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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Gintama 68

This show just keeps on giving.
it will never stop.

Every girl in that show is adorable, though Yuki is my favorite because THAT EVERYTHING.

Would rather rub an eclair tbh.

All dogdays girls are best girls.

Majestic prince - 24

Great end..Again good battle.

There is a season 2, right ? Right ?

This serie is a solid 8/10 ..cast was enjoyable , there was this "fun" factor to the battles , jiart was great in almost all his moves. And in the end i loved it ..

Right now you feel like there is more to come , so i'm left a little hungry for more , that's why i note only 8/10

Definitly a good mecha show.
Servant x Service - 12

Not at all surprised by
the fact that the civil servant who approved Lucy's name was Hasebe's dad

I kinda prefer Lucy with glasses, to be quite honest. But I have a thing for glasses.


One Piece 68

Coby ep.

Why did they leave the axe on Morgan's hand too? :lol
Phi Brain 29

That was an awesome battle game and allowed us to introduce each title with their respective rival. I dunno why I call the main cast titles the show seems to have forgotten this point and just calls them by their real names in s2. I like loli witch she's really cute and watching Cube get flustered by her was the first time I enjoyed his character. Was sad my girlboy Ana did the worst in this game but at least he was able to play.

Also how many people can Kaito have forgotten about in his back story jeebus


High School DxD NEW
The Divine Boob Comedy

Fanservice and story are never things that should be segregated to me. And in series like this, they often work in perfect harmony. If the series wasn't so forward about its love of boobs, Issei would have less dimensions to his character. He doesn't have a whole lot, being a protagonist, but he's kind hearted, surprisingly pure in spite of that, and generally an affable guy.

I can't dislike someone who has the voice of the Gaia Memories and the hand of Ankh (okay, it's a dragon, but when it's as Rider-y as it is already, I see it as Ankh's hand). When Issei pulls out the Balance Breaker armor, I get a little giddy. Henshin junkies in the house.

I bring this up because, in stories of heroes and demons, Issei comes off a lot better than, say, Akatsuki in Hagure Yuusha, who I mostly thought was a douche who killed any narrative tension. He had some goodness in him, but... eugh. That Issei has moments of weakness, where he needs Rias to comfort him and let him cry for a bit, that's what makes him more admirable. He fails, and that makes his comebacks all the stronger.

I'm not sure if the decision to split this season into two differently titled arcs was to maintain fidelity to the novels, sell more theme songs, or provide a nice breaking point, but I thought even if the season was aired under a unified title, the two halves flowed into each other pretty well. Having the first half focus on Kiba was a bit surprising - the non-protagonist dude is not a character I expected to get much focus. It was kinda split between him, Irina and Zenovia, though, so the girls were still prominent.

Zenovia and Irina are pretty cool, though I was more interested in Irina at first because Maaya Uchida. I'll get into this in more detail later. Risa Taneda is another Ai Kayano to me - extremely versatile. Then there's Gasper. I did think he was a girl at first, because he got a character song, and in shows like this, male characters rarely do. I assess a lot of shows that way, and it rarely fails. Except in this case. A Hastur, a Hideyoshi, a Gasper. Always tricking me.

Gasper's cute, and goes against everything I'd expect from a vampire. Some of this may be because I'm biased towards Ayane Sakura's voice. The series is pretty good about switching up mythology. I'd love to see more of the angel side, now that they've gotten slightly more prominent. I love that no one of the three sides is presented as being the "right" one. We're sympathetic to the devils because they're the main characters, but there are sympathetic members and assholes on all sides.

The White Dragon is interesting, but he feels like something that'll have bigger payoff later. In a third or even fourth season, if they get that far. Koneko didn't get a lot of screentime, but what Akeno and the newbies got makes up for it. The battles are fine as always, and the mythology of the world is really interesting. Having a world where God is dead ("said Nietzsche") is some wonderful world building - one that I can tell will influence a lot of things to come.

The ending got a little heavy on dropping names, charatcters and terminology that suddenly felt new. The kind of thing that would happen in any novel adaptation. I was still able to follow it, even if not all of it's immediately going to pay off. Just a bit much to keep up with.

I don't want to ignore the fanservice either. Talking about nipple sucking and breast expansion so casually has given this series some major points. Neither of them actually happened, but the imagination runs wild enough. And that's not even getting into the title. Japan, don't stop your wordplay.

Overall, while it definitely felt like a "middle" sort of season, if the novels are ongoing, nearly every anime is going to have that "and the adventure continues" feel to it. Still, a lot of progress was made in terms of all the characters. I won't read the novels because I often don't - I prefer the anime medium - but the prospect of Issei's entire harem living in his house is enough to make me want another.

I liked the second opening and ending (ZAQ's and Lovely Devil - because that animation is sensual beyond belief. Even Gasper's part. He works as a trap really well.) more than the first. LSP's stuff is still pretty neat, though. Haven't heard the character songs yet, so I can't make a claim on those. It was an enjoyable ride.

