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Summer 2013 Anime |OT3| only manly sports allowed

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Never even got past the second episode of Tamako due to the boring premise and a completely uninteresting lead character (and most of the introduced cast at that point).

I can imagine it had its share of well directed episodes but it was just not my thing.


Never even got past the second episode of Tamako due to the boring premise and a completely uninteresting lead character (and most of the introduced cast at that point).

I can imagine it had its share of well directed episodes but it was just not my thing.

Accurate description.



It's happening? Am I google translating this correctly?

This is excellent news and Choi is a cutie.
Korra no Densetsu S2
Worse than MJP. Although I have no idea if I should apologize or forgive the show because unlike Japanime, Korra is actually written for kids. But holy shit, I got legit mad at the show after about 15 minutes and that's can't be a good sign of things to come.

A lot of anime is definitely written for kids.

At the same time, being written for kids doesn't excuse weak writing.
I liked Tamako better than Chuu2 mostly for SOL goodness with heartwarming moments, and also because the Chuu2 ending was one of the lamest and most rushed things I've ever seen.


Wolf's Rain 22

This felt much like episode 4, a self-contained scenario with our four leads forced to battle against an antagonist. In addition to being an entertaining action setpiece, this showed off how far Toboe has come as a character. At the beginning of the show, he was timid, unsure of himself, and tried to stay out of fights as much as he could.
His kills were unintentional.
Now his wolf nature, which had been stunted by domestication, fully awakens
and he embraces the thrill of the kill - in the proper context
. It was a powerful moment, one that again emphasized that no matter how much these wolves may look like humans, they are fundamentally different.

The power of Ando. :D


Wolf's Rain 23

Everyone's arrived. It feels a little early for that to happen if this plot is to last through 26, so hopefully things don't drag too much. It can't get as bad as the end of FMA:Brotherhood though, especially since all the characters are given their own roles to play and are adding to the overall picture of the world and narrative.
I'm most interested in Hige's connection to Jaguara. At first I thought it might be a Manchurian Candidate situation, but that doesn't really make sense, so I'm not sure what the deal is.

Wolf's Rain 24

This was a pretty slow episode, and nothing much happened nor did we learn anything
except that, as expected, wolves did not destroy Quint's home and family
. This would probably have been less than a full episode if SARS had not intervened. That said, what it did do very well is build up an atmosphere of dread surrounding Jaguara and the abnormal city she has created for herself. Hige's scenes were especially good at this, with their constant motif of the security camera. The clean, modern look of the city, with its industrial design and maze-like alleyways, is unlike anything we've seen in the show up to this point, so it stands out as strangely out of place.

Looking forward to hopefully getting some answers in the next episode.

Wolf's Rain 25-26

This was certainly an exciting, visceral climax. However, it didn't entirely work for me, and I think Jaguara is the main cause. She's been kept mysterious for so long that even though her past and motivations have suddenly been revealed (though clunky exposition of the "Let's tell each other what we already know" type), I can't comprehend her or grasp her desires. Darcia I could understand, but not this woman. Especially with the confusing nature of the Nobles and the way it pushed into the fantastical apocalyptic, I was left somewhat cold. It doesn't feel entirely consistent in tone with the rest of the series, which is I suppose due to Dai Sato driving this plot arc instead of Nobumoto.

The character moments with the wolves and the other main cast I still enjoyed.
Blue's reunion and reconciliation with Quent
was my favorite moment; that was a well done and moving scene. I'm looking forward to putting this behind me and moving on with the wolves to the OVA episodes, which should bring me more of what I'm looking for from this show.

I feel that as TV finale the plot arc itself is rather weak, but it was intended to be conclusive enough on its own so as not to annoy the people watching it as it aired. At the same time though, I also feel that this arc represented the conclusion of the more "anime" elements of the ongoing storyline. By letting it all flow to a predictable climax, they got stuff out of the way so they can move on to conclude the show later on their own terms, without needed to cater to expectations of how an anime series "should" end.


Wolf's Rain 27

This is one of the best episodes of anime I've ever seen.


The power of Ando. :D


Kokoro Connect


Was planning on watching this back to back to Hyouka, but after the first arc picked up I had to power through it. Might be my favorite thing I've watched over the summer.

Out of all the phenomena, desire unleashing was the only one I disliked. Led directly into the 'drama easily fixed if characters just talked to each other' trope. Otherwise body swapping and thought transmission were excellent and age reversal was just alright.

