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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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So a question, sub or dub for Tamers?

Is there anything in Tamers that might give the other side an advantage considering the difference in dialogue and the score from Adventure 02's dub and Japanese version?

EDIT: Fuck it. Japanese version will be my choice.

Always go sub with Digimon. Especially given how great the music in Tamers is.
Kino's Journey - 13 END

All right Kino's Journey. You shocked me with that one. You happy now?

I got really bad vibes from the beginning of this episode, as it reminded me a lot of Kino's own backstory. I was starting to worry that Kino would end up meeting her untimely demise in this episode. But actually no! The people were nice! So much so that Kino actually wanted to stay for more than another day, outside the norm.

But holy shit they had to do the final Giga Drill Break to the gut didn't they? Right after Kino leaves, the country gets destroyed by lava. The most shocking thing about this episode was Kino's horrified expression. Everything she saw during the series she looked all passive about it with not much concern. But her face when she saw the one land that been truly kind and peaceful and normal, holy crap! And just to put the cherry on it, the people knew this was going to happen and that's why they wanted to change their ways and didn't let her stay another day.

Damn. Just Damn.

Okay, 3 OVAs for this show left to go. I don't know how they can possibly top this finale. It's been a long wild, journey with this show. The lessons, the imagery, the symbolism, and everything about it was so dark, and yet so beautiful. An excellent series.


Always go sub with Digimon. Especially given how great the music in Tamers is.

I still myself listening to Tamers's OST on Youtube. So good.

Hajime No Ippo 14

The first match of the rookie tournament officially begin! Ippo certainly seems outmatched, but his fighting spirit will insure his victory! Kick Jason's ass!


Kino's Journey - 13 END

All right Kino's Journey. You shocked me with that one. You happy now?

I got really bad vibes from the beginning of this episode, as it reminded me a lot of Kino's own backstory. I was starting to worry that Kino would end up meeting her untimely demise in this episode. But actually no! The people were nice! So much so that Kino actually wanted to stay for more than another day, outside the norm.

But holy shit they had to do the final Giga Drill Break to the gut didn't they? Right after Kino leaves, the country gets destroyed by lava. The most shocking thing about this episode was Kino's horrified expression. Everything she saw during the series she looked all passive about it with not much concern. But her face when she saw the one land that been truly kind and peaceful and normal, holy crap! And just to put the cherry on it, the people knew this was going to happen and that's why they wanted to change their ways and didn't let her stay another day.

Damn. Just Damn.

Okay, 3 OVAs for this show left to go. I don't know how they can possibly top this finale. It's been a long wild, journey with this show. The lessons, the imagery, the symbolism, and everything about it was so dark, and yet so beautiful. An excellent series.

Heehee. Told you it was an amazing series!
Its my second favorite all time behind Haibane Renmei.
Kinos journey is a very special anime series and you wont soon forget it once youve watched it.


Subete no aware
Yeah, other than that wedding dress cap that got posted a while ago, there wasn't much here.

At least teacher gets a bit of a starring role this time. lol


Heehee. Told you it was an amazing series!
Its my second favorite all time behind Haibane Renmei.
Kinos journey is a very special anime series and you wont soon forget it once youve watched it.

agree with all of this, there's only one volume of the novels available in English but it's well worth tracking down (despite Tokyopop's best efforts to fuck it up)
Danganronpa: The Animation Episode 13 Goodbye, Despair High School {End}

That's it?!
was the world truly in turmoil or was she joking, and why was monokuma never explained, how did she and it get together and interact

The OP was the best part of the anime and it had its moments, mainly Alter Ego and Naegs, but otherwise a few mistakes along the way decreased by enjoyment as it went on. Dont think Im interested in the game anymore. Maybe a sequel of sorts would address the outstanding issues or something. 6/10.


Yes! Pretty Cure 5: 24

So, the Precure get a new power... weapon... vehicle... butterfly... thingy. Cool.

Think I need a small break from the series. This feels like a good spot to rest for a week or so.


Futari wa Milky Holmes
Too Many Alices

What is Milky Holmes? A modern day Galaxy Angel seems appropriate, with the games and the anime having such radically different tones that it would be tough for people who only liked one to communicate. Though with Alternative, there's a lot of variations on it, and I've never been opposed to an alternate take on an established story. I even liked Xenoglossia.

