Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 3: Right, let me preface this by saying I will not review every episode because I am not insane enough to do that and I kind of want to keep some sort of pace here. Anyway, this was such a frustrating episode to watch because the first part was such a beautiful satirization of modern political war speeches. That was distressingly haunting and reminded me a lot of what I have seen on the televison, right down to a war widow hurling accusations at governmental officials. This episode when right to shit to the point where I could not finish things is the moment they brought out jackbooted thugs in fucking black gas masks. All pretense of subtlety was shattered and quite frankly I have to call bullshit because whatever corruption is found in Western styled democracies or indeed the United States are not in the habit of employing fucking stormtroopers from the god damned Wiemar Republic, complete with dehumanizing black masks to just make sure you KNOW they are the bad guys. Not to mention they completely missed the point of being a shadow army when they are about to beat down a war widow in open daylight and then go and attack HIGH RANKING OFFICERS ONCE AGAIN IN BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT, REGULAR POLITICS DO NOT WORK THIS WAY, YOU FAIL GALACTIC HEROES, YOU FAIL HARD! Yea, I would not have such a problem but the rest of the series has already show me a much higher standard then fucking Yohann Gasmask the Nazi SS Stand In offers.