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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I have a strange question about a reoccurring theme I see in anime: Muscle-bound Homoeroticism

Does anyone know the origin of this? Is it based on a Japanese cultural belief or another case of writers trying to reflect what it thinks is a western concept? Is Freddie Mercury somehow responsible for this?

Many of us are familiar with the old game Chou Aneki (don't quote me on that spelling) and the ridiculously flamboyant characters it painted but I was watching the most recent episode of Inu to Hasami and I started thinking about some of the other anime I've seen similar imagery such as Blood Lad, Yakitate Japan and One Piece to name a few. What does this have to do with Freddie? Simple: .Cromartie High School. The show maintained several romantic plot lines between its all male class and all the while, Freddie would show up to figuratively wink at the viewer every now and then. It's almost like there's an subtle argument of masculinity is the purest form of homo-erotic expression OR [read: big or] this is some sort of some-how homophobic irony of "gay people acting tough, LOL" vibe. Sure it could be somewhere in the middle. Thoughts?


Apparently the new Precure movie will be shown in the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival as a special entry (probably non competition)

I... have no words

Sounds like time for an OT more than it ever was.

well either that or when dookie dookie ends
I have a strange question about a reoccurring theme I see in anime: Muscle-bound Homoeroticism

Does anyone know the origin of this? Is it based on a Japanese cultural belief or another case of writers trying to reflect what it thinks is a western concept? Is Freddie Mercury somehow responsible for this?

Many of us are familiar with the old game Chou Aneki (don't quote me on that spelling) and the ridiculously flamboyant characters it painted but I was watching the most recent episode of Inu to Hasami and I started thinking about some of the other anime I've seen similar imagery such as Blood Lad, Yakitate Japan and One Piece to name a few. What does this have to do with Freddie? Simple: .Cromartie High School. The show maintained several romantic plot lines between its all male class and all the while, Freddie would show up to figuratively wink at the viewer every now and then. It's almost like there's an subtle argument of masculinity is the purest form of homo-erotic expression OR [read: big or] this is some sort of some-how homophobic irony of "gay people acting tough, LOL" vibe. Sure it could be somewhere in the middle. Thoughts?
AFAIK it's a pretty prominent gay stereotype in Japan.
I have a strange question about a reoccurring theme I see in anime: Muscle-bound Homoeroticism

Does anyone know the origin of this? Is it based on a Japanese cultural belief or another case of writers trying to reflect what it thinks is a western concept? Is Freddie Mercury somehow responsible for this?

Many of us are familiar with the old game Chou Aneki (don't quote me on that spelling) and the ridiculously flamboyant characters it painted but I was watching the most recent episode of Inu to Hasami and I started thinking about some of the other anime I've seen similar imagery such as Blood Lad, Yakitate Japan and One Piece to name a few. What does this have to do with Freddie? Simple: .Cromartie High School. The show maintained several romantic plot lines between its all male class and all the while, Freddie would show up to figuratively wink at the viewer every now and then. It's almost like there's an subtle argument of masculinity is the purest form of homo-erotic expression OR [read: big or] this is some sort of some-how homophobic irony of "gay people acting tough, LOL" vibe. Sure it could be somewhere in the middle. Thoughts?

Basically, gay stereotypes in Japan are the exact opposite of gay stereotypes in the west.


Was makin some kinmoza gifs, found a weird hiding animation error

Rozen Maiden 2013 2

So from the beginning, we're given an alternative pathway, the Do not wind it option, which has a college version of our protag, being a shut in and eventually hitting it off with this one girl at his job.

It was pretty mundane... in an interesting way, seeing his fanaticism with making a doll to the point of losing sleep and cutting classes as a result. Although the end with him being emailed from his past self (how the fuck does that work) and getting canned at the end... mystery!!!

And no desu!


Turn A Gundam 39

TURN X GUNDAM. I mean, excluding Crossbone, this might just be the first time a villain has wielded a Gundam in the series. That said, allow me to reiterate, TURN X. Also "BROOOOOOOTHEEEER!" Oh, and let's not forget that Gyn Ghingham, whose name is suspiciously similar to Jin Gehennam of Victory Gundam, is also in possession of the Keilas Guille, of Victory Gundam. So I still have 30 episodes of V to go, but I'm guessing that means that series won't really be leaving UC on a happy note.

Bad CG all over the place in this episode. Still, the good parts are enough to justify late UC's existence (as if Crossbone wasn't reason enough!) Seems like the Red Team is out of the picture for awhile, which would be nice, as they were a bit grating and not nearly as endearing as the likes of Loran and Sochie. Also Loran is now out of his super "swords" so now it is a matter of discovering what else the Turn A Gundam has up its mustachioed sleeves.

Oh, and new OP is not as good as old OP.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
AFAIK it's a pretty prominent gay stereotype in Japan.

Basically, gay stereotypes in Japan are the exact opposite of gay stereotypes in the west.

This is absolutely fascinating! I wonder how this came to be. Is there some pop-culture touchstone of some sort? As for the point that perceptions are flipped, it falls in line with male hero design in most Japanese movies (who am I kidding, I mean music videos :3) have very feminine qualities.

