Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I forgive your spoiler because DAT ASS!! HNNNNNNG!
Fun fact: I fell asleep during this episode.Rozen Madden 12
Season 1's climax was better.
Fun fact: I fell asleep during this episode.
SatoJun and Yoshida worked on this show, hm? Haha, no wonder you like it so much. All it's missing is Kobayashi.
I've taken notice of this show due to your posting about it and I think I'll take a look at it sometime in the future. I like the whole mono no aware thing too so it seems like it would be my kind of show. Oh yeah, I looked at ANN's encyclopedia article for this anime and apparently it was Yuka Yamada who wrote this episode and not Yoshida.
Haha, when I first saw your impressions for episode 11 above I read it as episode 12, so when I saw this post I was thinking, didn't you already watch this episode? My mistake,haha.
One Off was four OVAs I think right? I remember watching the first one or part and then was going to wait for the rest and then haven't gotten around to watching it. I should get back to that. I also forgot that SatoJun was involved. I checked and it doesn't look like Yoshida was though. SatoJun + Yoshida + Kobayashi + Mono no aware! That would have been like the ultimate firehawk combo! Haha.
Since you like Aria so much, maybe you've mentioned it a few times already and I've since forgotten, but I checked to see if SatoJun and Yoshida were involved with that and of course they were! Haha. No wonder it's such a hit with firehawk,haha. All it's missing is Kobayashi as well.
I'm not sure how all the different staff stuff works so I wonder if SatoJun be involved with the new Sailor Moon or if Yoshida might write for it perhaps?
As for the logo, it looks like it could go either way to me, Honda or Bonda, haha.
Funny enough, Okuda-bot also worked on Aria. I guess she took from that experience the need to insert stupid (melo)drama into her writing to make it less subtle!
But yeah, the holy trinity of SatoJun/Yoshida/Kobayashi has yet to happen. I'm not sure if it ever will!
As for One Off, I believe it's actually 2-30 minute episodes. It's just that they're split into four parts for some reason. It's a short and sweet SatoJun mono no aware story where girls cry because they're happen at some revelation that they make about their past while, in this case, literally riding on a bike toward the future.
You know, standard stuff!
Also, this is Kobayashi:
She gets a chance to flex her Engrish muscle. lol
Phi Brain 32
Obligatory Kaitoepisode. Freecell and these villains seem really shallow though now that we're learning the truth about their collective past. Seriously you hold a grudge against Kaito becauseloss. Then again Rook's reason to hate Kaito in S1 was pretty flimsy as a depressed child who lost his parents he solved your incredibly easy puzzles and said they were bland
Except that puzzles in phi-brain -universe are "serious business" .. It's natural that they are overreacting
lol, not really, thankfully!Ah, so Aria has some of her drama does it?
Kobayashi seems to be getting less and less work these days.One day. Believe! Haha.
I scrubbed through the last two where she shows up and tries to use "PC" to take over the world... or something. lolHaha. It looks like Kobayashi's character even has Mad Pierrot eyebrows. I'm not sure if you ever watched any episodes of Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Anime but without spoiling anything, let's just say her character isn't so shy anymore,haha.
Yeah, saw it. We'll see how it goes... at least she's not doing mecha again.In case you forgot when 7Th mentioned it, Yoshida is woriking on the writing for Non Non Biyori for Fall season.
Also, kind of random, but it was a year ago now(crazy) that Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun or My Little Monster aired and you mentioned a show about a short girl and a tall guy getting together and recommending that show as something similar. I wound up watching it but didn't end up posting any comments on it and now don't even remember what it was called,haha. I remember Ayana Taketatsu, Azusa from K-On's seiyuu, does the voice of the girl so it should be easy enough to figure out.
Ojamajo Doremi # 29
Heh, I went back after Hadzuki explained why she and Masaru disappeared and lo and behold, there she was, buckling her knees and trying to get Doremi's and Onpu's attention. Kinda contrived to have all that stuff happen at once (and seriously, who stops in the middle of cutting watermelons to go buy salt? Was it for the watermelons? And his dad just left his beer and green beans there. Sorry, not buying it), but eh, whatever.
As for the commercial interlude,Cause that would be so motherfucking Toei if it was.was that Dodo and the other fairies grown up that they showed?
Yes the salt was for the watermelons.
SO here is a question, are we keeping this thread for the fall season or not?
