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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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That "Last of Us is selling well in Japan" thread on Gaming Side where the second poster basically said "because pedophiles obv" and 300 posts of SECOND POST NAILS IT LEL +1 WOULD READ AGAIN ensued was probably the low point of this on Gaming Side.

Im pretty sure thats not the lowest it has gotten but its a good example of how low it can get.

I should really just get a name change again since my namesake doesn't really befit my actual posts. I wouldn't mind a Sailor Moon-themed username, actually.

And I actually did switch back to this because I have some extended OT-ing that I need to do for a while. Getting some health advice in a very alphabro thread and I'd just rather get answers than not :lol

Wait...you did that again? Dude if someone is immature enough to not want to take you seriously because of AN AVATAR then FUCK THAT PERSONS OPINIONS BECAUSE THEYRE WORTHLESS. Thats all there is to it. you dont need "advice" from people like that.

It's gonna get harder to find time to watch animes. (╥﹏╥)

Oh god. I dealt with that kind of thing for over two years with working so many extra days work. No time to really enjoy anything. I wish you the best of luck.


So I was typing my username in the search bar to see who quoted me, but then I thought about leaving out the numbers since that's how people normally type it, and I come across this:



DSFKDFNFKFBDSA FCSAF AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! How did I miss this!!!??? Thank you based Felix!!! Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day! Must sleep now so night can go away!

Dat feel when you realize that the anime you are in love with actually has more to it.

Tokyo Otaku Mode has an interview with Otsuka and Tanemoto (TriggerTattun) from Trigger about Little Witch Academia 2.

Nothing very interesting, mind you (lots of WE ARE REALLY GRATEFUL THIS IS POPULAR), but always nice to see them reaching to the English-speaking audience.

These guys have the appearance of a young and very excited studio with a huge amount of enthusiasm and optimism for their success and future. this is what the industry needs right now.

You know I don't know. All I did was laugh and ask for his impressions. Dad said "After three months they all should be dead. Like, who can afford to pay for their life support?"

So we see that while my father and I have wildly different tastes, I take pride in knowing we ask the same exact questions about the show. I DID tell him he should skip everything between episode 14 and the end. He shrugged and said he wasn't sure if he'd even make it that far.

Either way, folks, I discussed the animus with my papa at the dinner table. Be jealous.

Oh I'd be so down for PaulExcellent watching FMP next.

Just Olimar's space ship.

Fasten your tail feathers CUZ I AM HYPED. Where's Peaceiscloser with some hype banners for me?

Yeah Im a bit jelly of that. Although I can pretty much talk about most anime with my Mom anytime. Whether shes interested or not she likes my enthusiasm for it. My Dad...well hes not supportive of ANY cartoon and pretty much thinks of this kind of thing as something I shoulda dropped 20 years ago. I had to convince him that a new computer would not further ruin my life (despite this being my computer in a totally different household) and generally have to listen to "you should learn a trade and do something useful with your life instead of wasting your time and money with this shit. Its for babies. No wonder you're so messed up in the head"

Not exactly glowing praise for my hobbies is it?

This reminds me. During Anime-Expo there was a booth that was selling a bunch of older stuff (making it easily more interesting than the booths around it). A few of the items they had were actually Pachinko machine toppers. They were surprisingly awesome as stand-alone items.

This one was my favorite:

The internet has brought forth a similar image years ago whose likeness probably was not intended but that nevertheless I will always associate with that pose. yall know the one. Im not even mentioning it. Cannot unsee.

My parents just made us go by ourselves. But man... god Pokemon movies take me back. Still, the dub of Nausicaa was really awful. Well, unless they saw it subbed. I'm on the fence about whether or not Mononoke is better with the American or Japanese VAs. Lady Eboshi is fanastically well handled by Driver.

All tangential, but whatevs.

I went to see Mononke twice in theaters. It was so worth it. Still one of my favorite dubs in an anime ever.

Man, I can't even imagine what that must have been like. I mean, I basically grew up with Pokemon in the house. Had me Red version and a GBC as one of the earliest Christmas presents I remember.

Part of me still desperately desires that Charizard card.

Also the only thing like, my mother ever forbade was Ouija. She's never once let one of those things into the house, 'cuz they creep her out. Considering all things, I feel that wasn't that big of a loss.

