Oh haha. That doesn't count as "tomorrow" for me I sleep at 11!
What's your NNID?
Kandinsky, addddddd meee.
Oh haha. That doesn't count as "tomorrow" for me I sleep at 11!
What's your NNID?
Final count of all content, including post game. Don't click if you don't want it spoiling.
380 green stars
85 stamps
92 golden flagpoles
4 post-game worlds (Star, Mushroom, Fire Flower and Crown) on top of the eight regular ones
1 extra playable character (Rosalina)
Of those 85 stamps, you can only collect 80 by actually finding them in the levels. The last five are earned by completing every level in the game with all five characters (including those dreaded Champion Road and Mystery House Marathon levels, fucking hell). You get a special sticker for every character you've completed all levels with. I don't think I'm going to collect the last four stickers, as I don't think I'll be arsed to complete the Mystery House Marathon with Luigi, Peach, Toad and Rosalina. Life's too short.
EDIT: Luckily, in every level, you only have to collect the green stars, sticker and flagpole top *once*, regardless of the character you're playing with. In other words, if you *are* going for those last few stickers, you can just speedrun the levels with the other characters.
I don't get the bolded. IMO, the best controls for a 3D mario was SMW, that game was really tight.
What is the mystery house marathon?
Apples and oranges, really. Pretty much all Mario games have tight controls. SMW was a bit easier to control than NSMB, but they are all very responsive and highly tuned. Mario is just a bit more athletic and inertial in NSMB than SMW by design.
What is the mystery house marathon?
What is the mystery house marathon?
All of the mystery houses put together into a marathon. Mystery houses are made up of 5-10 small challenges to be completed in a set amount of time.
NSMB has spins for OP air control. It's easier to control than SMW.
NSMB has spins for OP air control. It's easier to control than SMW.
Final count of all content, including post game. Don't click if you don't want it spoiling.
380 green stars
85 stamps
92 golden flagpoles
4 post-game worlds (Star, Mushroom, Fire Flower and Crown) on top of the eight regular ones
1 extra playable character (Rosalina)
Of those 85 stamps, you can only collect 80 by actually finding them in the levels. The last five are earned by completing every level in the game with all five characters (including those dreaded Champion Road and Mystery House Marathon levels, fucking hell). You get a special sticker for every character you've completed all levels with. I don't think I'm going to collect the last four stickers, as I don't think I'll be arsed to complete the Mystery House Marathon with Luigi, Peach, Toad and Rosalina. Life's too short.
EDIT: Luckily, in every level, you only have to collect the green stars, sticker and flagpole top *once*, regardless of the character you're playing with. In other words, if you *are* going for those last few stickers, you can just speedrun the levels with the other characters.
All mystery houses in the game in a row, there's like 30 I think.
This is an example of one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNaanf_VP9w
If Mario can look this good, just imagine what a new Zelda will look like!!!
We aren't even talking about the same thing anymore. The spinning thing is part of Mario's increased athleticism, which I mentioned. As is wall-jumping, etc.
SMW was a bit easier to control than NSMB
Only NSMBW and NSMBU, to be fair. NSMB and NSMB2 have controls more in line with SMW.
WaitI thought there were only 7 main worlds, are the last 5 post-game?
Seems like pleny of content. I'm a little disappointed that all you get for completing every level with all five characters is a stamp. Thats not much of an incentive. Was hoping for a final hidden level a la 3D Land.
Just wanted to point out that this is the top seller for videogames on Amazon
welp Xbox One just took over the best-sellers chart on Amazon
then again hourly updates aren't particularly useful
are the 4 post worlds remixes of old worlds or is it completely new stuff?
Final count of all content, including post game. Don't click if you don't want it spoiling.
380 green stars
85 stamps
92 golden flagpoles
4 post-game worlds (Star, Mushroom, Fire Flower and Crown) on top of the eight regular ones
1 extra playable character (Rosalina)
Of those 85 stamps, you can only collect 80 by actually finding them in the levels. The last five are earned by completing every level in the game with all five characters (including those dreaded Champion Road and Mystery House Marathon levels, fucking hell). You get a special sticker for every character you've completed all levels with. I don't think I'm going to collect the last four stickers, as I don't think I'll be arsed to complete the Mystery House Marathon with Luigi, Peach, Toad and Rosalina. Life's too short.
EDIT: Luckily, in every level, you only have to collect the green stars, sticker and flagpole top *once*, regardless of the character you're playing with. In other words, if you *are* going for those last few stickers, you can just speedrun the levels with the other characters.
Apples and oranges, really. Pretty much all Mario games have tight controls. SMW was a bit easier to control than NSMB, but they are all very responsive and highly tuned. Mario is just a little more athletic and inertial in NSMB than SMW by design.
I havent played a Mario game since SMB on SNES and this game brings back the nostalgia hard. I know there have been alot of Mario games since, but which ones are more the classic platformer?
Fun fact: I play DKCR muuuuuuuuuch better than NSMBU. Reason being that DKCR had tighter controls. Hence why I think dying a lot in NSMBU may be related to its somewhat floaty controls.
I beat DKCR 100% but not NSMBU till now.
That is going to be a glorious game..
Would you prefer a "realistic" styled Zelda akin to Twilight Princess, a Wind Waker-esque game, or something else altogether for Zelda's first foray into a full HD game.
I think this makes sense. I agree that DKCR has tighter controls, in terms of how the character moves. Mario always has had increased floating and momentum when running and jumping compared to DK. I think both games are pretty tough in parts but I think DKCR is much harder to 100%.And I'm still working on trying to get 200%!
That was fast. 3D world is back to number 8.
Sorry, I guess I wasn't aware talking about ease of control had nothing to do with this statement.
If Mario can look this good, just imagine what a new Zelda will look like!!!
Kandinsky, addddddd meee.
Oh haha. That doesn't count as "tomorrow" for me I sleep at 11!
What's your NNID?
I was thinking that if this mario plays as good as the reviews are saying...... just imagine how new and great a new Zelda will be like
That is going to be a glorious game..
Would you prefer a "realistic" styled Zelda akin to Twilight Princess, a Wind Waker-esque game, or something else altogether for Zelda's first foray into a full HD game.
Couldn't resist.
are the 4 post worlds remixes of old worlds or is it completely new stuff?
This is my biggest question. Please answer!
I'd also like to know this.
Sorry for spoiling it for you. It was a mistakeAsis...
Spoiler fail
Um, what does it even mean for a section in a platformer to have inspiring platforming?