This is going to be SEED Destiny on steroids.
It's the brainchild of the same person who was behind SEED/SEED Destiny, after all.
This is going to be SEED Destiny on steroids.
everyone working on this should be blacklisted tbhFucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
It's the brainchild of the same person who was behind SEED/SEED Destiny, after all.
I know. That's the point. Fukuda's trying to out-edge SEED Destiny. He's gone full Frank Miller.It's the brainchild of the same person who was behind SEED/SEED Destiny, after all.
I bet if we got the SEED movie, Cross Ange wouldn't have happened.He should have gone back to Cyber Formula instead. :/
Good/netural elements include the incestual/pedophilic (both my own words?) hints from Ange's brother to their little sister Sylvia. He strokes her lip, saying that they must keep the bloodline clean.
there is no coli emote dappable enough
anime fanlets i swear to god
Usagi Drop Ep. 11
... that's it? I think I heard the production committee whisper, "Go read the manga" in my ear. Luckily, I'm well informed and won't go down that path. Even taken on its own, this is kind of a poor ending. The pacing is really wonky and you can feel the creative team struggling to figure out how to give some semblance of thematic closure.
12 Years a Female Mecha Pilot
Usagi Drop Ep. 11
... that's it? I think I heard the production committee whisper, "Go read the manga" in my ear. Luckily, I'm well informed and won't go down that path. Even taken on its own, this is kind of a poor ending. The pacing is really wonky and you can feel the creative team struggling to figure out how to give some semblance of thematic closure.
What a disgrace and they had a public showing of it lol
Fucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
They used to do it for me, but ended up saying that they could only do it up to 1 month after the placement of thee order. Guess that's gone now too though.they list on the sales now that the discount does not apply to orders already made.
Oh, it looks like Sentai's release slate for January just got announced, including a random new license for Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse.
Dog & Scissors (BD/DVD with dub) -- [previously DVD sub-only]
Non Non Biyori (BD/DVD, sub-only)
Qwaser of Stigmata Complete Collection (BD/DVD, sub-only) -- [previously DVD only]
Amagami SS+ (BD, sub-only) -- [previously DVD only]
Little Busters Refrain (BD/DVD with dub)
Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse Collection 1 (BD/DVD with dub)
A-Channel (BD, sub-only) -- [previously DVD only]
Log Horizon Collection 2 (BD/DVD with dub)
Maid-Sama (BD/DVD with dub) -- [previously DVD sub-only]
So, some new stuff, some rereleases now on BD and two new dubs.
All available on Right Stuf to preorder .
I thought the exact same thing.
Just A-Channel, which has whatever the same bonus stuff its DVD had; everything else only has the clean OP/ED listed from what I can tell.
Weird. They're not even throwing in the OVA for that one?
Steins;Gate - 1
So is this gonna turn into: "Save States, the anime?" Lol.
Not gonna lie, this is definitely an interesting concept. Characters are okay so far as well.
Not bad for a first episode.
Please tell me this isn't a thing.
More Kanon watching for me upcoming ;o
Fucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
All I took away from it was, "Parenthood is a sacrifice but it's worth it." While it's not something you often see as the focus of an anime, I found it trite. The part where Daikichi had to verbalize that he had changed since becoming a parent drove home to me that they didn't have a whole lot to say.I have to disagree; I thought it was an excellent ending, summing up the themes of parenthood that the whole series had been dealing with.
Look, I know your shipping fantasies were dashed when it turned outMomo Kyun Sword - END
A pox on that fucking ending. Oni girl still had the best ass and was the best girl.
All I took away from it was, "Parenthood is a sacrifice but it's worth it."
As a mostly fluffly series, I guess not.Did it need to say more?
Nah, I just saved that .gif. It's on my watchlist list.You watching Code: Breaker?
If not you should
Berserk - 03
Grifith seems to be mr perfect. Okay episode, I would prefer that the main plot continues soon though
It's not like I wanted to join your gang or anything.. baka
As much as I was disappointed with Tokyo Ghoul's manga adaption. The OST is sooooo fuckin good.
This one for some reason reminds me of Batman. I don't know why but I love it.
And this one is amazing, goddam.
But yeah at least I was a bit satisfied with the OST.
Durarara!! 17
So...This anime is bizarre.The three high school main characters are all leaders of their own gangs/weird supernatural cult?
Fucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
Wake Up, Girls! 12
It's not that good, but it's decent so I'll give it 4/7 WUGs:
He should have gone back to Cyber Formula instead. :/
That sounds less otaku pandering and more shock value for the sake of shock value honestly.
I guess that's where I'm confused, to what purpose? Are you suggesting that its a commentary by the writer on the idea of Justice? If so, its a bit heavy-handed and full of hyperbole -- even if its just for exaggerated effect as dramas are oft to do as shorthand. I get the reality that concepts such as justice are often twisted and fall prey to perception than what peoples ideological perceptions of it may be but in this show you literally have a situation were every single character on the under the government is suffering from an extreme case of split personality disorder where they commit atrocities in the name of the state and then go back to their 4-koma comedy sketches in the next frame. It's like someone thought they could mix Gai-Rei Zero with a slice-of-life anime but figured as if that wasn't enough of a hook, give the villains the same treatment. The concept is interesting overall but I guess that last bit is the step too far that's more confusing than interesting.
I kind of feel like the anime never settles into a position where it can say anything that's very grounded about parenthood as a whole. Its truncated form only covers a very short span of time, and its all so incredibly romanticized that it's hard to feel like there's much credibility in place. Coming to a place of acceptance that Usagi Drop targets an audience that are not parents is important to understanding the text, and holding the series less accountable for lacking much veracity.I have to disagree; I thought it was an excellent ending, summing up the themes of parenthood that the whole series had been dealing with.
Fucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
This upcoming season is going to be the worst since I started watching anime again.
This upcoming season is going to be the worst since I started watching anime again.
I swear to god if this is gyan kid related
A removal of Gyan Kid and his poor taste in robots would be an improvement but Try will probably still be great. The problem is there's only four or five shows that I actually give a shit about and that's the lowest it has ever been.
Actually...that's something that I don't is ever covered even in the manga. The first chapter of Aqua covers Akari's arrival and introduction to President Aria and Alicia but there's no real sense they'd ever met before.Aria: Arietta OVA
That flashback to when Akari first arrived at Aria Company was weird. Was like Alicia had agreed to take on Akari as her apprentice before she had arrived and probably before they even met. Wish I had a better idea of how that happened if they were going to have something where the two first met in the first place, something I've said all along they didn't need.
Anyway, no more Aria, fuck the world, etc.
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Ain't no season like backlog season then
Oh boy. Those Cross Ange impressions from the pre-airing...
Shit is super dark. Looks like we have a winner in the edge category.
That tone whiplash is going to snap my neck.
Fucking Christ. Someone wrote up the first two episodes of Cross Ange, as they were at the premiere. Shit sounds worse in context.
I can't
How did nobody put the brakes on this?
Holy fuck, I'm reading some of recent Shikidouji's tweets from the last day.
I think a FMP S4 got greenlit. Oh man...
nope nope nope. I won't get fooled again.Holy fuck, I'm reading some of recent Shikidouji's tweets from the last day. She at least is definitely not talking about the tabletop.
I think a FMP S4 got greenlit. Oh man...