to be 2 distinct arcs or something. Or I'm reading into this the wrong way.

There's a reason I say the second season is better and that's because the second half is literally just fan service. They basically don't bother much with the plot and I don't blame 'em. Also glad you agree that Hana is one of the better girls (IMO one of the best).


I dont have high expectations for the show to begin with, so it has been a fun watch.
Yui is really cute and reminds me of Rin from Usagi Drop.

You know what, I think you're right about the effect of low expectations here. I started watching SAO because its artwork looked decent. Another win for low expectations ;)
There's a reason I say the second season is better and that's because the second half is literally just fan service. They basically don't bother much with the plot and I don't blame 'em. Also glad you agree that Hana is one of the better girls (IMO one of the best).

So 2 distinct arcs it is then.
And Hana is one of my favorites, most of which is probably attributed to being voiced by Yoko Hikasa. She's probably 3rd after Tomo and Mafuyu.


Sakamichi no Apollon- fin
Holy shit at an out-of-place character, he didn't fit in with the rest of the show at all. I guess he was to represent the cultural shift to pop but man is he annoying character right down to his fang.


Man, I didn't like this guy.


Subete no aware
Well, if it was a choice between their character designs or their composition then I'd have to go with the former any day of the week.

Hah, well, thank god the show is just pleasant is all I really have to say. lol

Retrospective Analysis of Hyouka (Part 1 maybe...)

Finally for now, one little thing that bugged at least me personally was how some of the earlier mysteries were solved. In the student film arc Irisu mentions something called "Knox's ten commandments". These are a sort of set of rules one can use in regards to a mystery and while Hyouka never makes any mention of using them in itself, I found that Oreki seemingly broke Knox's sixth quite often in the earlier mysteries. The sixth reads "No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right."

The bolded seemed to fit Oreki pretty well, as it seemed to be somewhat one of his character traits and he seemed to often guess what the solution was to some mysteries. The solution presented for Episode 2 for example was too specific for the clues given and the show even seems somewhat aware of the fact with the characters asking Oreki how he did it but it's often lampshaded with Oreki saying something along the lines of "I just got lucky". Kind of minor but something that bothered me a little in the early episodes.

Of course, I don't remember the details of the earlier cases, but I never really felt like they cheated with their solutions. Of course, at that time, they were establishing the fact that he could make very precise (and accurate) educated guesses that always turned out to be right... all of which was meant to build up to his dramatic fall at the hands of Irisu anyway. I'd almost say that they want you to think that the solutions are improbable precisely because they want you to see him get smugger and confident as the episodes progress.
Well, if it was a choice between their character designs or their composition then I'd have to go with the former any day of the week.

for a sec i thought i saw a portal on the right.

Do like how they use reflections in that show, but that's probably why the school is bankrupt, to pay for all that floor polish.


Haibane Renmei 11

I appreciate that this episode starts off around the factory. Ever since Reki's
familiar confrontation with Hyohko
I've been pondering about his living quarters and environment.

Immediately one can see the difference in the demeanor of Old Home residents and those of the Abandoned Factory.

Abandoned Factory Haibane stand with hand on hip, cross arms casually and utilize a rougher dialect than the characters I've been familiarized with in Old Home. That's not even talking about their clothes, which are more "teenage outing" casual than most Old Home attire. The hair of the first female residents that approach Rakka have barrettes and one has a hat. All of the main female characters from Old Home have all their hair's appearance natural rarely, if ever, using hats. Hikari uses a bow in her hair, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say it's a much more elegant form of hair dressing than what the Abandoned Factory women use.

In short, effective character design in terms of distinction between denizens of two separate areas.

Better yet, this episode focuses on the
current fate for Reki
. This places Rakka in a position where she can attempt to
release her friend, but in doing so have her physical presence absent which would add on to a burden she's too familiar with: loneliness
allow Reki to continue combating her darkness alone which keeps Reki present in physical manifestation, but never allowing her spirit to rest.

It's a test involving both faith and selfishness and makes a fitting (final?) test for Rakka. I have one critical mark on an event that happened however. When
Rakka is on the bike with Reki, she sees Reki's halo fading out. Now, it was quite recently explained that Reki's ascension was in danger by winter's end
and I feel the occurrence happening immediately after the conversation was a heavy-handed and unnecessary. It's a minor complaint.

Reki, behind her smiling exterior, is a
lost soul struggling to find herself.
Rakka was too preoccupied taking assistance from Reki to notice this. It took a period of time for her to learn this fact and for it all to process.

Additionally, the editing in the latter half of the episode is really good. The
was also well done and has me actively concerned for
. The episode on a whole was engaging.

This was a great, powerfully directed episode that is easily my favorite in the series thus far. Rakka has a new load to carry on her back, but this time it's in favor of a beloved friend. It's natural to not know at times how to approach someone close about an issue extremely personal. When they know that they can be the salvation for another, it is liberating (that there's an answer), but stressing (to find the solution).
Yuru Yuri S2 12:

Cute little episode, but I'm kinda glad it's over. The gags were getting old, and while I like Ayano there isn't enough of her anymore. ;_;

And I'm pretty sure they didn't have a script before stepping on stage. ;P

pff it's all about team boobs and boobs's imouto this season.

Yuru Yuri s2 finale

Holy shit that robot 'face'. All that kissing. Good season, with some surprisingly good animation.


Subete no aware
YuruYuri 12


Wow, I used to play with these things when I was a kid. What a crazy flashback. I also didn't expect them to be that universal, but I figure rubber thingies that pop up into the air can appeal to anyone. lol

As for the whole Snow White thing, that just reminded me of when OtuBoku did their Cinderella thing. But hey, how else do you end a show like this I suppose.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
YuruYuri 12

As for the whole Snow White thing, that just reminded me of when OtuBoku did their Cinderella thing. But hey, how else do you end a show like this I suppose.

Funny you mentioned this show, I was thinking about playing the second game again sometime soon.


Subete no aware

Man, I didn't like this guy.
Maybe I thought the whole show was silly, but he didn't seem all that different in terms of absurdity than the overlapping love triangles that formed the basis of the show.

Funny you mentioned this show, I was thinking about playing the second game again sometime soon.
I'm still waiting for that last OVA. lol
I wonder if mangagamer has any plan to do the second game... I suppose it depends if sales of the first game are decent.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I really like what's going on in SDBurton's avatar.

It's from the Gokujo manga. If they aired even a 1/5th of what they did in the manga, the anime would've been soooo much better.

Curious question :are you planning to play the pc or the psp version ?

PC version definitely. Though if memory serves me right the psp version has new routes.

I'm still waiting for that last OVA. lol
I wonder if mangagamer has any plan to do the second game... I suppose it depends if sales of the first game are decent.

We can only hope.
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