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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread

Man. I feel sorry for people that can't get in to this type of humor. I love this type of stuff. It's the same type that kept me playing Borderlands 2 for as long as I did despite not really liking it, and why I'm still tempted to buy the Pre-Sequel knowing that. It's one of the big reasons why Saints Row has become a great time. It's funny how there is such a backlash for "dudebro" seriousness but an almost equal back-backlash for this type of thing. I get it though. Humor can be very subjective and it's entirely possible they went to the extreme opposite spectrum. Looking forward to finding out myself.

Borderlands 2 is some of the most unfunny shit i've seen in a game until I saw Sunset overdrive trailers/previews/promos/gameplay.

I like Saints row quite a bit though.

So yeah comedy be crazy subjective.

I'm very surprised at the scores this game is getting to be honest. literally every single time I've seen it shown it has looked slow and so fucking uninteresting I would think a 6/10 at it's absolute best. This has me kind of wanting to see what it's all about, maybe one of those "it's better when you're actually playing it" type of scenarios.

And with that new Xbox deal starting next week...

grats to insomniac though. I felt after they left Sony they kinda didn't know what they were doing (based on fuse and, again, based on literally everything shown in PR materials for this game) so good on them


Congrats Insomniac. Nice to see that another X1 exclusive is doing well this holiday in reviews. Now with just 2 more to go ( Halo:TMMC and Ori and the Blind Forest) this could be an amazing slew of Microsoft exclusives this holiday season. :)


I've never used the XB1 preload before and I'm wondering if it'll work in my situation. I won't be home until tomorrow afternoon, so I can't be there physically to download it. If I order the game from the store on the iPhone app, will it download for me? I didn't do a "hard shutdown" last time I used it, just held the dashboard button and clicked on "turn off console". Can it preload in this state?

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Inevitably few actually read the written reviews anymore and as such scores are heavily emphasized above all else especially with the advent of metacritic. It's just a bit surreal to me that a reviewer's article would indicate something entirely different from the final word or score on the game. It's an issue of context which is precisely what the written review is meant to provide but in a world where you must acknowledge many (perhaps even most) will not read it you must consider their takeaway based upon solely the score/recommendation. Personally I'd like to think that a review is an individual's subjective opinion on the product in question and as such it's a little perplexing seeing their words so at odds with their recommendations.

Nnnnot really. I was pretty detailed about why.


I've never used the XB1 preload before and I'm wondering if it'll work in my situation. I won't be home until tomorrow afternoon, so I can't be there physically to download it. If I order the game from the store on the iPhone app, will it download for me? I didn't do a "hard shutdown" last time I used it, just held the dashboard button and clicked on "turn off console". Can it preload in this state?


It should :)

I pre-loaded Horizon 2 this way.
Have they?

Is this something you know from being at MS (albeit different department) or elsewhere?

Why would they clamp down on it when its their own fault that its so easy to do? They made the console region free and with the store incredibly easy to access from a different region...

No insider info, just going on the uk/us store buying thread.


Gamekult : 6/10 They're always tough reviewers.

Pros :
Pleasurable gameplay ...
Atypical art direction
Technically solid
Offbeat and good french version

Cons :
Repetitive at many levels
Lack of originality in missions
Multiplayer doesn't bring anything
The music

So is this a joke? cuz putting Redundant three times is also very redundant.
The humor in this game is like going to a bakery with someone who keeps point at cakes and shouting "HEY! The Cake is a lie! HAHAHAHA!"

Feels like it was committee written by a group of 30-something white guys with backwards baseball caps


ugh hate to see 30 rock used for evil
Nice, went to eurogamer first since they have no issues giving big releases a low score if they dont like it.

Looking forward to that and fallen tomorrow


It should :)

I pre-loaded Horizon 2 this way.

Awesome! I'll give it a shot. This has been my most anticipated game for this new generation of consoles. I can't believe it's finally here!

Congrats JStevenson and the Insomniac crew! I'm happy it's reviewing well!
Congrats Insomniac. Nice to see that another X1 exclusive is doing well this holiday in reviews. Now with just 2 more to go ( Halo:TMMC and Ori and the Blind Forest) this could be an amazing slew of Microsoft exclusives this holiday season. :)

Ori and Blind Forest is on PC


Very happy to see Insomniac back in fine form. And congrats to MS for taking a chance on a new IP. Can't wait to play this next month.
The humor in this game is like going to a bakery with someone who keeps point at cakes and shouting "HEY! The Cake is a lie! HAHAHAHA!"

Feels like it was committee written by a group of 30-something white guys with backwards baseball caps


That's how I feel about the humour from what I have seen of the game. Computer games in general haven't ever really managed to hit the comedy mark well, the games that get the closest for me would be Rockstar games.

I'm sure this game will be fun to play though.

Ein Bear

Really glad to see this reviewing well, some of the early impressions like that Videogamer preview had dampened my hype, but it sounds like the full game is great.

Very happy to see Insomniac delivering an awesome game again, let's all just write Fuse off as an unfortunate misstep and pretend it never happened. This, Forza and Halo... Microsoft are on fire this Christmas.

I love me some Insomniac games. What happened to Jstevenson btw? Haven't seen him post for a while.


