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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!


Panic Nintendo gave us Sunshine and Wind Waker.

Iwatas Nintendo gave us ALBW and 3d world (and many more).

Iwata gets a lot of hate but I think its commendable that he refuses to rush titles even if it means delays when delays is the last thing Nintendo needs.

We'll see what they'll do with Zelda U (delay and polish it into 2015 or rush-release it in 2014).


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I've been enjoying the game for the most part, but i kind of got depressed when i got to 5-3 - the "savanna" stage.

The stage starts out pretty nice with some fub parts using the ant troopers, but then it geta to the savanna - a giant, flat, boring level section that's tge closest it's gotten to "open world" mario and it suuuuucks!

It's boring, the game can barely handle it with the amount of pop in going on, it's the same grass texture over and over, and the camera sucks to use in such a large spot, especially if you're chasing after a rabbit.

Just... Why? It's the closest it's gotten to one of the bigger worlds from a galaxy or 64 and it suucked! Man..

Continuing on though.

The pop-in going on here really surprised me, surely the level cant be that taxing on the hardware?


Well had a little marathon session last night and I am this far away from
Champions Road:

1 Green Star: that rolling level in
Star world
you need the double cherry
. I just haven't tried it much.
13 Golden Flagpoles
I've gotten all the stamps from all the levels so far (that's all you need right?)

I should wrap it up tonight and give it a go.

BTW, fuck Blast Block Skyway and its patience requiring skills. Also Rosalina became a bit OP for collecting stars and flagpoles so I switched back to Mario.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Well had a little marathon session last night and I am this far away from
Champions Road:

1 Green Star: that rolling level in
Star world
you need the double cherry
. I just haven't tried it much.
13 Golden Flagpoles
I've gotten all the stamps from all the levels so far (that's all you need right?)

I should wrap it up tonight and give it a go.

BTW, fuck Blast Block Skyway and its patience requiring skills. Also Rosalina became a bit OP for collecting stars and flagpoles so I switched back to Mario.

You could just use the cat suit instead of the double cherry if you are fine with using suits to get everything
The pop-in going on here really surprised me, surely the level cant be that taxing on the hardware?

I didn't notice any pop in-s during that level. The only one that froze some was the last level with the plants in
Mushroom World I believe where it was dark the entire level and you needed to light up the torches to see
. Now THAT had alot of action


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I didn't notice any pop in-s during that level. The only one that froze some was the last level with the plants in
Mushroom World I believe where it was dark the entire level and you needed to light up the torches to see
. Now THAT had alot of action

Strange, here it was super noticable, and I am definitely not one to notice these kinds of things normally.

Edit: Did a quick google search, and seems I am not alone in this.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Tried to play this with my GF

Thought we were having fun then this morning she said she needed to play by herself because she was still having problems with the controls.

Ended up in a huge argument.

Man I can't win. She seemed to be playing fine to me. However, she gets very easily frustrated with things and is very competitive. I should have expected this.
The pop-in going on here really surprised me, surely the level cant be that taxing on the hardware?

I don't think their engine was really tuned for such an open stage/camera. Maybe they use the same parameters for popping-in models throughout the whole game and usually the models would be off-screen when they pop-in, but because of this level design it's really noticeable. Agreed that it is pretty blatant on this one mission.


I don't think their engine was really tuned for such an open stage/camera. Maybe they use the same parameters for popping-in models throughout the whole game and usually the models would be off-screen when they pop-in, but because of this level design it's really noticeable. Agreed that it is pretty blatant on this one mission.

yeah it seems like they just never bothered to optimize for this one level, not that that level is particulary hard on the hardware


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I don't think their engine was really tuned for such an open stage/camera. Maybe they use the same parameters for popping-in models throughout the whole game and usually the models would be off-screen when they pop-in, but because of this level design it's really noticeable. Agreed that it is pretty blatant on this one mission.

yeah it seems like they just never bothered to optimize for this one level, not that that level is particulary hard on the hardware

Wasnt there some rumours of the title being rushed? Maybe this is some evidence to that. Doesnt look at all rushed in the rest of the game though.




I literally said wow when I got there.
HD Nintendo is best Nintendo.

Holy shit. That is awesome. I remember see the Wii and thinking how I wanted a nice hi res version of the graphics in Galaxy. I felt like that clean look would be really nice in HD. I'd love for an HD bundle of Galaxy 1 + 2.


Wasnt there some rumours of the title being rushed? Maybe this is some evidence to that. Doesnt look at all rushed in the rest of the game though.

