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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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What does one have to say after 20 years?

Memories of jumping, running and playing.

But sadly your new games confirm our fears

Sega, your owner, knows you aren't well and insists on staying

I remember a hedgehog stylish and quick

And traveling the world on adventures we had

But the new games are terrible and make me sick.

You made us young kids happy

We ran along Green Hills and Chemical Plants

But your new games are quite crappy

Sadly it seems Sega only listens to the sycophants

They love a company that puts you through the ringer.

We long for the days where we played long past

But Sega's treatment of you is quite the stinger.

We look on with our jaws dropped and aghast

Maybe its time to call it quits

The glitches in Sonic Boom make me wince

Big Red made a game that gives us the shits.

Its time to let go. Goodnight Sweet Prince
well well color me intrigued
i found something that makes the Battle Resort being a renamed Frontier even more likely

There is also some text in the code suggesting the apprentice from the Frontier is in the game:

I knew my team makeup was still off. Then...I guess I need to take this guy out. No, if I do that, I'll be wide open for... Hmm... Then if I replace this move here... Yeah... Yeah, that should do it! Oh! Excuse me! I couldn't help myself! But you're just as brilliant in battle as ever, Player! Still, don't you count on me just losing to you forever. I've met a lot of people who have helped me grow since coming to the Battle Resort, and it has reminded me all over again how much fun it is to really go all out in battle! Thanks again, Player! Let's battle again sometime!

The Apprentice was only found in the Frontier in Emerald
I'm so in there that I don't want to watch all of it at once! I might just leave the final two episodes for tomorrow so I can have one day to build them up for myself.
It's so fucking cool though!
How do they keep doing this!? First Gurren Lagann is insanely fucking amazing and the hypest and coolest thing I've ever seen and now KLK has become so endearing that I can't help but get incredibly excited!
They're the Platinum of Anime.

I wish, but Gainax has a lot of... poor showings. I feel like that's why many of them moved over to Trigger after Panty and Stocking. Which, if you've enjoyed KLK and TTGL, there's a fair chance you'll really enjoy Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, it's over the top in a very similar way but isn't really that similar to either of them.

EDIT - Woah, why did everything now finally load. I feel silly now. Why can't the mobile site work.
I wish, but Gainax has a lot of... poor showings. I feel like that's why many of them moved over to Trigger after Panty and Stocking. Which, if you've enjoyed KLK and TTGL, there's a fair chance you'll really enjoy Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, it's over the top in a very similar way but isn't really that similar to either of them.

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is a full blown comedy tho.

I also love it, while TTGL didn't leave an impression on me, and I dropped KLK. So there.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I don't know why, but the concept of not enjoying Gurren is super depressing to me.

I've never seen Gurren, and to be honest I don't really...want to? It's just not my thing, really. I enjoyed KLK well enough, but I never "got hype" over it or anything. It was good, but I'll probably never rewatch it. I'm fine getting my Japanese action fix from Kamen Rider, I guess.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the Idolmaster movie.
I don't know why, but the concept of not enjoying Gurren is super depressing to me.

I enjoyed my time with it, but when it was done, it was done, and I didn't want to watch anymore of it.

I don't really like shonen.

I'm so incredibly with Aaron on this. And saying "I don't really like shonen" as the answer is just... I have a bad taste in my mouth.

I've never seen Gurren, and to be honest I don't really...want to? It's just not my thing, really. I enjoyed KLK well enough, but I never "got hype" over it or anything. It was good, but I'll probably never rewatch it. I'm fine getting my Japanese action fix from Kamen Rider, I guess.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the Idolmaster movie.

Let it love you
I'm so incredibly with Aaron on this. And saying "I don't really like shonen" as the answer is just... I have a bad taste in my mouth.

I'm not saying anyone's wrong for not liking it or anything, just the concept of watching that show and not losing your mind would mean that I'd be in such a bad place that I don't even want to imagine it.

Even in February when my entire life went to shit, Gurren was the one thing that turned it all around and I was able to be happy for awhile.
At least I still have the boo Lucina. Gimme that fire emblem DLC character pack and I'll love you forever Nintendo.

As long as I got my boy Roy in that, I'd dig it. I just really hope they do costume packs, because I need my OoT/ SS alts.

I've never seen Gurren, and to be honest I don't really...want to? It's just not my thing, really. I enjoyed KLK well enough, but I never "got hype" over it or anything. It was good, but I'll probably never rewatch it. I'm fine getting my Japanese action fix from Kamen Rider, I guess.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the Idolmaster movie.

This is how I feel, excluding liking KLK. The over-the-top 'hype' comedy fanservice stuff doesn't appeal to me at all.
I could like it on a basic level sure, but I won't care about it and I'd rather spend my limited time watching something I'd truly love.
You know what watching Melee has reminded me of? How every time a new Smash game has been announced, I've always asked "Yo will Cloud be in this one!" Then he was in FFTA, so I had higher hopes, then there were guest characters and my hopes were even higher, and now there's DLC and my hopes are still high, but I know he'll never come. Never ever and I need to accept the truth, but my mind/fanboyism won't let me.
TTGL is extremely well planned and entertaining, aside from the hype. I at least urge people to stick with it for the rather short 26 episodes, or watching at least the first 8 episodes. Even if you can't get into it on a level of "this is hype", it's still an amazing coming of age story and it doesn't pull the punches it throws.
It's not your fault, it's our hangup, but... I don't know. I just want you to be happy the same way it makes me happy.

That's normal. I would love if everyone could love complicated plots, and exposition like I do, but that's okay. Different strokes.

I have really never been a fan of big action scenes. Always prefer smaller, more subtle skirmishes over the BIG ASS FIGHT.
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