The climax of the body swapping was brilliant, I love crazy social scenarios that make for good self thought exercises. The really brief bits of existentialism in regards to some of the phenomenons were nice too even though they never stick with it much.

Loved the cast and that it establishes quickly the girls the MC could hook up with are all cool cats. Inaba's voice acting was so crazy good, from emotional range to all the little ticks and squeaks whenever she got flustered.

My only big gripe over the entire thing was probably
the character change in Iori at the end. Maybe it's because I sat through everything in a straight session, but it kind of ultimately comes out of nowhere (or they try justifying too much of a change too quick). To a comment Aoki straight up makes in the show itself, it mostly seems to just be swapping the character narrative void that Inaba left after she opened up to Taichi. I think they wrap up Iori and Taichi's relationship pretty well with their bit of dialogue at the very end though.

Also nice the correct girl won. I've rewatched the infirmary scene way too many times by now.


Kokoro Connect


Was planning on watching this back to back to Hyouka, but after the first arc picked up I had to power through it. Might be my favorite thing I've watched over the summer.

Out of all the phenomena, desire unleashing was the only one I disliked. Led directly into the 'drama easily fixed if characters just talked to each other' trope. Otherwise body swapping and thought transmission were excellent and age reversal was just alright.

The climax of the body swapping was brilliant, I love crazy social scenarios that make for good self thought exercises. The really brief bits of existentialism in regards to some of the phenomenons were nice too even though they never stick with it much.

Loved the cast and that it establishes quickly the girls the MC could hook up with are all cool cats. Inaba's voice acting was so crazy good, from emotional range to all the little ticks and squeaks whenever she got flustered.

My only big gripe over the entire thing was probably
the character change in Iori at the end. Maybe it's because I sat through everything in a straight session, but it kind of ultimately comes out of nowhere (or they try justifying too much of a change too quick). To a comment Aoki straight up makes in the show itself, it mostly seems to just be swapping the character narrative void that Inaba left after she opened up to Taichi. I think they wrap up Iori and Taichi's relationship pretty well with their bit of dialogue at the very end though.

Also nice the correct girl won. I've rewatched the infirmary scene way too many times by now.

This show is mostly perfect. Its only fault is not having 100% Inaban.


So, I guess the consensus here is that Wolf's Rain is actually good? I gave it a try once and it bored the living daylights out of me so I dropped it. Might give it another go.


So, I guess the consensus here is that Wolf's Rain is actually good? I gave it a try once and it bored the living daylights out of me so I dropped it. Might give it another go.
I wouldn't call that "a consensus" as I don't think many people here have seen it and if they have they don't appear to be rushing out to comment about it.


So, I guess the consensus here is that Wolf's Rain is actually good? I gave it a try once and it bored the living daylights out of me so I dropped it. Might give it another go.

Wolf's Rain is a great show, but you shouldn't watch it because of "consensus" or anything silly like that, but rather because it is a very well crafted story with great music, great designs, great animation, and great direction.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I wouldn't call that "a consensus" as I don't think many people here have seen it and if they have they don't appear to be rushing out to comment about it.
it ran on adult swim when that was a big deal. i would guess a lot of people have at least some familiarity with it.


Poet Centuriate
Le Chevalier D'Eon 24 END

Well, it tried to answer all the questions and tie everything up, I'll give it that. Had some good twists.

But man this story is convoluted. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention to everything I need to pay attention to but this show was rather confusing at times and can really slow down to its detriment. A lot of the twist that get thrown out (especially in this last episode) I feel don't hit home because their impact or importance isn't really enforced or implied enough, at least to me.

It's not all bad, to be fair. The animation is honestly rather quite good, especially with the sword fights; the character designs look really good and are quite a fresh breath of air by not looking "anime" in a way; the english dub casting was really quite well placed and the constant use of using the familiar english translation of biblical passages added a real nice touch to it all.

Overall, not bad but a almost too convoluted story that seems to want to hem in as many historical figures as it can until it goes overboard and just kinda falls apart yelling "hold on, I can fix it!" But it does look nice. 7/10

Best Girl:

There's just something about her...

The Count of Monte Cristo 24 END

And where fire burns it leaves behind the materials for a greener future.

