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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!

It's tied to your account BUT your account is tied to your console

You can redownload at anytime from your Wii U, but since the account is tied to the console, you can't redownload on any other Wii U UNLESS Nintendo customer service releases that account, then it would be tied to the next Wii U.

Thanks. Yeah sounds like a pain in the ass, and confirmed my worse fears. Physical copy for me. I don't see why it would be so hard to untether it completely from the console, like the iOS appstore, etc. That shit isn't rocket science.


Just got back from Gamestop!

Got a Tearaway keychain and a repeat streetpass hit from the girl who works at Gamestop. She said my Mii was fantastic. /blush

Time for some serious gaming ...

Just played 1-4. I love plessie. It's now the most adorable thing ever... I-I mean man this game is so cool bros! Look at me being a manly man.
plessie <3


Completed the y y first 3 levels with all green stars. Pretty good fun. I love the main theme, it has been stuck in my head all week.

It is taking me some time to get used to the running and gravity of a non galaxy world. Long jump doesn't feel as natural as in Galaxy because of the additional button that needs to be held. Haven't perfected the cat mario homing attack yet either. I seem to get it right only some of the time.


It took me a few levels to figure the cat attack out. Basically press and hold x after jumping then hit b ( while holding x).


I beat the first world already. Pretty nice game. A little on the easy side but expected because we're all masters of Mario by this point. The music in this game though, wow. Seriously. They knocked it out of the park.


I went to my local Walmart and got Mario 3D World while people were buying the Xbox One. I was the only person there for something other than the XBO. Felt good to be the first person to buy 3D World there. :)

Kinda wanted to get an XBO as well, but I'll probably get a PS4 next month.


Any ideas if this is selling at all? It launched with xbone right?
I went with my brother who was there Xbox One. I was the only one there for 3D World, I think. There were some thuggish type dudes playing it on the Wii U kiosk though. They looked like they were having fun so I hope they bought it.
Pretty neat that you can interact with other characters, like toad and the Orange sea serpent. They give coins if you pet them enough. They act different depending on how you interact. Though a small gimmick, it makes you feel more part of the world.
Game is awesome. Going to try to give some honest impressions just to counter the tide of hype (and there is some over-hyping—every game has flaws, even this one):

+ Startup screen looks sweet and the 1080p factor is definitely noticeable.
+ Waiting for Nintendo to get of their asses and come up with a decent story intro. As in still waiting.
+ New overworld style is rad. Not going to spoil it, but the changes vs. the Super Mario World formula are definitely keepers.
+ They get right to it with the cat suit. I'll just say this: I almost cried when I finally lost it two levels later.
+ Playing offense with the cat suit and thinking out of the box in terms of progressing through the level with the claws is a game-changer.

- Yes, I can see how some are calling it a port of a 3DS game. It's not fair, but there sure are some glaring similarities. So, although the combination of ideas is totally original, many of the individual mechanics I've seen before in various iterations throughout the Super Mario games of yore. Other than the cat suit, so far it still feels like playing an HD 3D Land, which isn't the worst thing ever.
- After playing Knack on PS4 for two hours right up to midnight, I had that sad feeling again. You know, that feeling the first time you played Twilight Princess after playing games like Oblivion. What's weird is, if I hadn't gotten the PS4, the graphics would probably be blowing me away, because they are at least a notch or two above anything on the PS3 or 360. But if you put 3D World head-to-head with Knack, just for things like particle effects and lighting and shaders and aliasing and all the other technical aspects that I'm not informed enough to elucidate, Nintendo can't compete with Sony. Not now, and not until they stop releasing consoles that don't have the horsepower of the latest PCs. It just makes me wonder what would happen if Nintendo stopped acting like Apple and allowed their games to be played on other consoles. How good would the PS4 port of Super Mario 3D World look? Like a Pixar movie, because that's how Knack looks for a good portion of the game . . .



I think Nintendo really wanted to tell us they loved us with this game. There's nothing but feels and creativity here. So. Good.

Oh fuck that music in 1-5.

Goddamn I'm just getting obliterated here. Game is oh so good.


Downloading now, so pumped! Gonna have to start tomorrow night, but it should be an excellent way to cap off this week.


The clear pipes are amazing. I think they're here to stay.

They add a lot to the gameplay. You can shoot in fireballs and they come out the other side. It's pretty neat.


Any ideas if this is selling at all? It launched with xbone right?

At a time when PS4 and Xbox One are launching, both Mario and Zelda are top 10 on the daily Amazon sales charts. They're both selling. Really well.

Of those 6, 3 were girls.

Of the 50, all were guys.

We need more girls to get into gaming.

Statistics show that lots of girls and women game. They just don't play the same sorts of games that men and boys do in the same numbers. It's OK.


