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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

I tip my hat to you good sir.


If I recall correctly, the rebroadcast of Heartcatch is in a higher resolution than TV Asahi's original broadcast, right? If so, I could easily see this being an issue that cropped up when Toei was preparing the higher resolution. I don't have the original broadcast around to compare though.
Well I have the original and here it is:
It's still there. I also noticed now that they also cut the top of Tsubomi's head so actually what I figure happened was that the camera was originally intended to be slightly closer to the 2 foreground characters so they'd fit the frame. Now what would lead to this error occurring whether it was a last minute call they didn't fix or a mistake I don't know.


Hunter x Hunter 95

Ohhhhhhhh yes. This is the kind of stuff that makes the Chimera Ant arc sogood. Dat seething rage. Dat intensity.

I love it.


Subete no aware

I don't know if it's right to assume that there will be any kind of redemption, even though that would feel like the logical end point for her character. Either way, I feel that it was established that Benten already took part in the hot pot ceremony so I don't know why people considered her sympathetic up till now!
Dem racoons
There was that ending where you find out she sits by the well and sobs by herself, so the show/text wants you to at least know that she feels some form of sadness... presumably to garner sympathy. It's that alone that makes me assume that she'll end up saving the day, redeeming herself and punishing the evil raccoons. Bonus points if she martyrs herself, I suppose.

And I know it's irrational, but I just hate her. She knew exactly what she was doing, so she doesn't get to cry and whine about it later.
My only defense is that unlike Breaking Bad crazies, I don't think all the male protagonists are necessarily heroes. :p
Yeah, but Ogiue was the "weirdo" of the bunch. Sasa x Mado sort of happened at the end, but I feel like the focus was more on them making straight/yuri porn for Comiket.

Of course, it's been ages since I watched the end of S2 or read volume 8/9.
There was Ohno before that too, but you're right about it being almost nonexistent at the beginning. Though it's not like the new Genshiken completely blindsided people with it's fujoshi fantasies, it was a slow build up to that point before hand.

Animation this episode was off the hook.

Really like how fights in hxh are more rock paper scissor mechanic then power levels and also about wit & the way you use your abilities.

Can't for the 2 on1 show down with the royal guards, they still seem out of the students league (gon,killua,knuckle & shoot).

Yeah, I really liked this

I really have no idea how Madhouse managed to make a long running shounen this consistently good-looking.
Index movie


Fun fun movie, even though i don't really dig index universe too much. Fun how they somehow slap every character in there somehow. And when did Stylles get so many lolis?


Erisa is my davido.


too many waifus.

tons of good 2d explosions and what not. shame the cg dances were going at like 4 fps.

Cg Dance wasn't as smooth as it should have been but the amount of detail was kinda worth it .

Ps: Styl got lolis during the events of index S2 ( off screen )


Heaven's Lost Property 7

Ikaros and Nymph join the school and it's hilarious. Ikaros makes Tomoki jusmp out the window. and he falls to an injury-riddled landing. Now all the boys and probably some of the girls at school are in love with them and give them love letters. Screw football, girl cartoons are the best.


Blood Lad 10 END

Well, as this season draws to a close, this is the first series to end. A fair few weeks before most other series are due to finish, but eh, what can you do. It felt like a pretty decent cutoff point considering this is an adaptation of an ongoing manga and so there was obviously never going to be any actual resolution. It does make me kind of want to check out the manga, but I'll probably never actually get around to doing that. Hopefully they'll make another anime season at some point so I don't have to, but I'm not exactly holding my breath.

At any rate, this was a fun episode, mainly due to awesome Fujiwara Keiji being awesome. This whole family of space-manipulators is awesome in general, and I'm not in the least surprised to learn that the dad is the most awesome of the lot.


Setec Astronomer
They couldn't do it far back in early 2000, and they certainly can't do it now. Shame I wasn't looking for this in Sailor Moon, I would've totally grabbed more shots, but... I was preoccupied looking for other shots.
Sailor Moon wasn't digitally composited.


Hunter x Hunter Eps. 95

I said Hot Damn. Glad to see the fire in Gon again. The way
he accepted Kits fate
was quite mature and admirable. If it was any other Shonen Anime they would have dedicated a whole episode with a lot of Melodrama and useless exposition.

Next weekend can not come soon enough.


Subete no aware
There was Ohno before that too, but you're right about it being almost nonexistent at the beginning. Though it's not like the new Genshiken completely blindsided people with it's fujoshi fantasies, it was a slow build up to that point before hand.
Ohno kind of represents the cosplay contingent more than the BL contingent though. It all still felt kind of othered and exterior anyway... like, Ogiue's weird pseudo-psychotic suicide attempt and her love for BL seemed like quirks that would make her an interesting girlfriend for Sasahara than something that was necessarily about the female condition.

