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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


Originally Posted by StoOgE


Now I don't have to ban any insomniac devs for cashing my birthday present in on this game and season pass.
You could still ban them for making UK/EU Gaf wait until Friday...

It's the biggest crime against gaming that I have to wait until Friday to play this. A goddamn criminal act.

Hong-Kong too man!! I just checked

so I say lets burn these insomniac bitches!! :D
banhammer them right now!!! :D
I understand man. XBO is a bit expensive to pick up but there are some good deals going on soon and it's got KI and quite a few other good exclusives.
Getting am Xbone just isn't gonna happen for me. It's not like a have a shortage of games across PS4. Vita, PC, and (my roommate's) Wii U. As much as I want this and eventually Scalebound and Phantom Dust, shelling out hundreds of dollars for just a few games when I've already got a backlog is hard to justify, especially since I'm not gonna pay for Xbox Live and PS+. I'll just be happy that a good game is out by a developer and I like and that people are getting to play it. Hopefully a sequel is multiplatform since Insomniac owns the IP.

Anfony O

Next to being woken up by a blowjob from my girlfriend, this is the best news I could have read in the morning. I was super hyped for this game and then those late previews came out and I started to lose faith. Can't wait to play tomorrow!

Admit it, that IGN score was a much better stimulus to your testicles.


You keep harping on scores and dichotomy but Kotaku's is the one that explicitly DOESN'T have a score, only a recommendation. They feel you should play the game.

It's like me saying, "Oh boy, the pod race in Episode 1 is so fucking rad you've got to see it. You have to experience that."
"I don't know, the movie looks pretty shitty and I don't know if I can separate that one sequence from the rest of the movie."
"Well, personally, I can, no problem, it's worth it just for that sequence, but my recommendation no matter what would be to WATCH THAT PODRACE it's AWESOME."

I don't know why you can't see that as a possibility, man.

That's all well and good except there is not a single part of the review as written that comes across as unapologetically positive about the game. Nearly every positive statement he makes is made with some sort of caveat often in reference to humor. It does not read like a positive review at all. Certainly it's fine to recommend others play a game you seemingly did not enjoy playing but it is odd.

Thanks for pointing that out.

It's pretty simple. He's annoyed it scored so well.

That is not at all what I said and you know it. I said it's weird that they would re come d you play a game or give a game a high score whilst also lambasting it's humor/story. It's kind of bizarre especially when you think about how much shit Destiny got for it's story and how that reflected very poorly for it in scores/recommendations. But by all means BruiserBear continue trying to put words into my mouth and then use them to dismiss everything I say. It just makes it that much easier to disprove your constant baseless accusations about me or any other poster who happens to disagree with your assertions.
I'm actually glad this is happening and hope it's a sign of things to come. If a game pulls off its style then it should never lead to a lower score regardless if the reviewer likes it or not. Gameplay remains the most important thing, humor is something very subjective and can be percieved by everyone differently therefore should not weigh in a score that much, if at all, in my opinion.

I'm of two minds about this actually. I feel like ideally a review should be a completely subjective take on whatever media is being reviewed. If the humor didn't work for you enough that it detracted from your experience, then I think your score should reflect that.

The problem with that though, is people tend to JUST see the score without reading the context and pull their own conclusions as to why it reached it. In that same case, they would never know a game was docked two points or whatever purely based on humor which might have completely worked for the reader. That's kind of the state we're in at the moment though where reviews kind of have to skirt this wishy washy line of objective and subjective and it's everyone's fault (readers for not reading context / Reviewers for catering to that). I hope we can one day reach a time where videogames can be reviewed a bit more like movies and we can have more voices speaking and being followed because their tastes are known as opposed to outlets being seen as one large entity with an opinion. The fact that we still see posts from people along the lines of "How could IGN have given X game a lower score than Y game? They're such a joke!" when the games were reviewed by different people, shows we're not quite there yet though.
Congrats, Insomniac.