Final Thoughts: Issei's genial nature and Kamen Rider influences keep me liking this show. The world is a nice take on Christian/world mythology, and the fanservice is pleasant, especially with how much it focuses on boobs. As long as breasts and friendship remain central to this series, I'd gladly welcome more of it.


K-ON! The Movie

This was good. Like, really good.

I think what stood out to me most was how even though Yui's still at heart a bit of a ditz and clumsy and lacks an attention span, this was Yui at possibly her most grown and mature that I've seen. The movie was really centered around her wanting to do something for Azusa for once, as it hits her like a bag of bricks that even though Azusa is their friend, she may not look up to them the way their underclassman/protege should. And so the whole time Yui is really trying hard to give something (a song) to her so that she can understand how much she's meant to them.

And it becomes even more than that as she and the others learn how much Azusa has meant to them. Her joining really was the point where they really got to the level they got. And she was the one that kept them focused and grounded (well, focused and grounded enough, considering the people in the band). And it all culminates in probably the best song they've produced. So yeah. I don't want to say the show treated Azusa as a fifth wheel, cause that wouldn't be accurate. But I think this movie really was a good tribute to Azusa and just how much she meant to the Light Music Club.

Last 20 minutes or so were :firehawk as fuck (am I using that right?). The bird they saw at the end, the reminiscing it caused. And then that last scene of their legs just walking. Yui backwards.

So yeah, very good. More thoughts:

-Sentai needs to learn the definition of "road trip" Road trip implies there's a road. Getting on a plane and flying to England is not a road trip.

-Appreciate them using British voices and all, but that guy who owned the sushi restaurant sounded really weird.

-When Azusa mentioned her new shoes when they were about to go on the subway, I thought she was trying to say she didn't want her new shoes ruined by getting in a piss-stained subway station. I don't know what condition London's subway system is in, but if it's anything like the ones in New York or Chicago, I wouldn't have blamed her.

-The moments with Yui and Azusa were the best ones, which is understandable given the focus on the movie.

-You really need to make reservations at a tea place in London? Or did they happen to enter a fancier place and assumed the rest of them were like that?

So yeah, liked it. Tell Chet to stop bugging me now.


K-ON! The Movie

This was good. Like, really good.
Pretty much.

My favourite scene is the first where they're playing heavy metal. I like when shows and characters become self-referential like that and it just worked as a situation, taking into account the personalities of the characters.

The movie is probably the part of K-On I'll come back to the most. It's a good healthy dose of everything that made the show good, plus awesomer animation.


Pretty much.

My favourite scene is the first where they're playing heavy metal. I like when shows and characters become self-referential like that and it just worked as a situation, taking into account the personalities of the characters.

The movie is probably the part of K-On I'll come back to the most. It's a good healthy dose of everything that made the show good, plus awesomer animation.

They weren't really playing metal though, right? They were just pretending to so they could manufacture in-band drama like all the other major bands. Though if they wanted to do that, they should have just shot up a bunch of heroin.

That part where Azusa kept turning the player on and off and Yui and Ritsu kept fake-playing and stopping whenever she turned it was funny though. Made me lol.


The K-ON! movie was one of the happiest experiences I've had watching anime. The London scenery is animated beautifully, the characters are written at their best and the music is wonderful. Not just the music, but the silences, too. And so much raw emotion, I love that sort of thing.

That Kinmosa reminded me of it even a little is a compliment of the highest order.


They weren't really playing metal though, right? They were just pretending to so they could manufacture in-band drama like all the other major bands. Though if they wanted to do that, they should have just shot up a bunch of heroin.

Yeah but it's harder to pretend that :p


I said the best parts of the movie were between Yui and Azusa, but I think the best one was the scene with Yui and Ui where Yui says. "Ui, thank you. But I can graduate on my own." Really was the culmination of Yui's development, assuming responsibility and no longer wanting to fully depend on everyone else.
High school Dxd New - 12

I don't gif often but it's a serie i love so bear with me.
First , the episode ...as a result of the 2 before it this one had a minimal amount of thing changed from the novel , WE DID get the first fight between vali & issei and as expected they didn't mess it up .

I'm so happy they didn't mess this part ... that was the part where i was worried since the start of this season.They did finsh azazzel fight quickly , but that's mainly because his opponent wasn't that much of a deal.

So they mentionned , ophis , the khaos brigade and biko made his apperance as expected they didn't made changes here but they properly set things up for the next part ... i liked how they did managed to cram the move from all the girls together at the end.

This season , beside the slight changes was incredible, i hope we get more seasons because they do have to SELL the volumes 16,17,18,19 of the LN ( that are already in preparation ) and the fact that the serie is still a bit popular .... We do need 24 eps seasons now , adapting the books with 12 eps by season will be impossible at this rate.

Issei , still a great character if not for the sheer logic where he gets his power-ups, this part was again nicely done.

Too bad it's over ...


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So much hype stuff happened that last episode
. Issei going in on Vali, Khaos Brigade, Azazel becoming the advisor to the club and all the girls moving into Issei's house.

