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Super Mario 3D Land |OT| Jump Into a New Dimension!

So.. it's OK to use the silver leaf power up? I thought they were the n00b power ups from the regular play through but in
S World they are the standard?


The last couple of S7 levels are just brutal. I don't even wanna know what S8 is going to be like. Also, I went back to the block in W1 that respawned and
got a P-wing
. Does it work the same way as in SMB3? And is it the only one in the game you can get without dying a lot? I kinda wish I hadn't gotten it now because I don't want to waste it and it's taking up my extra item spot.


So.. it's OK to use the silver leaf power up? I thought they were the n00b power ups from the regular play through but in
S World they are the standard?

No, they aren't the invincible one from standard. They work like the Tanooki suit did in SMB3 minus flight.

Did you play S World through with Luigi as soon as he became available? I assume you need to play through every level as both for 100%, but since there is no way of knowing which you have done it's going to be tricky. Unless there is a stat page I am missing to display Mario/Luigi level completions :p



Did you play S World through with Luigi as soon as he became available? I assume you need to play through every level as both for 100%, but since there is no way of knowing which you have done it's going to be tricky. Unless there is a stat page I am missing to display Mario/Luigi level completions :p
I have just played the first normal level with him to see what the indication that I beat it with both was, but there is none so now I am probably gonna do all the normal levels in one sitting with him so that I don't have to remember which ones I did and leave the S ones for another sitting after I've completed them with Mario. It would a problem though if there is indeed no way of checking.


It would be nice to be able to track which levels you have finished as
Mario and Luigi. I just did a couple with Luigi and there is nothing to say I did it.

Whats the deal with the Tanooki suit in S worlds? It looks like the invincible power up, its not though is it?

I have just played the first normal level with him to see what the indication that I beat it with both was, but there is none so now I am probably gonna do all the normal levels in one sitting with him so that I don't have to remember which ones I did and leave the S ones for another sitting after I've completed them with Mario. It would a problem though if there is indeed no way of checking.

Yeah, I have the same issue right now.

The game doesn't show you at first, but it will
show you if you've beaten a level with Mario or Luigi once you beat all the special worlds.
Cheers guys, great stuff.

I'll do Special with probably Mario then and see if I want to tackle then again with Luigi afterwards :D Although his higher jump will come in handy, I am sure...


This game is such a fucking great mix of nostalgia and new, I love it. there's definitely still room for improvement, but it's so good. After looking at how beautiful this looks in 3D I can safely say I would LOVE to get my hands on a Super Mario RPG remake with these graphics.. holy shit would that be absolutely incredible.
I think i've just done my favourite stage so far...
S7-4, I perished more times in that one stage than the rest of the game so far! and it was glorious, finally nabbing all 3 star coins and overcoming the combination of flip switch platforms and size increasing shadow/cosmic Mario filled me with triumphant joy.


There are a lot of small touches of polish, the ones where you go "will this work?" and it does, like water droplets flying when you swirl with the tanooki tail standing in shallow water, and shooting fire balls at flowers.
Or butt-stomping on a stack of 8 goombas and seeing them all flattened.


If you find yourself having too easy of a time, don't pick up the Tanooki and especially don't constantly go back to an easier level to grab one.
As a matter of fact I don't do that, I just found one during my normal progression and decided to see if it was still a huge advantage.
Without it the Special levels are fine, I just spent a bucket of lives on the last 3 jumps of 3-5 to 100% it without using the suit, mainly because I don't seem to like the idea of not using a shortcut even when it's hard to hit.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
If you find yourself having too easy of a time, don't pick up the Tanooki and especially don't constantly go back to an easier level to grab one.
S8-2 is Sunshine-level cruelty without the Tanooki suit.

It's a cakewalk with it.
I think i've just done my favourite stage so far...
S7-4, I perished more times in that one stage than the rest of the game so far! and it was glorious, finally nabbing all 3 star coins and overcoming the combination of flip switch platforms and size increasing shadow/cosmic Mario filled me with triumphant joy.