SO here is a question, are we keeping this thread for the fall season or not?
SO here is a question, are we keeping this thread for the fall season or not?
Why would you put salt on watermelons? I've never heard of that. Maybe they were going to make martinis or something. Either way, they were in one fucking hurry to go buy that salt. Seriously, the dude's beer was open and poured. What the hell? And why does he even need to go? It's salt. I'm sure his wife is more than capable of going to the convenient store and buying salt on her own.
No, like it was for the watermelon without making it something else. I heard of it a few years ago and even tried it. Using salt (a minimum amount of it) on a watermelon brings out its flavor and makes it taste better*, forgot who told me about this.
*preferences may vary
Kobayashi seems to be getting less and less work these days.![]()
Okay then. But my other points still stand.
Well why would you send your wife to walk to the store.... alone..... at night.... in a world where miscarriages are brought up and lord knows might mention the r word at some point (I don't know about this one).
Gotta protect your waifu and display the true meaning of 'moe'.
Okay then. How about he finishes his beer and green beans and goes out by himself and she stays home and finishes cutting the watermelons?
Because this is a mahou shoujo, and men aren't as capable in this genre, then again, making them look capable is something that isn't done often to begin with.
All right. For the sake of argument, let's assume that both of them have to go to the store together for whatever reason. There are still two problems I have. One, why were they in such a fucking hurry? The kid said his mother never leaves something unfinished, so why was the salt such an urgent matter that she made an exception this one time? And couldn't they wait until the guy finished his beer? Again, it was open and poured; it's the best that beer's ever going to be. Could they have taken five minutes to let him drink it? Two, why didn't they just say "fuck it" and eat the watermelon without the salt? Watermelon's fine the way it is; they don't need to go that much out of their way to make it only a wee bit tastier.
...I feel like I'm debating the most pointless thing ever right now. And that's probably because I am.
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You 09
The plot is still very uninteresting and this is getting oddly serious for a Hayate plot, lol.
The girls in my anime club are all Free fangirls ( even the president)....... I did not expectthis -_-want
Well now I have an excuse to never join one.
Besides potentially running into elitists, but still.
Then what are you doing in here?
Well now I have an excuse to never join one.
Besides potentially running into elitists, but still. Guess I would have to try to make them go SDburton to make up for the fujoshis, but that's too much effort and probably throwing males under the busGood lord we don't really need more of that.
Knowing the anime, they'd just skip 100 chapters anyway! lolThe World God Only Knows - Goddesses 12 - The season finale. Not bad. Did really want more epilogue though. I guess I need to read the manga, or wait perhaps forever for more anime.
The thing is that as an ongoing series, there's really no way for them to end it. As something that was half recap and half denouement, I feel like they did the best they did. Playing with the episode structure and being all Oonuma was a neat bonus too.Watamote 12 -END-
Kind of a lackluster final episode for an otherwise pretty great show. It really felt like they used up all their good material early on and the last two or three episodes weren't as good as the rest of the series. Did really like the insert song and the use of the OP near the end of the episode.
Farewell, Watamote. If it weren't for Servant x Service you'd probably be my show of the season. Here's hoping we get a second season, too. I could always do with more of Tomoko.
Its kind of embarrassing. During freshers fair the boards were all covered with Free posters. That is not a good representation of anime :/
Honestly, it's not like any of the otaku-oriented stuff is possible to show in public!I'm going to assume guys having those bods would imply that they weren't just lanky pretty boys with no actual muscle or something... even if that's giving them more credit than they probably deserve but...
They should at least have a broad range of goods shown.
As far as elitists are concerned I seriously doubt you'll encounter many of those. It's infinitely more likely that everyone will be in the AoT is the best thing since sliced bread camp.Well now I have an excuse to never join one.
Besides potentially running into elitists, but still. Guess I would have to try to make them go SDburton to make up for the fujoshis, but that's too much effort and probably throwing males under the busGood lord we don't really need more of that.
Gah. Getting withdrawal from Oreimo. Want more. Sad it's over. Despite not liking the route chosen, it was a really good show.
Honestly, it's not like any of the otaku-oriented stuff is possible to show in public!
As far as elitists are concerned I seriously doubt you'll encounter many of those. It's infinitely more likely that everyone will be in the AoT is the best thing since sliced bread camp.