Not so much rumors as it was people with no idea what they were talking about giving opinions.

After all the hype about how easy the game is before post game, I'm kinda surprised at how not easy the game can be. Lost a healthy chunk of lives on 5-2. Deaths aside, the combination of those see-saw platforms, rolling spike logs, and swinging trapeze provided a nice tricky platforming set up.


You could just use the cat suit instead of the double cherry if you are fine with using suits to get everything

Great idea! Will have to bring it from another level, but I feel like that's what I'll do for most of the missing flagpoles I need anyway.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Not so much rumors as it was people with no idea what they were talking about giving opinions.

After all the hype about how easy the game is before post game, I'm kinda surprised at how not easy the game can be. Lost a healthy chunk of lives on 5-2. Deaths aside, the combination of those see-saw platforms, rolling spike logs, and swinging trapeze provided a nice tricky platforming set up.

Like everything concerning Nintendo then :)


Just finished collecting all stars, stamps, and golden flags. Now onto the final challenge. This game, guys. This fucking game!

I could breeze through stages or keep getting my ass kicked at a certain spot yet still never get tired of this game. There is just so much charm, mere words don't do it justice. I can't think of a single person who wouldn't enjoy this game. As for the visuals and dat 60fps, HD Nintendo is best Nintendo. I jizzed rainbows.

I live for games like this. When gamers start to lose hope in an increasingly twisted industry emphasizing gritty mo-capped 5 hour long me-too shooters laden with DLC, online passes, and, microtransactions; Nintendo manages to show us what pure fun is.

What a way to wrap up the year and what a year for gaming, especially from Nintendo. Looking at the sheer amount of quality games Nintendo released this year, anyone who wishes for Nintendo's demise can fuck off into space.

Best post of the entire thread, bravo sir!


I've got something exciting for y'all (a giveaway of sorts) but I can't seem to upload images at work...apparently the government does not want me to upload images to the web. Anyway, I'll try to post it tonight....


Tried to play this with my GF

Thought we were having fun then this morning she said she needed to play by herself because she was still having problems with the controls.

Ended up in a huge argument.

Man I can't win. She seemed to be playing fine to me. However, she gets very easily frustrated with things and is very competitive. I should have expected this.

"The couple that plays toge..."

Fo real, do. You sound more mature.



Oh. Hello! I didn't see you there...

Yawn. Okay, I'm taking over this post to let you know about my 3D World contest....


I went to Gamestop yesterday because they had some leftover 3D World stickers from some event they had for human kids over the weekend....


I picked up 10 of these sticker sheets. I need to keep one to decorate my litter box with. The Cat Goomba can go over the entrance!



That means I have 9 sticker sheets to give away. I sit around all day and nap and snuggle mostly (except for when I play and get treats, and eat...and pee and poo...but mostly I nap), so I have plenty of time to ship these anywhere. I'm in this weird island called Vermont right now but I think I can get them anywhere in the world. I'll just have to delegate because I don't go outside usually.

The rules are pretty simple!

I've been playing Mario games for a while. Mario Galaxy 2 came out right after I was born so I'm pretty good at these games. I like 3D World a lot so far, especially since I served as the inspiration for the game. There are a lot of moments that are just like things I have done on my adventures. Anyway, to enter you just have to post a new screenshot of your favorite moment in the game. No duplicates, I get bored really easily with duplicates. (Double cherry puns about this are okay.)

One sticker per winner, and if I'm feeling generous I might throw in something else fun...good luck!

I'm about to purchase a Wii U and had a question I was hoping ya'll would be able to answer.

In terms of controllers, I want to get a pro controller because it's just personally the most attractive option to me. But, in terms of playing games and using the system, does everything pretty much need to be launched with the Wii U gamepad? Can I navigate the UI with just the pro controller or no? And if I want to play 3D World, does Player 1 need to be using the gamepad? Or can I play solo and just use the pro controller?



I'm about to purchase a Wii U and had a question I was hoping ya'll would be able to answer.

In terms of controllers, I want to get a pro controller because it's just personally the most attractive option to me. But, in terms of playing games and using the system, does everything pretty much need to be launched with the Wii U gamepad? Can I navigate the UI with just the pro controller or no? And if I want to play 3D World, does Player 1 need to be using the gamepad? Or can I play solo and just use the pro controller?


You can use the Pro Controller switch console on, sign in, launch games and to navigate the Main OS menus. Using the left thumbstick gives you control of a pointer, using the d-pad you can navigate between menu items on the Home Screen.