Great series. A too lacking on the action for me and slow at times, but still enjoyable. Absolutely stunning art-style and animation (though sometimes with a little wonky CG, pretty decent music and amazing english dub cast lead by a stunning Jamieson Price/Taylor Henry. Plus, the story is great, but I think that kinda just goes without saying, man. It handles it's weight and twist will much more finesse than D'Eon, even with the story already largely known by many. 9/10

Best Girl:

She totally counts.
We Are Feathers 5 - This episode is a one-off single episode story about the Feathers girls investigating an old woman they think is suspicious. So yes, it's basically a mystery episode. There's no action in this episode, and the mystery is only slightly interesting, though, so overall the episode was tediously dull. There were some minor 'revelations' to be had at the end, and I did manage to finish the episode, but this was pretty dull stuff. The mystery wasn't engaging enough to carry the episode, and the extremely slow, calm pace of the episode didn't help matters either. This show is not To Heart, it can't pull off slow and calm well. I guess it was nice to see them try something different, but I don't think this series is much better at mysteries than it is at action, sadly.

We eventually learn that the old woman is incredibly shy and was spending a long time working up the courage to tell her son, a bus driver who she hadn't seen in many years, that she was his mother. So she rode around in a circle on his bus every day, without saying anything. She also drank a drink at the same bar every day... without ever telling the person there that they weren't making the drink the way she liked it anymore since she was too shy to even do THAT, so she'd buy the same drink every day, try one sip, and leave because it wasn't right. We learn that the reason for this is that the bar-worker person had actually been replaced by an impersonator who was trying to scam the old woman, I believe. The Feathers solve that situation and convince the woman to reunite with her son, the end.
If the audience could stay awake long enough to actually REACH the end, that is. Not an easy task, with an episode this dull!

We Are Feathers 6-7 - This season basically is one continuing story, of these two somewhat uninteresting girls and their hope to become detectives. In this episode, the once-retired phantom thief Visconte is introduced.
He's actually Feathers White's [and Colors leader guy of course, since the boy is White's older brother] father. Heh. She comes from a whole family of phantom thieves, but has no idea, and became a detective...
Kind of amusing, I guess.

The conflict between the principled "thieves and detectives should compete" and the new "we are enemies!" thieves is decently done, as well. The thieves of the previous series were 100% on the 'friendly competition" side, veering over onto "alliance" at times, but this new group wants none of that... it sure is convenient that the phantom thief leader woman from the first two seasons is MIA! She's ... absurdly overpowered .. as anyone who has watched the lard-boy arc's conclusion (from S2 of the real series) should remember. :)

We Are Feathers 9 - Two major revelations in this episode! The first one legitimately surprised me, the second... slightly, but not much once I thought about it for a moment.

So, the first thing is that
the new-this-series police girl, who previously had seemed to be just a random underling, is actually... a phantom thief in the "Colors the Phantom" group! Her power is changing memories, so she uses it to pretend to the police that she has no powers. In this episode she orchestrates a situation to try to defeat the Feathers through a new method... revealing that their leader is the white girls' brother!
Yeah, I really didn't see this one coming. It makes a previously completely generic character slightly interesting.

The second surprise is that at the end of the episode,
Feathers Black responds to the "join me on the Colors the Phantom side' by saying... yes, I will. Uh, you're a Detective, don't go evil just because you're jealous that the other girl's skills are more appreciated than yours are! Stupid... and slightly surprising.
As I said though, this is less surprising because they've been suggesting that she was unhappy about things for a couple of episodes now.

As for the rest of the episode? Eh, it was alright, for what it is. There were a few amusing moments, mostly in the scene where the brother and parents keep getting interrupted during their argument, and the plot points were slightly interesting. It's tragic that they decided to make this generic series instead of a Milky Holmes show, but as awful that it is that they didn't do that, at least this is watchable and blandly okay. This was probably one of the better episodes so far, because it wasn't entirely expected... though it's still generic and average through and through, no question about that. Too bad.
I presume that now White will have to save Black and then they'll team up to defeat her evil brother. I'll be watching, even if I should have dropped this back in episode one.


yeah, don't think more Tamako can create the same effect of those episodes again. It ran its course and it was just another cute girls doing cute things by the end.




Kids on the Slope 10

This is probably the most hilariously unique walking in on someone bathing situation I've seen in a while.

But seriously, lol, Kaoru, Ritsu, work that shit out. Christ. Man, Teenagers. I mean, when even Sentaro can see what's happening, you gots to be real stubborn to keep fighting it. Kaoru's self-sabotage is rather entertaining though. Also, Japanese colds are murderous apparently.

Rather enjoying the slice of life moments mixed with jazz, but everything else... ehhhhhhh. Although, honestly, it feels more... unique and true than the last few episodes.

I kind of wish we'd seen more of Kaoru's bratty cousin though. She's funny.


Love Lab 2

Accidental stealth specialist Suzune. Love... Lab?!?