Yep, just did that level myself. Exhaled for the longest time after hitting that flag. *So* satisfying.


Saint Nic
Question about the post game goodies.

Do you have to complete every stage with Luigi to get 5 stars on your file select? If so, is there a way to tell which levels you have completed with him?

And unrelated, but is Sunshine really that difficult of a Mario game?


Question about the post game goodies.

Do you have to complete every stage with Luigi to get 5 stars on your file select? If so, is there a way to tell which levels you have completed with him?

And unrelated, but is Sunshine really that difficult of a Mario game?

Spoiler section: Yes and yes.
Does advancing the clock on the 3DS replenish the bonus boxes on the overworld map? I only have 1 star coin left to collect and this has been killing me.


Man, the more stages I get to play the more I like the game. I wish this joy never ended... what an incredible platform game. The pacing it's just... out-of-this-world perfection. How the hell these people at Nintendo are able to make a platform game even more fun to play than Galaxy is mind-blowing.

I can't picture anyone hating on this game, it's simply un-hateable.


Not a single piece of bloat to be seen, nothing between you and the pure enjoyment. This game could be the prime example of how, sometimes, less is more.

As of now I've seen just world 1 and 2, and in my opinion this Mario 3D has perfect length for the stages (this is subjective of course, but sometimes I felt that stages in Galaxy were too large), perfect pacing, perfect controls, perfect balance between 2D action and 3D scale, the power ups are awesome to use (never felt so powerful with the flower before). The use of 3D depth is astounding, Nintendo are being masters here.

It's pretty awesome how the developers have mixed 2d and 3d mechanics in this game. This is the style of Mario (apart from pure 2d) that now, in this point of my life, I think I could enjoy more than anything else.
i... i think i like this better than galaxy *gasp*

it's probably my love for 2d over 3d mario. this is just so... distilled. without any of the filler and bloat of the galaxy games, like the motion control mini games or the bird levels or the story and the many characters with something to say and all the interruptions and tedious ui mechanics etc.
Playing through the first 8 worlds was consistently fun, even on easy levels, because the design is creative, the tools available fun to use, the architecture enjoyable to sightsee, and most importantly it's still about the platforming, so you get into that flow - you bring the fun, breezy aspect of the game to the front through a campaign like this. Then you get the 2nd part, where tight margins, adrenaline and challenge are attractions. You basically get the best of both worlds, and a really meaty game to boot.
These are precisely the reasons why I feel like 3D Land is finally up to par with the good 2D Mario games. Less gimmicks, less bloat. Short, wonderfully paced levels that encourage speed runs. A selection of easier levels to draw joy simply from how Mario "feels" and a selection of more difficult levels to draw joy from overcoming challenges. In fact, the simple act of playing the game is what's striking me the most. The visual and auditory feedback in tandem with how Mario handles is finally done to my satisfaction for a 3D Mario. It isn't about being easy or hard; it's about how every little thing feels fun no matter what you're doing.

Nevertheless, I don't want stupid, arbitrary, or confusing goals to collect stars. I just want to run a gauntlet of obstacles. The fact that there isn't any obnoxious, superfluous waggle or pointing is a bonus in itself. It's why I can't deal with modern Zelda games anymore ever since they started getting so bloated with a clear divide between "fun parts" and "parts I don't want to play." The best games are fun 100% of the time. You shouldn't have to wade through something you don't want to be doing.

I'm sure there's still a "new car smell" to Mario 3D Land, but where would you guys put this one in the Mario rankings?
As far as I'm concerned, 3D Land has joined SMB3 and SMW in my top 3.


(Puzzle Boxes do come back each day, and there are extra variations -- not sure how many. I'll see if I get any more)

Oi, so that is normal? I was thinking they were just the same puzzles lol. Ok then, all I have to do is keep visiting them! thanks. I was thought you could only collect 300 coins at first.