Not surprised at all to see so many high reviews, as the game has looked stellar since the gameplay reveal. It just seemed far too creative, vibrant and fun to get panned.

Anyway, it sounds like it is exactly what I hoped it would be. Can't wait.



Congrats, Insomniac. :D

The xbone has been on a stride of good releases to complete the year. Forza Horizon 2, KI Season 2, Fantasia (surprisingly fun), SO, and Halo MCC. We still have Ori coming too. Great first year!


characters and story look annoying, and according to GT there's absolutely no challenge and no difficulty setting. Anything that rolls over and provides no meaningful challenge becomes quickly uninteresting to me.

Think I'm cancelling. Haven't finished TEW or Alien yet.


The videos I have seen of the game looked so incredibly boring, interesting to see so many mention that they liked it. I would most definitely look further into it if I had an Xbone.


Won't lie, reading that the gameplay is as good as it looks along with the $349 price tag on the bundle makes it slightly tempting. At $300 with a physical version of the game I dare say I might bite on the bone.

Insomniac offices right now:


I doubt an 83 MetaCritic makes any review bonuses kick in.


These guys made Ratchet and Clank, one of my most favourite game series ever, so I'm really looking forward to trying this latest offering out.
lol wat

have some pride in your hometown dude

remember this forum's amazing LOST threads?

Erigu made those threads memorable for me. Whenever I see a Lost thread pop up nowadays I always click to find his contributions. His dedication to dismantling everything good about that show was rather impressive to me.
characters and story look annoying, and according to GT there's absolutely no challenge and no difficulty setting. Anything that rolls over and provides no meaningful challenge becomes quickly uninteresting to me.

Think I'm cancelling. Haven't finished TEW or Alien yet.
GT also rated Forza Horizon 2 nearly the same as Driveclub. I wouldn't necessarily trust their reviews. To each their own though.


Me and my mate guessed what the metacritic score would be last night. I went 82 and he went 84. It's pretty funny how it has landed bang in the middle so far. Reviews sound promising enough, I'd preloaded it already anyhow.
characters and story look annoying, and according to GT there's absolutely no challenge and no difficulty setting. Anything that rolls over and provides no meaningful challenge becomes quickly uninteresting to me.

Think I'm cancelling. Haven't finished TEW or Alien yet.

Yeah there is an undercurrent to most of the reviews about how easy the game is and repetitive the mission structure is. 2 things that would otherwise kill most other games score wise, or atleast push it into the low 80's type of score. Infamous for example got hammered for repetitive missions even though it also had incredibly imaginative and fun traversal and cool attacks from powers and whatnot. So as always, there is no consistency from one review to the next even if you could have 2 games with identical problems getting completely different review vibes lol, but that is par for the course these days. Destiny was one of those " very fun to play but too repetitive " type reviews which pushed it to a 78-83. SO sounds like it is " very fun but too repetitive " and it stays in the 85-92 range.

I guess if you are going to go repetitive, then just keep it at third person and keep it more to Dead Rising style gameplay.

I'll head over to a friends house this week and check it out. If anything it sounds like classic Insomniac so it will be fun.


I am looking forward to the OT for this game and reading/sharing real impressions after playing.

Has a title been decided on? "Get Ready To Die, Asshole!" seems like the only real choice to me. Heh.


GT also rated Forza Horizon 2 nearly the same as Driveclub. I wouldn't necessarily trust their reviews. To each their own though.
Wow that is just wrong. Whoever previewed the game over there seemed to really like it...I guess it was a different reviewer. Can't wait to pick up my copy tomorrow!


GT also rated Forza Horizon 2 nearly the same as Driveclub. I wouldn't necessarily trust their reviews. To each their own though.

I don't look at numbered scores and hit "buy" or "cancel". that's a recipe for screwing yourself.

I read the text and listen to what they're saying. Other reviews than just GT talk about the game being overly easy.

And when it comes to the characters/dialogue/presentation I know, for me, it'd quickly become annoying. It's a case of too old for this shit.


Yeah there is an undercurrent to most of the reviews about how easy the game is and repetitive the mission structure is. 2 things that would otherwise kill most other games score wise, or atleast push it into the low 80's type of score. Infamous for example got hammered for repetitive missions even though it also had incredibly imaginative and fun traversal and cool attacks from powers and whatnot. So as always, there is no consistency from one review to the next even if you could have 2 games with identical problems getting completely different review vibes lol, but that is par for the course these days. Destiny was one of those " very fun to play but too repetitive " type reviews which pushed it to a 78-83. SO sounds like it is " very fun but too repetitive " and it stays in the 85-92 range.

I guess if you are going to go repetitive, then just keep it at third person and keep it more to Dead Rising style gameplay.

I'll head over to a friends house this week and check it out. If anything it sounds like classic Insomniac so it will be fun.

I would argue that Destiny has a lot of other problems besides being too repetitive. It also didn't help that Destiny had an amazingly high amount of hype prior to release. Really no point in comparing the two in my opinion though.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Whats the deal with the bundles none of the retailers let you preorder online. I would like to get one at best buy so i can bring my receipt back and get refunded next week when the price drops.
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