Though Futari wa took a while to win me over. Kazumi and Alice aren't bad by themselves, but having most of the cast, including Milky Holmes themselves, reduced to cameos was odd. Not a betrayal, just going in a different direction than I expected. It was a little lighter in tone than Alternative, since the girls were newbies and still had the growing pains that would involve, but the Looney Tunes like madness of the first two seasons were my first and preferred version of the franchise.

The Colors Phantom aren't nearly as exciting as Arsene - though I am glad they gave her and the Three Cards a cameo. Things like that signify that, even if the coloring and directing is different, this is still meant to be the same universe as the first two series. I'm also extremely glad it gave them a chance to show Ellery Himeyuri in animated form. I've been interested in her since I saw the promo art for the sequel, and more roles for Takamori are always good.

The conspiracies and such with the various thieves were fine, but since they didn't have as much distinction as Arsene's gang, I liked Kazumi and Alice's parts better. Their Toys were neat, if a bit stock footage-y. The show wasn't entirely humorless. I enjoyed the implication that trying to act "senior-like" is a strain on Milky Holmes, who really are just a bunch of goofballs in their off time. (The Academy was rebuilt nicely after Arsene
blew it to hell last time
, wasn't it?). Name mispronunciation gags are good for a few laughs, but generally, not quite to the level of zaniness my favorite series achieve.

The OP and ED were nice, regular Milky Holmes stuff. No followup on the Mori Arty thing. Every time (s)he appears, two more questions get added - and Mori was nowhere to be seen here.

Final Thoughts: Milky Holmes goes in yet another completely different direction. While it's a little slower and not as funny as the excellent first two seasons, there's enough cameos and likeable characters on the detective side. Still worth a watch. Helps that it's half the length, time-wise.


I am pretty sure I remember seeing that Saika has more event images in the Oregairu game than any other character.

edit: yep. Also, Yui has one more than Yukino, and Sensei has one more than Yui.


Subete no aware
I'm still at work :( sadness

Are you guys podcasting this week?
Yeah. :(
Maybe Miyazaki next time!

I guess he's alright, Hayama is more exciting for that type of potential and always at odds with Hiki, plus its interesting how they can be so different and almost similar too. I guess Saika is just too nice really so it makes things a bit dull.
Given how feminine Saika is and how much Batman lusts over him, I was just wondering if you hated him or not. lol

I am pretty sure I remember seeing that Saika has more event images in the Oregairu game than any other character.
He's the token otaku bait in the game, more so than the other girls.


While both are worth it, one is certainly easier to finish than the other.

You could also watch the show that provides the model for Tenchi-Ryouko-Aeka, but that's another 200 ep plunge.

Man, I find 50 episode Gundam series to be too long. I dunno how people don't burn out with these multi hundred stints.
Day Break Illusion 13 [end]

Cerebrum FTW!
well until the 19 minute mark, he was so close to. It almost seemed as though he was going to win and we'd have to go into a season two. Kind of odd they didnt have nothing more on Legazario after everything was done and finished. Seemed to be the most unexplained point at the end of the day, and Daemonia with free will would be a good place for an season 2.
KILL LA KILL EPISODE 1, 30 SECOND PREVIEW: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15aj05

Aw hell yes. Looks amazing. I'm always up to see a badass female protagonist in action. Judging from the plot description I can assume that I'll be in for a good time.

Heehee. Told you it was an amazing series!
Its my second favorite all time behind Haibane Renmei.
Kinos journey is a very special anime series and you wont soon forget it once youve watched it.

Well that marks another anime down. But there are many greats that I've yet to see. So next on my list is Cowboy Bebop. From what I've heard, this is supposed to be an all time masterpiece so I've got my expectations.
Say aniGaf, how's Kokoro Connect ? I remember watching a couple episodes back in 2012 but I didn't continue. Is it worth it ?

Also, what are the 2013 anime you'd recommend me ? (I've been out of the loop for a while)

It's pretty meh except for Inaban. I felt it was much stronger in its first couple of arcs. It sorta became ridiculous after that. The last ED, "Salvage," was pretty awesome, though.

It gets such good magazine images.

So is Samurai Flamenco basically just a homoerotic Kamen Rider?

Consider me sold.


Danganronpa: The Animation Episode 13 Goodbye, Despair High School {End}

That's it?!
was the world truly in turmoil or was she joking, and why was monokuma never explained, how did she and it get together and interact

The OP was the best part of the anime and it had its moments, mainly Alter Ego and Naegs, but otherwise a few mistakes along the way decreased by enjoyment as it went on. Dont think Im interested in the game anymore. Maybe a sequel of sorts would address the outstanding issues or something. 6/10.