Knack may have Mario beat in technical grunt, but it doesn't even hold a candle in terms of appeal and personality. The character designs in knack are reminescent of those knock off dvds that release around the same time as hit animated movies. In any case, Knack looks more real, but i think mario looks better.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Knack may have Mario beat in technical grunt, but it doesn't even hold a candle in terms of appeal and personality. The character designs in knack are reminescent of those knock off dvds that release around the same time as hit animated movies. In any case, Knack looks more real, but i think mario looks better.
Why are you even making such comparisons? Knack is a rushed launch title from a small Japanese team (despite the Cerny name up front). Mario 3D World is a premiere Mario title from one of the greatest development teams on the planet.

If 3D World had been a launch game then perhaps the discussion would have been more interesting.

Sony's internal studios typically deliver fantastic games as well. Knack is an anomaly.


Knack may have Mario beat in technical grunt, but it doesn't even hold a candle in terms of appeal and personality. The character designs in knack are reminescent of those knock off dvds that release around the same time as hit animated movies. In any case, Knack looks more real, but i think mario looks better.

The last thing I think when I play Knack is "Geez these graphics are nice." It is not a good looking game at all. When I see 3D World, and also Zelda WW HD, I'm blown away. That's the power of art style. Matters so much more than particles and shaders etc etc.

Why are you even making such comparisons?

Because of a post a few above yours.
- After playing Knack on PS4 for two hours right up to midnight, I had that sad feeling again. You know, that feeling the first time you played Twilight Princess after playing games like Oblivion. What's weird is, if I hadn't gotten the PS4, the graphics would probably be blowing me away, because they are at least a notch or two above anything on the PS3 or 360. But if you put 3D World head-to-head with Knack, just for things like particle effects and lighting and shaders and aliasing and all the other technical aspects that I'm not informed enough to elucidate, Nintendo can't compete with Sony. Not now, and not until they stop releasing consoles that don't have the horsepower of the latest PCs. It just makes me wonder what would happen if Nintendo stopped acting like Apple and allowed their games to be played on other consoles. How good would the PS4 port of Super Mario 3D World look? Like a Pixar movie, because that's how Knack looks for a good portion of the game . . .


Sorry, but that was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.

I can't even wrap my head around someone playing this game and wishing it looked better. I mean, I just can't.

And knack? Really? I played the game for like an hr. Sure, it has nice particle effects. That's literally the only visual aspect that impressed me. The rest of the game is graphically sloppy, the framerate inconsistent, art design bland and uninspiring, and so many visual inconsistencies that make it clear the game was rushed-not to mention I found it boring as hell. Yeah, its running on more powerful hardware. But does it overall look better than Mario? I can't even begin to see that, so I have no clue what you're smoking. When I first tried it, I had to double check it was running on a ps3, as I wasn't the least bit impressed. It seemed like a ps4 game from a few years ago. In terms of polish, its on the other side of the spectrum, minus a couple effects here and there. I don't even know what they could have done with Mario 3D world to make it look better than it already does, other than adding more over the top stuff. The textures, animations, framerate, 3D models, lighting, etc are ALL sublime. Oh, and @ 60fps. It FEELS like a next gen title, in every single respect. Knack doesn't convey a shred of that feeling. There maybe titles in PS4s future that make Mario 3D World look weak, but knack is certainly not one of them.

Frankly, the fact that you're positively thinking of a shit game like knack when playing a title as good as this is a bit disturbing. Not to mention wishing for a ps4 port.


Why are you even making such comparisons? Knack is a rushed launch title from a small Japanese team (despite the Cerny name up front). Mario 3D World is a premiere Mario title from one of the greatest development teams on the planet.

If 3D World had been a launch game then perhaps the discussion would have been more interesting.

Sony's internal studios typically deliver fantastic games as well. Knack is an anomaly.

I guess we'll get the NSMBU to this version of Knack in 2014, right? It'll blow the doors off!


Looking forward to sales numbers by week end...

Game is a love letter. Enjoy it and then lament people's shit-taste.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
brought it up because the guy in his above post went on about how knack is so much better on tech level and nintendo cant compete with sony in graphics. 3D world is just the start the titles next year are gonna "knock your pants off" ha!
Ah, I see what you mean.

I'm skeptical that Nintendo has anything next year that will "knock your pants off" in comparison to 3D World. 3D World is seriously one of the most creative and interesting things Nintendo has done in years (not unlike Mario Galaxy). It'll be a tough act to follow for anyone. It's a brilliant game!

I guess we'll get the NSMBU to this version of Knack in 2014, right? It'll blow the doors off!
I doubt we'll see a Knack sequel, though, and I'm not convinced they are even comparable. Knack is a brawler while Mario is a genuine platformer.


Two quick observations:

Opening cinematic spoilers:
Mario and Luigi actually fix a pipe!

Only a couple levels in but a thankful lack of WAH-WAH bullshit!


Just played through Double Cherry Pass. Oh my goodness, I love this game so far.

The double cherry is the greatest Mario power-up EVER


Oh, and @ 60fps.

60 FPS combined with a brilliant art style matters so much more than a few particle effect or resolution imo. The comparison to Knack was just off-the-wall bonkers. Who cares how many effects a game can use if it cant maintain a steady framerate? I'm glad Nintendo's priorities on matters like this are straight.


