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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Poet Centuriate
Majestic Prince 2

I'm loving this OP. Epic as all hell.

Anyways, I'm enjoying the fuck out of this show. Some of the sharacter designs are butt ugly and generic, but easily overlooked. Lot of fun action and Tamaki's so fucking great.


I used to read anime everyday. Now I just watch books.

I used to just watch books every day, now I just spend my time thinking about how best to ruin franchises I love.

I expect to get a healthy career from Square Enix or Studio BONES for this.

Majestic Prince 2

I'm loving this OP. Epic as all hell.

Anyways, I'm enjoying the fuck out of this show. Some of the sharacter designs are butt ugly and generic, but easily overlooked. Lot of fun action and Tamaki's so fucking great.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why, Felix, why? Tamaki is the only member in the cast I truly hate.
Railgun - 3

"This is the Garden of Learning right?"

"No that's just the garden. THIS is the Garden of Learning!"
I miss the great quality that show once had.

But as for the actual episode, it was pretty fun. I got an Ace Attorney Investigations vibe from that deduction scene. I hope there's a lot more of those to come.

Lol, Mikasa is frigging Cole MacGrath.

Smart move.

Misaka doesn't have chaos and law choices in front of her.
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East Episode 18 – In Homage

Watching it before Dakku, thats a surprise...Anyway awesome episode, with Shino and Ao crossing swords, it made me definitely glad to be on team AoShino and then the dialogue at multiple times even. Whoever is writing this is doing a great job. Ao has great design even.

The story itself was alright
the demon itself look pretty cool even and was shocked that Genpachi stepped in, if only Kobu could have too

Looking forward to more, and Kobu's statements in the pv, hilarious.


Didn't enjoy Yui's recapture as much compared to reading it in the manga, but it was still pretty decent. Still pretty ticked off about her arc being shunted.

Next goddess will probably be captured in the next episode. Which leaves the love triangle to take up the rest of the season.
Nanoha A’s Film

Ah, now this takes me back. When I saw the first two episodes of this franchise I was near close to dropping it due to my sheer boredom. Had it not been for AnimeGAF, I would not have experienced the amazing second season this show had.

Watching this film, I gotta say, is much better than the anime.

So how does this film differ from the anime?
Well Mr. General Dude and his two Cat girl slaves are nowhere to be found. A really good move on their part. I found that the focus on the second season was to put the heroes from the last season in a sort of negative light to make them seem more like the villains here. Creating a character to serve as the catalyst for the whole ordeal takes people out of the conflict experience. This is how a good conflict is done. It makes you really struggle with choosing a side on who is right and who is wrong.

I also liked how they gave Reinforce more screen time here. She kind of popped out of nowhere in the anime, but in the film she gets more exposition. Allowing that sad scene where she disappears to have a better effect on the audience.

OK! Now I gotta go watch the first film. Time to see how well they improved on the first season that was only somewhat stellar opposed to A’s awesomeness.


Monogatari SS 4 (Nekomonogatari White 4)

Yep, I'm glad I waited until I'd read Kizumonogatari before watching this. It was cool to see Episode again so soon (seriously what is with those vampire hunters' names?), and also satisfying inasmuch as it gave me a clear picture of the guy's appearance (which I didn't really have from the novel, since the only illustrations in the Monogatari LNs seem to be the covers and the arc heading spreads, neither of which he appeared in).

Watching this after reading Kizu also made new character Gaen's introduction more interesting, since she seems to fall into Oshino's "group", and Oshino's role in Kizumonogatari gave me a renewed interest in him and his ilk. He's such an intriguing (and awesome) character. I'm not quite sure what to think of Gaen herself at this point, though.
It means the narrator finds Umino's love for Naru to be very sweet.


Cashew Sins 23

So Dio the Walnut and Cashew fought one last time, and Dio wins the fight, and requested Cashew to save Ladle.

I'm kinda thinking that the "immortals" or at least the saved are protrayed as ugly to show us how ugly it really is. Anyway, Ringo sees Ladle when she ran away to avoid being healed, and Ladle didn't kill her. I think she recognized Ringo from somewhere, and there could be a possibility that it was actually her child seperated from birth due to the usage of baby crying used here.

Ladle comes to take down Luna, and Luna just casually picked up a large blade and shoved it in her stomach. Whaaaat. Cashew saves her though and tells her to go to Dio, and they die peacefully. Cashew and friends leave afterwards, and Bragging Brass shows up to Luna to create an immortal empire.


An honourable mention goes to Daihinmin, one of the B-sides from the My Dearest single. I dunno, Koeda's voice just really works for me. (I don't think that's a very popular opinion, but oh well...)
Huzzah, someone else that likes that song. I'd still have preferred Supercell to have continued on with Yanagi Nagi but she's doing perfectly great things on her own and the new lead really grew on me. Then again, I like nano.ripe as well so...


