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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Rozen Maiden 9

I was concerned when I saw Hiroshi Watanabe (director of Law of Ueki) was storyboarding this episode, but thankfully Omata is keeping a tight rein on things. There was a bit too much use of pans, but there were enough neat touches that the storyboard was able to stay within the show's general style and not become too bland. The action in particular was well done, with some good animation. As was easy to foresee from the last episode, the fantasy world of the Rozen Maidens comes to the forefront here, which is unfortunate from my perspective since I've always found Jun's story to be more compelling. Also Suiseiseki makes her reappearance, much to my chagrin. I can't complain too much when it's as well-executed as it is, though, especially in the still wonderful sound and music which builds such compelling atmosphere and tension. Kirakishou is a menacing antagonist, and her webs of vines haven't stopped being frightening.


Rozen Maiden 9

I was concerned when I saw Hiroshi Watanabe (director of Law of Ueki) was storyboarding this episode, but thankfully Omata is keeping a tight rein on things. There was a bit too much use of pans, but there were enough neat touches that the storyboard was able to stay within the show's general style and not become too bland. The action in particular was well done, with some good animation. As was easy to foresee from the last episode, the fantasy world of the Rozen Maidens comes to the forefront here, which is unfortunate from my perspective since I've always found Jun's story to be more compelling. Also Suiseiseki makes her reappearance, much to my chagrin. I can't complain too much when it's as well-executed as it is, though, especially in the still wonderful sound and music which builds such compelling atmosphere and tension. Kirakishou is a menacing antagonist, and her webs of vines haven't stopped being frightening.

Sounds great. I agree about Jun's life being more compelling too. It was great watching him balance this fantastical intrusion into his life he had to maintain, unable to just up and do whatever like a child protag might.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I get the idea behind a gigantic, human sized pillow, I just think that the covers on top are one leap too far beyond something relatively normal like figures.

Why just look at your waifus.... when you can sleep with them?


Why just look at your waifus.... when you can sleep with them?
Yeah but following that twisted logic no doubt ends up with figures and hot glue or those nightmarish anime doll suits which people wear.

"Why look at them when I can be inside them?"



It's not really the events that I care about so much as the telling of them, so I doubt reading the manga would do me much good. Hardly any real time is passed at all by the close of Part I, and yet these characters feel so alive and tangible because of the unusual manner of their portrayal & the way in which the story unspools information about them.

I'm not even really all that antsy about the possibility of not getting a second season, and only in part because I made my peace with that idea before I'd even started watching the show: even in spite of the tantalizing possibilities raised by the flashforward, and the all open storytelling opportunities available to pursue, the first season was in itself an unusually credible and deeply felt exploration of potentially cliched subjects - both characters and themes - that comes 'round to a full circle in the final exchange between Kasuga and Nakamura. As upsetting as each of the cliffhangers were in turn, including the final one, every time I paused between episodes to let the show stew I felt satisfied. It's just that accomplished, a perfect balance of open and closed.

It's hard to express quite how impressed by and taken with this series I am without falling into further flowery hyperbole, so fuck it: I think it's one of the best tv anime series I've ever seen, full stop, and I have almost no complaints that I can really levy at it aside from an odd misstep in structuring the final episode. Call it rusty or lowered standards, if you so desire. I love it for all the same reasons I loved it in the first episode, though now I can also more fully appreciate the exquisite, finely tuned direction and the ways in which it crafts character circumstance & interaction with such care.
I kinda felt like the flashes of whats to come at the end were like the preview bits n the OP's, which kinda works when there wasn't one for the final episode. Still, I do think they could've handled it better but I can't complain as I wanted to see that stuff animated and getting a glimpse was better than nothing. ヾ(*´ー`)ノ


Stella C3-bu 9

So before watching this episode, I accidentally read the spoiler someone posted earlier about
Yura leaving the C3-bu for Rin's team
, and I thought I may have just a) had this episode ruined for me, and b) had my worst fears from last episode confirmed. I went into this episode thinking that Yura would for sure
start leaning towards the "dark side", valuing winning regardless of the means, and not own up to cheating in the tournament

So I was pleasantly surprised when
she immediately redeemed herself and then some. The first thing we see her do after the tournament is over is contact the tournament officials to admit to cheating and get the verdict overturned, and she doesn't hesitate to confess her actions to her own clubmates either.
Say what you will about this "new" Yura, but she has a real strength of character that it's difficult not to admire.
Though she still has the flaw of being excessively serious to a fault, with a complete inability to just relax and enjoy the fun like the rest of the club members, in a way that feels like less of a flaw now than it did before, because now it's better justified. She did something she knows to be morally wrong, and she's trying in her own way to make up for it by striving to take the sport more seriously, rules and all.