I just went from a 'maybe' to 'definitely' on this game. It'll be under the tree for me. Making it SO, HMCC & Lords to finish out 2014.
Congrats to Insomniac. Sounds like they went back to what they knew with Ratchet and Clank and mixed in their sense of style into the Dead Rising 3 horde mode type genre. Which is always a good thing.

The reviews are funny though when they talk about a different game for Insomniac or whatever. There isn't anything original here, it is just Ratchet and Clank meets Dead Rising. The rail grinding has been done by Insomniac, the crazy weapons, the repetitive side missions, the over the top humor, etc. All of it has been done before by the team, but perhaps the reviews that seem to think this is something new for Insomniac just haven't played their games on the Playstation brand before. You can see direct copies of R&C weapons in things like the gun that shoots those labels and then they bounce all over. Same weapon in Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time and other R&C titles on the PS2. The freeze rays and big explosion weapons have all been used throughout the R&C series and even in Resistance. So yeah, imaginative weapons for Insomniac is just ... there thing. Nothing will ever beat the Disco Ball weapon though lol. I probably played Tools of Destruction 50x and still made me laugh since each enemy and creature had its own dance moves.

Hope this one brings lots of profit into the studio and hope to get to play it sometime. I believe a friend is picking it up so will have to steal his system for a week or so.


Really great news, already ordered as I had faith in what I had seen but it's nice to see it confirmed. Congrats Insomniac.

The Flash

Next to being woken up by a blowjob from my girlfriend, this is the best news I could have read in the morning. I was super hyped for this game and then those late previews came out and I started to lose faith. Can't wait to play tomorrow!

Now I have Lonely Island stuck in my head


Getting am Xbone just isn't gonna happen for me. It's not like a have a shortage of games across PS4. Vita, PC, and (my roommate's) Wii U. As much as I want this and eventually Scalebound and Phantom Dust, shelling out hundreds of dollars for just a few games when I've already got a backlog is hard to justify, especially since I'm not gonna pay for Xbox Live and PS+. I'll just be happy that a good game is out by a developer and I like and that people are getting to play it. Hopefully a sequel is multiplatform since Insomniac owns the IP.

Unless Microsoft locks it down I am sure the next one will be multiplatform. I understand money has gotten tight for me as well but I still try to play what I can. If it's successful enough I can see Insomniac releasing this on PC at some point in the future but it will be a while I am sure. They are a successful studio trying to make a name for themselves not just as a company that makes games for one company.

The problem with Infamous SS is that it had no real Sidequests without the Paper DLC.

Well that is one way to look at it. Hehe I thought they were ok but they could have really used a lot more variety. I think the next one will be a lot better in that sense.


It's a fair fight if you compare the 360's retail games to the XBO's retail games, but It's not even a competition if you compare the digital releases. The 360 had nothing like Dance Central Spotlight, D4, Ori, Max, Killer Instinct or Project Spark in 2005/2006.
He's not comparing the first year of both consoles but whole generations. He basically says: XB1 > X360 & OGXB, that is just wrong.
And Dance Central? lol, different strokes for different folks I guess.
Don't you dare rub it in. Don't you do it. I'm on the edge right now, Steve...

Seriously, I'm so tempted to do this....I want to hold out though as I need to start spending some of my built up XBL money and this would make a nice dent in it. £61 for the DE with season pass. I think that's pretty fair.

I'll see how my resolve holds up tonight when I'm near my console...
I'll be sure to pop on after my time with the game and give you a shove


Congrats to Insomniac! Between this and Killer Instinct, I'd be surprised if I don't have an XBone before the end of 2015. Just wish I knew where to put the dang thing, as I'm not ready to retire the other consoles in my entertainment center yet.


Neo Member
Glad to see the game reviewed this well. I really enjoyed the game when i went hands on with it at Gamescom. It was tied with #IDARB for my game of show. Tip of my hat to the guys at Insomniac and MS for a great game.