The general western stereotype is that Gay males are not manly for liking other male and true to lower-order thinking, what's opposite of manly? Feminine. How did the stereotype evolve in Japan?

Also is this a Japanese thing or are there other ethnicities that have a similar view?


Maturity, bitches.
Pretty sure it exists here, mostly because of the man in drag look. Best way to comically design a man in drag, making the man extremely butch. Alrigh' handsome ;)

Of course men of all sexual preferences like to dress up as ladies now and then. I mean panto revels in it (which also usually uses a female for the young male lead so we also like the hero with a feminine look now that I think about it or the fact it means that the kiss between the hero and princess is between two lasses. Good family fun all round)


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Pretty sure it exists here, mostly because of the man in drag look. Best way to comically design a man in drag, making the man extremely butch. Alrigh' handsome ;)

Of course men of all sexual preferences like to dress up as ladies now and then. I mean panto revels in it (which also usually uses a female for the young male lead so we also like the hero with a feminine look now that I think about it or the fact it means that the kiss between the hero and princess is between two lasses. Good family fun all round)

I can see this being the common theme that binds them. It's kind of like the main villain in Power Puff Girls. Society at large has a negative reaction when confronted with the idea of homosexuality and this is seen in anime (not to knock the work done in Tokyo Godfathers) sometimes where such characters are described as "strange" or "weirdo" but its never anything as strong as targeted hate speech typically associated with homophobia; its much more passive-aggressive.

What would be the equivalent of "Hard Gay" in the west that wouldn't be offensive? From what I've heard (an article a long time ago on Kotaku) about Hard Gay sees him like comedy character and he does this by being a real straight man who dresses up in a S&M style biker outfit and goes around trying to dry hump men in front of a camera (because that's what Gay men do right???). Clearly this would be eviscerated in the west but, to my point, is seen as a caricature (I guess) in Japan. So the impression is its funny because its weird. If I were to stretch or a corollary then maybe "Men on Films" from In Living Color would be something but you just don't see things like that any more.



i like cake.
KLK Mom. The friend's mom, I forget her name.
yummy cakey
I'll save you a slice!
Hayate no Gotoku!! 22


Needs another season.
I agree.
Pretty sure it exists here, mostly because of the man in drag look. Best way to comically design a man in drag, making the man extremely butch. Alrigh' handsome ;)

Of course men of all sexual preferences like to dress up as ladies now and then. I mean panto revels in it (which also usually uses a female for the young male lead so we also like the hero with a feminine look now that I think about it or the fact it means that the kiss between the hero and princess is between two lasses. Good family fun all round)



Aikatsu! 44-46



Pool stuff was dumb but they thankfully fleshed out Mizuki's character some more (though it was far more focused on JOHNNY BEPP FUCK YEAH!!!)



Those hummingbird screenshots and newsletter are pretty interesting in terms of the plan, leaving aside the fb like activity feed redesign. The addition of manga (which hopefully also leads to light novels) is a feature I've wanted, as well as some of the addition stats that MAL has. And hopefully the promised speedup from the redesign happens. Its getting close to the point when I can just stop with MAL aside from using it as a search engine (as its database seem much more comprehensive).

Am rather curious to know what the PRO account shown in the screenshots is. Hopefully not more than ad free. I don't like the idea of features behind a paywall. Well customization of profile pages I could live with (as I don't care).


This is absolutely fascinating! I wonder how this came to be. Is there some pop-culture touchstone of some sort? As for the point that perceptions are flipped, it falls in line with male hero design in most Japanese movies (who am I kidding, I mean music videos :3) have very feminine qualities.

The general western stereotype is that Gay males are not manly for liking other male and true to lower-order thinking, what's opposite of manly? Feminine. How did the stereotype evolve in Japan?

Also is this a Japanese thing or are there other ethnicities that have a similar view?

As I understand it, the Japanese also view Western morays of manliness as very feminine to them, indeed such a diametric opposition is curious.


So I just joined the anilist site, yeah another manga/anime database site. I have to say I like it quite a bit.I like the minimalist aesthetic it has going for it and it has metadata features that Hummingbird lacks and that MAL has. Things like being able to browse a voice actors catalog. About the only thing it lacks for me is a recommendation engine.
Apparently the new Precure movie will be shown in the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival as a special entry (probably non competition)

I... have no words


what ... why ?
Should i expect a sudden increase in animation or storytelling ?? will this movie feature regina ? ( i think it's no )
Mana swag is all over the place.


Gifuu Doudou 3

Before we get into this episode, I want to lay out some of this crazy nested recapping shit going on.


Here they are, under the beautiful moon. The metaphor Keiji raises about them being moons reflecting the sun seemed like it got kinda mixed up somewhere, but it's the right setting for the attempt, at least.

I've already commented on the basic framing device of two legendary samurai looking back on their exploits. But sometimes during their story, one of them will be talking about something else that happened in the past. So they're relating the story of them telling the story of, say, Kanetsugu's spear-bearer's background.