The second game certainly does clear up a lot of the questions left by the first. That said,
I don't think it was ever intended to be ambiguous that the outside world is indeed in a fucked-up state. All the evidence points to it - there's the footage of all the students agreeing to spend the rest of their lives in the school, the actual footage of the events outside, the footage that Monokuma showed all the students on their individual videos early on in the series of the precious places they used to know in ruin, and of course there's the simple fact that Enoshima was able to get away with this whole thing - up to and including broadcasting the students killing each other on public television - without any police or other intervention. Plus Genocider remembers the whole thing, so yeah.

I'm pretty sure Monokuma was explained, to the extent that any explanation was necessary:
as the students saw while one of the Monokumas was deactivated, they were essentially just robots, which Enoshima was controlling the whole time from behind the Monokuma Door in the control room. Of course this may not have been particularly clear in the anime since it rushed through everything and left out a lot of explanation. There was a scene in the game where the students actually get into the Monokuma Room and briefly control one of the Monokuma robots, but I don't think that ever happened in the anime(?) There were also scenes in the game where it was an important plot point that Enoshima couldn't control the robots and keep an eye on the rest of the school at the same time (since the Monokuma Room was separate from the room with all the surveillance monitors), but I think the anime was much more vague about that.

The fact that the Monokuma robots were so advanced (more advanced than the students would expect, certainly) was largely because two whole years had passed - plenty of time for technological breakthroughs to be made, particularly at Kibougamine Academy which is full of geniuses whose skills border on the supernatural (see: Chihiro-kun, who was able to create a fully-functional artificial intelligence on an old laptop in the space of a few days. In fact, I seem to recall it being revealed that some of the technology in the Monokuma robots was actually developed by Chihiro himself during the two-year blank.)

...As for
the scene with Monokuma speaking independently after the credits, when Enoshima was already dead
, I'm not sure if that was even supposed to be taken seriously at all. I can think of one possible explanation, but that would be spoilerish for the second game and I'm not sure how likely it really is. Better to just treat it as a silly bonus scene that was just there for the sake of it.


Hajime No Ippo 13

Ippo is ready for his first match in the rookie tournament. I am so proud of him. He has come a far ways since his initial appearance at the gym.

Takamura is still a mega jerk, and I can't wait to see the day where Ippo has a serious spar with him. Maybe he'll use his "third leg" to defeat Takamura.

Takamura is the best character just you watch.

And Ippo beat him? bwahahahaha..


Day Break Illusion
What If Witches Could Talk?

When I first saw this show, I thought it had the best art style of all the magical girl series, and gave off a sort of Madoka Magica meets Saint October vibe. So, how did the second magical girl series featuring Mai Kadowaki work out?

The art style was neatly stylized, and the monster designs were very visceral and interesting to look at. The tarot motif hasn't been done too many times as a superhero thing, and the effects used for it did look very pretty. Seira's ice bow and arrow stand out in my mind. The visuals were good.

The story was, while a bit heavier than usual, fairly standard.
The focus on Fuyuna was unexpected. With Fuyuna being the opening and ending of the season, it made the whole thing feel like Akari's origin story, the first chapter of a larger saga.
The girls' pasts were never delved into too deep, but it was clear from the start that tragedy was going to be a part of this series. It was always counterbalanced by enough friendship in a way that set it apart from Madoka. The whole
Ginka revival at the end
came out of left field, but it was provided with an explanation that was consistent with everything else the series had done up to that point.

The central conceit of the series, being able to talk to the Daemonia, was a good thing for the series to hang its hat on, I thought. One of the things about Witches in Madoka was that for many of them, their side of the story was only implied through the website. Being able to hear what the experience of being a monster is like from the monster itself opens up a new realm of storytelling possibilities. Akari never healed any of them, I'm not even sure if they can be, but that she made an effort is good. The art Daemonia episode was one of the better ones. I wouldn't have minded a few more like that, showing exactly what makes a monster a monster.

I wish Priscilla, Meltina, Ariel and Etia had a little more screentime. The brief glimpses we got of their powers suggest they're probably having their own adventures that, at least, should be ripe spinoff manga material. The main cast was utilized fine as they were.
The idea of Luna using her momentarily lycanthropy as a springboard for more offensive powers is clever. Just because it was given to her for bad uses doesn't mean she needs to reject it entirely. By having offense and defense, she may be stronger than any of them.