On a level of fundamentalist Baptist principles I cannot relate since my family is Catholic (well moms side) so they didnt really push the issue of certain entertainment things being inherently "of the devil" but more along the lines of what I stated above. I was never prevented for enjoying something because it wasnt "wholesome". I was at least allowed to explore, even if my Dad didnt approve.


well not really...yet
I had a dream that I watched the first 6 episodes of Kill la Kill, and episode 4 was all live action

what the fuck


I had a small amount of Digimon cards, not enough to make a full deck, but just to have.

So I have no idea how it plays.

I dabbled in a Pokemon TCG and Magic the Gathering. Neither of them really held my interest but literally everybody was playing one of these so I had to find out what it was about.

Sorry for the image-heavy post, but might as well while we're on the TCG subject. So I was rummaging around my room the other day and actually found a copy of BECKETT POKEMON COLLECTOR from 2001. I know that I subscribed to this for a couple of years and have no idea where all of my other volumes went. But, for anyone amused by the mention of defunct RPGs, there are a few in here. Some choice pages:

The cover, because Jeff Amano's art is hilariously bad.

lol @ using Garlic Jr characters as incentives

double lol @ the ONE-HUNDRED BOOSTER PACK incentive. You just know that there were kids dumpster-diving behind hobby shops for this back then, or if not, I pity the person who actually purchased one hundred booster packs for the Dragonball Z Trading Card Game. There used to be so many ads for this in Beckett but I never met a single person who played.

MAIL-ORDER. I bet that anyone under the age of 20 hasn't sent away for an item through snail mail once in their life.

More relevant though: there was apparently a Sailor Moon TCG.

deviantart before deviantart

All of the new Pokemon from Gold and Silver, lovingly rendered ever-so-slightly-off because licensing the Sugimori art would bankrupt the magazine.

I own the Pikachu N64. No regrets.

Ah, the monthly consolation page for the Digimon weirdoes. Beckett would eventually have a Beckett Digimon Collector magazine, but it was predictably short-lived.

This is how I knew about all of the DBZ characters years before I actually watched the show since my cable provider didn't offer Cartoon Network. Beckett sure loved to pretend that people actually played the DBZ TCG.



Thanks for this nostalgia bomb! I love stuff like this and makes me wish I hadnt given away my old nintendo Power magazines :(
It was a wonderful era the likes of which will never return.

I've shown you my worst from that 2004 Photobucket time capsule I rediscovered recently. Perhaps I should be the one to unleash the horror in your stead.

Yes please do!

[Futari wa Precure] 27

Not content with ripping off Dragon Ball Z storylines, now we're stealing Dragon Ball GT's character designs. How low can Toei go?

On the positive side of things, I'm so distracted by the self-plagiarism that I still have not found Porun annoying.

I was kinda opposed to this design when I saw it. Really didnt seem to fit the style of the rest of the hsow. He always felt like he belonged in a different show. Now I know why. Also I fully agree that the hate for Porun is silly and overblown.


Cardcaptor Sakura 63

At some point I'm expecting Shaoran to grab Eriol by the neck and start shaking him yelling "Who the fuck are you?!" Even Toya knows something's up with the dude. Also he had that one scene with Yukito that was good. He cares so much for him.

90% done with this series now.


Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo OVA
Praise the gods ! PRAISE THE GODS

This oav was ...perverted but so mondaiji-tachi esque that i don't mind.
i would like to escuse the lack of screens but when most of them are spoilers or NSFW i can't post them ...

But for the fun factor this is something to watch...

i wasn't worthy of such fanservice.

I really gotta watch this. More Kurousagi is something I need in my life.
Why did this series have to be so fucking short?





Project tagline is something along the lines of "The full-power foolish girl!! Action!! An amazing new heroine"

Actual translators please help
全力愚少女!! アクション!!
新たなる すごい ヒロイン

Praise be to ahoges!


no Free! episode this week? why :mad: I was looking forward to it.


Episode 4

:lol Poor Tomoko, one awkward moment after the next. She just can't catch a break.

She really is one of the most adorable characters in all of anime.

It seems like any time something anime related (or even tangentally, as with TLoU) turns up on the gaming side it doesn't end well and my ignore list ends up that much longer.