Nevertheless, I don't want stupid, arbitrary, or confusing goals to collect stars. I just want to run a gauntlet of obstacles. The fact that there isn't any obnoxious, superfluous waggle or pointing is a bonus in itself. It's why I can't deal with modern Zelda games anymore ever since they started getting so bloated with a clear divide between "fun parts" and "parts I don't want to play." The best games are fun 100% of the time. You shouldn't have to wade through something you don't want to be doing.

As far as I'm concerned, 3D Land has joined SMB3 and SMW in my top 3.

A really nice and meaty post, congrats branny ;).

I basically agree, specially with the bold parts. This Mario 3D shows one if not the main factor that perhaps should set Nintendo apart from the rest of developers, IMO: the ability to create games perfectly fun with the less amount of bullshit possible. Not dialogues, not huge maps basically empty, not über-awesome story driven interactive whatever experiences than in the end are just shooters (I like shooters, Uncharted specially, BTW). If they're pursuing every single person to sell their games, this is key.

This is why I can't understand what the hell they're doing with Zelda. This last Zelda on the Wii IMO is bloat-ware full of perfectly disposable things I don't like and I don't want on Nintendo games that should be banished from the series. I won't extend on this as I don't want to derail the thread
and I don't like death threats
, but the contrast between these 2 games, coming both from the same company, is striking.

As for the last bold, well, I have to play it more thoroughly but if this game becomes as enjoyable in subsequent re-plays as those 2 you indicate in your post, well, then it could be as classic as those. For the time being, it could be that way.


Man, Luigi straight up breaks most regular Worlds, it's awesome! About half way done with World 7 with him, might finish this up tonight!


Love the 3D effect. Not sure if it adds anything gameplay wise, but man does it look cool. Really helps the world come alive.

EDIT: I do miss the spin attack though. Really became used to it in the galaxy games, and you could pull off some slick combos with it.

Can't wait to see what they do for Zelda... hopefully they drop the shitty PH/ST style and do something new.


Best 3D use in a 3DS game I've played.

I'm at World 4-5 right now and it's an absolute delight as usual. It really reminds of Super Mario Land 2 Six Golden Coins for some odd reason. Level design is more akin to the Galaxy games, but imo it also shares a quirkyness which made earlier handheld Mario's so different. And that's a good thing, because I loved SML 2. Very tight and compact leveldesign. There are times where I kind of wish that the levels would be a bit longer, but on the other hand that's one of it's strengths. Nintendo knows how to make their franchises work on handhelds without losing it's grandness.

Good job. The Tanooki suit is overpowered though.
Awesome game. Like galaxy before it Shows Mario is still best at putting fun back into games. Other games feel like work in comparison.

Each new level brings something new and fresh. And the game looks so crisp on the 3d screen.

I just opened
up the special world. Am I supposed to have Luigi yet?
I really wish the game would give the player records on what stages they've been able to avoid getting hit/complete without losing their power ups on. This feature would've been very welcome on both SMG 1 and 2 as well.


brazen editing lynx
I'm getting close to unlocking
the super secret final level
. I only have to clear
the last 4 Special Worlds with Luigi
, and then I should be in for a treat.
Oh, and I thought the 8 way movement would feel more restrictive, but it's actually a blessing.

I've played the game so much even the keuboard on my iphone looks 3d.
Also just wanted to say I love the Boomerang suit, it's so fun (but disappointingly weak compared to the legendary Hammer suit). Finished World 5-2 last night, great little homage of a level. :)


Nope. As soon as the box of shame appears you lose the shine.
Dammit. It's a good thing I don't really mind replaying the levels :S They're easy enough to replay and not so annoying that I'd be bitter about replaying them. They're also short enough so that even if I do get annoyed I can just stop for a bit and pick it up later, which is probably one of my favorite things about this game. I also love the 3D effects in this game, it just feels so natural! Can't wait to see the 3D in motion for Mario Kart 7 (zomg 2 more weeks!).