God damn, did not expect these review scores at all. If this game is a hit + the price drop to $350... Microsoft really goin hard in the paint for holiday 2014 season. As someone who will be purchasing both consoles by fall of next year, this is shaping up to be a great generation.
Well that is one way to look at it. Hehe I thought they were ok but they could have really used a lot more variety. I think the next one will be a lot better in that sense.

This is something that i thought since the first one... "It will be better in the next one."

I really love Infamous but SP doesnt know how to make worthwhile Sidemissions.


Gamekult : 6/10 They're always tough reviewers.

Pros :
Pleasurable gameplay ...
Atypical art direction
Technically solid
Offbeat and good french version

Cons :
Repetitive at many levels
Lack of originality in missions
Multiplayer doesn't bring anything
The music


This game's gonna be a great example of why you give studios time to develop and refine over multiple games.

Feel like it's a sort of unexpected culmination of all the Ratchet & Clank and Resistance (multiplayer) and everything they've done, and it really suits them.

People have always given Insomniac too much crap IMO, it's all in the game so to speak, but this one is really special. I played a chunk of it at gamercamp and it is – I believe I used the term, crazytown bananapants.


Gamekult : 6/10 They're always tough reviewers.

Pros :
Pleasurable gameplay ...
Atypical art direction
Technically solid
Offbeat and good french version

Cons :
Repetitive at many levels
Lack of originality in missions
Multiplayer doesn't bring anything
The music

Did they put in "Redundant" 3 times for real?
Is this a nod to the games 4th wall jokes?
The humor in this game is like going to a bakery with someone who keeps point at cakes and shouting "HEY! The Cake is a lie! HAHAHAHA!"

Feels like it was committee written by a group of 30-something white guys with backwards baseball caps



He's not comparing the first year of both consoles but whole generations. He basically says: XB1 > X360 & OGXB, that is just wrong.
And Dance Central? lol, different strokes for different folks I guess.
I thought he was comparing the first year of each console, but maybe I misunderstood him. It doesn't make sense to judge the entire generation when we don't even know what MS will release beyond 2016.

There are loads of people that like Dance Central btw.


Never had a doubt this would receive great scores. Congrats Insomniac. Hopefully I'll have some time to play this week.


I'm of two minds about this actually. I feel like ideally a review should be a completely subjective take on whatever media is being reviewed. If the humor didn't work for you enough that it detracted from your experience, then I think your score should reflect that.

The problem with that though, is people tend to JUST see the score without reading the context and pull their own conclusions as to why it reached it. In that same case, they would never know a game was docked two points or whatever purely based on humor which might have completely worked for the reader. That's kind of the state we're in at the moment though where reviews kind of have to skirt this wishy washy line of objective and subjective and it's everyone's fault (readers for not reading context / Reviewers for catering to that). I hope we can one day reach a time where videogames can be reviewed a bit more like movies and we can have more voices speaking and being followed because their tastes are known as opposed to outlets being seen as one large entity with an opinion. The fact that we still see posts from people along the lines of "How could IGN have given X game a lower score than Y game? They're such a joke!" when the games were reviewed by different people, shows we're not quite there yet though.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Inevitably few actually read the written reviews anymore and as such scores are heavily emphasized above all else especially with the advent of metacritic. It's just a bit surreal to me that a reviewer's article would indicate something entirely different from the final word or score on the game. It's an issue of context which is precisely what the written review is meant to provide but in a world where you must acknowledge many (perhaps even most) will not read it you must consider their takeaway based upon solely the score/recommendation. Personally I'd like to think that a review is an individual's subjective opinion on the product in question and as such it's a little perplexing seeing their words so at odds with their recommendations.
You know they've clamped down on buying from the wrong store right?

Have they?

Is this something you know from being at MS (albeit different department) or elsewhere?

Why would they clamp down on it when its their own fault that its so easy to do? They made the console region free and with the store incredibly easy to access from a different region...


That VideoGamer preview really made me skeptical but it looks like this will be a good one and a nice distraction from Destiny.

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