Suffering Riko isn't a good thing.
It is when she's cute!
Suffering Riko isn't a good thing.
It is when she's cute!
From 2ch:
*2 17444 Free! Vol 1
*3 14489 Dragonball Movie LE
*5 *5659 Dragonball Movie
12 *1227 Index Movie
19 **901 Attack on Titan
20 **863 Anohana Box
*5 13534 Dragonball Movie
*6 10857 Free!
*7 10791 Dragonball Movie LE
12 *2556 Usavich
13 *2471 Totoro
Apparently, vol2 and vol3 of Free! comes with concert/event tickets or something too so it will probably sell more.
Definitely the most fleshed out relationship of the series.Chuu2's secret best ending.
Free! from the Nichijou and Tamako Market debts. The Yakuza will have a few less door stops to make now.KyoAni is so Free! right now.
Like how adorable?
Apparently, vol2 and vol3 of Free! comes with concert/event tickets or something too so it will probably sell more.
white people are the true monsters
Like a kitten hugging a puppy.
That does sound miserable.
Ojamajo Doremi # 11
Hated the ending to this episode. The whole time I thought the episode would end in Hadzuki's mom learning that trying to relive her childhood through Hadzuki was wrong and bad for her daughter. Instead it ends in Hadzuki apologizing to her mother despite not doing anything wrong at all and agreeing to continue taking lessons in Japanese dance when she didn't want to, just to indulge her pathetic mother, who was the one in the wrong the whole time. I understand she had an unhappy childhood, but the way she puts the burden of that on Hadzuki is fucked up, and she needed to be called on it, probably by Baaya. She was the one in the wrong, not Hadzuki. And yet, Hadzuki is going to keep pretending to like her clothes and pretending to enjoy traditional Japanese dance lessons, just so she doesn't have to feel bad for something that isn't her fault.
Maybe that last scene with her and Hana was there to drive home this point. "Like mother, like daughter". Hana hates the bib, but Hadzuki's making her wear it cause she made it and she likes it, treating her the same way her mother treats her. But still, I'm just coming away...sad.
I think this is the main reason why I got emotional in this episode, because instead of finally situating this whole ordeal, she effectively doomed herself to become like her mother.
What pisses me off is that Baaya's all like "Your mother just doesn't want you to have to live the same childhood she had", when in reality, she was being exactly like her own mother, forcing her child into these sorts of things and stripping them of the courage to tell them "I'm not happy." And then when she realized Hadzuki wasn't happy, she went and cried in her room, making her daughter feel horrible for hurting her mother. And it wasn't her fault; nothing was her fault. Her mother should have been apologizing to her. Instead she goes and acts like the pathetic child she is.
You can say this event is one of those moments where someone is falling down the ranks, because god damn, this was a pretty severe blow to her character.and this isn't the last time that this is mentioned either
But it's like... you know, she is a kid, and it's pretty damn difficult to actually confront your parents on things considering they can effectively guilt trip you, so doing so might make you feel like an even bigger jackass.
There's a new show on Anime Bancho about a freelance detective dog with a human face. It's much lamer than it sounds.
My last sentence is referring to her mother if I didn't make that clear. Again, Hadzuki didn't do anything wrong. It would have been nice to see her summon the courage to stand up to her mother, but it's her mother's responsibility to look out for Hadzuki and help her do what's best for her. And she failed. Just failed.
Goddamn, few things piss me off more than parents desperately trying to live the lives they never had through their children without taking one fucking second to think about them. Borders on child abuse.
Weird part is I actually agree with him.Let's take a moment to remember a relevant quote by a recently retired master:
I think it's also that a large portion of Fujoshis buy disks just to get event tickets and such so it just works out cheaper that way if you buy DVD.Girls might be less inclined/tech savvy than standard otaku?
I actually think that it being normal length would have done wonders to save this OVA. IT being nonsensical wouldn't have been a problem had it not begun to outlive its welcome.Muromi OVA
Hrm, I'd like to say this would've been better if it was only half as long but I doubt it would've saved this nonsesical shite from itself. At least it was really nicely animated.
There is a comment that I have on this to reference something else, but I'll leave that to the # movie and episode 40 (in that exact order). Actually, I'm having a bit of difficulty of where Onpu's mother plot took place in.
Actually... Jeez... A bit difficult. Yeah, Hazuki's mother isn't that good I guess, and I'm not sure if it'll ever get better if Hitokage had his say on this.