The flashback in this episode is pretty short. A better example would be the flashback to where the two first met on the battlefield in the last two episodes.

But it goes deeper! There's also another narrator, telling us about the two samurai telling themselves about their stories! By listening to them, we learn about righteousness, "to make oneself beautiful," as we're told in the introduction to each episode. He's telling us the story of two people telling their story of one of them telling the story of where his spear-bearer came from!


This is some 1001 Nights shit.

I don't think we can go much deeper than that.

But I digress. This episode had a little more flexibility with its structure. It's possibly the first time that we've seen our two tale-tellers having their moonlight drink after the opening credits roll in an episode. I hope Narag is right, and they loosen up even more.

This episode also explicitly sets out Keiji's creed. Contrasted with Kanetsugu's description of his righteousness in the last episode, it seems like Kanetsugu is concerned with making the powerful accountable, while Keiji wants to aid the weak when they're in danger. Maybe my read on this is wrong, but it's a subtle and important distinction.


Also, Kanetsugu is a llama. This photo is undeniable proof.

This episode had some real mustache-twirling villainy. I'm looking forward to seeing how our heroes will turn the tables on the conspirators.


You didn't hear wrong ... you haven't missed mononogatari S1 ep 13 , 14, 15 have you ?
Otherwise you'll miss lots of info for this S2 ..and i mean LOTS because you shouldn't be surprised by that point if you saw those episodes.

Yeah I saw those. I don't remember those specific details, including the one about her sleeping in the hallway. I do know her family wants nothing to do with each other and that her "father" has been abusive to her. I guess it was just like "really, different utensils? Do you have to go that far?"


Yeah I saw those. I don't remember those specific details, including the one about her sleeping in the hallway. I do know her family wants nothing to do with each other and that her "father" has been abusive to her. I guess it was just like "really, different utensils? Do you have to go that far?"

The bit about the hallway wasn't actually in those episodes. It was in the Nekomonogatari mini-series, which takes place before Bakemonogatari. If you haven't watched that yet, you should.


The bit about the hallway wasn't actually in those episodes. It was in the Nekomonogatari mini-series, which takes place before Bakemonogatari. If you haven't watched that yet, you should.

I have, but now I'm thinking watching it all in one day wasn't a very bright idea, as I don't recall that detail. I know how things are with Hanekawa's family (shitty), but that part just caught me off guard...I don't know.
I have, but now I'm thinking watching it all in one day wasn't a very bright idea, as I don't recall that detail. I know how things are with Hanekawa's family (shitty), but that part just caught me off guard...I don't know.

In that case the show is working as intended...
YES. Yumeria is nothing special but its short and cute and entertaining. You probably wont remember much of it though when its over.

That's pretty much the case with a lot of what I watch. Yumeria is definitely something else I need to get around to though.

Watamote 10

Well this was...huh. I'm still not even sure whether I liked this episode or not particularly because of how it reminded me of myself back in high school. In a not-so-good way.

Has anyone noticed the weird way that NISA labels their artboxes? Some of the titles are facing the left and some facing right. It looks weird side by side.

Interesting. I haven't paid much attention to that as I still don't haven't a good display solution for their large artboxes.

Speaking of which, their YuruYuri S1 box set is another excellent one. NISA consistently does a great job with their packaging.


Can you guys recommend me some good Mech/Fighting/Action anime? Preferably newer and 20+ episodes would be great, but if it's good i don't care, just give me something to watch.
Wow, this thread really is dead.

I'm sure things will pick up once Kill la Kill starts airing. At least I hope so.

Can you guys recommend me some good Mech/Fighting/Action anime? Preferably newer and 20+ episodes would be great, but if it's good i don't care, just give me something to watch.

Gurren Lagann if you haven't seen it. It's from 2007, but it has 20+ episodes and its something every mecha fan should see.


I for one find this a more welcoming place then the deluge this thread can become. Also, yea, it is the end of the anime season, fall is coming in a few weeks and the cycle begins anew.
Can you guys recommend me some good Mech/Fighting/Action anime? Preferably newer and 20+ episodes would be great, but if it's good i don't care, just give me something to watch.
I'm sure many people here could recommend better than I on this subject, so I'm just gonna say Giant Robo, Escaflowne, and Rahxephon.
Hunter X Hunter (2011) - Episode 37-39

Ugh... seems like the next few episodes are going to be about Kurapika. I don't like him very much for some reason, dude just needs to chill.


Hunter X Hunter (2011) - Episode 37-39

Ugh... seems like the next few episodes are going to be about Kurapika. I don't like him very much for some reason, dude just needs to chill.

Kurapika are really cool yo, miss him so much ;_______;
He reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha too much. The guy can really fight and his abilities are cool, but he's so angry all the time that it makes him unlikable.

Sasuke are shameless copy from Kishi, don't worry.. Kurapika so much better and have character growth that make sense.


Cardcaptor Sakura 44
Oh my. It's happening! These megatons.
So she's actually the moon card, also earth at the end? Does this mean Kerberos takes on his real form now? Was he the one on the dream? After the Moon megaton I think Human Kerberos is possible. aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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