I suppose it's kind of fitting, in a way, that a fundanshi is the focal point of this series... even if they really have no idea what to do with that character.
Blood Lad 10

Yep, this ended exactly where I thought it would, which while not a bad stopping point, just makes me sad since the next double volume of the manga isn't scheduled to come out here until February.

They added a bit more in what the other characters were doing, removed some backstory and added a nice tease that makes me awaiting for the next volume of the manga.

Overall, a good adaptation. Definitely wouldn't mind seeing a season 2 come out though we only got 3 volumes of material unanimated so I guess it'll be some time before a season 2 could come out. Liked the color palette they used, the nice gags in animation and facial expression.


There was Ohno before that too, but you're right about it being almost nonexistent at the beginning. Though it's not like the new Genshiken completely blindsided people with it's fujoshi fantasies, it was a slow build up to that point before hand.

ohno and oguie held down the fujoshi corner before. Just a bit more now but Hato is a great character so it doesnt matter.

Heaven's Lost Property 7

Ikaros and Nymph join the school and it's hilarious. Ikaros makes Tomoki jusmp out the window. and he falls to an injury-riddled landing. Now all the boys and probably some of the girls at school are in love with them and give them love letters. Screw football, girl cartoons are the best.

See I told you Nymph was great!


Heaven's Lost Property 8

"You're a girl. Don't do anything that crazy". What does that even mean? Guy's got a terminator at his bidding and he's all hey, just let me die. How'd she end up with this loser? And then he made her cry. What an asshole.

Mikako is still best because she's such a sociopath. I wish she were the Bucs coach. She'd hand Lavonte David by his nutsack and have a smile on her face while doing so.
Ohno kind of represents the cosplay contingent more than the BL contingent though. It all still felt kind of othered and exterior anyway... like, Ogiue's weird pseudo-psychotic suicide attempt and her love for BL seemed like quirks that would make her an interesting girlfriend for Sasahara than something that was necessarily about the female condition.

I suppose it's kind of fitting, in a way, that a fundanshi is the focal point of this series... even if they really have no idea what to do with that character.

I can agree with you on Ohno, but I think Ogiue's whole character revolved around how she likes yaoi, but doesn't want anyone to know about it. Of course she finally gets over that and embraces it. Then there's Ohno's American friends that come over later in the second season.

I actually haven't started the new season yet, so I'm not sure how much of a jump the new anime takes from the end of season 2.


Subete no aware
I can agree with you on Ohno, but I think Ogiue's whole character revolved around how she likes yaoi, but doesn't want anyone to know about it. Of course she finally gets over that and embraces it. Then there's Ohno's American friends that come over later in the second season.

I actually haven't started the new season yet, so I'm not sure how much of a jump the new anime takes from the end of season 2.
Well, it's like a saner version (relatively) of the Kuragehime cast. Actually, right down to the crossdressing lead character. lol

It just feels as if like... I dunno, Two and a Half Men suddenly became Two and a Half Women. Now, maybe that's a bad example because Americans will watch anything, but you know what I mean - it's a fairly significant shift in premise.


Monogatari SS 10 (Kabukimonogatari 4 END)


That was a very satisfying way of ending this arc. Overall this arc was just great in general, and more than made up for the slightly underwhelming Nekomonogatari White that preceded it. Now I can scarcely wait to get up to this part in the novels so I can enjoy it all over again XD

Seeing grown-up Mayoi was something of a surprise in and of itself, but I was also surprised at just how well her design worked. It's often the case that when you age characters up or down significantly, they feel a little "off" in one way or another, particularly when voice acting is involved, but this really did feel like a perfect representation of a grown-up Mayoi. I still prefer the loli version, mind =p

Actually meeting the Kisshot of this timeline was also something I wasn't expecting at all, but it was pretty damn cool that it happened. Dammit Shaft, thanks to your screwed-up schedule we've managed to meet an alternate-universe Kisshot before we meet the actual Kisshot. Srsly wat are you doing.

Honestly the only negative thing I can say about this episode is that it didn't have the delicious OP, which is a shame. I keep getting that song stuck in my head. It's catchy. But the episode sort of made up for that by
using an instrumental version of it in the scene at the end where the Mayoi we know and love finally got to make a proper appearance in her own arc(!)

I guess next week we're due for another recap, presumably covering Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Maimai, and possibly Suruga Monkey too. So we'll see how that turns out. And then on to Otorimonogatari we go!


HxH 95

The one good thing about the manga's insanely long hiatuses is that I don't remember much of what happened. It's like I'm watching something brand new. I am still forever grateful that they decided to remake the anime because HxH is my favorite of the shounens.


Heaven's Lost Property 8

"You're a girl. Don't do anything that crazy". What does that even mean? Guy's got a terminator at his bidding and he's all hey, just let me die. How'd she end up with this loser? And then he made her cry. What an asshole.

Mikako is still best because she's such a sociopath. I wish she were the Bucs coach. She'd hand Lavonte David by his nutsack and have a smile on her face while doing so.

Youre not gonna forget that anytime soon are you?
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