And to an extent, I actually feel like
the other club members themselves are at least partially to blame for how things have turned out. Because as much as Yura hasn't been doing the greatest job of considering their feelings, they've done an equally awful job of trying to understand Yura's. When Yura confessed what she had done, they were quick to dismiss it as unimportant (and even doubt the truth of it) despite the fact that it was clearly a big deal to Yura, and at the same time they were quick to guilt-trip Yura for things that could hardly be called entirely her fault (she didn't know about Rento's injury because Rento actively concealed it, and you can hardly say she was at fault for trying her best to lead everyone to a victory in the tournament when everyone was pretty supportive of that goal most of the way.) A lot of the time it felt like the others were lashing out at Yura unreasonably rather than vice versa, so I can't really blame her if she decides some time away from the C3-bu is what she needs now.

It's worth specifying here that
Sonora is a clear exception to everything I've said above. She's still the very model of a good leader, and even as the tension between Yura and the other club members was coming to a head, Sonora alone was always a voice of reason, with a proper understanding of both sides. She never showed any signs of taking Yura's actions or feelings lightly - even when the other club members were smiling with relief at the officials' decision that their victory wouldn't be revoked, Sonora alone stayed stony-faced, clearly appreciating how Yura must feel about this outcome; and when she did try to defuse Yura's sense of guilt, she did so in a much more reasonable way than the other girls, not by trying to understate the severity of what Yura had done, but by making the well-reasoned argument that she'd done what she could to right her wrong, and what mattered now was to move on and make sure it didn't happen again.
And of course at the end of the episode,
Sonora and Yura had the opportunity to speak very frankly with each other, and seemed to reach an understanding, if an uncomfortable one.

So yeah, I think the characterisation here is pretty good. I appreciate that Yura's development, while painful to watch, is very understandable and a natural progression of how she's been presented so far in the series. I'm looking forward to seeing how she will move on from here, and I do hope she's able to reconcile with the other club members eventually.
  1. Added to queue.
  2. Sounds like s1 is a home video version and s2 is tv?

Ha. I wouldn't (totally would) watch anything just for boobs, but Samurai Bride does have some really funny scenes. I'm glad I gave it a shot.

S2 TV is only somewhat censored thanks to I believe AT-X, I think it's just streaming services like CR who censor them because things and reasons.

Really? That doesn't make much sense when they have the first season up as-is. Why do it just for the second season when they already showed plenty of nudity in the first twelve eps?

I mean, season one had boobs in the opening. I was kind of surprised.

EDIT: After browsing the CR forums, it appears it's a matter of $$$ (of course). It's cheaper for them to get the censored version than the unedited. I imagine it just means there was no censored version of S1 available.


Nisemonogatari 3

I don't remember all the details from early in Bakemonogatari with Senjougahara, but the way she kidnapped Araragi and chained him up to protect him from this Kaiki guy...I have to figure there's a good chance that this is the guy who tried to rape her, on top of everything else she just said he did to her family. Very odd conversation that she had with (according to her) Hanekawa at the end. She seemed very out of character in that moment.

I guess Karen's in trouble with something, probably Kaiki, now, so Araragi has to go deal with it, and Senjougahara lets him.


Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates Episode 22: If nothing else, this is just one of the downright gorgeous anime shows I have seen of recent vintage, right up there with Fate/Zero. Another thing I like is this show has had a good sense of world building, like in this episode we see Lynn step down as Yacht Club President as she like those who came before her, are moving on into the wider world of university after the finals end. On the other hand, one of the major weakness of this show also protrudes its head, as Markia gets the job of President, main due to the fact that she is the only important chracter of Senior position left. Anyway, the finale arc is shaping up to be one with quite a bang to it, as we see the Bentenmaru deal with the machinations of a mysterious band of pirate hunters who are using very state of the art technology and are likewise caught up in something much bigger then expected.


Subete no aware
So ANN did an interview with Vic Mignogna and it got weird when Zac decided to ask him about his Christianity. In fact, it became a twenty minute "thing", for lack of a better term.

Not totally awkward or combative, but still a but ranty and martyr-ey.

Why you would even ask is something else entirely though, because the answers are completely predictable.



I know AoT has some pacing and animation issues, but it's not nearly as bad as some people here like to make out >.> I mean, it's never bored me, and I already read the manga and know exactly what's going to happen!

I'm never bored reading about the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, even though I already know what's going to happen to Pompeii, but that doesn't mean it isn't an unmitigated disaster.

How were you NOT bored during the 20 minute 20 second episode?

Whats wrong with that statement? In context of anime its fine.

What else is okay in the context of anime? :)

Pretty sure the issue of "consent" is jacked up in incestuous relationships.

Majestic Prince Episode 21 – Night before the Decisive Battle

The plot was largely boring but just set up for the big event. Did laugh at the start, onii-chan moments are the best, blushing even.

