For being a Satelight show, this doesn't look bad.
Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PcnoCPWR7c
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. (Yusibu): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTtxA-xECms
New CMs/PVs:
Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PcnoCPWR7c
Golden Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9tcyonlZAM
Log Horizon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yVOmaezbLI
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. (Yusibu): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTtxA-xECms
Even to love ru cant be at full throlle every episode.To LOVE-ru Darkness: 07
Ah, Sisterly love. Bonding and all that stuff. Also, very small plot movement. Very little fanservice, too, to be honest.
True but I don't feel like those have really had that "holy shit what" factor for me yet, especially when I've been told that this show is for all intents and purposes an spiritual successor to Geass and I've yet to really have the kind of shocking Geass-esque reaction to the twists. Yeah they're (mostly) twists in the dictionary sense of the word but I've just not had that surprise value outside of the first/second episodetwists. A lot of the things in the show seem more like developments rather than twists proper to me.vampire and body switch
I'd say the music has been lackluster throughout but it's unusually to see music actively clash with the scene itself. Impressive.
Random thought/question. The current Space Brothers OP - longest time for the name of the show to sit on the screen in total? First time it's on screen for 8 seconds, second time roughly 19 seconds so in total 27 seconds which is exactly 30% of the 1:30 running time!
Still looks great. Still hyped!
Caught a few chapters of the manga and didn't seem half bad. I found the female lead to be kind of annoying... then I noticed that this is the same author of Toradora and then it all suddenly made sense!
Doesn't look half bad either! I get more of .hack vibe than a SAO vibe from the PV.
All that :chet.Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. (Yu-sibu): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTtxA-xECms
Pikachu OP nerf plz
Well, yeah. lolOh my. Stratos 4...well its..kinda hard sci fi and thenALIEN LESBIANISM DISEASE!
Since it's related I might as well post one of the last things I laughed at from /a/.
Another 9
What's the opposite of a deus ex machina? Where inexplicable events occur to keep the cast in danger rather than save them from it? Cause this show does it all the fucking time.
Since it's related I might as well post one of the last things I laughed at from /a/.
Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova And Beyond 34
Even Dunsparce realized this episode was crap.
I'd forgotten about Lightning.gif. A true classic.Since it's related I might as well post one of the last things I laughed at from /a/.
hunter x hunter 97
Funny, i kinda expected them all to die. seems to be the general storyboard for every fight this arc lol.
So I guess the wholetooth on the back of the spider who controls people is forgotten... for now?
Dunsparce could fly!? Seeing him fly is kinda funny since he looks like the lazy type of Pokemon.
Dunsparce could fly!? Seeing him fly is kinda funny since he looks like the lazy type of Pokemon.
[Monogatari S2] - 12
I just wanted to say that the scoring of a number of these scenes was truly awful. As in, some of the worst musical direction that I've heard in any anime ever. It's almost like they were using placeholder music except that I imagine no such thing exists. The music neither fitted the tone of the scene, the length of the scene, the pacing of the scene - it appeared to come from a completely different series. Just bizarre.
You must never have seen the beginning of Magi Episode 19.
Why would I ever watch that much Magi?
dropped at 24?I dunno, for Mor I guess?
I think it was a couple episodes after that one that I finally decided to drop the series.
Another 9
What's the opposite of a deus ex machina? Where inexplicable events occur to keep the cast in danger rather than save them from it? Cause this show does it all the fucking time.
mor sucks.
Diablos ex machina.
Death Note - Episode 10
I was wondering where that famous laughing gif came from, and I guess now I know. I thought L would be more classy then that, feet on the table. Really L.