It was never bad to watch, I felt. It could've been a little better in places, but I respect its ideas and hope that it has a chance to expand on its universe in drama CDs or somesuch.

The opening and ending both were pleasant songs, and I could see myself listening to both of them a bit, but they're not going to be near the top of my list.

Final Thoughts: Not as exciting as I'd hoped for, but as a magical girl fan, I can't hate it. It had some good ideas, and the art style, for both the heroines and monsters, stands out. I'd still recommend it.


Chuunibyou movie-related spoilers:
the new character from the second LN volume (and by extension, the second anime season) appears in a brief teaser at the end of the movie.
The promotional postcards given out as a gift to theatergoers this week show the anime design for the new character who's going to appear in the second season, Satone, though she won't be wearing this costume in the series itself:

(via @ultimatemegax)

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Day Break Illusion 13 -END-

Meh. Probably the safest possible ending. Really predictable, and they left some unanswered questions as well. But eh. For a Madoka ripoff, it wasn't bad.


No new licensing announcements from Sentai today, just a preview of their release slate for January 2014:
Casshan - BD/DVD (Sub Only)
Maria Holic - BD/DVD (Sub and Dub)
Medaka Box Abnormal - BD/DVD (Sub and Dub)
Taisho Baseball Girls - BD (Sub only)
Uta no Prince Sama 1000% - BD/DVD (Sub only)
It's worth noting that Taisho Baseball Girls and Maria Holic were both previously released as sub-only DVD sets.

Also, Sentai says that they still don't plan on making DVD/BD combo pack releases in the future.
The second game certainly does clear up a lot of the questions left by the first. That said,
I don't think it was ever intended to be ambiguous that the outside world is indeed in a fucked-up state. All the evidence points to it - there's the footage of all the students agreeing to spend the rest of their lives in the school, the actual footage of the events outside, the footage that Monokuma showed all the students on their individual videos early on in the series of the precious places they used to know in ruin, and of course there's the simple fact that Enoshima was able to get away with this whole thing - up to and including broadcasting the students killing each other on public television - without any police or other intervention. Plus Genocider remembers the whole thing, so yeah.

I'm pretty sure Monokuma was explained, to the extent that any explanation was necessary:
as the students saw while one of the Monokumas was deactivated, they were essentially just robots, which Enoshima was controlling the whole time from behind the Monokuma Door in the control room. Of course this may not have been particularly clear in the anime since it rushed through everything and left out a lot of explanation. There was a scene in the game where the students actually get into the Monokuma Room and briefly control one of the Monokuma robots, but I don't think that ever happened in the anime(?) There were also scenes in the game where it was an important plot point that Enoshima couldn't control the robots and keep an eye on the rest of the school at the same time (since the Monokuma Room was separate from the room with all the surveillance monitors), but I think the anime was much more vague about that.

The fact that the Monokuma robots were so advanced (more advanced than the students would expect, certainly) was largely because two whole years had passed - plenty of time for technological breakthroughs to be made, particularly at Kibougamine Academy which is full of geniuses whose skills border on the supernatural (see: Chihiro-kun, who was able to create a fully-functional artificial intelligence on an old laptop in the space of a few days. In fact, I seem to recall it being revealed that some of the technology in the Monokuma robots was actually developed by Chihiro himself during the two-year blank.)

...As for
the scene with Monokuma speaking independently after the credits, when Enoshima was already dead
, I'm not sure if that was even supposed to be taken seriously at all. I can think of one possible explanation, but that would be spoilerish for the second game and I'm not sure how likely it really is. Better to just treat it as a silly bonus scene that was just there for the sake of it.

I dont know the way they made it seem like a gameshow televised to the whole world and how there were litrally no windows and still disbelief from the cast (I guess it was too shocking for them to accept) makes the despair seem a bit hard to believe.


Apparently there was no announcement of a 2nd season or even a movie after the final episode of Attack on Titan tonight/this morning. Yay?
Toradora! is probably one of the few shows I've watched from AnimeGAF recs so far (I've mostly been hitting my huge back log) but I'm so glad I did; that show got a 10/10 from me.

Toradora was the very first series I plowed through when I first subscribed to crunchyroll. And it's still one of my favorites.
Danganronpa The Animation 13

That was pretty fun.

Pretty enjoyed the mastermind's super split personalities changes, seeing it animated was nice.

While a very straight adaptation, it was still pretty enjoyable at times. And had the best ED of the season, so major points for that.

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