Danganronpa 5

Not even Genocider can save this adaptation. A plague upon this anime.

I'll admit the backstories of the victim and the culprit at the end were pretty nice to watch, but as ever they lost some of their impact due to the fact that the characterisation leading up to and foreshadowing these revelations had been skipped over completely. And of course even the backstories themselves were fairly rushed. Like everything else in the episode, nay, series.

Also the animation continues to be blehhhh.
Danganronpa 5

Not even Genocider can save this adaptation. A plague upon this anime.

I'll admit the backstories of the victim and the culprit at the end were pretty nice to watch, but as ever they lost some of their impact due to the fact that the characterisation leading up to and foreshadowing these revelations had been skipped over completely. And of course even the backstories themselves were fairly rushed. Like everything else in the episode, nay, series.

Also the animation continues to be blehhhh.

I agree, even about the Genocider part. The way they try to make the trials exactly like the game somehow became noticeably more lame the second time it happened.
Also they didn't have Sakura touching Chihiro's trap wiener, 0/10 why am I still watching.


I think technically that would be no dimensions.

Text is conventionally stored in one-dimensional arrays called strings.

A 0D waifu would live in a null vector space.

Highschool DxD S2 - 5

Why did an angel summon the demonic guards of Hell? Wouldn't they be loyal to the demons?
Cashew Sins 24 END

Both OJ and Tomato die from the Ruin, realizing they lived to the fullest. Both of them dying pretty much triggered a switch in Cashew to kill everyone in the way when he reached Luna.

Bragging Brass reveals that he's really M. BisonBurger and gets killed after a fight.

Cashew however, does not kill Luna, but let her stab him, while stating that the blood of life and death mixed when he came to kill her. From that day, Cashew became the god of death, only to reappear when robots forget what dying is. Ringo is grown up to be a true Onion Ringo, but looks forward to seeing Cashew again.


Well Cashew Sins is over, a reboot in where it's basically depression strung along for 24 episodes, which eventually grew to love "A Path" for the last batch of episodes.

Action wise, it started off spotty, and seemed inconsistent with what was shown, but became more well rounded over the course of the show.

The show relies on imagry to show both hope and the reality of the situation, which episode 20 pulled off rather well. The essential being of this show is basically a journey to its conclusion (moreso than others), although the ending was a bit odd.

Music was used rather well, although, again, it used "A Path" a little too much, not enough Aoi Kage. Also enjoyed the character designs, but at this point, it's me being a staff whore.

Some might think the themes portrayed through this show is strung along for longer than necessary, and in my case, I think the one thing that bothered me was the sudden transition to finding Luna.

It was a nice change of pace from the other anime I was watching though.
Danganronpa 5

Not even Genocider can save this adaptation. A plague upon this anime.

I'll admit the backstories of the victim and the culprit at the end were pretty nice to watch, but as ever they lost some of their impact due to the fact that the characterisation leading up to and foreshadowing these revelations had been skipped over completely. And of course even the backstories themselves were fairly rushed. Like everything else in the episode, nay, series.

Also the animation continues to be blehhhh.

Glad I haven't bothered with it, then.

I guess I'll get it whenever I get a Vita. Which I guarantee will be after it comes out here; don't plan on getting one for at least a year.
Danganronpa 5

Not even Genocider can save this adaptation. A plague upon this anime.

I'll admit the backstories of the victim and the culprit at the end were pretty nice to watch, but as ever they lost some of their impact due to the fact that the characterisation leading up to and foreshadowing these revelations had been skipped over completely. And of course even the backstories themselves were fairly rushed. Like everything else in the episode, nay, series.

Also the animation continues to be blehhhh.

I agree, even about the Genocider part. The way they try to make the trials exactly like the game somehow became noticeably more lame the second time it happened.
Also they didn't have Sakura touching Chihiro's trap wiener, 0/10 why am I still watching.

Reading those spoiler i'm so glad i've dropped this anime. This is just such an insult to the game that i couldn't take it anymore.

We won't even have the secret scenes animated , because... why bother ?


There's a translated interview with Takemoto, Kigami, and Ishidate. Nice read.

Forgive the long title, but that pretty much sums up what this translation is covering. In 2011, the Japanese Cultural Affairs Department held an art festival in Kyoto from October 29 to November 23. On November 3rd, the local animation studio, Kyoto Animation, had three of its employees come to talk and give input about the company. I found a blog that gave a good transcript of the roundtable and thought people would be interested in a translation of it. (images used w/o permission from the owners)

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Banner for Strike the Blood and Golden Time.


I love how the main female character of Golden Time basically looks like a college-age Taiga (and she's voiced by Yui Horie, who did Minori in Toradora).
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