Calling it Operation Heavens Gate though, UtaPri song from HEAVENS is called HEAVENS GATE

I confess I legitimately laughed when Izuru called Blue "Onii-chan." I felt bad immediately afterward, though.

Buncha prudes in this thread.

I feel scandalized by naked ankles, okay? It's just who I am.

Spent all day at work yesterday watching 90s anime with my co-workers.

What is happening.

Get yourself ready for some kinky 90s sex. I have no idea what the 90s were like in Japan, but in America this means you're going to do this with neon green sweaters tucked into ratty jeans with an aviator jacket and a sideways baseball cap. Normal sex talk with be replaced with 90s slang.

"Oh baby that's so radical!" Expect someone to quote Sonic the Hedgehog unironically.

Seriously guys! Take it to the incest thread in OT!

I'm afraid to ask if there is such a thing.


Aquarion EVOL 13 to end

What a shit storm, I was telling myself that no matter how horrible this show is, at least it will not ruin the original.

But nooooo, just killing the sequel isn't enough, they have to go all out and retcon one of the main plot in the original.
Apollo is the dog, with freaking wings. The commander is the solar wings. Everyone in the original are retard and got the whole reincarnation wrong. Including the robot, which holding half of solar wing's soul. Let's also ignore all the memory and flash back of the past life Apollo had, they didn't really exist. Apollo was the damn dog we forgot to tell you about in the prequel.
Flowers of Evil

It's hard to express quite how impressed by and taken with this series I am without falling into further flowery hyperbole, so fuck it: I think it's one of the best tv anime series I've ever seen, full stop, and I have almost no complaints that I can really levy at it aside from an odd misstep in structuring the final episode. Call it rusty or lowered standards, if you so desire.

No, I think your standards are perfectly fine. As far as I was concerned, everything after episode 7 was a bonus; I couldn't ask for more than what that episode gave me. (But what a bonus!)

Rozen Maiden

Sounds great. I agree about Jun's life being more compelling too. It was great watching him balance this fantastical intrusion into his life he had to maintain, unable to just up and do whatever like a child protag might.

I couldn't resist peeking ahead in the manga, and (no real spoilers but to be ultra-safe)
if the rest of the anime adapts the manga in the most logical manner, Jun's story will come to an eminently satisfactory conclusion.
Gurren Lagann 15

Dai-Gurren, bitches!

So now I guess the next arc is going to focus on whatever the hell the Spiral King was talking about with the million apes and the sun and ultimate destruction and whatnot, With all of the gunmen shutting down after Spiral King's defeat, either they'll be brought back or all new baddies will come in for awesome fights.

Next episode is a recap episode, just to let you know.

I'm never bored reading about the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, even though I already know what's going to happen to Pompeii, but that doesn't mean it isn't an unmitigated disaster.

I. Said. Damn.


Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu/ Stella Women’s Academy Episode 9:

So at last the metamorphosis of Yura is complete, indeed this was a much better episode, maybe even the best episode of the series thus far. Yea, the light and airy noodle shooting stuff just is not interesting in the face of the more dramatic moments. Yet that shit is still important is it emblemizes the prevailing philosophy of the C3 Club, that is enjoy airsoft and have fun. A philosophy that Yura finds herself at odds with now as she power, control and victory as guiding philosophies to her persona. I gotta say, I like how they have handled the SERIOUS BUSINESS aspect of this show. It isn't that Rin and now Yura give a that much of a shit about Airsoft. It is because they have become overly serious people in all facets of life. That is the real reason why Yura has left the C3 Club, yes the Zombie controversy added a bit of fuel to the fire, but the real damage was in how over the top in her zealotry Yura got. Indeed Sornora finally drops some backstory on what happened to Rin and she became much more serious and joyless person after the death of her airsoft master.Still, I can't help but feel this isn't the whole story as it doesn't exactly explain why Rin is acting like such a jilted bitch to Sonora. Indeed I wonder if this isn't a bit of a Xanatos Gambit in order to steal away the object of Sonora's desire, as she pretty much knows the score and indeed I imagine cuddle time is going to have a lot more awkward moments. Also, still waiting to see a pay off from those reality warping powers, I do not forget this.

This shit is getting exponentially worse every episode.

Is it that bad? I stopped after episode 1. Not that it was terrible, it just didn't really grab me, and I had other things in my crunchyroll queue that I want to see.

And the animation looks like a PS2 RPG. Not bad, just stating a fact.


Gotta say based off the recent spate of episodes Stella Acadamy has really turned itself around into one of the better shows of the season.


Nisemonogatari 4

So that scene with Araragi and Shinobu...uh, yeah. I think the most I got out of that is that Araragi has no dick. Well, that and that he may live another 500 years and see everybody he cares about other than Shinobu die. She offers to let him kill her so he can be normal, but he declines.

