Thought it came up at Otakon.
It's just listed under "Theme Song".
Thought it came up at Otakon.
I enjoyed Dog Days at first - it's got some nicely animated action - but soon got bored with it because the characters are all basic anime archetypes whose interactions quickly became stale. The show felt like it was just going through the motions. It also didn't so as much with the dog/cat thing as I would have liked.
Look at this boopin' ass iPad shit!
Phi Brain S3 animated OP:
Both songs are insanely good.
Log Horizon animated OP:
So I guess NHK decided to preview the animated OPs for their upcoming fall shows:
Log Horizon animated OP:
Phi Brain S3 animated OP:
Both songs are insanely good.
(via llamafull)
Heh, the limits of kemomimi.I enjoyed Dog Days at first - it's got some nicely animated action - but soon got bored with it because the characters are all basic anime archetypes whose interactions quickly became stale. The show felt like it was just going through the motions. It also didn't so as much with the dog/cat thing as I would have liked.
Only because of charlotte.
No arguments here. Best girl is best.
So ready for S2!
Easily the best girl
Charlotte is the only reason I'm interested at all.
Death Note - Episode 14
Did she really say and I quote
"If I see you with any other girls I will kill them."
Oh man, I so need a popcorn.gif right now. Oh yeah, I hate Light even more now. He is getting more evil each episode.
If you have to ask, you'll never know. You've just gotta experience it yourself.So, at the risk of starting something I should just keep to myself, I'll just ask anyway: why do people prefer Charlotte in IS so much?
So, at the risk of starting something I should just keep to myself, I'll just ask anyway: why do people prefer Charlotte in IS so much?
HoukiPouki is main girl boring
Cecilia is regular boring
China is irrelevant
Laura is actually pretty adorable, second best of the main harem
Char is cute as fuck KanaHana best girl
Hopefully the new girl with HAIR EAAAAAAAAAAAARS will be great, plus we all know Chifuyu-nee is the best overall.
So I guess NHK decided to preview the animated OPs for their upcoming fall shows:
Log Horizon animated OP:
I enjoyed Dog Days at first - it's got some nicely animated action - but soon got bored with it because the characters are all basic anime archetypes whose interactions quickly became stale. The show felt like it was just going through the motions. It also didn't so as much with the dog/cat thing as I would have liked.
As much as I like Dog Days, I do wish the characters displayed more animal characteristics than the occasional tail-wagging and fetch playing.
Only because of charlotte.
Girls don't poop
Finally, the Madoka/Chihayafuru crossover you've been waiting for, except not really.
I wonder what the next step of merchandising will be for Madoka.
Girl dogs doo.
What about anime dog girls?But not anime girls.
The only appearance of best girl outside the OP and ED so far. FUCK OFF.
What about anime dog girls?
Obviously cosmic is referring to smell and hearing being more important senses for them and also the ability to get really savage, but that's kind of breaking the whole lighthearted tone.
As much as I like Dog Days, I do wish the characters displayed more animal characteristics than the occasional tail-wagging and fetch playing.
Spice and Wolf did a decent job at this. Not that it went out of its way, but in so many shows they are nothing more than costume props.Yeah, there was a moment when Cinque was rubbing Millhiore's chin and she reacted with a dog-like contentment which I really liked, and that's the kind of thing I would have liked to see more prevalent instead of just having them be people with funny ears and tails.
Uh, has no one posted this Space Dandy music video thing? I'm really not entirely sure what it is. I just saw that Bahi posted it. Kinda neat!
Like snouts, fur and paws, right?
You have to remember they have human intelligence here.I just mean more tail-wagging when happy, better use of smell, glomping, maybe burrowing in a bed and then getting confused/scared when they can't find their way out from under the comforter.
Same thing here. We're just more discrete about it. Usually.Stuff like that. I could do without bathroom related things.
Well, faces in anime aren't always expressive either. Certainly would be great to have, though. MLP is usually good about this.Also more expressive ears.
You mean the Ebisugawa twins? Yeah, they're the lowest point of the show, but their turn into honestly threatening, if still astoundingly idiotic, villains plays pretty well. Imagine the terror you'd feel knowing that these bozos have your life, and the lives of those dearest to you, in their hands![The Eccentric Family] - 12
Series wise, I feel that most of the scenes with the brothers are a waste of time. All the interactions between them and the main family members is nearly the same in every single scene they're in and they don't really have any interesting depths to be explored. As flat, joke characters they shouldn't have quite so much time devoted to them.
[The Eccentric Family] - 12
This is certainly the best show that P.A. Works has ever done, which unfortunately isn't saying much.
Yeah, it was really nice to see that. I'm surprised Inoue pulled that off, he has been doing mostly realistic and restrained movement since years ago. Guy's a professional in every sense of the word, it's no wonder Oshii called him "the perfect animator".[The Eccentric Family] - 12
This episode was certainly a treat for the eyes in terms of animation. They really went extremely western in how cartoonily deformed the train got, great stuff.
Series wise, I feel that most of the scenes with the brothers are a waste of time. All the interactions between them and the main family members is nearly the same in every single scene they're in and they don't really have any interesting depths to be explored. As flat, joke characters they shouldn't have quite so much time devoted to them.
I also feel like this series, as a whole, would be better digested in the marathon format. These week long gaps really aren't working for me because the story doesn't really divide into neat episodes.
Finally, the Madoka/Chihayafuru crossover you've been waiting for, except not really.
I wonder what the next step of merchandising will be for Madoka.
Death Note - Episode 14
Did she really say and I quote
"If I see you with any other girls I will kill them."
Oh man, I so need a popcorn.gif right now. Oh yeah, I hate Light even more now. He is getting more evil each episode.
So, at the risk of starting something I should just keep to myself, I'll just ask anyway: why do people prefer Charlotte in IS so much?
Steins Gate 2-25
I decided to marathon the entire series this past weekend. I already watched the first episode a while ago. While its a tad slow in the first couple episodes, the show really picks up when the time manipulation experiments affect the world around.Now to wait for the movieWhen Akiba changed from moe to only electronics, I was greatly astonished. Most time based shows either have the world change into a complete disaster or destroying the world of the main character where the world continues as normal. Changing an entire area is kinda huge. The way the story starts with building up their actions and then crashes down on them and then they have to reversed. I'm surprised I actually teared a bit a few times since I almost never cry.I also like how Okabe's persona was created to comfort Mayuri. THough the endng was sort of a cop-out, it felt like a solid resolution. The special was also nice reunion to though it didn't make much sense in the first half
This will definitely grow on me.
Eh, being better than Hanasaku Iroha is nothing to be ashamed of. Of course most of P.A. Works' output doesn't come close to even that level.
HoukiPouki is main girl boring
plus we all know Chifuyu-nee is the best overall.