I never put anyone on my ignore list. Think of all the gems you are missing out on!

The lighting in this show is just...

Creative? Unique? Clever?
Im pretty sure thats not the lowest it has gotten but its a good example of how low it can get.

Wait...you did that again? Dude if someone is immature enough to not want to take you seriously because of AN AVATAR then FUCK THAT PERSONS OPINIONS BECAUSE THEYRE WORTHLESS. Thats all there is to it. you dont need "advice" from people like that.

Oh god. I dealt with that kind of thing for over two years with working so many extra days work. No time to really enjoy anything. I wish you the best of luck.
Cajun is right.
If they stop at the avatar or username then they have no reason to be taken seriously themselves

On a related note, a certain gaffer in the figurines thread is working on this gem:


Im tempted to try sculpting myself. Making my own cute things would be fun!
Sculpting is hard.
Already tried but i suck at this. I cant even make a cube properly

Sounds like an Utopia of sorts.
It is ! Especially if youve read the books


Cajun is right.
If they stop at the avatar or username then they have no reason to be taken seriously themselves

Sculpting is hard.
Already tried but i suck at this. I cant even make a cube properly

It is ! Especially if youve read the books

Sculpting is definitely tough. I might be able to do it because I have very good sense of 3d space and design, despite my eyes really quite sucking at depth perception. how does that work? who the fuck knows. I cant park a car properly.

No, just no, which is sort of the point I think. If anything she has too much cuteness the more I think about it. Been bugging me since episode one.

Too much cuteness? no I dont think so. Shes a rather unconventional kind of cute. The angry self loathing sort. Its more the way her character carries herself than her appearance that makes me hnnngh. shes SO adorable!

Tomoko just wants to be loved.


And love her I do indeed!

For what it's worth I still see a lot of it anyway when these people get quoted by other posters.

That works too I suppose.


Too much cuteness? no I dont think so. Shes a rather unconventional kind of cute. The angry self loathing sort. Its more the way her character carries herself than her appearance that makes me hnnngh. shes SO adorable!

Indeed and that is a problem, the generic anime cuteness is a problem when she is supposed to be rather plain if not downright unattractive, they seem to reserve that for special moments only.


Too much cuteness? no I dont think so. Shes a rather unconventional kind of cute. The angry self loathing sort. Its more the way her character carries herself than her appearance that makes me hnnngh. shes SO adorable!

Indeed and that is a problem, the generic anime cuteness is a problem when she is supposed to be rather plain if not downright unattractive, they seem to reserve that for special moments only.

Ive seen pics of the manga and shes pretty cute there also. Am I missing something?


How so? Please explain.

It has been readily apparent from the first episode that she does most of this shit to herself and of of the recurrent themes is he denial of her situation to the point where she blames everybody but the self. Also the fact of the matter is that Tokomo is suffering from more then just a little social awkwardness, she is most likely suffering from one if not multiple undiagnosed metal disorders and really needs professional help. I do not find such things amusing, also, on a meta example the who social awkwardness thing reeks of cynical manipulation of otakus in a similar position. I have coem to hate Tokomo, hate everything about her, and that is what make Watamote enjoyable for me, her suffering, her torment.

Joe Molotov

she is most likely suffering from one if not multiple undiagnosed metal disorders and really needs professional help.

I what make Watamote enjoyable for me, her suffering, her torment.

That should be a blurb for the boxart.

"Mentally disturbed person endures endless suffering and torment. The most enjoyable anime of the year! ~ANN"


It has been readily apparent from the first episode that she does most of this shit to herself and of of the recurrent themes is he denial of her situation to the point where she blames everybody but the self. Also the fact of the matter is that Tokomo is suffering from more then just a little social awkwardness, she is most likely suffering from one if not multiple undiagnosed metal disorders and really needs professional help. I do not find such things amusing, also, on a meta example the who social awkwardness thing reeks of cynical manipulation of otakus in a similar position. I have coem to hate Tokomo, hate everything about her, and that is what make Watamote enjoyable for me, her suffering, her torment.

We obviously see the show in entirely different ways. thats perfectly alright.
Theres no right or wrong reason to enjoy something.


The cuteness is actually less the show and a problem I have with anime in general, really bugged me in El Cazador De La Bruja as well.
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