Soundscan tends to overestimate a bit, probably looking at around 23k BD+DVD from Oricon.
Just so I know now, when does the # movie take place? At what point should I watch it?
Isn't wearing a nametag on the swimsuit quite common in anime and manga exchange student or not?Got a really weird question.
I saw a (bad)cosplay earlier and it got me wondering.
Has there ever been an anime or manga with a female exchange student who has to wear a school swimsuit with a name tag?
The Sharp Movie is rather interesting, because episode 37 actually references the movie, but the reference makes no sense because the movie's ending leads straight into episode 40. Plus the reference is throwaway.
Watch the movie after finishing 39, but before episode 40 since it's canon. And it's only slightly longer than a normal episode.
Got a really weird question.
I saw a (bad)cosplay earlier and it got me wondering.
Has there ever been an anime or manga with a female exchange student who has to wear a school swimsuit with a name tag?
Sounds odd but okay.
YesIsn't wearing a nametag on the swimsuit quite common in anime and manga exchange student or not?
LOL.Sounds like hentai. You ain't foolin' me.
17444 Free! Vol 1
10857 Free!
Sam & Max anime when?
Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales
25,726 *1 Free! [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/11
12,384 *3 Brothers Conflict [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*6,438 *2 Danganronpa: The Animation [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/28
*5,375 *3 Servant x Service [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*2,072 *2 Rozen Maiden [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/30
**,809 *1 Genshiken Nidaime [DVDBOX+BD]: 2013/09/04
So yeah. Higher end of the estimate range. Plus everything from Kyoani Shop (and elsewhere) that Oricon doesn't count.
15,517 BD, 10,209 DVD via something.
2013 09/09~09/15 Anime BD List
*1 (***) --- 17,944 *17,944 **1 Dragonball Z Kami to Kami LE
*2 (***) --- 15,517 *15,517 **1 Free! v1
*3 (***) --- *5,877 **5,877 **1 Dragonball Z Kami to Kami RE
*4 (***) *12 *1,098 *39,975 **3 To Aru Majutsu no Index Endymion no Kiseki LE
*5 (***) *49 **,869 **8,124 **4 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. BD Box LE
*6 (***) *21 **,817 *34,439 **4 Shingeki no Kyojin v2
*8 (***) *44 **,611 *47,822 **9 Shingeki no Kyojin v1
*9 (***) *48 **,561 391,419 *21 Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Evangelion 3.33)
10 (***) **4 **,548 **8,910 **2 Hataraku! Maou-sama v3
2013 09/09~09/15 Anime DVD List
*1 (***) --- 14,262 **,14,262 **1 Dragonball Z Kami to Kami RE
*2 (***) --- 12,298 **,12,298 **1 Dragonball Z Kami to Kami LE
*3 (***) --- 10,209 **,10,209 **1 Free! v1
*5 (***) **9 *2,306 1,212,276 612 My Neighbor Totoro
*8 (***) *28 *1,372 *,516,791 558 Kiki's Delivery Service
*9 (***) *27 *1,334 2,389,115 423 Spirited Away
11 (***) *31 *1,204 *,361,118 361 Princess Mononoke
15 (***) *34 **,892 *,661,368 383 Naussica of the Valley of the Wind
16 (***) *39 **,843 *,774,237 547 Castle in the Sky
18 (***) *43 **,708 *,194,838 224 Porco Rosso
20 (***) *80 **,619 *,*58,219 *12 ONE PIECE Film Z RE
23 (***) *55 **,572 *,*18,235 **4 Shingeki no Kyojin v2
28 (***) --- **,506 *,*27,868 **9 Shingeki no Kyojin v1
29 (***) *46 **,504 *,*19,312 **4 ONE PIECE Log Collection "Rookies"
30 (***) *85 **,497 *,912,860 126 Ponyo
Unbreakable Machine-Doll PV3 with a preview of Hitomi Harada's OP song "Anicca":
As well as character PVs for Yaya:
and Charlotte:
CG looks stupid but show looks like it might be fun overall.
Sunday without God 3
Ok. The ending surprised me.
Well For Fall i'm watching :
AS you see i don't plan on watching much.
I like how Ponyo was still shunned hard regardless.Alot of people suddenly started buying Ghibli stuff with the Miyazaki announcement I guess.
Alot of people suddenly started buying Ghibli stuff with the Miyazaki announcement I guess.
Just put the GTA5 map up on my wall. Install almost done. Goodbye AnimeGAF, goodbye world.