Some OS features require the GamePad to navigate - e.g. the eShop. And i think the web browser does too - but you wont mind that, it works great!,

You can solo with Pro Controller in 3D World but there are a few levels (average 1.5 - 2 per world maybe) that require the GamePad.
To switch controllers during game you just Pause > Select Switch Controller Icon > Confirm > Press A on desired controller > un-Pause

Keep in mind some games require GamePad - mostly the ones that have deeper integrated features - e.g. Zombi U Single Player, Deus Ex:HR.
You can use the Pro Controller switch console on, sign in, launch games and to navigate the Main OS menus. Using the left thumbstick gives you control of a pointer, using the d-pad you can navigate between menu items on the Home Screen.

Some OS features require the GamePad to navigate - e.g. the eShop. And i think the web browser does too - but you wont mind that, it works great!,

You can solo with Pro Controller in 3D World but there are a few levels (average 1.5 - 2 per world maybe) that require the GamePad.
To switch controllers during game you just Pause > Select Switch Controller Icon > Confirm > Press A on desired controller > un-Pause

Keep in mind some games require GamePad - mostly the ones that have deeper integrated features - e.g. Zombi U Single Player, Deus Ex:HR.

Thanks for the response. So, in 3D World if I get to a part of the level that needs the gamepad I'll essentially just hang there until I fish one out?


Thanks for the response. So, in 3D World if I get to a part of the level that needs the gamepad I'll essentially just hang there until I fish one out?

It won't let you enter the level without the GamePad set as controller. These levels require the GamePad because they use the touchscreen to interact with key objects throughout them. (and for other things that I wont spoil)

I play 3DW with the pro controller and don't find myself switching to the gamepad that often, it's really only a handful of levels that require it, and most of those levels you can skip and come back to later if you want.

Don't be put off by the GamePad too much - it's actually fairly comfortable/light to hold - I find the pro controller only a little more comfortable, i could happily use the GamePad all the time for 3DW and other games tbh.


The GamePad is fine in terms of being comfortable really. The only major draw I have with it is the battery life. I wish you could just turn the screen on it off when you don't need to use it to conserve power.


I fucking despise level 1-flower. Fucking. Despise.

That goddamn second star. I wanted to punch my fist through the controller. Not only I failed so many times on that fucking jumping section, but also every time I failed I had to go through boring sections with yellow/blue pannels and electric "blobs".

I died so many fucking times. And the best part was when I finally got the second star and got killed by an electric blob 0,5m from the flagpole, because I forgot, that when they use electricity, they can move.

After finishing this level, I just turned off the console and now I feel as tired, as if I was fighting a fucking bear.

Fuck. This. Level.


Neo Member
Just finished the game... AMAZING!

It's officialy my GOTY, and yes, I have played (and finished) The Last of Us, GTA V and Bioshock Infinite


I really wasn't expecting there to be so many
additional unlockable worlds/levels after the final boss
what a pleasant surprise :D.
It's one of those games you seem to grow even more fond of after you've completed it.

I'm wondering if they originally planned 1 or more of the post boss worlds to come later as DLC - I kinda feel if it were another company releasing a game structured this way that we wouldn't get so much content without having to pay extra via DLC.


ah..wasn't ALL that apparent it was actually the cat posting lol

Ah, sorry about that. I figured it would be clear with all of the pictures... ;)


I sit around all day and nap and snuggle mostly (except for when I play and get treats, and eat...and pee and poo...but mostly I nap)

I legit lol'd just now thinking you read this thinking I was describing my own activities and not those of my cat....

(Actually I guess some days this really does describe my own activities...)


212 lives to make it to
champions road
. Good or bad? Lot of deaths from just being flat out impatient. Could probably get it below 50 on a replay and probably will try to. To get all 5 shiniest..that's another story.

On my iPad and can't figure out how to get the image off miiverse:

4 shiny stars


I'm still fucking annoyed that I saw that gif before seeing it in game the first time. Should be a spoiler as far as I'm concerned. Someone posted it in this thread on day 1, FFS.

The bowser world gif


Membero Americo
HD is one of the best thing that ever happened to Nintendo. Especially now that we know they can do it right!


at last, for christ's sake
christ, getting the last gold flag in The Great Goal Pole has been painful..PAINFUL

shamelessly farmed Cat Suits from level 1 until I got it right

and now, onto the hair-ripping last world!
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