They need to confirm a S3 ASAP.

Do you know how its doing in sales?


The K-ON! movie was one of the happiest experiences I've had watching anime. The London scenery is animated beautifully, the characters are written at their best and the music is wonderful. Not just the music, but the silences, too. And so much raw emotion, I love that sort of thing.

That Kinmosa reminded me of it even a little is a compliment of the highest order.

Clearly the key to SOL anime is rich, eccentric blondes.
Those gifs are like a betrayal of expectations that I had for this show.

Potentially for the better.

i .... I don't understand ... why are you betrayed ? they are putting some good fighting whille still keeping the sillyness and the erotic comedy.

Everything is IN.
High School DxD S2 - 12 (END)

No more Shameless Sundays? What an awful world it has become. Like the first season, this show is still better than all of the other dumb "high schooler gets magic super powers and now has a harem" shows because Issei isn't any of those shows' MC nor do they provide the same kind of entertainment brought by over-the-top, absurd, and shameless nonsense. I need that S3 for more stupidity and more OPPAI.
High School DxD S2 - 12 (END)

No more Shameless Sundays? What an awful world it has become. Like the first season, this show is still better than all of the other dumb "high schooler gets magic super powers and now has a harem" shows because Issei isn't any of those shows' MC nor do they provide the same kind of entertainment brought by over-the-top, absurd, and shameless nonsense. I need that S3 for more stupidity and more OPPAI.

Seriously ...i'm wepping that i won't have anymore episodes for a while.


First season of DxD sold 9,750 BD+DVD average across six volumes.

First volume of DxD NEW is being released this Wednesday, actually, so you'll need to wait until next week for those numbers. Amazon Stalker isn't always the best estimate -- they undershot Free by several thousand, though that was a rare case -- but for now they're predicting somewhere from 6,000 to 6,500 overall. For a second season to a just under 10k first season, that sounds about right for the drop.
First season of DxD sold 9,750 BD+DVD average across six volumes.

First volume of DxD NEW is being released this Wednesday, actually, so you'll need to wait until next week for those numbers. Amazon Stalker isn't always the best estimate -- they undershot Free by several thousand, though that was a rare case -- but for now they're predicting somewhere from 6,000 to 6,500 overall. For a second season to a just under 10k first season, that sounds about right for the drop.

If that's normal I guess I'm a bit relieved, will certainly keep believing in S3.
First season of DxD sold 9,750 BD+DVD average across six volumes.

First volume of DxD NEW is being released this Wednesday, actually, so you'll need to wait until next week for those numbers. Amazon Stalker isn't always the best estimate -- they undershot Free by several thousand, though that was a rare case -- but for now they're predicting somewhere from 6,000 to 6,500 overall. For a second season to a just under 10k first season, that sounds about right for the drop.
Thanks for the info ...

Well I didn't fucking expect robots, for starters.

The D in "DxD" Mean "Dragon" ( Both D )

They are wearing dragon armor, this isn't robot territory...Also this stuff is only for season finales.. so you'll have plenty of stuff without "that"
Thanks for the info ...

The D in "DxD" Mean "Dragon" ( Both D )

They are wearing dragon armor, this isn't robot territory...Also this stuff is only for season finales.. so you'll have plenty of stuff without "that"

Well I certainly did not know this considering the massive tit flaunting vibes I get from it.


Tragic victim of fan death
First season of DxD sold 9,750 BD+DVD average across six volumes.

First volume of DxD NEW is being released this Wednesday, actually, so you'll need to wait until next week for those numbers. Amazon Stalker isn't always the best estimate -- they undershot Free by several thousand, though that was a rare case -- but for now they're predicting somewhere from 6,000 to 6,500 overall. For a second season to a just under 10k first season, that sounds about right for the drop.

DxD got a second season with those sales and we didn't get S2 of Accel World? LAME!
Well I certainly did not know this considering the massive tit flaunting vibes I get from it.

The franchise love breasts of all sizes but it has multiple layers of "fun" attached ...
The world and the backstory in particular is quite large. Beyond the "tits" is just a fun universe to follow.

Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyou - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni - 11

As usual Cerebrum is quite evil.. The revelation on the main characters were expected and i predicted them in advance.
I always knew the crow was shaddy.
[Monogatari S2] - 12

One of the darker and moodier Monogatari episodes. Which is great since they're finally taking seriously and developing who was the fan-consensus "worst girl."

The music in the Monogatari series has always felt a little "cued." Hate to say it, but it kinda fits the way the show's written.
Get hype.

I don't keep track of release dates, so hitting the bookstore today gave me this pleasant little surprise.

Another spoilers.
After the collapse of the old DOMS in the last volume, I'm really psyched to see how the team deals with their new enemies.
Gen'ei o Kakeru Taiyou - Il Sole Penetra le Illusioni - 12

That was really unexpected.

Cerebrum goal was "that?"

That's actually a good reason to wreck human minds and destroy their existance.

Temperance is back
, i'm actually happy about that i guess that the fact
her father still remembered her
should have been a clue
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