Oh my god the sound effects in this are amazing.

The two mains really have amazing chemistry and everything that flows away from them distracts from that :(

LOL she identified W-chan as a tsukkomi immediately! lololol

Oh man, an ojou-sama and her servant. Their chemistry, also good. Taiga-style lol


I watched Wolf's rain up to 13 episode, like it.. but the introduction of eye-patched guy kinda throw me off.. I'll comeback to that show in future, show also kinda demand to watch it in right mood. maybe after blu-ray release.
Well, the SEED film got held up by the fact one of the major production staff came down with a very serious illness and was hospitalized for a long time. It's something that's going to happen eventually. Japan's enduring love of Jesus Yamato is far too strong.

Well yeah. That is why I have still my hopes. Would be insane for Sunrise to leave that much money on the table. Reannouncement in the last episode of SEED Destiny remaster? Would be nice...

That picture very accurately sums up SnO

Let me guess your favorite character....Nymph? =P


You know, maybe I should have put this together, but are you and Erigu both Spaniards? lol

And yeah, I suppose I think of it as a small village based only on what we see in the anime. It certainly looks like a cozy place anyway (With no roads for cars!).

I wonder how many of those tourists came specifically because of Sora no Woto though. I mean, apparently Japanese people have went to Venice specifically because of Aria I suppose, but it's still late night anime after all!
I'm not sure if Erigu is, haven't seen evidence of it.

Of those tourists shown, probably the vast majority came because of the series as there was an increase of 48,3% in the number of visitors from Japan the following year of its airing... many brought with them albums of printed freeze frames of the series' backgrounds to ask 'in situ' for the monuments featured on them, and in the same year of its emission the city council had to edit and release a paper guide for tourists in Japanese to cope with the demand.

And my comment was tongue-in-cheek, really, Cuenca (as in the urban zone) is pretty small... it's true, there is no way to spin it otherwise! ;-)

Don't get the lukewarm reaction to the Kill La Kill PV.. it looks fucking awesome. Great art direction + awesome imaishit style.

Can't wait to finally get back into watching animu week-by-week when it starts airing.
Can't think right now of a better way to come back regularly!


Oreimo Season 2 Epsodes 14-16

I was really excited when I suddenly remembered that I completely forgot to finish up this show. And then I remembered why I forgot...

I FUCKING HATE THIS SHOW. FUCK THE GUY THAT MADE THIS SHIT! FUCK HIM TO HELL! I fucking knew this was going to happen! I really regret not heeding all of the warnings on the IRC. What makes it worse is that
he only wanted to be with Kirino temporarily so it means he didn't really choose anyone in the end. It's like an incest ending and a forever alone ending all at the same time.
How could he do that to Kuroneko and all of those other hot girls? Seriously, fuck you Kyousuke. And fuck you too author guy. I haven't felt this cheated since the end of evangelion. I have nothing left to say about this piece of shit show. So once again, fuck you Tsukasa Fushimi.


Some days ago GAiNAX changed their official website into a nowadays recurred CSS style, WordPress theme (http://www.gainax.co.jp/wp/), but of what I didn't realize is that their 'Toppage' illustration tradition (since 2002) has sadly become only a monthly thing... best thing is that at least now they are going to commercialise A3-size posters of these new illustrations!

Long last people have been expecting some kind of compensation for the abandonment of their GAINAX NET Art Museum (GAM) CD-ROM releases, so this seems like a decent compromise if they keep having the same nice level of interesting guest artists and cool staff people at it.


Oreimo Season 2 Epsodes 14-16

I was really excited when I suddenly remembered that I completely forgot to finish up this show. And then I remembered why I forgot...

I FUCKING HATE THIS SHOW. FUCK THE GUY THAT MADE THIS SHIT! FUCK HIM TO HELL! I fucking knew this was going to happen! I really regret not heeding all of the warnings on the IRC. What makes it worse is that
he only wanted to be with Kirino temporarily so it means he didn't really choose anyone in the end. It's like an incest ending and a forever alone ending all at the same time.
How could he do that to Kuroneko and all of those other hot girls? Seriously, fuck you Kyousuke. And fuck you too author guy. I haven't felt this cheated since the end of evangelion. I have nothing left to say about this piece of shit show. So once again, fuck you Tsukasa Fushimi.

silly Lurky. It was obvious from the very start how the show would end up. I am kinda amazed Kyousuke would pass up awesomeness like Kuroneko or Ayase in favor of the dumb angry bitch, but thats how it goes.
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