Lol at Hanekawa's blackmail of Senjougahara. And I don't know what was up with that scene with the TV and the dialogue on it while they were talking about Sengoku's charm, but it seemed like it highlighted a lot of the sexual tension between the two of them that they largely try to ignore.


RWBY: 07

Getting interesting, and a nice fight hopefully coming up next episode. Can't wait.

Of course, my post will be ignored because everybody loves to hate on this, leaving those of us who like it and want to watch it to put up with the gang-up "me too" trolling.


Tragic victim of fan death
How bad is it?

Uh.... it makes SAO look like a masterpiece bad?

Is it that bad? I stopped after episode 1. Not that it was terrible, it just didn't really grab me, and I had other things in my crunchyroll queue that I want to see.

And the animation looks like a PS2 RPG. Not bad, just stating a fact.

I came for the fights. There are like... no fight scenes. What the fuck is this shit?


RWBY: 07

Getting interesting, and a nice fight hopefully coming up next episode. Can't wait.

Of course, my post will be ignored because everybody loves to hate on this, leaving those of us who like it and want to watch it to put up with the gang-up "me too" trolling.

It's not like it gets SAO levels of hate. Kinda want to give it another shot as I'm curious if I'll like where it went rather than where it was going after the first ep.

I came for the fights. There are like... no fight scenes. What the fuck is this shit?

Even better!


Tragic victim of fan death
It's not like it gets SAO levels of hate. Kinda want to give it another shot as I'm curious if I'll like where it went rather than where it was going after the first ep.

Even better!

I didn't find the first episode to be spectacularly bad like everyone else. I actually liked it. Everything that followed just got progressively worse. It's... pretty bad.

Ah but is it as bad as Oreimo?

I don't watch shit that spawns from hell.


Subete no aware
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu/ Stella Women’s Academy Episode 9:

So at last the metamorphosis of Yura is complete, indeed this was a much better episode, maybe even the best episode of the series thus far. Yea, the light and airy noodle shooting stuff just is not interesting in the face of the more dramatic moments. Yet that shit is still important is it emblemizes the prevailing philosophy of the C3 Club, that is enjoy airsoft and have fun. A philosophy that Yura finds herself at odds with now as she power, control and victory as guiding philosophies to her persona. I gotta say, I like how they have handled the SERIOUS BUSINESS aspect of this show. It isn't that Rin and now Yura give a that much of a shit about Airsoft. It is because they have become overly serious people in all facets of life. That is the real reason why Yura has left the C3 Club, yes the Zombie controversy added a bit of fuel to the fire, but the real damage was in how over the top in her zealotry Yura got. Indeed Sornora finally drops some backstory on what happened to Rin and she became much more serious and joyless person after the death of her airsoft master.Still, I can't help but feel this isn't the whole story as it doesn't exactly explain why Rin is acting like such a jilted bitch to Sonora. Indeed I wonder if this isn't a bit of a Xanatos Gambit in order to steal away the object of Sonora's desire, as she pretty much knows the score and indeed I imagine cuddle time is going to have a lot more awkward moments. Also, still waiting to see a pay off from those reality warping powers, I do not forget this.

I haven't seen this week's episode, but this was foreshadowed a while ago. I expect a face turn by the end of the series though.


Uh.... it makes SAO look like a masterpiece bad?

SAO is offensive and nonsensical. It's only reedming quality is how funny is can be to watch in a group ala MST3000. RWBY is just a bit juvenile and derpy. At least the latter has some likeable characters (Rose and Xiao are kind of adorkable) and won't but you on an FBI watch list.


Tragic victim of fan death
So what you are saying is that it is exactly like Sword Art Online, but uglier and with less incest?

Huh. Now that you say it in that way...

SAO is offensive and nonsensical. It's only reedming quality is how funny is can be to watch in a group ala MST3000. RWBY is just a bit juvenile and derpy. At least the latter has some likeable characters (Rose and Xiao are kind of adorkable) and won't but you on an FBI watch list.

This is true.
So ANN did an interview with Vic Mignogna and it got weird when Zac decided to ask him about his Christianity. In fact, it became a twenty minute "thing", for lack of a better term.

Not totally awkward or combative, but still a but ranty and martyr-ey.

Why you would even ask is something else entirely though, because the answers are completely predictable.

I think I might just listen out of morbid curiosity.


It's not like it gets SAO levels of hate. Kinda want to give it another shot as I'm curious if I'll like where it went rather than where it was going after the first ep.

Uh.... it makes SAO look like a masterpiece bad?

Look, I know this is hard for you guys to figure out, but you don't have to watch something if you don't like it. That way, you save yourself time that you can use to do something more productive, and let those who actually want to enjoy a show to do so.
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