I think my only complaint with this game is the camera; while it works for 99% of the time there were definitely a few times where I had issues gauging depth and a couple of times where I'd stupidly run off the edge of a platform to my death simply because I wasn't sure if a platform would be there or not. Sometimes I wish the game had a zoom in/out feature using the up/down on the d-pad. It wouldn't have to zoom out by too much, just a little bit. I won't comment on difficulty yet simply because I haven't gone through the S-worlds, which is apparently the meat of the game. But I will say the ship level on World 7 gave me an unusually hard time.

Also, the tanooki suit totally breaks the difficulty of the first 8 worlds :p Admittedly, sometimes I would go back to the first level and grab the tanooki suit just to give me that extra edge in a later level haha.


So... this game is sublime, right?

I think I'll pick it up when I grab Mario Kart on release.
I have no money till then


Now that I've beat the game, I've been replaying the levels for fun. I wish there was a Random Stage Select option. I love all the levels so figuring out which one to pick first is hard!

I've developed a real fondness for 5-1, though. It's the mountain course where you first get the Boomerang Suit. I love the power-up because it makes me feel so, well, powerful. Throwing a boomerang and watching it cleave through multiple Goombas, sending them spinning and spraying coins, is amazing. And there's plenty of ass to kick in 5-1. Pokeys pop up and can be knocked out one body part at a time. Tail Goombas flutter down from ledges. Boomerang Bros. make for Wild West shootouts when you have suit. Sandmaarghs, my favorite new baddie, spring up from underground. You also get to see Thwomps with tanooki tails! And there's a warp pipe, hidden music notes, a cannon, and a battle royale on an elevator, the highlight of the level. It's probably one of the most action-packed stages and I love it.

Another favorite is 1-1. I think this game has the single best opening level of any Mario ever. It's so densely packed with detail. It feels like Bob-omb Battlefield with a better economy of interactive elements, if you would. Blowing out dandelions with the mic, torching flowers with fireballs, sprinkling water with the tanooki tail, a perspective puzzle down a warp pipe, a 1Up in a tunnel, coins and Cheep Cheeps leaping toward the screen, tightropes to walk, trees to climb, crates to bust, Super Leafs hidden everywhere (at least four by my count), one of those platforms you raise hitting the wheel with the tail, beams of sunlight slanting through windows, a giant Tail Goomba, binoculars to spot Toad in the distance, various scaffoldings and bridges to manuever, tons of opportunities for speed-running shortcuts... *gasp*

That's the first level alone. It's fantastic, and I'll admit, I farmed the hell of it for Super Leafs, and I loved every run through.
Got my third star (
Finished all Special Worlds

Anyone know how to get the 10th photo? I think I would have to get all the star coins in each level but not entirely sure


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Got my third star (
Finished all Special Worlds

Anyone know how to get the 10th photo? I think I would have to get all the star coins in each level but not entirely sure
You gotta finish all levels with Mario and Luigi.


I got 2 stars after finishing World 1 - 8 with all Star Coins and all Flags.
I got another 2 for finishing
Special World 1 - 8 with all Star Coins and all Flags.

The last star is for finishing the levels
with Luigi

I've got shiny stars and they will now remain that indefinitely.

I'm going to go back through the game on a different save file playing with 0 Tanooki goodness. I have already done some really hard levels without it and it's a really satisfying way to play (if a tonne frustrating).

P.S -
Tanooki Luigi is so god DAMN funny, he looks like a Kangaroo!


There is a difference between 100% a game and completing the game.

He might have had to go back to a level and get coins because he wasn't skilled enough to get them the first time through and couldn't unlock the final level or something, before the EXTRA CONTENT even.

Listen, have a little heart for the gaffers that suck at gaming, its gotta be rough enough already without you pointing out his misuse of the language.

I mean, you have to back through the Halos to get the skulls, so obviously he hates them too, and made a "Sorry Microsoft" post, right?
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