Why are you even making such comparisons? Knack is a rushed launch title from a small Japanese team (despite the Cerny name up front). Mario 3D World is a premiere Mario title from one of the greatest development teams on the planet.

If 3D World had been a launch game then perhaps the discussion would have been more interesting.

Sony's internal studios typically deliver fantastic games as well. Knack is an anomaly.

I dont doubt they will, and I'm excited to see what they cook up. (especially with these crash bandicoot rumors.) like others said, though, i was responding to a post a few above mine who felt mario suffered because knack has better graphics, and why i feel weaker hardware doesn't guarantee worse looking games.
This game is full of the little details that make it great. I really love exploring every nook and cranny. It's just unfortunate that we still have a timer.

I forgot to look at the digital manual before turning off the game, but how does the Ghost Mii feature work? Does it automatically take your fastest run or your highest scoring one?


I keep killing myself with the cat powerup by doing the dive from the tallest peaks in every level.

You fly reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy far.


I just finished playing through World 1 with a friend. This is the perfect 2 player platformer. I had a rough time with the 4 player camera during the E3 demo experience, but having 2 players makes things exciting while still easy to follow.

Bravo EAD. This may become my favorite Mario yet.


I just finished playing through World 1 with a friend. This is the perfect 2 player platformer. I had a rough time with the 4 player camera during the E3 demo experience, but having 2 players makes things exciting while still easy to follow.

Bravo EAD. This may become my favorite Mario yet.

Good to hear. After I beat it in single player I plan to play some of it with my sister, and then all of it with a good buddy of mine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I dont doubt they will, and I'm excited to see what they cook up. (especially with these crash bandicoot rumors.) like others said, though, i was responding to a post a few above mine who felt mario suffered because knack has better graphics, and why i feel weaker hardware doesn't guarantee worse looking games.
Yeah, I'm with you on that.

The original Wii was a genuine detriment to the games designed for it as a result of its low resolution output. 480p simply doesn't display well on a fixed pixel HDTV.

With HD support, however, image quality is much less of a concern allowing brilliant art to shine through as we see here. For Nintendo's games, the Wii U is more than ample.

really doubting Nintendo developers HA! good luck on that one... dont worry there will be CROW served this whole gen by Nintendo
Oh no, I'm not doubting them...I just think the team behind Mario 3D World is the absolute best studio Nintendo has on tap. I don't really like Smash or Mario Kart (though I know they will be solid games) and I doubt DKC will be as creative and exciting as Mario 3D World. It's not really a knock, though, I swear. I'm simply expecting Mario 3D World to stand above most games on the Wii U just as Mario Galaxy before it.
after watching streams for the past 3 days 100%ing this game is a chore o_O those green stars are important the stamps are important perfect flag pole top jumps are important damn

late game looks glorious
Yeah, I'm with you on that.

The original Wii was a genuine detriment to the games designed for it as a result of its low resolution output. 480p simply doesn't display well on a fixed pixel HDTV.

With HD support, however, image quality is much less of a concern allowing brilliant art to shine through as we see here. For Nintendo's games, the Wii U is more than ample.

Oh no, I'm not doubting them...I just think the team behind Mario 3D World is the absolute best studio Nintendo has on tap. I don't really like Smash or Mario Kart (though I know they will be solid games) and I doubt DKC will be as creative and exciting as Mario 3D World. It's not really a knock, though, I swear. I'm simply expecting Mario 3D World to stand above most games on the Wii U just as Mario Galaxy before it.

I agree, I think this will remain as one of the best looking Wii U games, ever. EAD Tokyo is untouchable.


Zelda Wii U. There's that. My most anticipated game this generation.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
- After playing Knack on PS4 for two hours right up to midnight, I had that sad feeling again. You know, that feeling the first time you played Twilight Princess after playing games like Oblivion. What's weird is, if I hadn't gotten the PS4, the graphics would probably be blowing me away, because they are at least a notch or two above anything on the PS3 or 360. But if you put 3D World head-to-head with Knack, just for things like particle effects and lighting and shaders and aliasing and all the other technical aspects that I'm not informed enough to elucidate, Nintendo can't compete with Sony. Not now, and not until they stop releasing consoles that don't have the horsepower of the latest PCs. It just makes me wonder what would happen if Nintendo stopped acting like Apple and allowed their games to be played on other consoles. How good would the PS4 port of Super Mario 3D World look? Like a Pixar movie, because that's how Knack looks for a good portion of the game . . .

Knack really shouldn't ever be part of an argument on how to ameliorate anything about any game


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I agree, I think this will remain as one of the best looking Wii U games, ever. EAD Tokyo is untouchable.


Zelda Wii U. There's that. My most anticipated game this generation.
Well, without knowing anything about it, it's hard to be excited. Zelda is always viewed as the next big thing but the last couple of console games have been disappointing. That said, the new 3DS game is remarkable and gives me hope that we'll see something special on Wii U as well.
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